Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said it would take only 5 mutations (and he said we know which ones) to turn it into a disease of humans. He said he could create this in the lab.
To me, all of this is rubbish just as Covid was a hoax, a problem created to bring in a “solution” that would have been unacceptable before. I am studying for my PhD in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, and it is now all about plant-based diets that are environmentally friendly. They want control of us, our movement, our currency, how we live, and control over our food and water supply. They will create mass hysteria to usher in compliance once more. The amygdala hijack. I did not fall for it the first time, and I will not fall for it this time. I WILL NOT COMPLY!
If they can kill off enough natural born citizens, they can avoid the need of paying lots of UBI, Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, etc. Then they can get cheap labor from outside the country to do what robots and AI can't do. That makes much of the debt problem go away.
Unfortunately, the number of unintended consequences of such a mad plan will ensure it will collapse our civilization. Utilitarian pipe-dreamers with that little intelligence and that much power are at least as dangerous as nuclear bombs. They're just slower getting the job done.
Wow! That's impressive, Rosalee. I caught Delta and used the Cold and Flu Tonic formula from It's pricey but quite potent.
I have no intention of getting a vaccine no matter how bad they claim a rampant virus is. They've always over-stated the virulence of the viruses they warn about. And, too, I suspect a vaccine that would be highly effective against a really bad virus would be more dangerous than the last vaccine.
I didn't get tested. I had normal flu symptoms for about 5 days. Then I had mind-boggling fatigue for 9 straight days thereafter. I only had about 2 hours of noticeable decline in breathing. And I had no discomfort other than my back hurting from being laid up so much. But the fatigue was so bad I couldn't even pay attention to TV, a book, anything. I was bored to tears for 9 LONG DAYS. I couldn't even sleep during the day, and I slept less than usual at night. BOREDOM was the torcher.
Many of those symptoms most describe also fit the description of microwave radiation sickness, and they were out installing 5G at an insane pace while everyone was locked up at home like good little citizens, well except me, I was out driving around watching the jerks install this crap. We are being WiFried, why won't anyone look into this.
In my case, my wife was working in an office where a guy came into work sick every day. It seems that she got it from him and I got if from her. Another guy that worked there got sick too. All 4 of us at the same time. The other two, not doing much in the way of non-pharmaceutical treatment, had it really bad. One was in the hospital for a while. And he was totally anti-covid-vax. In fact, none of us were vaccinated.
So I'm guessing ours was Covid. We live in very different areas too. So the probability that it was 5G is low, IMO. I don't think they even have 5G where I live even now. I live way out from town.
I have good friends who still work in radiology that fill me in with what they are seeing. I walked away from a 20 year career after being fired for refusing to take the swine flu shot in 2009 (turns out that was an mRNA shot too I heard some Pfizer rep say on video). We used to see on PE positive CT scan every 3-4 months, after the vaccines they were scanning 3-5 a day that were positive for PE (pulmonary embolus). Last week she tells me one of the scanners in CT is a dedicated biopsy unit, that is scheduled all day long doing biopsies to diagnose tumors by taking CT guided needle biopsies of masses. We used to do maybe 5-10 biopsies in a week pre covid injections. I just went to Wyoming yesterday for a friends dads memorial service. She has had a rough year, lost her mom to ovarian cancer, died about 5 days after diagnosis. Her husband got liver cancer, blood clots, esophageal varacies from sick liver, infected gall bladder, then got a steroid injection in his neck for pain and got necrotizing fasciitis (aka flesh eating bacteria) that ended up killing him, and her dad heart attack they thing, but she didn't request an autopsie. Wyoming has had more deaths than the entire state of CA from the vaccine reported to VAERS. My CT friends tells me that the doctors are still playing stupid, like we don't know why this is happening, why so many have blood clots, heart conditions, and aggressive cancers. They don't really want to know what they have done to others or themselves.
