Sorry, love Kennedy on the administrative healthcare state, but that is it. The rest of his ideas are awful. He has nearly single-handedly destroyed hundreds of thousands of families lives with his war against natural resource industries. He is an abortion to the last day dude. He hasn’t seen a govt ‘investment’ he didn’t like, and his son fought in Ukraine. What a mess. Great on vaccines though.

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He also is anti-second amendment. He is NOT a good pick.

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I say the following as a strong conservative who will not be voting for him. But truth needs to be told.

No he is not. I did lots of research on this and have listened to his interviews. He has NEVER been against 2nd amendment, he has ALWAYS supported it very strongly. Don't believe the propaganda. If you listen to some of his interviews, you will find that he has a lot of conservative views that make sense. He isn't an idiot. A few of his views are still liberal but on the most important issues, he's in alignment with Trump. He has also give us some very important revelations about corruption/crime in govt. He's worth listening to IMHO.

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Not a great student but the irony of this is amazing. JFK has quotes about debate. The family history is replete with tales of dinner table arguments. Training for glory. Yet now we have status and power that is beyond question deliberately squashing democracy at every turn.

Well look how well we are doing with our new regime. The parliament of Canada giving a standing ovation to a decorated Nazi. US changing legislation so they could give weapons to Azov, yeah Nazis. WW3 all queued up and ready to roll like all those war games that predict nuclear holocaust have been proven wrong, by what? AI?

There sure seems a lack of Intelligence in DC these days. What, did the boys dream this up after a night of watching old war movies and smoking crack at the white house? It's like all the old oligarchs got together and decided. Hell if we can't live anymore, everybody has to go!

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My go-to source on the pitfalls of RFK Jr. is Peggy Hall's YouTube! She's one smart, well-educated expert on forced, unlawful, money-based mandates!

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PH has consistently been a grift exposurer and truth teller. She is brilliant.

She has impeccable reasoning skills and shines brightly.

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You’re wrong

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No he isn't wrong. Do some research on him regarding this, I did and found out he's always been very strongly pro-2nd amendment. Lots of lies have been told about him, just like they have been told about Trump. Listen to some of his interviews; I have, lots of them. He has some great ideas, has exposed lots of criminals & corruption in govt. and sides with a lot of conservative values/ideas.

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My go-to source on the pitfalls of RFK Jr. is Peggy Hall's YouTube! She's one smart, well-educated expert on forced, unlawful, money-based mandates!

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It doesn’t matter! Kennedy has a legal Constitutional right to be in the debate and on the ballot. Period. And the two clowns, Drumpf and Byeden, are showing their true ignoramus unAmerican dictatorial colors.

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He did a lot of good in protecting water resources; and, he' proving that he will change his mind when provided sound information. I believe Shanahan is going to open his eyes on many things.

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IMO, Roger Stone is not the best source of info on anything.

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You mean you haven't thoroughly vetted Shanahan on these matters of fact before recommending her?

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I vetted her enough to decide that I recommend her as RFK Jr's VP.

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You cannot believe he chose her for any other reason than her bank account.

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Roger Stone is deep state. I did lots of research on him.

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tis not the messenger, tis the message

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Roger Stone is deep state and a liar. I did a lot of research on him. He shouldn't be listened to.

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Evidence about Shsnahan speaks for itself. It doesn't matter who brought it to your attention. Vet it yourself if you don't believe it. It's on the record.

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Everyone is and should be capable of admitting false beliefs. That is not the issue.

The Question is whether waffling is Presidential. The very fact that these debates about huge issues is ongoing should tell us all we need to know.

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It begs the question, can anyone be elected president on an anti-Zionist platform? Well then why should he try?

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Completely agree with you! He is dangerous with the majority of his beliefs! I do support his anti-vaccine position, but that’s where it ends. Plus he supports the climate change hoax, along with everything else others state. That’s a huge no for us!

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Yes. A huge NO to RFK Jr.'s policies.

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That is an accurate assessment. Most interesting to watch former Dems obfuscate the issues...

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You’ve been misinformed

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Um...but compared to his "competition"...

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His "competition" is so far ahead that he is uncatchable.

What do you think is really going on Leonora? The person asking the best

questions, gets the best answers...

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Competely agree. Consider the documented facts about RFK Jr:


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I'm not sure about that 'natural resource industry' claim, but you're so completely wrong on the abortion thing that I have to assume you're wrong on the rest until proven otherwise.

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Consult the VIDEO from just a couple weeks ago, Benjamin. RFK Jr EXPLICITLY states "It's the woman's decision to have an abortion -- right up until her due date." In a video interview. It's so important for his uninformed "fans" to know this I'll try to find the video for you.

Here's the quote:

“I wouldn’t leave it to the states. My belief is that we should leave it to the woman. We shouldn’t have government involved,” Kennedy said.

