How can we believe a word when they are neglecting the vaccine deaths and injuries?

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They want mrna in our pets vaccines in Australia

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I want mRNA injected directly into the cerebellums of those you call "they". No more fraudulent "vaccines" for my pets. See the beautiful 105 lb, 8 year old white shepherd in my avatar? Prior to the Plandemic, I was as clueless as most people about the dangers of "vaccines" and had this shepherd vaccinated against leptospirosis. One of the dumbest things I ever did. Two weeks later he started exhibiting bilateral hind limb paralysis. Took care of him for three years, wheelchair and all. Lost him in January. You can imagine how much I now detest all "vaccine" manufacturers.

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Not a pet person--but wonder what percentage of veterinary practice income derives from injections?

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Likely a significant percentage. - Run a search on the following string: veterinary vaccine profits - you will see it's a 10 billion market.

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And here in America. There was a planned rollout of mRNA vaxxes for cattle here for June this year, which was thwarted - we hope - by pushback from the public. But, they won't stop.

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Yes, I think some of our dog, cat and rabbit rabies vaccines (and possibly others, as well) have mRNA.

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Supposedly not - not yet, anyway. I'm looking into all this, and so are others, like attorney Tom Renz and Naomi Wolf - https://dailyclout.io/eat-your-vaccines-mrna-gene-therapy-is-coming-to-the-food-supply-this-month/?fbclid=IwAR0qAl2AL2Z4c0bQwg4h7TJ-86Vdhxd3S380oGHJHFxYOK-zTt2RwYQfU50.

There is an April 2021 article in Frontiers in Veterinary Science that sums up the current state at that time - the article describes 6 separate gene-modifying technologies (none of them mRNA) used in animal vaxxes, with 50 stated preparations for use in swine, bovine, canine, feline, salmonid, equine, avian, rabbits, and wildlife (species not specified) - as we can all imagine, there are likely more now - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350886487_Novel_Vaccine_Technologies_in_Veterinary_Medicine_A_Herald_to_Human_Medicine_Vaccines. And, note that this article is NOT really about animal vaxxes - it's about how GMing animal vaxxes have been so "successful", these freaks now feel perfectly great about using these technologies in humans. Which they now have, of course, with the CONvid jabs.

However, it's been recently revealed that mRNA vaxxes HAVE been used in animals since around 2016... https://themadtruther.com/2023/03/04/the-us-meat-supply-may-soon-be-widely-contaminated-with-mrna-proteins-from-biotech-vaccines/

There are studies indicating that mRNA can be expressed in human breast milk - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2796427) - which is likely the cause of numerous severe infant illnesses and even deaths. There is a study out of China that a "shortened" mRNA sequence injected into cows can be expressed in their milk, and this milk can "vaxx" the mice given it to drink - https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-04-11-china-vaccinates-mice-covid-mrna-cow-milk.html?fbclid=IwAR0uWQ1fdM54XAma561Bmr3jaC1L5WzskRB5_eNwCuJAb_dD7E_m7_3Vtmg. And, there's a study I'm not finding again at the moment which indicates that mRNA can be absorbed through the human digestive system.

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Why just Poland? Why just Cats? There isn't something right here. More lies.

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To get more mrna in animal vaccine they are saying in Australia

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I don't understand?

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In Australia they want Mrna vaccination for animals. We are debating it. So a good scare about animals will make the still sleeping think thus is a good thing. They also want it in our meat and dairy....

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See my comment & educate your friends !!

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'still sleeping' AND they won't wake up; it's self induced coma as a self-defense weapon.

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Ancient Navajo proverb: "It is impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to sleep."

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We have raised chickens 16+ years. I used to be the 4H Turkey poultry leader. Sorry but all this bird flu talk is BS.

There is no need to destroy all these chickens they’re destroying because of avian flu. If your flock gets the avian flu you’ll be up the next morning and 2/3 of them will just be dropped dead. That is not happening.

