Oh, yes, I assure you that I am AT LEAST as angry as you are.

And I find it chillingly amusing that Peter Marks, the arrogant individual ultimately responsible here, resembles our collective image of the grim reaper.

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It would sound preposterous to imagine Gates, Soros & Schwab not facing Justice after such statistical occurrences worldwide. Call it Nuremberg 2.0 or 4.0 ... these people must be made accountable for their madness sometime soon.


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Agree, but think even the “honest” experts, like Dr Nass, slow things down by focusing too much on “statistical occurrences worldwide” as you note, rather than on the very serious fundamental flaws in mRNA technology itself. Perhaps it is too dangerous to speak truth on this directly, but this key element of success is mostly missing.

Seems flaws in the mRNA technology itself are either not understood, or they are being ignored. That is, these flaws are of the most basic kind, have long been established by Nobel-Prize-winning science, and have been captured in textbooks for decades. They are enough to sink mRNA ship, even if there were no bioweapon issues, like there are.

Doubt this, then please take the time to learn about the immunological basis for above by watching these short lectures by Dr Bhakdi MD:

* “All mRNA Vaccines will cause harm” ( https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html ) (~13-mins for basics)

* CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ ) (~28-mins, but has much more on Bhakdi’s background/credentials and spike protein pathology in vivo).

Once you understand what Dr Bhakdi is saying, it will become very clear that any MD pushing mRNA shots is guilty of criminal malpractice/incompetence.

No time for videos, then here is a non-MD summary of some key takeaways from the Dr Bhakdi lectures:

* Antibodies, made by body in response to mRNA message in these jabs, never get to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent respiratory infection. (so, covid shots could never have prevented infection in the first place)

* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 of human immune system, which is triggered by antibodies). (so all mRNA shots are dangerous)

___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (that expose surrounding organs to damage, with damaged heart/brain cells not being replaced)

___* Sudden death, and most other mRNA shot injuries, can be explained as the result of the mechanisms noted by Dr Bhakdi

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Just to disagree a bit, I usually focus on areas that others ignore. But I have said that the mRNA platform should never be used because it cannot be shown to be pure, which is supposedly a basic requirement of pharmaceuticals.

In my case, and I learned this from Sasha, the fact that you could secretly include bits of RNA in a vaccine that were designed to harm--and they would not be detectable against all the other broken RNA fragments--was the deal breaker for me. I certainly do not dispute my friend Sucharit.

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To me, the key point that your friend, and one of my heroes, Dr Bhakdi is making is that all mRNA shots are dangerous, even if they do not “secretly include bits of RNA [or other things] … that were designed to harm”. The mRNA technology is fundamentally flawed, as Dr Bhakdi makes clear in his very simple video explanations.

That all American parents -- plus everyone in your audience, and all the rest -- do not know this simple fact is a serious concern, given that the pharma criminals are moving all vaccines to mRNA, without an "honest" public health system in-the-way to stop them.

Most adults will not take the time to listen to, and understand, the simple explanations Dr Bhakdi provides, so am trying to get the kids, Jr-High and higher, to learn from Dr Bhakdi, and then teach their parents. But it would be much more effective for hosts, with large audiences, like yourself to help get this word out to the world.

The bioweapon nature of these shots is a secondary issue, currently getting virtually all the attention, when the primary issue is fundamental flaws in basic mRNA technology. Viral vector shots have the same fundamental flaws, because they too cause cells to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which result in violent cell death via “complement”.

Since you “usually focus on areas that others ignore”, this would be a good topic to focus on as it is ignored by the blogs I track. Maybe you could even get other hosts, with large audiences, to help make this fact much more widely known around the world -- would be much appreciated! Great blog, just think this topic needs more attention.

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In separate, but related questions: Have you considered using Dr Bhakdi’s truths to attack, and then ruin, individual MD members of the Maine medical board? And, if not, why not?

That is, by attacking you, they are advocating for the use of mRNA shots, which goes against medical science, long established by Nobel-Prize-winning studies and captured in medical textbooks for decades.

