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Bobby Kennedy's new book (out next month) is a sizzler regarding our very modern history. Robert Malone has written an excellent book review, so I am merely reproducing it here.
© 2024 Meryl Nass
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We would be lucky to have such a President.
What are we going to do about 'it'?
We're going outside and plant a garden. We're going to remind, even those who despise us and spitefully use us, that we are all afforded grace and hope, that each of us, aligned with divine purpose, are so very necessary.
By the grace of God the malevolent power that has corrupted so many never considered me worth corrupting.
We are all family. Our Father so desires that we were one, in Him.
When you are forced to move into your pod in the 15min ghetto, you won't be able to enjoy gardening.
Haha. Right? The time spoken of in Revelation may well be upon us.
Almost certain that it is:
This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose:
"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state.."
Yeah !
I don't want to hear anything this angry and violent man has to say. What do I mean by violent? A 25 million dollar lawsuit against good freedom fighters is violence. I'd like to have a review by a normal, good hearted person.
You are talking about Robert Malone not RFKjr, explain yourself, we can't read your mind, you know.
Okay. Firstly I love RFK, Jr. So I was busy trying not to tell a whole long tale of how Malone has had a good chance to mend his ways and solve the issue he has with the wonderful people he is suing. Dr. Paul Alexander has pleaded with Malone to solve his, as far as I believe, manufactured grievances, peacefully, and still the attack goes on. There was a video, which I can't find, with Malone saying how he really likes to sue people. Do we really need this man around?
By all rational measure, Robert Malone has done an incredible job in revealing the truth about the evil monsters who are running things in the West. His appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast was epic and blew the whole Covid scam Plandemic right out into the open for 100's of millions of people who were still in the dark.
He is one person with the credentials needed to appear as he has on popular shows like Bannon's and Jimmy Dore debunking the Covid liars. So you are saying he isn't perfect. Why aren't you talking about people of pure evil like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, still even most Republican politicians? That's where your outrage should be directed. Not at Robert Malone.
I agree with you, Kathy!
What freedom fighters are you talking about? Don't make wild statements without some evidence, not even explaining what the hell you are talking about..
The legal complaint is here and includes America Out Loud and Dr. Jane Ruby along with Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger.
Why should I waste my time with that when real murderous monsters are out there trying to kill most of us? There are priorities you know.
Because we don't know who is on our side, who is controlled, who is compromised. That's why we have to stay vigilant.
Malone lost me when he sued Breggin. This is because that forced me to look at what Breggin was saying, which in turn forced me to look at what Desmet was saying since so much of the disagreement is over what Desmet says. Bottom line is that Breggin is spot-on with regard to Desmet, and if Malone doesn't like it he can refute it. Malone doesn't like it so instead of refuting it and letting it go, he sues Breggin et al.
Something is terribly wrong when a prominent person in the resistance attacks, through a lawsuit, the very person who had been attacking the pharmaceutical/industrial complex probably since Malone was in diapers. What's wrong with this picture?
Well I can't speak to that, since I've never studied the Breggin thing, since it looks like nitpicking, small potatoes to me. Malone's appearance on Joe Rogan WAS significant, far, far beyond this Breggin minute detail.
And as for "who is controlled, who is compromised", a much more important part of that problem is the people who are constantly finding ways to throw shade on someone like say RFKjr. One fellow was attacking Jimmy Dore because he said some bad things about George Washington once. And Vivek Ramaswamy because the WEF claimed (and lied) that he was YGL. And Pierre Poilievre because he once had a kind word for the WEF. I'm sure many of these critics are CIA sockpuppets. A classic CIA "Poisoning the Well" & Character Assassination strategy. You have to consider that Breggin may be one of the bad guys.
In balance Malone has done far more for the cause of freedom then this Breggin fellow, whom I've never even heard of until these comments. You see that's how the CIA/Establishment operates - you have two guys, both are anti-establishment in one way or another. Numerically guy A has a 100 point factor in bad public influence (from their perspective). While guy B has a 1 point factor. If you can use guy B to undermine guy A's credibility, you are ahead by 99 points. That's exactly how they operate.
"You have to consider that Breggin may be one of the bad guys."
You can't be serious. Maybe you should study "the Breggin thing."
The Breggins always strike at the heart of what's happening: the trampling of individual self-determination, worth, and freedom. They never, ever go into the blame game of "we did it to ourselves." They understand who the predators are, and these predators have allies and people they've compromised or who are unwittingly working for them, or wittingly, but turning a blind eye because of the rewards for compliance.