To add to all you relate, for cause of alarm for any thinking person, THEY have repeatedly written off reports from those who do embalming in funeral homes
There was a major gathering of funeral home operators.
During the conference they presented
evidence (hard evidence in glass bottles) of what they are finding,
The fibrous material that has clogged the
arteries etc. when they embalm, and in some cases unable as the
material prevents it.
Despite the proof, they have been written off as LIARS
despite proof you could see
The film Died Suddenly has also been written off as ALL
lies to mislead.
I have stated before, but will add again.
There will be an accounting far worse than they can imagine for what they have
done to His creation for He is NOT mocked
ALL based on GREED and insatiable need to CONTROL and sadly it
1. Seems that "The" science does not like Koch's Postulates. One case of fatigue and one case of conjunctivitis, even if both people tested positive for bird flu does not prove that the virus caused these symptoms.
2. This is obviously planned fear mongering. No doctor is going to order viral testing for a complaint of fatigue and or conjunctivitis or a subconjunctival hemorrhage. Whoever ordered the viral testing, which is expensive, planned on using the results for something other than medical care. No insurance company would have paid for this as it is not medically necessary.
Exactly. It was probably CDC, desperately seeking cases, testing everyone and every animal they could find who might possibly have a bird flu infection
A glimmer of hope is that they seem to have less recruitment from the professional ranks, needing to lean on unqualified professions such as accountants to hype ‘medical advice’. The bad news is that it makes no difference to the blind herd, even though advanced education groups are highly represented, who are perversely subscribed to self-declared fact checkers and who now have virtuously abandoned any offerings of constructive and common-sense reasoning.
Just in time for the 2024 election cycle going to be interesting watching the pushback. I still think they have a bigger Hail Mary than the Bird Flu coming
How about the 11 million illegals who will Don a uniform and patrol the streets for a lickdown. Un or no insignia. They have something up their sleeve alright
I expect the 11 million+ illegals when realizing they are going to be deported will make the BLM riots look like a walk in the park. The left has recruited its Army. I am most concerned about Biden (Obama) declaring Marshal Law.
You know this is ALL BS. Why are you writing about it like it is real?
Cooties again. Yes they will poison some animals with rat poison and say they died and some humans also but let's keep things straight. If they are killing our food it is for no reason except because they want famine.
Thé Evils “ need “ to do a repeat and they need people to get scared and “ believe “ in the cooties. So, their are lots of moles groomed for that position. They Evils have this planned out many years ahead of time so they have ALL their pawns in place in the Chess game, for when their time comes.
You said she is helping “ keeping the sociopaths in business “. So we should watch this closely.
Numerous have pointed out she worked for the DOD Bioweapons program years ago. I never saw her reply to those that called this out which could or could not mean something.
Basically at this point everybody is suspect sadly even our grandmothers who only know how to knit.
DOD interestng.LOL on grannies. I suspect many in the HFM push the virus lie to keep peeps from discovering there are no viruses, to push supplements/anti-virals, or out of expediency. I think Bigtree falls in the latter. He sees coming put as Team No Virus harmful to court cases against mandates and his fantasy to imprison Fauci. Also, he might have big donors saying don't go down no virus route. Or, maybe they're all deep state operatives or simply can't read a viroliegy paper.
This is a comment for all readers of this substack. I have asked researcher Dr. Lewis Coleman does the spike protein produced in recipients from the Covid vax cause accumulation of amyloid in the body?
Dr. Coleman answers, "Yes, because it attacks the vascular endothelium and induces harmful stress mechanism hyperactivity, and anything that increases stress mechanism activity promotes amyloidosis."
You can look up amyldoisosis. It is an invariably fatal disorder responsible for damage to multiple organs, including liver, brain, and heart. Amyloid is found in the brains of Alzheimers victims.
Production of the spike protein appears to be the primary mechanism of the mRNA platform that is also being used for the avian flu "vaccine."
Do we now see what the Obama-Biden regime has been doing?