“Even if it’s full term?” Steele asked, referring to the possibility of an abortion near the expected delivery date of a child.

“Even if it’s full term,” Kennedy replied."

And here's the link to the video:


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you are creating Cognitive Dissonance in the minds of many... Bravo

However evidence changed no fools mind...

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Dear @Kathleen Taylor,

The abortion issue is not something a state or country should get involved in a big way. If you want to be fair and give medical exemptions then someone has to draw the line and it will never be acceptable to everyone. Prohibition cannot be made fair.

However if you listen to RFK Jr. in those same interviews he wants to promote all possible means to AVOID abortion so that they are not needed. This is a position I wish everyone would have because it would actually reduce the number of abortions that happen.

You see the position that a woman cannot choose inherently makes the assumption that she elected to fall pregnant so she could choose to have a far from pleasant experience. Try to figure out if MEN would accept that they had to loose a kidney if they drank more than two bottles of vodka in one day. No exemptions even if bad people MADE YOU DRINK IT. No choices, no options, no counselling, no warnings, no alcohol free available. You literally want to criminalise WOMEN for something that they absolutely did not want to have happen and the father pays no price. Look for a holistic middle ground that minimises harm instead of maximising violation of freedoms.

You want to put your money where your mouth is, you want to say every conception is precious, then donate EVERY cent you make over the bread line to contraception programs, pic the ones you thing will save those souls BEFORE they are trapped. Doing so would make you a good person, right?

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Thank you for a lovely comment, Kalle.

I view abortion as murder and a form of self-hatred. Birth control is widely available and inexpensive, often free.

I realize that there are many older people on substack who may have been involved in abortions in the decades before details of human gestation and viability before birth became known and widely understood. I don't blame them for something done in an effort to save their reputations and futures in a different era. But we now know each individual has a unique genome.

Today women are fullly aware they can take take simple precautions to avoid conception if they know they do not want a child yet still wish to engage in sexual relations -- if they wish to avoid making a life or death decision for the unique individual they risk creating.

That said, when I see hordes of intentionally ugly, unfeminine, mean, foul-mouthed women carrying vulgar signs demanding abortion rights, I ask myself why I continue to care about them. They don't even care about themselves.

The worst societal impact is upon pre-teen girls who are influenced to believe promiscuous sex for entertainment is a meaningless exercise and the repercussions of an accidental pregnancy can be aborted and do not matter. That's not a healthy societal "value."

Remember, please, when you suggest I spend every cent beyond my needs to "save" these women that men and women who simply pray quietly outside for-profit abortion clinics selling foetal body parts are sitting in jail for their devout effort, prosecuted by the Biden DOJ.

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Guttmacher does the stats for Planned Parenthood. I wish I could attach the graphic, but alas. They admitted in a chart of reasons women choose abortion that 98% of abortion are “elective, for no reason.” The percentages for rape and incest were exceedingly small.

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It is at least this bad, but evidence convinced no fool.

They love to play the rape incest card as if it were the 98% followed by the social justice rant of the day.

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Michelle.

It's a startling and devastating statistic. Even more shocking than I'd imagined. Just a "routine" procedure. So sad.

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Interesting strategic response. When I engage, do not do so as a personal interaction, as much as for the tens of thousands of lurkers.

You have accomplished that consciously or not.

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I am not in favour of abortions, I am even less in favour of government of any stripe dictating health and medical matters as well as what I believe is one of the hardest choices for a spiritually aware person to make. I also believe that people have their own karma to go through and the cost of an abortion would be too high for me but may not register for someone else in this life.

I mostly took exception to you mischaracterising RFK Jr.s views as pro abortion, he is not and you probably understand that well, he is simply pro choice and abortion is one of those hard choices. He believes it should be taken in conjunction with medical consultation. I believe there should be counselling and partners should have a voice though lesser one unless they vote to spend time in jail for abortions. I believe too that it is truly a impossible choice to be made by the mother and her maker.

All my thoughts on the matter however are essentially irrelevant. The point is that it is not the governments business to dictate, it is their business to fix the root causes. Yet they hardly even try and in this I applaud RFK Jr. for promoting the total support for unwanted infants. I don't remember him saying he is in favour of contraception but see no reason he would not be. He is pragmatic and if someone showed him that a million dollars spent in distributing condoms for free would save a life he would probably motivate for it and it would be money well spent.

However the most important thing to take away from this topic is that it has no political solution and is only held in the political sphere to DIVIDE AND MANIPULATE people and swing elections this way or that way as the mainstream media dictates. I cannot believe that 50% of Americans are wrong on the issue in every election cycle but the media will make it so.

This is not a legitimate election issue, there are real problems to solve and if they were solved this issue would become easier to finance and avoid. The same is true of most of the yes no issues.