He is suing the Dr.’s Breggins for $25 million.
You’re quick to judge and this is the kind of hatred that is pushed towards Trump they take one thing and it’s blown out of proportion by the media and then you hate the person, let’s try to be kind give them the benefit of the doubt. Until we know both sides of the story we cannot make those judgment calls.
Yes, that is a favorite tactic of the CIA and their ilk, dig up some dirt or one questionable action or opinion on their target, take it out of context and inflate it by a millionX. Character assassination, if actual assassination is too extreme (as they did to his father & uncle).
Fact is you can dig up dirt on everyone and anyone, if you demand saints & angels as your candidates you will have nobody running but thieves, crooks and liars, which is what most of the current crop of politicians are.
Both sides of the story are out there, both in legal documents and in the responses of both parties. It's no mystery.
In short: Desmet provides cover for globalists by asserting that there was no conspiracy during Covid, although he does this in a doublespeak manner that makes it appear that he says there is indeed manipulation (but ... it's an impersonal "steering." Read his book!) Malone promotes Desmet. Breggin says wait a minute, Desmet is talking nonsense. Malone says no he's not, and shut up. Breggin says I won't shut up. So Malone sues for $25 million because he disagrees with Breggin and doesn't like it that Breggin attacks someone-- Desmet-- whom Malone supports.
Many have noticed the insidious nature of Desmet's philosophy, although he talks a good game in interviews. Some of us have tried to stop the spread of his wildly misconceived psychology that blames Covid response in essence on we, the people, because we're mechanistic thinkers. Yet he's trying to slide his philosophy past us so will tentatively admit that there was a "conspiracy" but beware: what Desmet giveth, he taketh on the other hand so that his major premise stands: there really was no overarching conspiracy. That's the entire theme of his chapter 8.
It's simple: drop the lawsuit. Breggin disagrees with you. So what? What's the real motivation for the lawsuit, and who is Robert Malone? Is Malone doing the bidding of the pharmaceutical industry by suing Breggin? Absolutely he is, whether intentionally or not, and therein lies the crux of the issue.
This lawsuit has created all kinds of havoc in the medical freedom movement. If you had been following this you would know that.
The nasty things that preceded it also caused much havoc.
I’m sure RFK Jr’s book is excellent. Dr. Malone might have taken the route of trying to settle his differences with the Breggins peacefully instead of a humongous lawsuit. If he cared about the medical freedom movement this would have been so much better.
He did try.
He tried and tried and tried, in fact...
It’s an argument over whether Desmet’s theory is correct. $25 million is a bit steep for this don’t you think? Why didn’t Matthias Desmet sue? It seems that Dr. Malone doesn’t like to be confronted.
Who knows, maybe Breggins stole his girlfriend back in their college days and he has had a hard-on for him ever since.
Quite right!
As I suspected, and as you have described, this is another case in which the details are not so damming as Kathy M. claims. Which is the norm, not the exception in these cases. When someone is truly evil, there will be a long trail of evil deeds following them everywhere, and you will find that with most of the politicians who now are just paid minions of the Global Overlords. That is where the focus needs to be.
Isn't a more reasonable question: "What does Malone seek to gain?!"
I disagree, in a broad sense, with Dr Malone’s last statement: “the enemy, the face of creeping globalized utilitarian evil, and it is us.”
I can see how even those of us who have stood up for truth, tried to warn anyone who would listen about the lies of the last three years, started walking away years ago from what was the status quo rhetoric about government, etc, have participated in some ways with convenience driven, cultural normified (fill in the blank), etc, etc.
No, WE are not “the enemy”, nor are WE “the face of creeping globalized utilitarian evil”. Maybe ignorant. Maybe unwitting participants. Maybe even lazy, fat Americans in some sense. But this evil didn’t ORIGINATE with us. And the majority of those who will read RFK’s book are part of the “choir”, so my guess is they aren’t the ones purposefully moving these evil agendas forward.
Maybe I’ve misunderstood his meaning. It wouldn’t be the first time!🙃
It is and it isn't our fault. We allowed our government to attack country after country and steal their resources for over 125 years, sometimes with stealth and other times with armies. Our media lied and we accepted the happy talk--we looked away. And it was almost a foregone conclusion that eventually the planners of this model would come after us, too. Like Ukraine--Americans are not lining up and protesting this current evil. Jeff Childers (Coffee and COVID) called it our ashtray today. Still, few realize that this is a class war and all the proles around the world should be on the same side.
