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Election year...

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Can’t make it up😑

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thank you Dr. Nass

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I am sure the WHO will issue a pandemic warning for Bird Flu in time to force mail in or computer ballots for the November election. I thought the alert for Monkey Pox was issued a tad early however it makes sense as it will probably be dismissed in a months time so then the preparations for mail in ballots will have been made and they can roll out the main bird flu pandemic to use as a smoke screen for the democrats to steal the election.

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As the late swami Sivananda (MD) wrote, "fear is the main weakness of the flesh!". The infamous gang won't give up until defeated, and as its lifeblood is $$, boycotting selectively might have an effect.

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Joseph Goebbels knew fear was the best way to control people.

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That only works when people are propagandized to think they are meat robots, having been deprived from the ways to experience they are not but "something else" instead, to which neither birth nor death applies.

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Most are unfortunately ..:maybe the tide is starting to turn?

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People only have to realize that if they are happy with something, that already is a guarantee for unhappiness, because everything has an end. A still popular song here:


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As even the existence of pathogenic particles called "viruses" has not been substantiated, this is "only" another diversion, confirming the "authority" of a globalist front...

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The mighty wurlitzer changes the tune.

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There’s no such thing as avian flu, swine flu, etc. Flu, influenza, is from the *influence* of heavenly bodies like the sun with its sunspots on the animal kingdom, including man. According to Arthur Firstenberg, in his well footnote documented book The Invisible Rainbow, influenza is an electrical illness. This should be starting to be clear to everyone with people getting gliomas and other tumors from contact with their cell phones, people becoming ill while living near cell towers, smart electrical meters, dishes that collect radio signals, telegraph wires as in the Spanish flu era, and many other electrical applications. Electricity is a toxin. Toxins cause illness.

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Here we go again? The next Scamdemic which we all knew was nearly ready. Some were betting on Bird Flu being the favourite, but perhaps Gain of Function lab work on that virus couldn’t make it deadly enough?

Breaking; And another suspect CDC/FDA certified Smallpox MVA injection/vaccine has just been revealed? All they need to do now is sprinkle a little mRNA into the MVA vax cauldron and it’ll add to the increasing armoury of deadly injections to compliment the ‘now unfashionable Covid ‘Vax’.

Bird Flu ‘vax’ and MoneyPox ‘vax’ are still being promoted to keep the depopulating human cull going!

Bill Gates now owns the WHO as he is by far the biggest financer (Benefactor = INFLUENCER) of the now CORRUPT (Profit source) and therefore obsolete!

The World Health Organisation has just declared MoneyPox (Monkeypox) the next International Scamdemic because (World-wide) TWO PEOPLE died from the virus (supposedly) in July 2024.

On average, in the whole world, during 2023/4, less than ONE PERSON per month has died from their, now preferred, disease in each of the preceding 12 months. Tedros ‘the vet’ that runs the WHO has declared an international EMERGENCY! No doubt Pfizer, et al, will announce that a new expensive EXPERIMENTAL(but useless) mRNA (DEADLY) MonkeyPox ‘VACCINE’ will be ready within a few days???

And still Pfizer, Moderna, etc, enjoy maximum profit with zero LIABILITY for their DEADLY Injections which they pretend are “VACCINES".

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I’ll live longer without unproven but deadly mRNA injections!

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Until further notice, ignore WHO and the UN. The life you save will be your own.

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I think or I am hoping that MMMMPOX might be a good thing..... a lot of people might see this being a ridiculous reason to call for a global emergency...especially since "they" had sort of started talking about this in 2022 and then it fell flat....I am hoping that a lot will remember what the tin foilers were saying then and that we have predicted most of what has come to pass.....

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Looks like they, after due deliberation, junked the bird flu gambit and threw their money in with moneypox.

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I'm beginning to think that bird flu and monkeypox have already teamed up and taken flight right into the human population. My boss has become quite the specimen - he's squawking and hooting uncontrollably on the phone, and has compulsive cravings for birdseed and bananas. When he's angry with subordinates, he flaps his arms like a deranged parrot and bobs his head like a woodpecker on caffeine. To top it all off, he's developed a 'new' habit of climbing cabinets and perching up high, surveying the office with an eagle eye to remind us all that he's top of the pecking order and the top chimp in this jungle we call work. I'm pretty sure he's been battling with a severe case of long AlphaAviPrimatePox for quite a while now!

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My friends,

My production company LowWiseZah Studios creates purposeful entertainment to awaken society. I would greatly appreciate your support so that I can produce more eye-opening movies! BECAUSE it is getting REALLY BAD with these FUCKERs running the world and too their puppetted Democratic Party... I belong to NO party by the way. But I do like to party!


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Your love is much appreciated.

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I presume that Facebook is comparing the meme "virality" of these dread-contagions in real time to pick-a-winner.


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working hypothesis: the next plandemic is a triptych. monkeypox is for the darkies and their dictators who have no problem mandating anything so long as they get paid.

bird flu is to take out the food supply and then institute a digital food rationing card i.e. social credit score in the more affluent west

RSV will be the next big global pretext and will be targeted to children in 2025, since covid isn't scheduled to end until next may https://catastrophiccontagion.centerforhealthsecurity.org

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