I think all humor should be banned forthwith. In fact, only deadpan, monotone recitation of approved facts should be permitted in any and all situations (with, of course, our dear leaders and the small cadre of approved experts who comprise the source and center of all truth, excepted) and every cell phone should be enabled with “AI” monitoring their always-on microphones to enforce it. That should stop the useless eaters from eroding the profits of the illness-prolongation cartels.

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That would be nice but this needs to go further. No laughing. Start this early. Have patrols in kids schools to walk around and make sure no kids laugh. Send kids to the guillotine for giggling. Heck even smiling. That would make the world a much better place to live in.

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Laugh? Children, those little viruses of misinformation, should not be permitted to speak at all until they can demonstrate proficiency in the Woke Catechism, and they have had a minimum of 100 vaccines.

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Looking at school pictures of the children in the 50', 60's, children were happy:, smiling, laughing, playing. I haven't seen this on a playground in years. Perhaps this is already in the works! Sad

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I am a child of the 50s and 60s. We spent most of our time outside enjoying the beautiful things God created and breathing in the fresh air. The only time my brother and I came inside was for meals, sleep time, and rainy days. When it rained, ( cats and dogs rainy) we played board games, read books, or helped around the house. I have many fond memories of that time. It is sad that so many children have never learned HOW to play outside.

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Memories of playing football in any weather. My poor mom she should have hosed us down before even letting us near the house.

We used our thumbs on noses against authority, not to entrench their brainwashing from the little black boxes. Poor kids, we should have never let Gates get this far.

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I remember that because of double pneumonia and a serious kidney infection that kept me in the hospital for 10 days when I was 5 years old - afterwards I wasn't allowed to be outside during rain or snow for an entire YEAR! It seemed endless. I begged to go outside to play in the snow and the rain, and my mother repeatedly turned me down. I remember my first time I was allowed outside in the rain, and exactly where I stood, with my hands and face lifted to the sky. This was 1965-67.

I homeschooled one child for 12 years and the other two for 5: years each. They all loved the outdoors. My middle son seemed to have a special connection with nature, and after a rough day at school, I would send him outside rather than make him do homework - he would always come in reenergized and happy. He will be graduating with a Biology degree in May. All three sons had plenty of outdoor time growing up, and usually spent a month each summer with grandparents in Oregon either in a cabin in a national forest, or camping along the Pacific Coast. They're much more well-balanced and happy as a result.

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In Belfast there's a Woke Co-op where an acquaintance worked in the deli. She and her fellow employees were castigated for laughing, something people frequently do in kitchens. And if you want to meet pompous idiots, just check out the management.

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One way to know whom to believe is their expressiveness. The purveyors of lies are always deadpan (in fact some of them appear to have died) while the purveyors of truth seem awake, alive, and passionate.

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Yes, I know what you mean. I sometimes think that’s because truth itself is vibrantly alive.

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Beautifully put! What recently horrified me was watching Bono in Las Vegas -- absolutely frightful performance, getting the audience to repeat Navalny over and over -- and then watching Roger Waters, so alive, so passionate.

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Absolutely. Humor is the most dangerous expression of all. This evil man, JP Sears, should be imprisoned for life. In a re-education camp. How dare he point out that the left has become ridiculous hypocrites, the opposite of everything they claimed to have stood for! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2nDaYPY3aQ - (Time traveling liberal gets mind blown)

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After visiting a number of cults back in the 70s, I came up with what has become a reliable test of societal health: Do they laugh? I learned to run from those who were deadly serious.

Gates just gave it all way...

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Very funny! NOT

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If there is one good thing that has come out of all of this nightmarish 4 years

It’s the awakening of just how bad the contamination is with the whole vaccine program.

Myself and my family would NEVER take another injection or new gates MRNA , plaster 🩹 gene 🧬 therapy dose as long as we have breath in our lungs 🫁 🙏

Thankyou all yous real experts

Especially thankful to our Judy mikovits 🙏

God bless 🙏

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Absolutely! The medical establishment is not to be trusted for good reason.

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“meme them until they cry, then make memes about them crying”

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The real issue is the wiping out of our freedom of speech....and that needs to be litigated...these NGO's and Soros and our own govt agencies, plus aspen, stanford, etc. are all into censorship....and the US constitution must be upheld ....how do we get this to happen? These entities must be prohibted from engaging in censorship. IT is a huge octopus, and it needs taking down...can we states do it? How do we start?

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Just say no !!

Not enough prisons in the world 🌍 to house us all

Do not comply 🙏

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule.

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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Just saying no reduces you to hunger and destitution. What is required is to turn around the power of the blackmailing table: you must have the power to efficiently blackmail THEM.

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There are, however, a great many now-unused military bases in the US. Australia used former mining camps to punish vax-miscreants (see Freddy Sayers (Unherd) interviewing a young woman from Oz who learned this the hard way)

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Well, at CPAC, the new President of El Salvador, who has cleaned up his country through the imprisonment of 1000s of MS13 gangsters, made several points I have wondered for years. Apropos of this discussion, who gave Soros a mandate to inject his opinions into the politics of a free society? The same question can be asked regarding Gates.

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Sadly, many people do not have a basic understanding of the US Constitution so they don’ t know about the freedoms that have been gradually eroded and stolen from them over the years. Education as we know it now is just another form of “ propaganda”. This is exactly what the powers that be want: uneducated citizens who lack critical thinking skills. PA is filled with this: people wearing masks driving ALONE.