I'm giving his a "like" because I see a theme playing out, and it's the theme that "it's really all our own fault."
This is the central theme of Desmet's book.
Yeah. I mean, we can all take some responsibility for being ignorant or apathetic. I agree. But it’s still a bridge too far to call Every. Single. Person. (?) “the enemy”. Who would that leave us to be “the enemy” of? Who is our adversary then?!
Thanks for your reply!👍🏼
The real enemy we should assume is sophisticated in psychological warfare and has certain people it can use to further its ends-- people who may be basically good people but are compromised or have made some bad decisions, or maybe they're being blackmailed or threatened. We might know them by their deeds.
The real enemy is of course monitoring what we say and deciding how what we think can be manipulated toward its ends and is using its assets (including people) to try to nudge us in the direction it wants.
Malone. Seems like a great guy, but Dr. Paul Alexander (IF YOU CAN STAND HIS SHOUTING) has some legitimate questions, and the fact that Malone is suing Breggin is scoring a point for team Reset, pure and simple. After all, Breggin was one of the first to expose the new world order workings during Covid-- Breggin, not Malone.
RFK, Jr.-- great guy! I want to believe him. But his fanatical support of the pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe is a huge red flag, and this pseudoscience is the greatest emergency ever, requiring drastic means to save the planet from tipping points and followed by virtually every Democrat out there. Very dangerous, in my opinion, unless he renounces that pseudoscience, which he shows zero inclination to do. So the huge question for me is: why is such a smart man who can see so far into the corruption of medical science so completely blind to the corruption of climate science? Makes no sense.
Some people I have no doubts about as fighting the good fight: Dr. Nass, Drs. Marik and Kory, the Breggins, James Corbett, and many, many others.
I've written quite a bit about Desmet on my own substack and I see him as someone being used to promote the narrative of "Covid response was really all our own fault" and the corollary, "there was no conspiracy." I have nothing but hard core contempt for his psychology and this is because I've looked at it in depth. It's very easy to understand what Desmet is saying if we read his book; his interviews are seductive and slippery. In my view, something is very wrong with anyone actively promoting Desmet (as Malone does) and Breggin was spot-on to call Desmet out. The dispute over Desmet's views are of course a central part of the lawsuit against Breggin.
So I have suspicions about very few people: Desmet, there's no suspicion at all: I despise what he's saying. Malone I no longer trust. Yes he writes some good stuff but I no longer trust him. And RFK, Jr., I simply don't know, but I'm suspicious.
RFK says he would mandate vaccines if they were proven safe and effective. That's quite a problem for me and anyone who is pro body autonomy.
Peggy Hall has a great video analyzing RFK's positions here:
Good call. I highly doubt RFK Jr will be our savior, as so many hope. Instead if he gets in he might be exactly the person the new world order wants in, because the next great emergency is, of course, catastrophic climate change, which pseudoscience RFK Jr wholeheartedly supports.
Beam me up, Scotty. I've seen enough.
RFK a puppet of the powers that should not be, and of the Israeli lobby.
Malone is a shield.
All this is waste of time.
Empower yourself and watch "End of covid" and join the movement.
I really appreciate your analysis of the questionable players. I wasn’t willing to read Desmet’s stuff to figure out what I think about the Malone/Breggin deal. I have laundry to do. But I’m grateful you were willing and freely shared your thoughts.
Once all that started, I backed off some from Malone too. I totally agree with your conclusions about him. I’d never heard of the Breggins before all this, so they were non-issues to me. I also agree with you on your questions about RFKjr getting climate issues wrong! “C’mon son!” And just by the way, I also don’t get “protect the children from pharma’s agendas that kill and harm children”, but falling on the wrong side of the abortion (depopulation) agenda!? Ultimate harm to children!!!??? Doesn’t add up.
I also agree about your analysis of “the enemy”. Which means Malone is off saying WE are the enemy. (Surely he didn’t write that book review to the relative minority who are active players for the evil agenda?!). I would also go a step further and say Satan is the true enemy.
I’ll check out your substack! Thanks for your insights! Very helpful and confirming!😊👍🏼
How many dutifully rolled over for 9/11 and mindlessly believed the ridiculous narrative they concocted for what was obviously a CIA operation?
Right. But my point was, it’s a stretch to say, with no qualifiers, that WE are the “face of creeping globalized, utilitarian evil”. If he means those who dutifully rolled over, he should’ve said so.