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Forgive me but I sincerely cannot get past RFK Jr's callous ability to say "Even if it's full term" in the video linked in my earlier post (and again below):

“I wouldn’t leave it [responding to a question about abortion] to the states. My belief is that we should leave it to the woman. We shouldn’t have government involved,” Kennedy said.

“Even if it’s full term?” Steele asked, referring to the possibility of an abortion near the expected delivery date of a child.

“Even if it’s full term,” Kennedy replied."

And here's the link to the video:


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no dearest, spiritual awareness is crystal clear, murder is NOT a choice

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So explain what's wrong with, promoting the total support for unwanted" Jews! Shouldn't elected governments have the right to choose? "For the good of Germany."??? Who are you to judge? Baby killers should be aborted [after a fair trial] just like, not so mass-murdering Nazis!

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A great discussion.

A few more notes, I tried to like your post but SubStack has become progressively worse at accepting likes. (and the CSS crashes on older browsers)

The reason I mentioned your free cash is that birth control is not ALWAYS free and that is a burden I would impose if abortion is not wanted, the stakes are too high to leave any stone unturned.

You say it is self-hatred and that is not relevant, for someone it might be self hatred to carry a rape baby and for some it might be an indifferent act, we cannot know so it cannot be used to judge others, but mostly you would not like to be judged for your moments of self-hatred, it would bee too much like being kicked when you were already on the ground, there must be a better way to gauge motives.

I also agree that society should not promote random sex. I will offer you a parabel in two parts. In Part A if you go shopping for a fire arm you are a potential customer, you may buy a gun, you may load some bullets, you may carry the gun, you may draw the gun, you may point it at someone, you may put your finger on the trigger, you may pull the trigger, you may hit that (or another) person, you may injure or kill that person. There are all the stages of gun ownership and the last point I am not prepared to do, I will reduce my chances of killing someone because I am a pragmatic pacifist and will make choices not to take a life. Now part B basically boils down to if you start flirting, you may hold hand, you may kiss, you may date, you may make out, get into increasingly heavy petting and even have sex, protection is not 100% even if you are careful and try, you may have a baby, you may have to watch your child die horribly (or some other bad thing in life due to conception you do not want to have happen). Basically In the same way if we want to avoid a bad thing and we are not prepared to own it and take responsibility for it we should be adult enough to not take the steps in the direction we do not want to go. Such life lessons are not shared with the youth of today and they would reduce the need abortions and gun control.

Neither Biden nor Trump will heal the land or save the babies. RFK Jr. may save a few more.

Also I don't want you to spend your money, that is your own, what I hope is that you will not promote divisive politics and rather focus on finding solutions to the root of the problem, in this case reducing unwanted conceptions and not prohibiting really hard life choices.

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I'm also prevented from using the "like" feature, otherwise I would have expressed my appreciation for your sensitive remarks.

I especially like your 'parable' about life lessons that should be but are unfortunately not taught to our older children to prepare them for decisions they will likely be faced with in their near future.

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Going off on the silly 1% rape baby tangent to justify 60 million murdered innocent, human, God's babies [some full term, painfully dismembered inutero] Is the same Godless Nazi sickness that [only] killed 6 million un-wanted Jews! How Godless & sick is that? Can

you remember, or relate to, "Thow shall not kill."?

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What about baby killing is so hard for you to comprehend???

Babble fest regarding Social Justice solutions...

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When cornered he said on vid interview that the "choice" full term was the womans.

The fact that you do not know this is evidence that the man is a waffler.

He is also a climatard.

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He's not a waffler, he has the ability to adapt as he gains more information and understanding. I prefer that to those who dig in their heels and double down when they know they're wrong.

It's fine. If you're going to vote for forever wars and pharma supremacy that's your choice.

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The choices you suggest are indication that you read the fake news.

He is a waffler, the very fact that this "discussion" on any major issue is evidence of that fact. Admitting false beliefs is what each day offers to the living. Ask better questions Ben

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Fake news? Trump and Biden both support the financing of the proxy war with Russia and both love pharma and the covid vax. And I didn't ask a question.

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This is great news for free speech and combating censorship!

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Good news, wonder if they go through with the debates?

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That is the million $ question.

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I doubt it will be CNN's decision. Trump and/or Biden will decide.

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What you might ask yourself is how will CNN lob softball questions to JoJo and demonize DJT. Trump knows this and is 4 steps ahead as always...

RFK is not particularly relevant but has shot an irreparable hole in the Dem battleship.

Think he does not know exactly what he has accomplished and why???

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This is good or encouraging news, but it seems to me, there's no way in Hades CNN or the two campaigns are going to allow Kennedy to participate in that debate. Of course, I'd love to be wrong.