I telegram Indianhealthcarepharmacy and use ivermectin as latest papers suggest increased biffobacteria, even one paper claimed it could cross the blood brain barrier and stop numerological degeneration!
Time to send out bands of vigilantes equipped with sniper rifles. Do we even have groups or armies ready to defend us or are we going to be left with our own Winchesters to throttle illegals who have been let into this country by our infamous Dept of Homeland Security? Us versus them, backs against the wall.
We are weaponless in Australia having one of our “good Prime Ministers” stage a false flag event after which all guns were handed in. Very few people have guns, mostly land owners, and they are disappearing fast as the sell out of our farms and country continues. On the 27th May this WHO agenda is being voted on and so far we only have objections from a very small group of our parliamentarians. The majority of our people are fast asleep. I fear it’s going to be a shit show again with the corporate police still in control. Most decent police has resigned or left due to mandated vaccinations. I’m trying to stay brave but it’s tough going .
Yeah, Martin Bryant was a leftie who was learning disabled, with long blonde hair. Initial witnesses described the real shooter as a milspec-lookin' dude (short, dark hair) who scored headshots from the hip with a pistol... in his right hand.
It is awful. I sometimes wonder if it would have been better (for him) if they had just killed him, the way they kill off most patsies in false flags in the States? Ugh....
Head shots at short range with a scoped rifle (the scope in that situation would inhibit aiming) that somehow had fallen off a truck after a gun buy-back in Victoria... Kid had no military training and IQ of 70 or so, right?
Never went to trial and even his mother was prevented from visiting him.
Haven't met an Australian yet that knew anything about all the anomalous BS with the official version of Port Arthur.
So sorry to hear that. I hope people see this and understand the importance of the second amendment in the US. Our guns are the only reason they haven't succeeded yet, and hopefully they never will.
There will be no defense by the army, NORTHCOM, etc. We have to deal with this on our own, as citizens. Sniper groups would be ideal, so crossfire operations, etc. can be carried out. But in this age of mass--almost multi-dimensional--surveillance by our criminally-infiltrated government, lone wolf ops will be the most effective. Government exists to parasitize, oppress, and murder us at this point in time, so it comes down to what we as individuals and communities (maybe / hopefully) are willing to do and sacrifice for the country's and our children's futures.
We will eat ze bugs... whether we like it or not. These people are absolute monsters. I don't even have words anymore to describe the rage I feel for all of the people destroying our world.
That also was predictable, and all local government offices have worked hard on setting up barriers to personal public interaction since early 2019, Covid-con serving also as perfect excuse to install digitization. By now all govts have devised new bylaws and policies cracking down on any form of pushback failing to profusely gush positively about their totalitarian rollout. Yup. Thought of everything to even crush our own feelings.
Sheer human ignorance and relying on the wrong people have created this worldwide genocide. Those in charge are all greedy opportunistic purveyors of order to line their pockets. Unfortunately, the majority of the world thought advanced degrees with additional years of education guaranteed competency. Now, multitudes are learning what these doctors learned in Medical School about health...ZILCH. 2500 years ago, the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates knew more about HEALTH. Simple truth does not put enough money into the pockets of those who aren't into the Love of Humanity....which the Master Physician taught his future doctors.
One of my brothers is gone...even though I warned him about the vax. Another brother has had 5 boosters and is barely alive, but he thinks his doctor is a saint for saving him.
The problem is two fold: #1: The items in the vaxes (aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, etc) most children have received since childhood...has damaged their brains. Our entire nation has gone downhill scholastically. The US used to be ranked very high in the world. #2. Many survived these vaxes...and never blamed health problems on them. They still had complete trust in those who dispensed them.
I listen to my intuition...It stems from the Pineal Gland. This gland has been harmed and in many cases destroyed by the aluminum and mercury in these vaxes. The people in the Far East used to call it the Third Eye. it is our transmitter-receiver with our Creator, the one who made the human body and all living things.