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We are going to need bigger gallows. There are now millions of mass murderers who will need hanging after Nuremberg 2. I would like to formally volunteer to be a hangman. I will do it for free!

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Had so many criminals not escaped the hangman in the first Nuremberg, we would not need so much rope for the second.

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On the bright side, rope is all-natural, durable, inexpensive, and fully sustainably sourced. But its true beauty lies in its reusability.

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Thumbs up to you, dear Jewell.

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Have often insisted those hung had angered the real villains. A psychopath's favorite meme, get an enemy to be my fall guy. In light of operation paperclip.

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Will a Nuremberg II ever occur as there are far too many people involved in this evil; people in positions who could bring about such a scenario but they, too, are complicit.

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The law is clear, there is no time limit on malfeasance and the penalty is life imprisonment. Realistically though if we can cut the head of the snake I would settle for that. To try all the uniforms that knowingly killed would take 1000's of years. I think we will have to hope hell is real for the rest of them!

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I wouldn't.

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They were handsomely paid. Precedent has been established.

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Buck Fill Gates

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In my opinion, all big tech companies should be destroyed and sold for scraps, and all the nazis CEOs and their servants, like the evil PR bastards at GAVI, should be packed in spam cans.

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Why waste all that valuable metal?

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You're right, we could use plastic packaging. But the consumer should be warned that they are SPAM. Caveat Emptor.

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Vax hesitancy is caused by vax that maim and kill people.

I know 15 people dead from the jabz.

And only one old sick guy perished from the

Actual Advertised Contagion.

I am aware of not one non jabbed person who has suffered any sudden catastrophic loss of good health.

Only the jabbed have met this fate.

The misinformation spreader is

Bill Gates, and his kind.

Vax are unsafe.

That is why Big Pharma got

Old Man Reagan to sign a law, protecting them from liability.

Back in the 1980s.

Stop spreading misinformation and disinformation, Bill Gates.

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He's the pied piper of pestilence

And he plays his part so well

Follow his advice and you'll surely

End up at the gates of hell!

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So all the deaths and injuries was not stopping people from getting it? It was the memes. LMAO

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Talk a out glaring hypocrisy. Big Pharma, Gates and his cronies have the blood of millions on their hands.....and NO accountability as of yet

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The PBS News clip of Gates salivating as he admitted how much money he was making off his “charitable investments“ comes to mind. That $4.1B was not a donation.

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Most fact-checkers are BS and don't work right. As usual, follow the money.

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Also, if you read the previous article from from Meryl on Humphries Dissolving Illusions, you will see that it's not shot hesitancy. It's knowing that the shots, all of them don't work. Also read all books by Judy Mikovits (fired by Fauci et al) and had her 80-year-old husband, killed and also a book by Sherri Tenpenny.

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Would that all their shots truly didn’t “work”!

There’s a world of distinction between shots that don’t work, and lethal shots that work as designed.

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Yep, they are working exactly as planned.

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A sad reality, as evidenced by their uninterrupted enthusiasm.

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I don't want to take either kind but you can.

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Turtles All the Way Down is also an eye opening read.

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I just found a free pdf download for this on Archive.org.

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Super-spreaders LOL The more I learn the less I believe anything spreads except bullshit.

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Putting it rather succinctly, gates and gavi can go to Hades.. All vaccines and most big pharma drugs are nothing but pure poisons. Avoid all vaccines and mRNA injections and you will live a much healthier life.

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The idea of criminalizing honest discussions and questions about vaccines shows Gates true intentions. It also shows there is something he truly wants to hides.

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So in the last 3 years how many fact checkers were proven wrong. Maybe we should look into the real misinformation spreaders.

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They will deny over and over again.

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Double entendre is not comprehensible to the tech programs and programmers. Long live rebellious subtlety.

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This needs to be a t-shirt! In Occupied Paris, with high-ranking Nazis in attendance, there was a production of Jean Anouilh's tragedy, Antigone, the significance of which went totally past the SS.

"Antigone attempts to secure a respectable burial for her brother Polynices. Oedipus's sons, Eteocles and Polynices, had shared rule jointly until they quarreled, and Eteocles expelled his brother. In Sophocles' account, the two brothers agreed to alternate rule each year, but Eteocles decided not to share power with his brother after his tenure expired. Polynices left the kingdom, gathered an army and attacked the city of Thebes in the war of the Seven against Thebes. Both brothers were killed in the battle.

King Creon, who has ascended to the throne of Thebes after the death of the brothers, decrees that Polynices is not to be buried or even mourned, on pain of death by stoning. Antigone, Polynices' sister, defies the king's order and is caught.

Antigone is brought before Creon, and admits that she knew of Creon's law forbidding mourning for Polynices but chose to break it, claiming the superiority of divine over human law, and she defies Creon's cruelty with courage, passion, and determination. Creon orders Antigone buried alive in a tomb. Although Creon has a change of heart, due to a visit from soothsayer Tiresias, and tries to release Antigone, he finds she has hanged herself. Creon's son Haemon, who was engaged to Antigone, commits suicide with a knife, and his mother Queen

Eurydice also kills herself in despair over her son's death. She had been forced to weave throughout the entire story, and her death alludes to The Fates.[2] By her death Antigone ends up destroying the household of her adversary, Creon"

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At 15 I took the role of Ismene in an extract from this play and saw two full productions.

I have compassion for some of the Ismenes whose fears are so huge. But seem to have often been on the margins of kosher myself. And been Creoned for it.

I'm not a sloganeer usually, but could be persuaded to wear this one - just to register the looks of uncertainty from the readers!

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