A real debate - where the right questions are allowed - and that lasts at least two hours - could be a campaign game changer. Kennedy would win going away with any undecided or neutral viewers. And the debate would pull in record audience numbers.

Of course, many of us would be stunned if Biden - with his ever-worsening dementia - even makes it to the debate.

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If there is a debate, Kennedy needs to bring up the embalmers clots - and ask "Joe Biden" and Trump if they feel responsible for causing these clots in (probably) millions of global citizens. Seventy-two percent of embalmers say they are finding them. (Far more would be found if most funerals weren't now cremations.)


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I really used to like Kennedy, but when I saw who his VP choice was (globalist), I lost my enthusiasm.

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As I suggested above, go view her VP candidate acceptance speech. You obviously did not; or, if you did, you're simply a diehard anti-RFK Jr. spokesperson.

"VP Candidate Nicole Shanahan: Full Speech"


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Looks like you're basing your opinions on one article. Not a good idea and not good for your credibility.

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Great comments, Bill, I agree! However, i think RFK Jr. is a white hat who doesn't plan on being president; I think he's there working with military and is bringing us a lot of truth, also taking votes from Biden. There is a video of someone asking him to touch his nose if JRK Jr. is still alive - he smiles and touches his nose. There's more going on here then we know. Don't forget JFK jr and Trump were best friends and JFK Jr. and RFK Jr were close. Anyway that's just my guess. I love the idea of RFK Jr asking Trump and Biden about the clots - great idea!!!!

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not your comment is other level based on peripheral evidence

You have gone way north of this discussion, Bravo!!

Asking better questions always the way forward.

Questions will be controlled by the "moderator" it is unlikely that any participant will ask any question

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If they're really all in on their candidate (Biden), they should stick to their guns and CNN's entire team should be willing to do the time for campaign finance law violations. If CNN caves and lets Kennedy into the debate, will he be the only one on stage? (Biden in his basement sheltering in place, Trump zooming in from prison?) In any event, letting Kennedy into the debate does not magically enable him to bring up inconvenient facts whenever he wishes, though I think he would be smart about doing so nevertheless. CNN moderators are controlling the debate and asking only questions that will make their guy look good. We've seen how this worked in 2020. Trump ends up debating the moderators (at least there won't be any sneeze screens this time). One would think that having RFK as part of a three way debate would be great for ratings for CNN. Why is it TV shows once they get ideological don't seem to care much about doing things that would support ratings? They're all in the tank for the Dems. That might even include some news outlets on the right (Fox, WSJ).

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You are a fake news Junkie

CNN is the fake news.

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Ray, I agree that even if RFK was allowed to debate that CNN would rig the questions so he had no opportunities to make his best debating points.

Still, RFK, jr's best long-shot chance to stun everyone and win probably hinges on getting into these two debates.

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CNN is the lions den of fake news. DJT did not coin that phrase however he popularized it. Prepare for theatre.

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Agreed! Looks like MSM is doing all it can to sideline RFK Jr. Truly I'd like to hear more from him, he's had some good info to give when I've seen him in some videos.

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It would be a lot funner debate if Kennedy could participate - and push it out to 2 1/2 hours - not 90 minutes!

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Terrific news! I bet Biden drops out.

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I think you're right -- this is going to turn into a pretense for the DNC bosses to change horses in mid-stream.

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I think that Biden will soon drop out but will save face by making it about how his family needs him (Hunter trial etc.) But then the question begs: who will replace him. Kamala?? Noone likes her, not even her own party. Gruesome Newsome?

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Sickening headline in the Guardian above a piece by Emma Brockes about compassion for the Bidens and their tragic son etc etc. Last night I saw a clip from 1991 of Biden in Congress sponsoring a draconian bill that threw millions into jail for possession of FAR less crack cocaine than Hunter Biden was photographed with. Most of them black, of course. Biden is as bad as it gets, a warmongering crook and complete hypocrite.

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The Guardian is the fake news. Expect them to pander to simple minded libs.

We are watching a psyop. Hunter did not check a box? Yup

Not the crime family grifting to the tune of hundreds of millions.

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I bet Biden falls down.

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Poopy pants is being escorted out.

Will Mike Obama or H Clintonista be shoved forward???

Of is RFK the psyop???

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This is good news indeed. No matter if you agree with everything any candidate believes or plans, everyone deserves to be heard and if there's one thing I believe is that RFK Jr is an honest and honorable man. I'm so glad to hear this news and can't wait to hear him.

As someone else said, let's see how fast they try to replace JB.

Thanks for the great news Dr. Nass.

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That is not true, because there are far too many everyones.

There must be qualifications to get on the fake CNN stage.

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CNN and a drug cocktail could have possibly helped Biden against Trump . But not Trump and Kennedy.