Wow. You are blessed having such an outspoken naturopath ! My sister holds such letters behind her name, but is working on her xyz booster. My whole fam is hijacked, and my only reprieve is that their brains may be addled from the first mistake and are hostages. As Richard C points out in his below post.
To me, all of this is rubbish just as Covid was a hoax, a problem created to bring in a “solution” that would have been unacceptable before. I am studying for my PhD in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, and it is now all about plant-based diets that are environmentally friendly. They want control of us, our movement, our currency, how we live, and control over our food and water supply. They will create mass hysteria to usher in compliance once more. The amygdala hijack. I did not fall for it the first time, and I will not fall for it this time. I WILL NOT COMPLY!
AMEN. I refuse. I'm sick of this.
Same here.
Hoax is the right word to describe germ theory
If they can kill off enough natural born citizens, they can avoid the need of paying lots of UBI, Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, etc. Then they can get cheap labor from outside the country to do what robots and AI can't do. That makes much of the debt problem go away.
Unfortunately, the number of unintended consequences of such a mad plan will ensure it will collapse our civilization. Utilitarian pipe-dreamers with that little intelligence and that much power are at least as dangerous as nuclear bombs. They're just slower getting the job done.
while 2 friends died and many who have been infected with COVID (their common denominator, ALL fully jabbed
Friends and family still step up for boosters despite
information which >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DANGER)
I have no had so much as a sniffle since I began the alternative protocol
and am 82.
Wow! That's impressive, Rosalee. I caught Delta and used the Cold and Flu Tonic formula from It's pricey but quite potent.
I have no intention of getting a vaccine no matter how bad they claim a rampant virus is. They've always over-stated the virulence of the viruses they warn about. And, too, I suspect a vaccine that would be highly effective against a really bad virus would be more dangerous than the last vaccine.
Non-compliance to the end!
'I suspect a vaccine that would be highly effective against a really bad virus would be more dangerous'
Indeed and it
would once again be all about
and an insatiable need to
murder, maiming and destroying livelihoods of so many
What vaccine has ever been effective?
How do you know you had anything? The PCR testing was a fiasco and irrelevant.
I didn't get tested. I had normal flu symptoms for about 5 days. Then I had mind-boggling fatigue for 9 straight days thereafter. I only had about 2 hours of noticeable decline in breathing. And I had no discomfort other than my back hurting from being laid up so much. But the fatigue was so bad I couldn't even pay attention to TV, a book, anything. I was bored to tears for 9 LONG DAYS. I couldn't even sleep during the day, and I slept less than usual at night. BOREDOM was the torcher.
Many of those symptoms most describe also fit the description of microwave radiation sickness, and they were out installing 5G at an insane pace while everyone was locked up at home like good little citizens, well except me, I was out driving around watching the jerks install this crap. We are being WiFried, why won't anyone look into this.
In my case, my wife was working in an office where a guy came into work sick every day. It seems that she got it from him and I got if from her. Another guy that worked there got sick too. All 4 of us at the same time. The other two, not doing much in the way of non-pharmaceutical treatment, had it really bad. One was in the hospital for a while. And he was totally anti-covid-vax. In fact, none of us were vaccinated.
So I'm guessing ours was Covid. We live in very different areas too. So the probability that it was 5G is low, IMO. I don't think they even have 5G where I live even now. I live way out from town.