Legal arguments based on such unassailable evidence, would make it much harder for these mass murderers to defend a “no damages” verdict to a jury of their peers. And, by personally ruining a few such board members, at least financially, would send a strong message to the rest, to backdown quickly, in hopes they will not be ruined as well.

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I will have a closer look at this!


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Thank you for taking a closer look! And, if what you find rings true, like I think it will, then please help spread the word far and wide. Especially to the next generation, who will likely need to know such truths to survive in a world of MD criminals.

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It’s like they are trying to force “evolution”…..only those that can somehow survive mRNA technology go on….and they keep trying to build on the platform they consider the “software of life.”

They think they have the technology that will allow them to engineer mankind’s evolution and part of their goal is the merger of man/machine….transhumanism. Personally, I think Gates and his ilk are trying to beat mortality. We are the lab rats in their race to develop a means to live forever.

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Expect you are correct about their endgame, but also think they are not nearly as smart as they think they are, and playing God will eventually do them in.

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God will have His say.

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We can hope.

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Gee, Laura, I think you've hit the mark with your theory on these mRNA mad doctors "trying to force “evolution”... only those that can somehow survive mRNA technology go on….and they keep trying to build on the platform they consider the “software of life.” "

That might really be what they think they are doing.

It's insane and cannot be accomplished. It will only lead to death. But they are too stupid to comprehend this.

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Indeed. There's no cure for stupidity.


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... at the end of WWII in Germany, people like them were happily sent to the hangman, where they met their demise... not in Japan; however, the US gov't made a deal with camp 731's doctors that they would not meet with Mr. Hangman in exchange for their torture methods...

How nice!

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Thanks, was not aware this happening in Japan, yet another lead to pursue...

Note also that Operation Paperclip brought some German scoundrels of this type to the US covertly, and put some in positions of power.

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Yes. Indeed. I'm already at it, here, in Quebec, through Réinfo Covid...


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Thanks, nice (used Google Translate)...

FYI -- a good source down here is Jeff Childers' Coffee & Covid substack.

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Okay. I'll have look see.


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... and also through a good friend and colleague of mine, French social scientist Laurent Mucchielli...

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Clearly a good connection, thank you from the US, will have to get better at French...

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Here's the thing.

Have you seen this?

"How accurate is Men Behind the Sun?

"Men Behind the Sun" is not just another wannabe-controversial Asian horror movie, but a devastatingly graphic and accurate history lesson that mostly became controversial due to a handful of notorious scenes. The events take place during the final months of WWII in a Japanese prisoners' camp."


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As a physician since 1980 excelling in osteopathic medicine and trauma surgery, my breath is taken away by the state of healthcare. Not only has the pharmaceutical industry Runamuck, but they are murdering my patients. If they can’t kill them with a bogus vaccine, they will overmedicate the shit out of them making them lethargic and extract there life force till they experience a languishing death. What the hell is wrong with doctors? They’re more consumed with global warming then teaching the tenants of health. Basically it’s a diet exercise and clean air it’s got nothing to do with a goddamn pharmacy. Sadly In the battle of good and evil evil seems to prevail, because money is all that matters. My advice is get off every goddamn drug you’re on and tell your doctor to stick it. Disclaimer this is not a medical advice if you’re diabetic stay on your insulin, but most the other crap is bullshit. A.k.a. angry white surgeon.

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No, don’t stay on your insulin. I’m not a doctor. GEt healthy through diet and exercise, stop eating sugar, use nutraceuticals, like but not limited to Baicailin (scutilleria baicalensis or Chinese skullcap, cinnamon and various others. Beets for blood pressure if that’s a factor). There’s a LOT of weapons in the natural health arena.

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The problem with doctors is that they can either serve Hippocrates or they can serve Pfizer. They cannot do both. And the great majority have chosen the second option.

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It is the absence of anger that I find the most surprising. Not only about these poisonous shots, but also about the censorship, the war mongering, the authoritarianism, and the state of the economy. It seems, to use Elon’s favorite meme, that most of the populace has become Non Player Characters.

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Revelation of the method.


