I will NEVER take another vaccine. Take the pledge.

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Count me in. I've seen 5 friends die from the Jonestown Jab, and six others significantly affected. None of these people were struck down within a 1.5 year period, and none had any preexisting conditions related to their vax injuries/deaths. It took me awhile to connect the dots. More people are waking up.

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So sorry about your friends. So unnecessary.

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Nor will any of my pets.

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See the paranoid guy does not want to be on this list! Come at me with a loaded syringe, many descriptions will come to mind, hesitant will not be on the list. Hell any product in a package gives pause these days. The logo at consumer protection agencies is kill em', kill em all.

Oh right, get all sniffy about it, protecting the profits and naked legal backside of devils is protection.

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It's challenging to comprehend why those responsible for inflicting so much suffering are not facing charges. They freely travel in their private jets without any consequences. Bringing the Nazis to justice took a long time, and Stalin and Mao were never held accountable for their crimes. Instead, we ended up bringing former Nazis into NASA!

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It really does take a long time to internalize how the World has completely changed over the past few years.... vax deaths, open border, war with Russia, US backing Palestinian genocide, New Cold War with China... there's more.

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You know one thing about operation paperclip. Those ex Nazi were in charge, they were not just sweeping the floors as redemption for their sins. Did Hitler have a boss? Rhetorical question, Bush grandpa, Disney?

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Yes: from Nazis to NASA!

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I disagree with Knightly as to the timing of the bird flu scam. I feel they will likely use it like the covid scam to get people to use mail in voting in order to manipulate (s)election results once again.

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With out mail in voting the US mail system is utterly bankrupt. Our democracy is safe..., from democracy.

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Makes so much sense, sadly.

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I think it is important for everyone to keep a close listen to how any pandemic unfolds. It is entirely possible that they will release a deadly pandemic, possibly targeted to certain physiological characteristics. The idea would be to make sure there are enough real deaths from the new pandemic to make people realize they have to use some intervention and voila, WHO will provide the only intervention available along with its short term protection and its own long term deadly side effects. The problem with Covid is it wasn't lethal enough on its own. The next one may be obviously lethal so we have to avoid getting it somehow.

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They will definitely focus on the unvaccinated no doubt. They want the world as there experiments for the billions it will bring for phizer etc.

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No matter how much pushback the Tedros gang get. They seem determined too go full speed ahead.

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Those who have taken multiple injections may have lost their ability to think, but others who haven't have the true picture. The De-Pop People are still giving it their all to destroy the rest of us.. It will boomerang back on them. They will face the trials they deserve for their crimes against humanity in using this WMD! Many worldwide are awakening!

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There could be "attacks" on many fronts this time. Why leave it at one threat. They are getting edgy, unsure, and desperate, so it makes sense that they will try much harder this time, I fear. We have been pushing back and they know we will continue.

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Yes, the uniform lingo "safe and effective" repeated as mantra, when efficacy takes time to prove, never mind safety, was a giveaway that something was afoot.

I won't ever take anything that was developed in 100 days :-)

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Meryl, I do believe many of your predictions will come to pass. I do wonder, however, how the psychopaths and their lackies will get around the fact that almost everyone knows of someone who has either died or been injured by the snake-oil injections. I think if universal vaccine mandates were introduced there would be mass riots across the globe. Even those who readily accepted the injections and the narrative: would they be so accepting of another round when there's clear evidence of excess deaths, surging cancer, heart issues and other health problems that began in 2021? I don't know...

Ultimately, the only way this putrid evil can be halted, is through citizens around the world taking to the streets; demanding of their governments, Constitutional change that would enable the erection of an impenetrable wall between their democracy and the interference of monied, global psychopaths and their global NGO's. The foundation stone of that 'wall', would be the removal of all private money from every aspect of the governing of citizens and their country. In other words, snuff out the power of the psychopath's money.

To bring the people to the streets in numbers never before seen, will require tyranny of great proportions. If all your predictions materialize, Meryl, maybe that will bring about the trigger the 'global revolt' requires!

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"snuff out the power of the psychopath's money." Are you saying that in order to take the wind (Money/power) out of the sails of the globalists we have to get rid of the existing monetary system?. i.e. we have to accept CBDCs in order to save ourselves from the globalists?

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Not saying that at all. The existing monetary system continues as it has for decades. The globalist's private 'bribe money' is replaced with the fed's printed money. And as it's simply one, equal source of money being replaced by another, the result will not be inflationary. And as you're probably aware, 'printed money' is very much part of our existing monetary system. In fact, without it, western capitalism would have collapsed decades ago.

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That's called PERMANENT constitutional conventions.

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Boy oh boy, the devil is toiling. And he is toiling fast.

We know now, what we knew then, and if we make another mistake, it all of you all’s own fault.

We toil as well. Trying to be on top of what’s next or important to focus on?

Control. Control the masses, take our minds, weaken our souls, control our bodies.

Apparently we are nothing but rats. The 4th reich is back to much dismay, we can’t believe

It anyway.

Well I can, you see, I am a huge believer in Gods existence and eternity. -Lee, from her own alternate reality.

I know there are several scientists and doctors on here who work for the opposition. Tirelessly working to get people on the wagon of eternal unrest. Which leads to fear, doubt, anger and lawlessness. We knew agenda 21, worked, it was about controlling the masses, retreating into lockdown.

We know and knew viruses are extremely questionable, yet, we have to prepare for another plandemic? When we know they don’t truly exist unless they are altered?

Yet, we look up in the sky, and there are no consequences in con-trails, or chem trails as we know best, the thin long everlasting lines are filled with poison.

We know “they” poisoned our water and our food. Poison in our medicine and supplements. In woman’s make up and men’s aftershave.

With all of this said, it seems impossible to “win”, but life is truly not about that, in fact, it’s contradictory.

Dr. Nass, I am not calling you out, I am an ordinary woman, living alone and disabled. I only know one word, survival.

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They tried to scare us over a decade ago with this virus, even snuck it into the flue vaccine (Baxter) but it was caught so no one got injected with it. It was worth $7 billion to the infectious disease division of the CDC to scare everyone even tho publicly CDC head Gerberding said there was no risk of a pandemic. It idid allow them to tighten their control grid however. It worked once and so they will do it again.

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Must be a slow news day at Off-Guardian, quoting the UN and Farrar.

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So what is your recommendation, Mrs. Nass?

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Very interesting Mr.Bond, but way off. No, the next "pandemic" will be financial.

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