Thank you so much for the peek Dr. Nass...I gave my copy of "Fauci" to a friend and never got it back...but this seems to me seminally important....I will get on the pre-order list.
At last, some truth...And those who do not want to fund war, either kinetic or biological, get whacked don't they? Since at least Nov. 23, 1963
I am shocked (I guess I shouldn’t be) at how the lame stream media is depicting RFK a wacko just because it doesn’t fit their control narrative. I am glad that someone is telling the truth, I think Trump was lied to very often to keep him in the dark - looking like his own category of wacko.
I also find they do that to Main line their pick for Office. And then their puppet gets installed not voted in.
Glad he is willing to release this before the primary!
Thank you Meryl, for reprinting Robert Malone's review of RFK Jr.'s new book. I so appreciate your willingness to add your support wherever you are seeing it needed. Adding energy and support for Bobby's presidential candidacy is so important and I am grateful that so many of you Truth Lions are moving in behind him and moving his profile up into a place where he cannot be ignored.
I burned all my bridges trying to get through to friends and family about Covid issues. With one exception I’m persona non grata. I continue to educate myself and share articles and information on social media I find credible but it feels like preaching to the choir. What am I going to do about it, you ask? I don’t know.
Keep smiling. Make new friends. They will figure it out eventually.
Thank you, Meryl.
John. I understand. It can be a very lonely world when there is no one else riding in the same boat that you and I are.
Thank you, Diane.
Try harder. Be smarter. Better arguments. Try to nudge them along slowly. Be persistent.
Dear Dr. Nass,
Thank you for tirelessly working for our freedom and justice by featuring not only your own comprehensive Medical-Gov research, but also that of other truth promoting peers.
Please consider teaming up with Patrick Wood of Technocracy News to record a class on Citizenry research and how to effectively speak truth to power. Aligned minds are force multipliers.
God bless you and the freedom cause.
Good idea. Love Patrick--he did a talk for the Attack on Farming and Food symposium I produced in March.
This is Key:
"It has been estimated that total Federal expenditures on biowarfare research and development from the end of WW II through to the implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (1975) exceeded the costs of the US Nuclear Warfare program during this period, and this biowarfare program (and funding stream) is intimately linked to academia."
Loved the review, so well written, up until the point he states "we have seen the enemy and it is us."
There Dr. Malone goes again, blaming the citizens for the homicidal urges of the powers that be. Did any of us read about Operation Paperclip in High School or College? Know about Ft. Detrick and the experimentation there? the RAT lines? Psychotronic weapons? Read about them years ago in the newspapers? I doubt it. Without proper information and comprehension, there is no logical basis for moral action. That mass psychoses theory needs a soak, wash, rinse and do not repeat.
Agreed we need a vigorous response. Dr. Malone is correct about this. But the response needs to be properly informed. And that's why this book is so important. Mr. Kennedy is giving needed factual information and epigenetic history of the origins of the present medical misery. Can't wait to read it.
There's something insidious about the mass formation hypothesis, and passing strange that someone would sue another someone for pointing that out.
Psychological methods and techniques that bypass the consent or free will of human beings can rightfully be called "non-touch torture." Think the subliminal messages in movie theatres of the 50's that would flash "POPCORN" at intermission and people then running towards the snack counter to buy it, not knowing why. During Covid, Mainstream Media is the theatre and we are the moviegoers and the DOD and Pharma with Bankers are putting forth the message "Get the shot or die" and "Be very, very afraid." So maybe we were never supposed to pull back the curtain to see all the what's and who's behind it.
Yes, totally agree.
I will be interested to see how the book lines up with findings published by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt in their respective Substacks...
Nicely I think--I have read it.
Excellent! I appreciate the feedback...
RFK isn't telling the truth about COnVID.
Leaders of the "No Virus" team have had many private correspondences with him. He knows that there are no such things as viruses... So WHY DOES HE CHOOSE to promote this "lab leak" theory?
We KNOW Bobby is lying, because he's basically admitted such in private emails. Here is one that was sent to a prominent person, whom I cannot identify, but I can vouch for the authenticity of this.
“I’m grateful for your courage and intellectual integrity. I have an open mind on this issue but no bandwidth to spend the time energy and credibility capital to personally investigate it. I feel the same way towards those people who passionately and knowledgeably argue that 9/11 is an inside job. It could be true. But there are opportunity costs in taking on this cause and I think diminishing returns to my overall effectiveness. I cannot right every wrong or expose every falsehood. I need to be strategic In choosing my battles. If you reflect, you will find that you do the same. I admire and encourage you but I must beg off on this war for the time being. I’m more likely to join if you get it nearer the goal line where the cost/returns ratio improves.” -- RFK Jr (Aug 2022)
The No-Virus theory is a CIA "Poisoning the Well" Psyop.