"Once these formally hidden truths are revealed to the public and met with general apathy, indifference, or incredulity, they become normalized and embedded in society’s collective unconscious. Some occultists compare this process to the alchemical “Great Work” where the world is “transmuted” according to the will of the occult elite."

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Why the hell is it with North America? Are we in some bubble of denial?? The globalists must really want ALL our resources & land. Disgusting. They need to be gone.

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We have GUNS. Cant have people with guns.

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They will use DHS Tactical Teams to take away our guns. Selectively at first. DHS has a whole army that just sits around for the order from Davos and the Billionaires who want our property.

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Pew pew.

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Here's a more detailed substack (with links to the Medsafe documents):


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“We always are going to keep safety, front and foremost ....But I think the issue here is we can’t be so careful about our approvals under accelerated approval that we prevent potentially lifesaving therapies from getting to market in a timely manner.”

We are going to make safety a priority...unless it stands in the way of our profiteering, I mean profiting, I mean life saving therapies.


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This is a tried and true Fauci argument for eliding full clinical trials for a new drug. He did it with AZT back during the time of AIDS and he did it with Remdesivir for Covid.

These guys have been corrupt for decades and Marks is just one of a long line of bureaucrats on the take.

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My genetics and everything else in my body was created by God. He created the universe and everything in it, I’ll stick with His patent. This crap is demonically inspired hatred of God’s creation.

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Probably a carefully chosen image for Peter Marks, to me he looks like a man possessed. I think I am likely not alone in that perspective.

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'accelerated approval' = untested, unsafe products being put on the market.

buyer beware. hopefully doctors and manufacturers will be libel for THIS crap, I mean come on, they can't possibly call EVERYTHING a 'vaccine'. uh, can they?

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In history, MANY people have stood before a firing squad for a LOT LESS than what these perps have done and CONTINUE to do. It is truly SURREAL what’s happening.

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Yes, and nukes were dropped for less reason than sleepy joe has against his enemies in his obvious War of Lies.

They’ll make the movie in about ten years.

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"Nukes" are just another lie!

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Covid-19 was a BioWeapon for controlling the world’s population.

The WEF used their billions of dollars to strategically control the Global Elites’s BigMedia Networks, globally. The FakeNews Mockingbird Media used “Fear-Mongering” Psychological Operatives to frighten the masses with false information.

The WEF members’ Joe Biden, Trudeau, Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Anthony Fauci, Newsom and others have been strategically positioned in governments, including those who are in America’s Government Agencies #FBI #CIA #DOJ Attorney General’s across America, etc., “The New Global Elite Leaders” to lock down citizens around the world.

The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation was instrumental in carrying out this Depopulation/Genocide.

These people are sick!

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Psychopathy knows the same bounds as does evil.

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Thank you for linking my posts and commenting Meryl, you are an anointed Saint!


Patent 11553311-B2 - Issued to Bank of America (North Carolina 1/2023)


We are not surprised as my team has identified (NC) as ground zero. The only question is how linked is this 1 to the Vaxes & the Federal Reserve patents below like the Vanderbilt & Rothschild ones listed:



Here's a 2022 global vax-linked nano tracking patent that is best read under its US equivalent:


Interviewed Gal Ehrlich the inventor/lawyer (with CHD on the phone) and he compared his role in the invention as his job was to just get it passed the patent trade association as there was also an inventor of the electric chair. Disgusting.

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Yes. Disgusting is correct. Good analogy on the electric chair.

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At this point in the fabricated health emergency I can only conclude that the FDA man has brain damage from one too many mrna shots.

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I doubt that he took anything but saline.

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mr. marks probably means well ... cant hold it against him.

however, i wonder if he would remove breaks from his car in order to go faster ... imagine if everyone does so ... yeah well ...

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I doubt he means well and I, for one, definitely hold it against him.

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These people are psychopaths. It isn't simply money or power, it is insanity pure and simple. The public is becoming more and more aware of the danger from these "experts". There is a culmination of serious problems with our country now. The question is whether will we go the way of the Phoenix or the Dodo bird. It is our choice. As Alexander Hamilton once said, "People get the government they deserve" and the truth of that scares me terribly.

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