Good reporting. I would dare to predict that if the budgets for WHO pandemic preparedness projects were slashed by 95% that we would see a virtual disappearance of pandemics and their associated human suffering. The G20, WEF and WHO crystal balls are giant fecaliths. Their forecasts are worth as much.

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Yep. If they could sell IVM at $900 a pop I dare say they’d find it safe & effective. (The political class might still prefer shots + QR Codes of course).

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Thank you for sharing this data. It’s alot to absorb but needs to be said. There is evil out there to humanity.

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Excellent work but unlikely to be recognised because, of course the agenda is not pandemic management but the NWO, being implemented via the centralisation of decision-making through the gradual transfer of sovereignty to unelected technocrats in Multilateral Institutions such as WHO. It will all be dressed up as "to meet an urgent need of humanity" until it's too late to reverse any of it and by default the NWO will be in effect.

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I am increasingly suspicious that COVID was developed to cull the infirm and elderly as a cost-reduction measure. Same with the next and the next.

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Yes, but they’re also injecting tiny babies with covid shots & lots of other junk. It’s not just the elderly being injured/killed.

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Fear kills! Faith and knowledge sustain! I believe in our Creator, but have never joined any religious organization. Personally, I have seen many miracles happen. I totally trust! There are writings in the Bible which are apropos. Faith without works is dead. This is so true. In order to have strong natural immunity #1 rule is NO Vaxxes. #2 lots of unprocessed natural food #3 sunshine & fresh air # 4 exercise #5 proper rest #6 positive thinking and goes without saying: Avoidance of all substances that deteriorae health, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Another verse: Hose 4: 6 Many know the first part. "My people perish from lack of knowledge...but the rest should be known, too. ...because you have rejected my knowledge, I will also reject you." Our Creator is the Great Physician who heals. Why people fail to recognize this; and go to doctors who know so little and charge a bundle is questionable? When I ask for an answer, I receive it. The most important thing we can do is TRUST the one who created the human body.

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Associate with honest thinkers such as Barbara Charis, and Dr. Nass

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How many of these "outbreaks" were lab generated either through GOF or vaccine development research? Inquiring minds would love to know. My guess is 100% - we can add other now "common" viruses to that list like RSV. Even the 1916 "outbreak" of an extremely virulent strain of polio in NYC (fatality rate 25%) has been traced back to Simon Flexner and is associates work at the Rockefeller Inst where they had been passaging spinal cord tissue containing poliovirus from one Rhesus monkey to another. There are no coincidences. May be of interest: Strange Parallels Between Ebola Outbreak, the COVID Pandemic, & mRNA | Truth Over News https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/strange-parallels-between-ebola-outbreak-the-covid-pandemic-mrna-truth-over-news-5564246

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"Risk of major “spillover” of pathogens from animals (zoonosis)" might be added to the list of "modern medical miracles brought to you by the sponsors of the WHO", considering the reported decline of wildlife.


One common cause for the decline of wildlife and human immune system might be the increase in toxic pesticides and EM radiation, the latter being an absolute requirement for 24/7 planetary surveillance.

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a 2022 report informed by the World Bank and the WHO, and analysis commissioned from a private data company, Metabiota, and the consulting firm McKinsey & Company


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While this paper does an excellent job of weighing the evidence and finding it lacking, it fails to question the source of the "evidence." Who is Metabiota?

It is a shadowy outfit that runs biolabs for the US security state, and is or was owned in part by Hunter Biden. Do we have even the slightest reason to take their "evidence" seriously? It's all heavily conflicted by their ties to security interests.

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What a joke these globalists are. While there are many unfortunates who are still petrified of "pandemics" and "fear of dying" due to still believing all the psy op lies of Covid, but for the rest of us they just appear like the ridiculous clowns they are with all their drivel about this and that disease, animal, etc. Only down side is they're very evil clowns.

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Other than maybe travel from the country it began...nothing should be done. Now if morons want to triple mask, wear nasty rubber gloves, wash off everything they buy, and drum roll...buy a crap ton of toilet paper instead of food...let them. Our country doesn't even do it's elected job of protecting us from terrorists so I certainly don't trust them to do anything else that doesn't line their pockets! We are supposed to be a free country and NOTHING about the Scamdemic screamed free country! Funny how it didn't wipe out the homeless community when they are so unsanitary! Yet still...people are wearing masks and lining up for every clot shot allotted! I am a big girl. I also believe we can wear a zootsuit hiding in a closet and if it's your time to go...they'll find you dead in your closet! Except for those that intentionally or unintentionally (clot shot) kill themselves. They had one chance as far as I'm concerned and they won't get another with me! Next time I'll be in the streets with as many as I can get to go with me causing the biggest bitch fit anyone has ever seen! The Karen maskers in the first Scamdemic won't have nothing over the stink I'll raise! I hope many agree wherever you are as one spark starts a BIG fire! I would say with the RIDICULOUSLY OBVIOUS chemtrails we've had all December and continue...the next Scamdemic is close!

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as I stated earlier, let them do WHATever. I am sticking with what has worked since

I began the protocol in April of '20

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It’s a “ shama-lama ding-dong “

(& a cull, a reset, & a power grab- all in one!)

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In 2020 the “authorities” discarded one of the 3 criteria for vaccines

Safe, effective & NECESSARY.

They’re the 3 criteria.

They simply ignored “necessary”.

The media hype was such that they thought no-one could even imagine vaccines weren’t necessary. It was a given!

Well NO.

We have to push back on this, as well as the outright lies about safe-&-effective.

“Vaccines” (we know the injections are not vaccines) were never NECESSARY. We had anti-virals, oxygen, anti-coagulants & antibiotics with which to treat symptoms until people recovered.

If they pull the same trick again, we need to insist on discussing what TREATMENTS are already available before the villains jump straight to modified mRNA again.

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Please for Gods sake listen to JJ Couey Gigaohmbiological.com. Stop promoting pandemics in such a way people are scared to death and willing to take a transfection of a synthetic. Malone says it was “Novel” because we have the sequence. That needs to be explained so the common person can understand. RNA’s cannot pandemic? Ask Malone, please? Get these people together. What do you think of Dr Michael Yeadon? What about Dennis Rancourt? Was there pandemic spread?

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The best preparation for pandemics is simple devotion to appropriate nutritional supplementation with special attention to the immune system.

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There is no proof that any pandemics have ever existed.

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