I have good friends who still work in radiology that fill me in with what they are seeing. I walked away from a 20 year career after being fired for refusing to take the swine flu shot in 2009 (turns out that was an mRNA shot too I heard some Pfizer rep say on video). We used to see on PE positive CT scan every 3-4 months, after the vaccines they were scanning 3-5 a day that were positive for PE (pulmonary embolus). Last week she tells me one of the scanners in CT is a dedicated biopsy unit, that is scheduled all day long doing biopsies to diagnose tumors by taking CT guided needle biopsies of masses. We used to do maybe 5-10 biopsies in a week pre covid injections. I just went to Wyoming yesterday for a friends dads memorial service. She has had a rough year, lost her mom to ovarian cancer, died about 5 days after diagnosis. Her husband got liver cancer, blood clots, esophageal varacies from sick liver, infected gall bladder, then got a steroid injection in his neck for pain and got necrotizing fasciitis (aka flesh eating bacteria) that ended up killing him, and her dad heart attack they thing, but she didn't request an autopsie. Wyoming has had more deaths than the entire state of CA from the vaccine reported to VAERS. My CT friends tells me that the doctors are still playing stupid, like we don't know why this is happening, why so many have blood clots, heart conditions, and aggressive cancers. They don't really want to know what they have done to others or themselves.
Words fail
To add to all you relate, for cause of alarm for any thinking person, THEY have repeatedly written off reports from those who do embalming in funeral homes
There was a major gathering of funeral home operators.
During the conference they presented
evidence (hard evidence in glass bottles) of what they are finding,
The fibrous material that has clogged the
arteries etc. when they embalm, and in some cases unable as the
material prevents it.
Despite the proof, they have been written off as LIARS
despite proof you could see
The film Died Suddenly has also been written off as ALL
lies to mislead.
I have stated before, but will add again.
There will be an accounting far worse than they can imagine for what they have
done to His creation for He is NOT mocked
ALL based on GREED and insatiable need to CONTROL and sadly it
still continues
Love all of you fellow free thinkers!
Yep. I'm guessing those are the ones that understand the benefit of free speech.
1. Seems that "The" science does not like Koch's Postulates. One case of fatigue and one case of conjunctivitis, even if both people tested positive for bird flu does not prove that the virus caused these symptoms.
2. This is obviously planned fear mongering. No doctor is going to order viral testing for a complaint of fatigue and or conjunctivitis or a subconjunctival hemorrhage. Whoever ordered the viral testing, which is expensive, planned on using the results for something other than medical care. No insurance company would have paid for this as it is not medically necessary.
Exactly. It was probably CDC, desperately seeking cases, testing everyone and every animal they could find who might possibly have a bird flu infection
Thanks Meryl. I am flattered.
A glimmer of hope is that they seem to have less recruitment from the professional ranks, needing to lean on unqualified professions such as accountants to hype ‘medical advice’. The bad news is that it makes no difference to the blind herd, even though advanced education groups are highly represented, who are perversely subscribed to self-declared fact checkers and who now have virtuously abandoned any offerings of constructive and common-sense reasoning.
Just in time for the 2024 election cycle going to be interesting watching the pushback. I still think they have a bigger Hail Mary than the Bird Flu coming
How about the 11 million illegals who will Don a uniform and patrol the streets for a lickdown. Un or no insignia. They have something up their sleeve alright
I expect the 11 million+ illegals when realizing they are going to be deported will make the BLM riots look like a walk in the park. The left has recruited its Army. I am most concerned about Biden (Obama) declaring Marshal Law.
They rolled out COVID early '20
and now this early '24
In my opinion.
You know this is ALL BS. Why are you writing about it like it is real?
Cooties again. Yes they will poison some animals with rat poison and say they died and some humans also but let's keep things straight. If they are killing our food it is for no reason except because they want famine.
🎯🎯🎯 Well said. She does good work exposing the WHO but peddles the BS germ theory narrative that keeps those sociopaths in business. Makes no sense.
Well there is a reason.
Think about it.
Thé Evils “ need “ to do a repeat and they need people to get scared and “ believe “ in the cooties. So, their are lots of moles groomed for that position. They Evils have this planned out many years ahead of time so they have ALL their pawns in place in the Chess game, for when their time comes.
You said she is helping “ keeping the sociopaths in business “. So we should watch this closely.
