Now you know why the Rotary has as its major fundraising project the elimination of polio—because it gives to the WHO and BMGF gives to Rotary. Rotary is #8, having received about $1.3 BILLION from the BMGF. (Which is now called the GF.)
Go down to #48 and see that BMGF has given a quarter billion to the WHO office in Pakistan, separate from its other WHO donations. And another $319 million to the WHO office in Nigeria.
BMGF has given nearly $5 BILLION to the GAVI Alliance, and then GAVI gives to the WHO. But scroll down to #12 and you see another $1.14 Billion went to the GAVI Campaign.
I think Billy Gates bought himself a lot of influence on the cheap.
In August 2021, my father died from an auto accident on his way to a Rotary meeting. There was a bunch of Polio project Rotary material in his car (and a bunch more I found as I cleaned out the office in his condo as executor). Ever since November 2021, when I first realized I had been injured by the Covid vaccine (DVT & PE hospitalization after my 2nd Phizer shot in 1/21), I've always suspected that Big Pharma was shoveling money to Rotary clubs to propagandize their members into supporting the greater "Vaccine project." Genius, in a sinister way, to get "buy in" from small business leaders across our country.
Like I have said for years.......501 Cs must be ended. They have become a tax shelter for the rich while stealing our freedom. Any organization that is truly doing good charitable work will have no problem raising money. We are taxed so much so the 501 Cs aren't taxed so giving is difficult. If we had that money in our pocket many would be more than willing to support good works.