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Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead, for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

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Yep, awful. Trump is responsible, but don’t forget a second think he knew the results would be damaging to people. Who other than Democrats running for President and their fake black VP thought the vaccines would hurt us? Nobody. Not anybody. Not Trump either. Naive trust in industry for sure, but not intentional or even consciously aware of the threat the Pharma demons pose every day. If we hadn’t had COVID and we hadn’t had warp speed and even if we hadn’t had Biden wagging his finger to take it or else, we would all still think Pharma gave a shit about us and doctors were really looking out for our health. Now we know ow that is all horseshit. The route to get here was horrible, but those of us still breathing know the truth now.

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You obviously missed the boat on this. - Who thought the 'vaccines' would hurt us? - Many people. In early 2020, Professor Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, was warning us on Info Wars that the jabs were bioweapons meant for depopulation. The mainstream media was black balling Boyle because of this. I first learned this from Boyle in January of 2021, when he discussed four scientific articles, including the 2015 Nature Medicine gain-of-function paper which told researchers, who already received funding, to continue with their research. YouTube soon censored this video; but, you can still find similar Boyle warnings on Bitchute at least as early as March, 2020. For example, see "Dr. Francis Boyle Full Interview: Coronavirus Is An Offensive Bioweapon" at https://www.bitchute.com/video/tkiC9POPQYdC/ and "Dr. Francis Boyle Bioweapons Lawyer Speaks THE TRUTH Pfizer mRNA Vaccine "IS A BIOWEAPON"" at https://www.bitchute.com/video/a4sM2M9yPfHC/ .

Dr. David E. Martin was another person who had access to all of the coronavirus research grant funding applications and patent applications and awards; and, found that Fauci had been funding SARS coronavirus research since as early as 1999; a SARS coronavirus bioweapon was patented in 2003 and mysteriously surfaced a couple of months later in China, killing some Chinese citizens; and, DARPA joined in on the funding in 2005 when it realized the bioweapon potential. Martin showed that Chinese labs and personnel were working with Ralph Baric's Univ of NC BSL3 lab on such bioweapons and a Chinese lab uploaded the code for an mRMA bioweapon to Moderna, which Kizzy Corbett of NIH commented positively on to NIH Director Francis Collins that she could easily build one of these on her computer and didn't need much of a lab for it.

There's ton's more; but, you had to be paying attention.

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Excellent synopsis, however the history is actually much much longer.

I have one person 83, her daughters are fully grown. She had no medical abilities and there was no internet, yet she knew...

Question is When did a given person start caring about health??

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Yeah...the history goes much further back; but, it's not necessary for this cursory explanation. (-:

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An interview with Boyle toward the start of the Covid mess convinced me of its lab origins. That was why I was frightened by it and still am to some degree. I feel it is an insidious thing, whether by design or accident that serves to undermine and weaken overall health. So at first I was not upset by altering my life-staying home more, distancing, mask wearing, etc. I wrongfully assumed it would be for a short period. I hoped the vaccines would actually work and was unaware of rna platforms. Once I started reading about them, I wanted nothing to do with them. I did have the janssen shot, had neurological problems and high d-dimer results after it and it did nothing for me when I caught covid a year later. I never quit seeing my grandchildren who live close by and my daughter was afraid for me. I also did not want to miss the entirety of my other grandchild’s early years and was worried about travel restrictions, plus his mother would not be around anyone unvaccinated. I regret my decision. As more time passes and more information comes out about the gene therapy, it is increasingly clear a huge price is being paid and not by the responsible parties.

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Lets take a gander at this. Covid was the largest intelligence test ever conducted. Many failed. You simply did not know much at all about health.

Soooo your assessment was inaccurate. Very bright peeps are working tirelessly to undo the damage. Retribution cometh for the evil doers.

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You: "...but those of us still breathing know the truth now."

Not really. Listen to David Martin tell us that the House Select Committee is still hiding the fact that the Cov-19 bioweapon was built in the U.S. at Ralph Baric's lab at UNC, Chapel Hill, NC.

Dr. David Martin - DO NOT FORGET


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Retribution is one word for Do Not Forget, and its coming despite the fake news attempt to sell "lets move on"

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Trump never had the vaccines he forced into everyone else, he says he has but there is no video record of him ever having had them (Motor Mouth) - on the run up to his Presidential Election he caught Covid and took a mixture of a herbal remedy to clear it overnight, then back on his campaign trail, everyone else had to self isolate for a week ,but not Trump. Trump is in the pay of the Billionaires and in fact one has bailed him out this time and the Billionaires want to reduce World populations down to between 500 million or 250 million depending on who you read and the vaccines, which create Spike Protein Factories eventually, (probably by 5G to the MAC address everyone vaccinated now has in them, which connects online to a computer somewhere in everyone vaccinated), cause the Spikes to make the body think it is being attacked internally by a disease, which causes the body to attack and destroy itself, with Cancers and over 2,000 other Pfizer vaccines possibilities, although the Moderna and all other vaccines have the same problems built in too. Presumably, if Trump is re-elected, he can finish the job he started for the Billionaires and pick up a fat payment for services rendered, but if he is not President, then he can't can be. Bonus too, my estimate, there probably won't be any more elections after this one, whoever wins this election will remain President for life.

