My goodness...imagine if a man of such honesty and integrity won the election and stepped into The White House!!...wouldn’t that just turn the world on its head?!! Cheering on the amazing and very brilliant Robert F Kennedy Jr!...God bless him and keep him and fill him to overflowing with strength, courage, wisdom and discernment.

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Mr. Kennedy isn't flying over one good target; he's flying over 100. That's why they want to take him out as soon as possible. This AP hatchet job tells us all we need to know about the true colors of our "fair and balanced" "watchdog" press.


It would be so uplifting to see him get some momentum and do well.

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I'm, an independent, 100% for the man, domestically and internationally.

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I love and respect RFKJr and all his amazing work BUT I just can’t stomach the Democratic Party!!

I know he’s is a great leader-a true professional and hard working.

I’m not sure I could vote on that ticket ever again. I’m torn…anyone else feel this way too?

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Dear Meryl. Love your posts etc. You really are doing a great job.

Kind regards,


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I'm going! I'm from Baahston

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We've been played by the Bush and been traumatized by the Clinton, Obama and now 10% Joe. I didn't realized the deep state until Trump got to DC. Big Pharma lobbyists spend 2x more than the NRA and oil. The 3 letters agencies have been captured .. the D took over school to indoctrinate, media to spread propaganda, Hollywood as their influencers. RFK jr needs to reverse the patriot act, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 Fast forward to 2012 under Obama, dismantle cia and fbi and defund all agencies. Stop funding Ukraine, bring jobs back to US. Break up big techs, uphold our constitution, return school back to the state, promote home schools, no vax mandate for a child to go to school. Take away 1986 waiver away. Charge the Biden Inc Cartel, Fauxi, Gate, Soros. audit the federal reserve, get out of the WHO, NATO and the UN, no mail in voting ballots and NO more wars! Then I'll consider to vote for RFK jr.

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Ive followed RFKJr pretty closely for 3 years now. He is genuine, doesnt expect to “win” necessarily but is putting himself in harms way to get the truth out. I hate to even think it but the CIA did away with his uncle and his father and would do it again.. an Independent Desantis/Kennedy ticket might be the first one since Teddy Roosevelt to win the Presidency!

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I will be there!

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Oooooohhh MYY!! NOT that “antivaxxer” RFK Jr! I love the way the Establishment propagandists think the great unwashed public still buys into that Bullcrap like it was 2019 again! Too many people have either been injured or know someone who has been injured by the Trump/Fauci/Biden vax

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Well, if Yahoo threw RFK Jr. and Ron DeSantis together, it’s tantamount to an endorsement for them to run on a Unity ticket. They’d have my vote. Matter of fact, I’m going to contact Yahoo to express my wholehearted appreciation!

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Dear Joanna,

Thank you for signing up to volunteer for our movement to draft Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for President. We are happy to have you on the team!

Check your email soon for an introduction to your volunteer contact and for more info on how you can help!


Team Kennedy



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The 2024 election represents last chance for the BABY BOOMERS, who have enjoyed and endured,, the most passionate, creative awakening in human history to put their final stamp on a GENUINE CANDIDATE with a lifetime devoted to public service and the common good!

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RFKjr opposes war against Russia in Ukraine, wants birds to be able to sing freely in troubled shadows of a formerly free nation called america

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life long republican supporting RFK Jr!

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Nothing about Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's bid for president? As soon as Dr Shiva announced running for US President 2024, 2 days later RFK conveniently decides to run also.

FYI Bobby is also pro-vax...specifically RFK wants ALL Americans fully vaccinated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-har7k6brY&t=2596s (4 min). I'm shocked at the lack of critical thinking here. Hopium is very potent; be careful of overdosing on it.

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