Definitely!! Let's keep an eagle eye on her from our online perch. 😀
Numerous have pointed out she worked for the DOD Bioweapons program years ago. I never saw her reply to those that called this out which could or could not mean something.
Basically at this point everybody is suspect sadly even our grandmothers who only know how to knit.
Freaking disappointing.
DOD interestng.LOL on grannies. I suspect many in the HFM push the virus lie to keep peeps from discovering there are no viruses, to push supplements/anti-virals, or out of expediency. I think Bigtree falls in the latter. He sees coming put as Team No Virus harmful to court cases against mandates and his fantasy to imprison Fauci. Also, he might have big donors saying don't go down no virus route. Or, maybe they're all deep state operatives or simply can't read a viroliegy paper.
I saw this more as a warning about the next pandemic scare than what she believes is going to happen. She just wrote out the playbook.
This is a comment for all readers of this substack. I have asked researcher Dr. Lewis Coleman does the spike protein produced in recipients from the Covid vax cause accumulation of amyloid in the body?
Dr. Coleman answers, "Yes, because it attacks the vascular endothelium and induces harmful stress mechanism hyperactivity, and anything that increases stress mechanism activity promotes amyloidosis."
You can look up amyldoisosis. It is an invariably fatal disorder responsible for damage to multiple organs, including liver, brain, and heart. Amyloid is found in the brains of Alzheimers victims.
Production of the spike protein appears to be the primary mechanism of the mRNA platform that is also being used for the avian flu "vaccine."
Do we now see what the Obama-Biden regime has been doing?
I telegram Indianhealthcarepharmacy and use ivermectin as latest papers suggest increased biffobacteria, even one paper claimed it could cross the blood brain barrier and stop numerological degeneration!
Stock up on these safe generic meds
What do you mean “ Now see “? Blind Freddie could see this years ago.
I really appreciate getting all this information from you Meryl.
Time to send out bands of vigilantes equipped with sniper rifles. Do we even have groups or armies ready to defend us or are we going to be left with our own Winchesters to throttle illegals who have been let into this country by our infamous Dept of Homeland Security? Us versus them, backs against the wall.
We are weaponless in Australia having one of our “good Prime Ministers” stage a false flag event after which all guns were handed in. Very few people have guns, mostly land owners, and they are disappearing fast as the sell out of our farms and country continues. On the 27th May this WHO agenda is being voted on and so far we only have objections from a very small group of our parliamentarians. The majority of our people are fast asleep. I fear it’s going to be a shit show again with the corporate police still in control. Most decent police has resigned or left due to mandated vaccinations. I’m trying to stay brave but it’s tough going .
Yeah, Martin Bryant was a leftie who was learning disabled, with long blonde hair. Initial witnesses described the real shooter as a milspec-lookin' dude (short, dark hair) who scored headshots from the hip with a pistol... in his right hand.
That poor boy was the patsy and as far as I know is still in prison. Poor lad.
It is awful. I sometimes wonder if it would have been better (for him) if they had just killed him, the way they kill off most patsies in false flags in the States? Ugh....
Head shots at short range with a scoped rifle (the scope in that situation would inhibit aiming) that somehow had fallen off a truck after a gun buy-back in Victoria... Kid had no military training and IQ of 70 or so, right?
Never went to trial and even his mother was prevented from visiting him.
Haven't met an Australian yet that knew anything about all the anomalous BS with the official version of Port Arthur.
So sorry to hear that. I hope people see this and understand the importance of the second amendment in the US. Our guns are the only reason they haven't succeeded yet, and hopefully they never will.
There will be no defense by the army, NORTHCOM, etc. We have to deal with this on our own, as citizens. Sniper groups would be ideal, so crossfire operations, etc. can be carried out. But in this age of mass--almost multi-dimensional--surveillance by our criminally-infiltrated government, lone wolf ops will be the most effective. Government exists to parasitize, oppress, and murder us at this point in time, so it comes down to what we as individuals and communities (maybe / hopefully) are willing to do and sacrifice for the country's and our children's futures.