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Utter Bullshit. Trump never forced anyone to take the vaxx.

Biden was the one who mandated the shots and he was stopped (partially) by the Supreme Court.

At least get your facts straight before you go on a tirade…..

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I agree with Mark.

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Christine never has anything but the run of her mouth. She spends more time on trump than she does Fauci🤣or anyone else who coerced people.

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Thanks for the info. I won’t waste any more time on her. :)

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The timeline or Trump being President was 2017-2021 and in that time the vaccines were rolled out - Disinformation Laws were put in place from February 2020 to May 2023 approximately, with most of the willing vaccinated in 2020, bang on in Trump's Presidency. "Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia" - note "2017-2021" What are you, as stupid as the wood in my table?

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Once again, your “facts” are not.

Pfizer didn’t announce the vaxx rollout until AFTER the 2020 presidential election (many speculated that Pfizer purposely delayed the announcement so that Trump didn’t get the credit for the vaxx on Election Day).

FDA Emergency Use Authorization, December 11, 2020

First doses were distributed later that month for priority populations.

Biden inaugurated January 20, 2021 (one month later)

The vast majority of US vaccinations occurred after Donald Trump left office, and he didn’t force the vaxx on ANYONE.

The vaccine mandates were ordered by Joseph Robinette BIDEN, not Donald Trump.


It’s obvious that you’ve lost the argument when you start personally insulting people, as in:

“What are you, as stupid as the wood in my table?”

Please try to get your facts right before spouting your opinions…..

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Plus she lives in a communist country and watches the mockingbird msm, so she has no access to the truth!

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She never has facts!

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I assume you are vaccinated. Good. That means that 6 hours after you had the ModRNA vaccine, your Human Genome and DNA was changed and you are one of the new spieces by US Law 2013 which you should acquaint yourself with, you are now Trans Human with zero Rights at all, so any opinion you have, you can't make to us Human's who refused vaccines and retain all of our Human Rights - which you know longer have, which makes it really easy for your Leader and his cohorts to dispose of you any way they like, becasue you don't have any way to stop them now.

Every life form is born with Natural mRNA DNA = key to Heaven. The vaccines install ModRNA DNA in 6 hours from vaccination and target the Dentric Cells in your Lymph Nodes and not a Covid infection in your head or body. Your body, by Law 2013, now belongs to the Military who purchased and supplied the Gene Driver Injections which these are, like any other GMO Product. When your body dies, because you now have ModRNA DNA your Spirit cannot go back to Heaven to be reallocated into another born body on this planet - it goes "somewhere else", but let's say Hell of some sort and because there are a shortage of Spirits in Heaven now, babies are being born dead without the Spirit or Soul they need to be born with, to be alive and that's why they are being born dead. It is simple economics.

According to the US Supreme Court Law of 2013 with World Wide Applications, once your Human Genome and DNA are changed by ModRNA DNA Gene Therapy Injections (vaccines) you become Trans Human, a new species since 2020 with zero Human or Rights of any kind - but like the Black Slaves prior to 1864 - your body owned by the Military who ordered and purchased these Gene Drivers from the vaccine makers - probably to make you genetically, into a Super Soldier - if your body lasts that long and you are not injured or die first, when your body is of no value and you can be disposed of, because you no longer have any Rights at all.

Only we who have refused vaccines remain Human with our Human Rights by Law and we can refuse vaccines within that Law, as are our Rights and we can't be forced to have them.

Thank Gates, Trump, Biden, your Politicians, the Military and the Globalists for where you find yourself now - and you are not being told the back story - why do you think there were the scare campaigns and masks and isolation tactics - except to scare you into getting vaccinated.

This is The Great Reset, to reduce our populations from 8.5 Billion down to 2.7 Billion or less by 2025 which according to Deagles 2019, is right on track to succeed.

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed that Doctors received $250 each vaccine injection for pushing the COVID-19 injections - but who paid it and did your employers get it as well, by forcing you to get vaccinated to save your jobs? We are talking Billions of Dollars, World Wide - black money from a hidden source. Demand that information from Trump, Biden and your Politicians, who probably have NOT been vaccinated, where those hidden payments came from.

It is how it is.

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do not disparage the wood

referring to Wiki for evidence...

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an absolute blatherfest of assertions

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Inaccurate Assessment. Some of us knew the truth about Vacs and Quax over 30 years ago and we were not early to the party Bob. We did not "have" Covid Bob.

