Thank YOU with deeply deserved heart-sentiment for your service to USA.
Men and women in ages past have certainly braved the "storm" and did their ultimate sacrifices for the good of the nation. But I have noticed that the civilian population is weak in that way, and have become so, by ways of propaganda and the infiltration of "enemy" fo…
Thank YOU with deeply deserved heart-sentiment for your service to USA.
Men and women in ages past have certainly braved the "storm" and did their ultimate sacrifices for the good of the nation. But I have noticed that the civilian population is weak in that way, and have become so, by ways of propaganda and the infiltration of "enemy" forces in the education system they attend. The only hope for a recovery to the nation, would be if the armed forces would unite and go to battle with the entity which is even more elusive than that of the NV or Viet Cong. It's a very tough war that ensues these days. The "war" is actually a spiritual one, which is personal for everyone, and is slated by prophecy to take place regarding the worship of either the enemy (Satan) and his false claims and workings, and that of our Savior, Creator, and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. This will be accomplished in time, but it is good to realize the game-plan of our common enemy. The Commandments of God are the target and those which we need to focus our trust, obedience, and reverence upon. The Fourth Commandment is especially targeted for it having within it the "seal" of the Living God.
Thanks, my brother in battle! May God bless you and yours these days!
You are more than Welcome my brother.. We all come from one father we are brothers and sisters whether we want to admit it or not.. The sooner we start acting like that, the better this world will be..
When I read words of wisdom gathered by a brother or sister, it strengthens my soul. Thank you, once again!
Yes, it's amazing to ponder our origin, that being the children of one man and woman. But then, sinfulness ravaged society and the Lord had to eliminate the wicked, saving Noah and his family. So we now can assume we come from that one family and its quest to re-populate the earth. What a thing that is to be believed! Without the miraculous upholding of the ark, by the capable hands of strong angels, it too would have perished in such a cataclysmic event! Many minds have struggled with the record, disbelieving it for different reasons, but God cannot lie, and His Word is true.
What I find to be most assuring is that the geological record is chalked full of hard evidence in support of a w.w. flood. And this is (just recently) being brought to light by a "flood" of professionals in their varied but associated fields of discipline.
Without condemning hearts, they point out the unreasonableness, even the impossibilities of that which is propounded by the secular doubters. This, coupled with unassociated fields of study, such as cosmology, biology, and zoology among many others, have united to form an unassailable front for those minds which persist in obstinate resistance to obvious truth.
Preaching to the choir, again, I hope these words will inspire certain others to investigate and see, and taste for themselves if all this is true or not. Coercion is not to be implemented here in the slightest. God will not approve, but He certainly will support truth as it can be deduced by "real" science, not propaganda, false science, or the lies which have been foisted upon (especially) the younger generations.
Have a blessed day!
Yours in the Battle of battles for the souls of mankind,
Feeling is mutual... We all have to remember if we are talking about issues currently and how man, MSM, EVIL ELITE who control all that, they hide in the background like the puppet masters they are.. They have LIED to us for centuries about all the happenings and causes of world events, wars and enemies who were not enemies, and good people who they said were bad, and bad people who they said were good, so we have been deceived on worldly things, like we are being LIED to now.. So you know these same EVIL people who have LIED about worldly things, have surely LIED and mislead on spiritual things.. We have to dig for TRUTH, it will never be given to us by the world and its EVIL people.. GOD is all around us in everything we see, in that moment of enlightenment that we either do not notice, or we do.. The air has a molecule to keep the air clean, who put it there. The lungs have three lobes on the right side, but only two on the left side, why the difference, because the heart is on the left side, who had the wisdom and knowledge to know that before making life in the body, its not something you can figure out after LOL, like man does.. The heart pump's billions of times in our lifetime, where does the power come from for the pump called the heart, so just a few examples of the millions. We must keep the qualities that GOD would want us to keep in this wicked world, so we are not changed by the wickedness of the world..
Great to hear your words of wisdom! There's a whole lot to agree with and elaborate on, but I think we both know we're on the same page. However, what I like to inject whenever possible, is the culprit agency behind the scenes, which has done a marvelous job of infiltrating, subverting and creating chaos in every field of applicable importance to their cause. After all, it would seem quite silly to believe that such chaos is good for mankind as a species. Unless, of course, there is sound motive for such. It is no speculation of mine to clearly point to the Jesuit Order, a Secret Society of the Roman System of Religion (Catholicism). Their motive and means to obtain it is right there boldly written in their "Extreme Oath of Induction." And they have been thus far successful in their achievement to infiltrate and corrupt. Why?
