In August 2021, my father died from an auto accident on his way to a Rotary meeting. There was a bunch of Polio project Rotary material in his car (and a bunch more I found as I cleaned out the office in his condo as executor). Ever since November 2021, when I first realized I had been injured by the Covid vaccine (DVT & PE hospitalization after my 2nd Phizer shot in 1/21), I've always suspected that Big Pharma was shoveling money to Rotary clubs to propagandize their members into supporting the greater "Vaccine project." Genius, in a sinister way, to get "buy in" from small business leaders across our country.

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Gates true talent is a monopolist. He’s very good at what he does. We need to keep a spotlight on him at all times. He’s got to be exposed for all his practices.

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Hes' also an excellent psycho.

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The frustrating part is most people seem to believe that he is a generous, good hearted philanthropist whereas everything he does is self-serving

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Finding an effective source to expose him is tricky because he deviously funds' both left and right media. We can talk among ourselves on substack but who amongst us has any power?

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We have the power to know and believe the truth and try to enlighten those around us. Don’t underestimate that 😊

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He has been fully exposed and is facing accountability.

All eyes OFF this criminal except at his sentencing.

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Is anything really going to happen to him?

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I have seen evidence that this has been an on going long game for at least 40 years. It has been done with little tweaks here and there to align the world for the big push of 20-24 and who knows what else is in their bag of tricks. Government offices had to be aligned, medical groups aligned, big pharma had a big part to play, the government parties had to be bought and media had to be convinced to change from investigative to propaganda jounalism,

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Your father unfortunately was lost. Rotary is a criminal enterprise.

Those who took the Quax knew exactly nothing about health.

Thank the Medical Cartel and their bosses Big P.

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Like I have said for years.......501 Cs must be ended. They have become a tax shelter for the rich while stealing our freedom. Any organization that is truly doing good charitable work will have no problem raising money. We are taxed so much so the 501 Cs aren't taxed so giving is difficult. If we had that money in our pocket many would be more than willing to support good works.

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There are quite a few 501/c/3's doing important constructive work, including Dr. Nass' (https://doortofreedom.org/) I support them to the extent I can, and I hope you will too. The tax deduction is helpful.

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Plenty of good people doing good things under 501C designations... but yes - we need to put these NGOs and GONGOs (govt-organized non-governmental organizations - what a plot twist!) under the spotlight of absolute transparency.

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Dr. Nass, I know that your expulsion from mainstream medicine has been painful! but it is almost, and I am reluctant to say this, a gift. A gift to the world. You are so fiery and so thorough in your exposing of medical fraud, Covid and beyond...you are giving us a gift that you might not have been able to give had all this tragedy not happened to you. I am so grateful for your work.

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WHO director: “only 30% of the WHO’s budget comes from predictable funds, for the other 70%, i have to go around hat in hand and the people giving me the money determine how we use it.”

Im paraphrasing that, but this is why they are so corrupted and why people like common core godfather Bill Gates can inject pedophilia from 0-4 year olds into school curriculums via the WHO’s hooks into the counties that they run with: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/demons-disguised-as-guardians-philanthropic

This “organization” / psychopath playground needs to be burned at the stake immediately

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Truth is simple!. This is why the truth has always been hidden. There would be no more money for foundations, if cures were found. HONEST research is not being done..., or cures would have materialized with all the billions provided by gullible folks. I couldn't wait for answers...so I found cures to all the problems I faced by following what Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, taught 2500 years ago. "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." He also prescribed a healthy lifestyle. Too simple, it won't put money into any deep pockets.

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Bingo! When I've been asked while checking out at stores if I'd like to "round up for a cure for (fill in the blank) I always say NO and use that opportunity to say to the cashier (and anyone listening) that if I could"round up " to fund research on WHY people are sick and how to prevent illnesses, I would.

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My mother use to say….you can pay the grocer or pay the doctor. Thankfully, my parents provided lots of home grown vegetables and meat for consumption.

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Barbara awesome statement.. Do you have any additional life style info or links you could share?

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For 64 years I have been doing my own research. It started, when i found out... the pediatrician's advice and treatments nearly killed my first child. I'm writing a free substack, just to share what I've learned ...It's entitled Journey to Wellness. .barbaracharis.substack.com

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It's just a list, but it tells us such a lot. Corruption at its finest.

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Great reporting. Thanks Meryl for keeping an eye on where the cockroaches are hiding.

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I know how I feel about pretty much every Democrat in the Congress. But I also worry about compromised members of the GOP.

"Here’s a Full List of Congressional Republicans Funded by Gates"


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Thank you for this informative list. You are a GEM and loved by so many of us.

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Gates is behind so much; he has the money to pull the strings, and he does so gleefully.

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No surprises of the old saying "Whose up who and who's paying"

They are all in bed together and have been for a long time.

Becareful too of Bitcoin etc. If it is a non-fungible you are in deep shite! It drops in rate you lose. But the losses are going into the pockets of those ferals and when it goes back up again - guess who just got richer - not you!

Sell at the highest and buy something else - I reckon maybe gold, silver or platinum or even land or gems. In time all of these will be an asset that can be used by you and not them.

I am not a finance person, I go by my heart, what I see, and what the Lord says is the right move.

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Gates has given so much money to the UN and WHO he’s been given the sames rights as countries. How distirbing is that. That’s even worse than what the rockefellers did

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BMGF and gavi are twin horror shows.

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I hope the recipients understand that Gates's "largesse" is increasingly a poison chalice reputation-wise. That's because more and more people know about the horrors Gates has inflicted on innocents in the Third World, more and more understanding that this "philanthropist" hates humanity.

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