We had a psyop Bob, and the Medical Cartel ushed it in, Bob.

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Sasha Latypova brought RFK, Jr. up to speed with regard to the U.S. government's/U.S. military's genocidal bioweapon depopulation of U.S. citizens. RFK, Jr. was totally open-minded to her information:

"Militarized Healthcare - Sasha Latypova with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr - March 18, 2023"


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LatyDa has the worst most severe case of Derangement Syndrome ever diagnosed.

She also has a foul mouth. Consider that if RFK needs education about the bioweapon, if that is remotely true, as others have pointed out, he is not the best choice for dog catcher.

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Latypova and Watt have revealed to all of us truths which others have not. You do realize that Latypova and Watt are the ones who read all of the government and military contracts surrounding the Covid-19 jabs and learned that the military has been completely in charge of development, manufacturing, and dissemination; and, is using the Covid-19 injection products as the bioweapons they are to commit depopulation genocide of American citizens? The CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical companies did what they were told to do. So far, the fact that they did what the government wanted has kept them from losing an important court case which would have put them all behind bars. We'll see though, now that it's being noted by at least one federal court that we were continually lied to about "safe and effective". So, give Kennedy a break, I don't know of anyone but David Martin who would not have been surprised at the depth of this criminality, since Martin revealed that DARPA joined in the funding of the alleged "spike protein" in 2005 because of it's bioweapon potential.

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Can you imagine RFK, articulating coherent positions, sharing a stage with two people who can't finish a sentence?

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2 People? JOE is the only one that can do that!

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You're a freaking idiot if you think Trump can't finish a sentence. How freaking stupid are you?

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You are partially correct. Trump often repeats the same sentence three times in a row and the repeats it again a few minutes later. He either seems to believe his followers have trouble comprehending English; or, he forgets what he's just said. (-:

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No, that's just an advertising method. "Repeat it 3 times."

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Who else do you know who repeats the same sentences continually during any of their rallies? Give me a link to them speaking. I contend that it is not common. Trump sounds like a dummy when he does that.

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Right, only Trump talks that way. My comment has to do with his career in marketing/real estate/selling where that repetitive speech pattern is pretty standard. Sometime of course, people will replete their points during an argument in order to dominate.

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Someone sound simple, the guy on Subs with the Derangement Syndrome??

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I have no idea who you are referring to. Could you be slightly less cryptic?

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You have got to be kidding. Over the years I've listened to many of his speeches. If nothing else, he gives an awesome speech. To truly think this, you must have TDS. His speeches are impeccable. Even if you don't like the guy, his speeches are mesmerizing.

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No, I don't have TDS. I voted for him in 2016. Then, he appointed Pompeo as Director of the CIA and gave him a medal; appointed a couple of DS plants to AG of the DOJ; appointed Chris Wray; signed OWS without understanding anything about it; moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem; killed Soleimani because someone told him to; sent 59 cruise missiles to Syria on false flag intelligence; etc., which was later proved to be caused by the "white hats". Now, he thinks he can control Putin and likely thinks the U.S can militarily threaten Putin. Unfortunately, Trump has isolated himself from reality. But, I will admit he has a lot of unsophisticated, perhaps even ignorant, followers.

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DJT even had the libertarians eating out of his hand after they began with booing. He knew exactly what their values are.

Oddly their nomination is a flamboyant woketard. They have no leadership.

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I've noticed that anyone who disagrees with Trump is an idiot.

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Did you then? If the shoe fits?

What exactly John do you disagree with, the clearer the better

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How absurd are you? Even Trump supporters starting booing Trump when he declared the COVID jabs were the best thing ever. We ALL booed him. We he tells us to vote for a RINO, we ignroe him. We love Trump but we are not blind followers. We only follow Trump when he is saying things we agree with. And most of the time, we agree with Trump. But if nothing else, Trump is the only candidate that truly gets us. Look at DeSantis. He had the chance but he clearly did not understand what we are about. We love Trump because Trump cares for us, finally a politician who is willing to listen to us and change over time. But if Trump tries any bullshit, we will still boo him to his face. We will still love him, but we will not follow him if he is wrong. And true, most people who disagree with Trump are idiots, but sometimes principled men stand up to Trump and say no. We agree with those who stand up to Trump for the right reasons.

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DJT plays the long game and those who support him may not realize his understanding of issues. I am not running cover for Covidiocy, just watching carefully as a former DemonRat who migrated off the Plantation. However that was before the '16 win.

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I think the irony in my comment was not understood. I'll take responsibility for that. I was being clever rather than clear. What I meant was that Trump is fond of ridiculing his opposition, and some of his followers have taken that up.

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thanks for the clarification, words matter

It is appropriate to toss mud in a mudslinging festival.