You also don’t use a PCR test to test for the avian flu. Where have we seen that before?

Dogs and cats don’t get the avian flu. They’re probably dying from vaccine shedding.

I think they’re going to try to say that people are getting the avian flu which they’ve already tried to do once and that’s also nonsense.

Sorry I’m calling BS on this whole thing.

Avian Flu is a chicken respiratory disease. They are probably putting it in the (leaky) Marak’s vaccine. That’s another story. That vaccine is spreading Marak’s!!

I’m so grateful for all these personal experiences to be able to see through the nonsense.

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I agree. The goal is for us to not have my animals as pets apart from small reptiles like turtles. We are to be isolated as much as possible from anything that gives us joy or companionship. They’ll have to kill me first.

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I will never allow them to take my dog.

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Absolutely agree! That would be the time to start making a good use of self-protection arms, which I strongly oppose as a solution for aggression.

Do you remember all those harrowing internet clips from the time of 2 months long Shanghai lockdown, when people, not even police, were breaking into people’s apartments, dressed like Fauci’s lab employees, collecting cats in several per a single net bags and piling them up in the streets? Alive and horrified? Or when they were killing dogs in the apartments and on the streets with sticks in front of their owners? There were dozens of clips like that. This is what they want to see happen here. It will start slowly as predictive programming scaremongering, eventually becoming the all out war on pets.

Nobel prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa in one of his greatest novels “Conversation in the Cathedral” realistically and painfully describes the horror methods of campaign for exaggerated “rabies epidemic” in Lima against their citizens by Odria’s junta. They always use the same methods regardless changing times and ideologies.

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That’s horrible I never saw those. Thank God!!

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Exactly that is one of their stupid evil goals. They also want to make this the next “pandemic” because many people are not educated about chicken diseases.

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Bingo, my thoughts go here after the evil I've witnessed.

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And I am grateful for your comments because (wish as I do that I might raise poultry) it just doesn't seem likely--this furor over avian flu, and some govt person coming round to tell you to kill your flock. Ignorant as I am, I should think that 'wait and see' would be the more appropriate avenue. Which actually has been my position on just about everything through the last 39 months.

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Exactly. They started doing that a few years ago for the Poultry. One dead chicken and they destroy all the backyard chickens within a mile. It’s ridiculous!

I tell my neighbors and friends if one of your chickens die don’t tell anybody!!!!

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I will never trust or believe them again.

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Propaganda and manipulation are well worn tools.

Our fear is the goal. Never give in to fear.

We are being gaslit.

Stay strong.

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Maybe they're doing a test run for taking people's pets--you know, all that dog farting (not to mention toxic cat hairballs) is contributing to climate change.

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Holy chit! And I got 12 of those crazy felines, lol 😂. Just love those cat Trichobezoars! This is why you never walk barefoot in my house, lol 😂.

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Of course that is the next logical step. Pets are “useless eaters” too and some of them mandatory carnivores, so you can sense the competition over meat heating up soon between human and animal “useless eaters”.” Depopulation agenda always assumed culling of pets as one of steps, because apart from being chain food competitors, which is already a bad thing, they (the animals) are very important emotional contact companions which only raise and maintain higher emotional vibrations and may evoke positive effects on people’s well-being and health, which is even a worse thing. Helps creating plant-less, green-less, soul-less smart cities of the future.

About a decade ago Jang Dam Fak, or whatever his name is, merciful ruler of North Korea issued a decree for his subjects banning home pet ownership:


and ordered delivering of all of them to authorities. Of course subjects did comply meekly, majority of pets have been used as yummy food, only a few ended up in the zoos where young generation can enjoy to see how they looked, but in general pets in Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea are no more.

What is being tried here in so called Free World is another test in dumbing down populations to see how far the agenda can be pushed and much will they fight for their loved and highly regarded pets. From my experience, taking the fact of giving away their own children to poisoning voluntarily, no such thing as resistance to pets culling will take place, unfortunately.