Because it is a very effective (but lengthy) plan in which "She" designs to rule the ecclesiastical world, (again) this time using the muscle of the USA. Believe it!
The Jesuit Order rules the entire world, in a very direct sense. She lords her position over all the other subservient Secret Societies. She is a military Order.
Knowing this, gives a person a slight advantage. It provides forewarning as to the designs of the Church, so we can brace against it. I can only imagine how senseless this must seem to the average voter. But for those who trust the Bible, it's only a small step to connect Satan's "dot" to the "dot" of the Roman System of Paganized Christianity. Once there and convinced, it is easy to make sense of the entire plot to subvert the Commandments of God, and lead as many as possible (everyone except the very "elect" who are prepared through faith and prayer and understanding) as to Satan's designed plan which includes the grand finale of his to IMPERSONATE Christ and make bold statements which conflict with Scripture. But the deception will be so convincing that the world will be taken in. We might live to see this play out.
The "Time of Trouble" is seemingly near. If President Trump sides with the R.C. Church and allows Her to suggest policy, She will provide the scenario that coincides with President T's Christian idealism to gain a foot-hold of USA's power.
Remember, the R.C. church has polluted the sanctity of God's Law, "changed the Ordinance, and attempted to change times" as well. This is already in the bag. The "chaos" is there to use as a tool, a reason for "returning to God."
Someday, it will become a real crime to write stuff like this! Or is it already?
FAITH in GOD is the KEY to everything in this world.. The EVIL people at the top worship SATAN, and SATAN is an avowed enemy of all mankind, so SATAN uses these rich EVIL people, whose families have been EVIL for centuries.. They pass their EVIL down to their children, but GOD is the creator and they have no chance at all in the end.. SATAN knows that and will abandon them all in his time, a lot of them were already abandoned but these EVIL people do not learn anything, they have waited for centuries to have the technology to do what they are doing now, they think technology makes them into GOD LOL, like I said they are deceived by their own EGO and EVIL and SATAN uses them to destroy his avowed enemy all mankind including them..
Thank YOU with deeply deserved heart-sentiment for your service to USA.
Men and women in ages past have certainly braved the "storm" and did their ultimate sacrifices for the good of the nation. But I have noticed that the civilian population is weak in that way, and have become so, by ways of propaganda and the infiltration of "enemy" forces in the education system they attend. The only hope for a recovery to the nation, would be if the armed forces would unite and go to battle with the entity which is even more elusive than that of the NV or Viet Cong. It's a very tough war that ensues these days. The "war" is actually a spiritual one, which is personal for everyone, and is slated by prophecy to take place regarding the worship of either the enemy (Satan) and his false claims and workings, and that of our Savior, Creator, and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. This will be accomplished in time, but it is good to realize the game-plan of our common enemy. The Commandments of God are the target and those which we need to focus our trust, obedience, and reverence upon. The Fourth Commandment is especially targeted for it having within it the "seal" of the Living God.
Thanks, my brother in battle! May God bless you and yours these days!
You are more than Welcome my brother.. We all come from one father we are brothers and sisters whether we want to admit it or not.. The sooner we start acting like that, the better this world will be..
Brother Bill,
When I read words of wisdom gathered by a brother or sister, it strengthens my soul. Thank you, once again!
Yes, it's amazing to ponder our origin, that being the children of one man and woman. But then, sinfulness ravaged society and the Lord had to eliminate the wicked, saving Noah and his family. So we now can assume we come from that one family and its quest to re-populate the earth. What a thing that is to be believed! Without the miraculous upholding of the ark, by the capable hands of strong angels, it too would have perished in such a cataclysmic event! Many minds have struggled with the record, disbelieving it for different reasons, but God cannot lie, and His Word is true.
What I find to be most assuring is that the geological record is chalked full of hard evidence in support of a w.w. flood. And this is (just recently) being brought to light by a "flood" of professionals in their varied but associated fields of discipline.
Without condemning hearts, they point out the unreasonableness, even the impossibilities of that which is propounded by the secular doubters. This, coupled with unassociated fields of study, such as cosmology, biology, and zoology among many others, have united to form an unassailable front for those minds which persist in obstinate resistance to obvious truth.