If viruses don't exist explain why the CIA & US military are spending certainly 10's of $billions on research on viral pathogens in bioweapons labs, many in 25 different foreign countries, 46 in Ukraine alone. Deadly pathogens are transferred under diplomatic cover. Sure going to a lot of trouble & expense for something that doesn't exist. Sure would be REAL HELPFUL to hire shills to spread disinformation such as "Viruses Don't Exist". Sure wouldn't want the public to scrutinize these illegal, expensive and dangerous Frankenstein Science research.
"...UP-4 project became known, which was implemented with the participation of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and was designed for the period up to 2020. Its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza [VIRUS], the mortality rate of which reaches 50 percent for humans, as well as Newcastle disease [VIRUS].
Due to the fact that Ukraine has a unique geographical location where transcontinental migration routes intersect, 145 biological species were studied within the framework of this project. At the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were identified, whose routes pass mainly through the territory of Russia. At the same time, information about migration routes passing through the countries of Eastern Europe was summarized.
Of all the methods developed in the United States to destabilize the epidemiological situation, this is one of the most reckless and irresponsible, since it does not allow to control the further development of the situation. This is confirmed by the course of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, the occurrence and features of which raise many questions. In addition, the R-781 project is interesting, where bats are considered as carriers of potential biological weapons agents [VIRUSES].
Among the priorities identified are the study of bacterial and viral pathogens that can be transmitted from bats to humans: pathogens of plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as coronaviruses and filoviruses [VIRUSES].
The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey.
The analyzed materials on the UP-8 project, aimed at studying the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses [VIRUSES] in Ukraine, clearly refute the US public statement that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists. One of the documents confirms that all serious high-risk studies are conducted under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States.
In addition, the studied materials contain proposals for the expansion of the US military-biological program in Ukraine. Thus, there was evidence of the continuation of completed biological projects UP-2, UP-9, UP-10, aimed at studying the pathogens of anthrax and African swine fever [VIRUS].
The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases. The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats – fleas and ticks from the biolab in Kharkov abroad.
Another example is the German-funded project No. 68727 EN on the study of Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever pathogens and hantaviruses [VIRUSES]. As part of this project, one thousand blood serum samples of citizens from different regions of Ukraine belonging exclusively to the Slavic ethnic group were donated to the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg).
It is highly likely that one of the objectives of the US and its allies is to create bioagents capable of selectively targeting different ethnic populations..."
It's necessary to stage the virus illusion in order to gaslight the population. Biolabs are a jobs program that work to gain wide allegiance for the science fiction story. As a critical thinker who understands the scientific method, you will eventually discover that no virus in the world has been proven to exist. The virus concept was adopted as a Rockefeller allopathic snake-oil profit strategy with the help of Pasteur's false conclusion on communicable diseases.
Another one, they're coming out of the woodwork. CIA has a big payroll.
Dr. Paul Cottrell lambasts "no-virus" theories and shows actual pictures of the SARS-COV-2 virus:
Vodka Wars Ep29 (Absolute proof Dr. Ardis is WRONG. SARS-COV-2 photos) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
Vodka Wars Ep12 (Bioweapon labs in Ukraine and the USA spin) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
Bioweapons Labs are a jobs program to validate the virus theory and gain wide support for the church of virology, however bioweapons don't need to be viruses. The labs are more likely working on a deadly vaccine or toxin. There is no evidence that the so-called virus actually killed very many people, anyway - even if it existed All the deaths before the bioweapon vaccine were due to many layers of collateral damage, - So where's the virus? -
Yeah so I guess China was just having some fun with pretend viruses, spending $millions on a secret lab in California. How much does the CIA pay you guys?
Secret Chinese Biolab Raided In CA: 'HIV, COVID, Hepatitis' | Breaking Points:
Exosomes are confused as viruses. Microscopes allow the viewer to see what they want to believe -
When are you NO-VIRUS GRIFTERS going to grow a pair and volunteer to go to an Ebola infected African region? Prove your beliefs and treat & supply care to Ebola victims, but unlike any of the other staff, no gloves, no moon suit. Should be easy, it is largely a virus that transmits through bodily fluids, so it should be no problem. Just think what a heroic deed. You'll impress the hell out of all those medical personal. Show them how to do it.