Another aspect of this atrocity are of course boundless opportunities to manipulate never ending “deadly plagues” = population control in the name of upcoming One Health WHO agenda.

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My daughter had her cat living with us for about two years. Usually I have to keep at least one mouse trap set through the winter. While kitty was here we were not troubled. No, she was not catching them (except rarely). I suspect her predator scent kept them away? Because they have come back.

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And those deadly tropical fish, taking up megatons of oxygen from our waters!

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Has anyone even considered that the Vaxed are killing our pets, by transference? Something to ponder.

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I know of two instances where these dogs just dropped dead.

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There was a Canine influenza “scare” in Minnesota/Wisconsin this spring. Vets are offering a vaccine. If I had an elderly or sickly dog, I would keep it home rather than get a new shot. Seems simple enough.

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I am seeing sooooo many issues with dog vaccines. Just say no to all of them unless forced by law. There is also a movement to use titers for dogs in lieu of repeated rabies vaccines. Good cause to support.

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Yes I agree with you. One round of rabies and distemper vax should last the lifetime of the animal.

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And there is no rabies reservoirs of rabies in the USA, it’s been completely eradicated. There are only a few spots somewhere in South America or Africa where rabies exists in some cave bats. I know first hand because some 7-8 years of I was accidentally bitten by unknown dog and I was uneasy about taking the shots, because I also am a doctor. Then I called the head of Michigan equivalent of NIAID and talked to the boss herself and she explained all that to me. The dog was never under “observation” or quarantine, because it was gone. And I am alive and good and never stopped loving to drink water. Despite the fact that the wound was bad enough to require surgical intervention. It is another bullshit to keep animals mandatory vaccinated, now probably with mRNA poison.

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They have put this out to the public several times since the beginning of the scamdemic, to see if people would hop on board and start culling pets. They mean to do it, it's another part of the psychological warfare. If they can get enough knee-jerk covid paranoids to buy in, and sacrifice their own pets, they can do it to everyone.

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They killed them in china with spades.

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Yes, I've seen the videos.

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I've stopped wasting my time listening to these fearmongers. "...wear a surgical mask or FFP2 respirator when in contact with others, seek medical advice and report it to public health authorities immediately..." tells me all I need to know about the non-expertise of these people... "...public health authorities.." is such a misnomer. I might as well consult with my dog.

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And what did your dog say?

I mean, it has to be more credible than these people, right?

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She said, "Stop wasting your time and get out of that chair...it's time for supper, isn't it?" (-:

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Smart dog there! Has you trained. :-)

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Totally <g>

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I'm a tad confused here. They ominously hint at "zoonotic potential," but are saying it is spreading from cats to humans. But wouldn't the more relevant issues be 1) human to human transmissibility, and 2) degree of threat. It smacks of a new chapter of socio-hysteria. It is almost Hitchcockian..... Instead of "The Birds" it is "The Cats." And the WEF is "The Blob".....

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This is all BS. See my comment below.

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Mass hypnosis trains brains to beg for enslavement. Nanoparticles and neuralinks make this possible.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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I’m sure an mRNA vaccine is already being worked on. Will be ready as soon as The Gain of Function Department puts the finishing touches on it. Look for it sometime around the next election.

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Right to put MRNA in eggs & chickens!!

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Apart from maintaining fear for "those extremely dangerous viruses" as perpetual jab investment, TPTB also consider "the huge carbon footprint of pets" - see


What such issues always have in common is racketeering in the sense of

1. Produce a problem that can completely stay under the radar till useful.

2. Suggest the most profitable (patented) "solution" without legal alternative, or forbid alternatives.

3. Milk the cash cow until it's detected as hoax.

4. Goto 1

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How DARE they!!

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Remember, TPTB is a lineage / collection of psychopaths.

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Meryl, your readers have passed your test.

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Control (ECDC) with an update, confirming that a total of 24 sick or dead cats were positive for influenza A(H5N1) virus (bird flu). First paragraph.

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