Maybe people could try cooking the meat before eating.
Yes. I 0lan to if 8 can get meat.
it is even repulsive to me to see somebody eating raw seafood which is
quite dangerous
Redfield could not find the big toe on his foot if his life depended on it.
Perfect example of a " Useful Idiot ". That is why they keep some of these around.
No one with a brain and an education could say what he dithers with a straight face.
Remember when he could hardly stand up at the moronic Covid dog and pony show ?
Come on, y'all: you are not a bird!
IMO, it's the lie of 'bird flu' that we should be concerned about...
(i.e.-Did Charlie Parker travel by Plane...and did he feel isolated ?)
We will eat ze bugs... whether we like it or not. These people are absolute monsters. I don't even have words anymore to describe the rage I feel for all of the people destroying our world.
I too have ungovernable rage...since 2020.... it never lessens or goes away.
That also was predictable, and all local government offices have worked hard on setting up barriers to personal public interaction since early 2019, Covid-con serving also as perfect excuse to install digitization. By now all govts have devised new bylaws and policies cracking down on any form of pushback failing to profusely gush positively about their totalitarian rollout. Yup. Thought of everything to even crush our own feelings.
Sheer human ignorance and relying on the wrong people have created this worldwide genocide. Those in charge are all greedy opportunistic purveyors of order to line their pockets. Unfortunately, the majority of the world thought advanced degrees with additional years of education guaranteed competency. Now, multitudes are learning what these doctors learned in Medical School about health...ZILCH. 2500 years ago, the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates knew more about HEALTH. Simple truth does not put enough money into the pockets of those who aren't into the Love of Humanity....which the Master Physician taught his future doctors.
World wide GENOCIDE which continues
and THEY keep hocking the killer. . .and friends and family keep stepping up
e.g. my sister just had her 4th booster 'cuz CDC says over 65 need it every 4 months'
One of my brothers is gone...even though I warned him about the vax. Another brother has had 5 boosters and is barely alive, but he thinks his doctor is a saint for saving him.
My heart is broken for all who have lost loved ones who were stone deaf despite pleas
I am worried about my sister but cannot get through to her.
I smelled a rat initially
Then my naturopath requested an appt and presented the facts
(outlining an alternative plan which networking with other reputable healthcare providers
including those shoved aside in order to enable Fauci)
He finished our rather lengthy discussion by saying, and I will never forget his words:
"The fallout from all of it will be far more reaching than the virus"
He was correct on so many levels
Masks, lockdowns, distancing did nothing to contain
Spanish Flu yet they dragged it all out promising it would save lives
The problem is two fold: #1: The items in the vaxes (aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, etc) most children have received since childhood...has damaged their brains. Our entire nation has gone downhill scholastically. The US used to be ranked very high in the world. #2. Many survived these vaxes...and never blamed health problems on them. They still had complete trust in those who dispensed them.
YES same trust that was exhibited in '20 despite the fact that none of lockdowns,
distancing and masks proved beneficial for saving lives during Spanish Flu
I thank God for enlightening me that I was able to smell a rat despite the bedlam
surrounding COVID from every side. . .and already had a naturopath who directed me
I shared the information with friends and family. ALL but 2 friends rejected it entirely
I listen to my intuition...It stems from the Pineal Gland. This gland has been harmed and in many cases destroyed by the aluminum and mercury in these vaxes. The people in the Far East used to call it the Third Eye. it is our transmitter-receiver with our Creator, the one who made the human body and all living things.
Wow. You are blessed having such an outspoken naturopath ! My sister holds such letters behind her name, but is working on her xyz booster. My whole fam is hijacked, and my only reprieve is that their brains may be addled from the first mistake and are hostages. As Richard C points out in his below post.
I know, how about this? Because of bird flu, let's set up drop boxes for the next election-won't that solve the problem?