All these Africans who run for their lives when they see an Ebola infected person wandering the streets. All for Nada. Just show them the truth. "There is no virus folks, relax, don't worry. I'll grab this Ebola infected person, give her a kiss & a hug, tell her she's fine, she just needs supplements, fresh water, fresh air. Cured." That will save $billions in unnecessary expenditure on Ebola/Marburg class epidemics.
>The No-Virus theory is a CIA "Poisoning the Well" Psyop.
We are not promoting any "theory". We are REFUTING the FALSE "Germ" Hypothesis, which does not have a scrap of empirical evidence to support it. Only CGI Metagonomic Ransom Notes clipped out of DNA fragments of a sample contaminated by foreign DNA.
The truth is a CIA PSYOP! What a LOL!!!
>If viruses don't exist explain why the CIA & US military are spending certainly 10's of $billions on research
Who knows? Money Laundering, most likely.
But here's the deal: neither budget line items nor patents are scientific proof of anything. Just find me 1 paper demonstrating that ANY virus has been isolated using legitimate methods. You can claim 1,5M Euro if you can!
So stop calling people "CIA" for speaking the truth.
Either PUT UP... show us 1 legit scientific paper proving virus isolation, and claim your 1.5M€, ... or SHUT UP.
This is a good start
Might I suggest you study it, then read some of the 200+ references?
Virology is fraud. The only way to understand it is to sit and study viruses yourself.
Yeah, how about you answer all the devastating facts I just showed you instead, instead of evasion. No-virus theories are CIA disinformation, "yep, we're innocent, we don't spend $billions on deadly pathogens, because there is no viruses, no siree, not us, we're the good guys, yep". Do they give you cookies as a reward for doing a good job?
Twisted logic.
Bacteria - yes (read up on Lyme disease)
Virus - farcical lie
Read the document. They are almost entirely working on deadly viruses not bacteria.
Are you able to read and critically evaluate peer reviewed papers? If yes, you need to scrutinise the methodology section. Else you remain fooled. Good luck.
It appears Bobby's book will continue to gaslight the public on the existence of viruses. We need him to promote the truth that no virus in the world has been proven to exist. I bet that's not in the book. What we need is a massive awakening that viruses are nothing but a Rockefeller allopathic snake-oil profit strategy with the help of Pasteur's false conclusion on communicable diseases. Now the US military is involved in mass murder - an "operation democide" to depopulate the US.
Dr Malone's teaser review concludes that 'we' are the enemy, 'part of the creeping, globalized, utilitarian evil'. In some sense, yes. In many senses, no. It's a curiously wonky conclusion.
For myself, I am a citizen who has had no involvement whatsoever in 'deep corruption of medical-biological research, medical ethics, and the entire western “health” enterprise which has occurred over the last century'. Furthermore, as a bog-standard citizen I had naively hoped that a few of those up to their necks in this cesspit might have blown the whistle on this Dr Strangelove BS in a more timely fashion. But no, it's 'me' as Walmart citizen who has to wake up from my selfish coma and resolve the issue, and I should probably give myself a brutal beating for my woeful inattention to developments around those Disney Deathstar Sciences while I'm about it? Time we pitifully ordinary folk got our act together; now it's up to us to do the heavy lifting. Of course, it is. You've made it so clear to me. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
I am aware (dimly) of Dr Malone's own hero's journey from somewhere pretty adjacent to the myocardium of the Beast to the cramped bridge of the Millennium Falcon. In his review here he takes a moment to mention another luminary of the recent past. He quotes 'Yeates'' work 'Second Coming'. The poet's name is in reality Yeats (since corrected) and the title of the poem is 'The Second Coming'. As I say, the bridge is a tight squeeze.
Perhaps a clean sweep is due. After all, the plucky vessel and its motley crew should be viewed with incredible caution: is it the really the Millennium Falcon or actually a lifeboat pulling away from the doomed Titanic with more than a few falsetto survivors aboard recently crammed into sparkly crinolines?
What do I think we 'the culpable' should do? Raze the stables to the ground of course. A performative mucking out by well-meaning amateurs will achieve nothing. As per usual. See Operation Paperclip.
"we can see the enemy, the face of creeping globalized utilitarian evil, and it is us." WRONG conclusion! it is the corporate globalist agenda, WHO, CDC, FDA, et. al. Don't put that blame on us.
Malone is a tentacle of the globalists. He's a shield for them.
His family history and those of his wife, plus his career history tell us all we need to know.