Preaching to the choir, again, I hope these words will inspire certain others to investigate and see, and taste for themselves if all this is true or not. Coercion is not to be implemented here in the slightest. God will not approve, but He certainly will support truth as it can be deduced by "real" science, not propaganda, false science, or the lies which have been foisted upon (especially) the younger generations.
Have a blessed day!
Yours in the Battle of battles for the souls of mankind,
Feeling is mutual... We all have to remember if we are talking about issues currently and how man, MSM, EVIL ELITE who control all that, they hide in the background like the puppet masters they are.. They have LIED to us for centuries about all the happenings and causes of world events, wars and enemies who were not enemies, and good people who they said were bad, and bad people who they said were good, so we have been deceived on worldly things, like we are being LIED to now.. So you know these same EVIL people who have LIED about worldly things, have surely LIED and mislead on spiritual things.. We have to dig for TRUTH, it will never be given to us by the world and its EVIL people.. GOD is all around us in everything we see, in that moment of enlightenment that we either do not notice, or we do.. The air has a molecule to keep the air clean, who put it there. The lungs have three lobes on the right side, but only two on the left side, why the difference, because the heart is on the left side, who had the wisdom and knowledge to know that before making life in the body, its not something you can figure out after LOL, like man does.. The heart pump's billions of times in our lifetime, where does the power come from for the pump called the heart, so just a few examples of the millions. We must keep the qualities that GOD would want us to keep in this wicked world, so we are not changed by the wickedness of the world..
Hello again, brother Bill,
Great to hear your words of wisdom! There's a whole lot to agree with and elaborate on, but I think we both know we're on the same page. However, what I like to inject whenever possible, is the culprit agency behind the scenes, which has done a marvelous job of infiltrating, subverting and creating chaos in every field of applicable importance to their cause. After all, it would seem quite silly to believe that such chaos is good for mankind as a species. Unless, of course, there is sound motive for such. It is no speculation of mine to clearly point to the Jesuit Order, a Secret Society of the Roman System of Religion (Catholicism). Their motive and means to obtain it is right there boldly written in their "Extreme Oath of Induction." And they have been thus far successful in their achievement to infiltrate and corrupt. Why?
Because it is a very effective (but lengthy) plan in which "She" designs to rule the ecclesiastical world, (again) this time using the muscle of the USA. Believe it!
The Jesuit Order rules the entire world, in a very direct sense. She lords her position over all the other subservient Secret Societies. She is a military Order.
Knowing this, gives a person a slight advantage. It provides forewarning as to the designs of the Church, so we can brace against it. I can only imagine how senseless this must seem to the average voter. But for those who trust the Bible, it's only a small step to connect Satan's "dot" to the "dot" of the Roman System of Paganized Christianity. Once there and convinced, it is easy to make sense of the entire plot to subvert the Commandments of God, and lead as many as possible (everyone except the very "elect" who are prepared through faith and prayer and understanding) as to Satan's designed plan which includes the grand finale of his to IMPERSONATE Christ and make bold statements which conflict with Scripture. But the deception will be so convincing that the world will be taken in. We might live to see this play out.
The "Time of Trouble" is seemingly near. If President Trump sides with the R.C. Church and allows Her to suggest policy, She will provide the scenario that coincides with President T's Christian idealism to gain a foot-hold of USA's power.
Remember, the R.C. church has polluted the sanctity of God's Law, "changed the Ordinance, and attempted to change times" as well. This is already in the bag. The "chaos" is there to use as a tool, a reason for "returning to God."
Someday, it will become a real crime to write stuff like this! Or is it already?
FAITH in GOD is the KEY to everything in this world.. The EVIL people at the top worship SATAN, and SATAN is an avowed enemy of all mankind, so SATAN uses these rich EVIL people, whose families have been EVIL for centuries.. They pass their EVIL down to their children, but GOD is the creator and they have no chance at all in the end.. SATAN knows that and will abandon them all in his time, a lot of them were already abandoned but these EVIL people do not learn anything, they have waited for centuries to have the technology to do what they are doing now, they think technology makes them into GOD LOL, like I said they are deceived by their own EGO and EVIL and SATAN uses them to destroy his avowed enemy all mankind including them..