No legislative or Congressional bill should be more than 30 pages and it must be a requirement to have read it in full to vote on it, with criminal penalties for failing to do so.

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And must be written by the staff of elected representatives not lobbyists or their owners. And can't be packaged up in an omnibus of unrelated legislation.

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Yep, it's 'effing insane that we have this kind of BS in a Constitutional Republic...oh wait.

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This will stop IF and only when people say they have had enough. NO other chance.

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I agree 100%. Created my own platform and will update it with your 30 page limit:


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piglosi said about the patriot act, we have to vote for it to know what's in it......

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If wishes were horse, beggars would ride!

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Noem said it loud and clear...”You can’t trust the government, especially lobbyists!” Glad she doesn’t let any nonsense pass her desk.

All the partisan Pelosi bills and the omnibus bill BS, with all the added fixtures slipped in, should’ve struck a resonating chord with the states. You think Biden is China-owned? Mitch McConnell is literally in bed with China.

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Mitch McConnell is Uni-party, RINO extraordinaire. And any Republican who votes for that traitor in a primary is too dumb to be allowed in the building.

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One more thought. Maybe those of us that didn’t drink the Kool-Aid should turn off all the noise. TPTB will do what they do and we that are considered to be serfs will keep our country running in spite of them. I’m blessed to live in a red state and I am tired of the bs our country has inflicted on us. I worked in interior design in the 80’s. Many of my colleagues wore timers around their necks so they could take their AZT. They are all dead. Guess who is still alive? Fauci 🤷‍♀️

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I did my nutrition thesis on AIDS and nutrition because so many foods work to help with HIV and AIDS, whether these people you mention taking AZT had HIV or AIDS or not. Anyway, two men I interviewed for my paper did have AIDS and neither would take AZT and had already learned what a sleaze the Fraudster was in 1986. They each had a very healthy diet and were hoping for the best by not taking the horrible supplement which would bring them both an extra early death.

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I appreciate her strong stance. She knows BS when she sees it.

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Catherine Fitts explains the consequences of CBDC:


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Slavery. It is not just digital, it is programmable. It is a voucher system not money.

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Exactly, it's technocratic neofeudalism. Your "everything App" will remotely be controlled. There's still time to pushback before the doors are locked and the windows are sealed shut.

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The governor of South Dakota makes the governor of my sophisticated home state of NY look like a sedated and moronic bimbo by comparison.

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More like “demonic” IMO besides moronic - just my two cents

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Yes, I was about to say that too--I've never really used that word demonic before, but lately that's what comes to mind with the NY Governor and others.

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also heard that many states are quietly laying groundwork to prevent crypto acceptance by banks.


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Noem is one of the all-time best governors in US history. She's right to warn against CBDCs.

Catherine Austin Fitts has been following the development of digital currencies from the beginning: “If you can move every human into a digital concentration camp, empty their bank account any time you want, and tell them what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control.”

Bi Li, Deputy Managing Director, IMF: “With CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency), we can precisely control what people can and can’t own. Also, what kind of use this money can be programmed for, like food only.”

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A good series of videos explaining what is coming if we don't fight back, the most important one is on CBDC's:

The Men Who Own Everything, The Truth Factory:


This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 3 - CBDCs and Universal Basic Income:


This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 5 - The Real Great Reset


"...The World Economic Forum's much publicised Great Reset heralds the end of human freedom for all but those at the pinnacle of the new social hierarchy that is emerging with billionaires and technocrats at the top, as the new techno-feudal lords, and everyone else as a surveilled and controlled neo-serf class. This is not the type of world you want live in...."

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose


"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state...."

Freedom Lost: The Danger of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Joe Rogan & Maajid Nawaz:


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Another case of pelosi's rule: first pass the bill into law then you can read it. Ignorance and elected are deadly. I cannot figure a out a cure for stupidity and arrogance.

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Whether or not to accept a digital currency is a decision that belongs to the people, definitely NOT left to the whims and prejudices of elected representatives. There are a number of digital currencies already available, so each of us is free to choose as we wish.

As for me, I'm staying with cash purchases to the greatest extent possible.

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SD Freedom Caucus, a republican org, brought it to her attention in the nick of time. They had a petion going to stop it too.

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Apparently there is a statefreedomcaucus group--of course I looked up my Demonrat controlled state (NJ) and we have NO representatives there!!


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CBDC = Slavery

End of Freedom

Present Day Plantations

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Ahem. It’s coming. It’s here. The government will co-opt the Ethereum construct and the Fed will takeover investor funding. Easy peasy. And don’tcha know, it scales....global.....

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Why ETH?

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Cuz ETH is funded , and the Federal Reserve could fill that role easily. Bitcoin- no- the government doesn’t want a juice eating machine ......

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Why it's so important to not take our eyes off the ball of 5G, which will be the infrastructure for so much of this to happen (although 4G can do it already): https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/5-things-you-need-to-know-about-5g

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