It is also comical

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For the record, I don't want either Biden or Trump in the White House.

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No need to disclose Josh, there is still time to move off the Plantation. However housing options are dwindling.

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You are correct. Trump does ridicule his opponents, some justified, others definitely not. He has no choice though if you think it through. Biden doesn't have to ridicule his opponents, the main stream will eagerly do this for him. But Trump has no such opportunity. His only recourse is to do it himself. I cringe when Trump ridicules the good guys, but can you imagine if Trump was senile like Biden, saying "they wiped my butt", and pooping in his pants; Trump would be ridiculed day and night. It's absurd to me. I used to be Democrat. How can they allow someone senile? How can they allow a corrupt politician who got millions from foreign countries as bribes? How can they allow the jailing of political opponents? Doesn't the Democrats have at least one candidate that is good enough to replace Biden four years ago? I'm totally disgusted. I believe like the 60's radical liberals: free speech, no war, close the border, break up the CIA and FBI.

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I agree -- I used to be a Peace & Freedom Democrat, until the Dems abandoned peace and freedom.

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Bidenista is lost, he does not have, nor ever had, the intellect.

He is a traitor and a grifter.

You are simply making the case for sovereignty and noticing that the DemonRats have gone fascist. DJT has infinite choices and chooses carefully. In war that is often the best of sub optimal choices.

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That's ridiculous.

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Now he really gets a chance to be heard and be taken seriously as a potential winner of the election!

It's a win-win! Even if he is not elected, those still asleep will wake up to the information hidden by dominant media.

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:

Would you be interested in the story of how a father got 20 million dollars from the Government?

Or, show the video of the baby seizures:


That usually works, especially with young couples having children.

If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person on the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

Not like the topic? I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!



There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations against the stolen elections in Brazil through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:



All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom of next link:

Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:

(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer

Go green with gasoline!


- It's genocide for depopulation:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):

https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depopulation-or-extermination https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depop-vaccines-no-myth

- You are the carbon they want to exterminate!

1. No one denies there's man-made climate change but scientists disagree on the cause and remedies.

Prehistoric data from ice cores proves that temperature rise precedes carbon release in the atmosphere, not the other way around.


2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.


3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of the population.

Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Illuminati David Rockefeller (quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali (quotes)


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


Mason confession: we worship deities/demons








Almost all anti-viral vaccines and all COVID vaccines were abortion linked (using cell lines from aborted or butchered alive babies). Christians know that abortion is the most wanted sacrifice by Satan. Abortion linked vaccines have the same effect of hexxed food and it's sharing in the Satanic chalice of blood just the same as when they drink the blood of their victims in their ritual murders. Interesting: vexxed, vaxxed and hexxed sound similar =)

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As some point ya might consider the gradual decrease in visual acuity. It is insidious.

The swamp is deep and wide. No need to sell any thinking person on organic but heavy metal contamination is still an serious issue with organic. The gubmint is in bed with the corporate hog. The corporate hog and the gubmint hate DJT. That is a little clue Fred.

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Sorry...too much info to bother with. Why don't you start your own substack? (-:

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scientific progress is a great concept, have ya'll been able to move the ball forward even a few mm?? Our best indoctrination camps have failed.

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Edmond your mind is infinite, just need a good organizer.

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There is hope. Many of us would rather not live in one more totalitarian state that censors truth tellers.

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Brilliant offering. You already live in a totalitarian state. Ready to get off the Plantation or are ya comfy as an armchair quarterback with the Derangement Syndrome??

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Glorious news ~ they will have no choice but to hear his message👏👏👏

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How about if at the debate Kennedy says he is dropping out of the race to support Trump because he wants to Make America Great Again! Trump can give him a nice position in his administration.

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How about Kennedy beats both Trump and Biden for the Presidency...

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Never happen!

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You hope...

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Yes, I do. RFK Jr would be an ultra-liberal, anti-2nd Amendment, climate change promoting, vaccine mandating, abortion advocate up-until-delivery-date disaster for America.

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You're just a Dumbocrap troll. There are too many discrepancies in your above list. You're just making it up.

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You must not be paying much attention to RFK Jr's policy statements and his flip-flopping on issues.


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Pipedreams Edmond.

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There's still 4.5 months. His biggest immediate hurdle is getting on enough ballots to qualify for the CNN debates. One hurdle at a time... (-:

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Now that is the best idea I've seen on this thread, Nick!

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You are not the first for a similar suggestion.

It will not be a "debate" in any case.

If that happens, some of us will not be surprised at all.

The Frantic Demon Rats will _hit themselves like Jo Jo...

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Absolutely awesome news.

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Nice conundrum. Debate RFJ Jr. and look pathetic or continue to cancel him and go to jail. The jail they send them to would probably be like a spa for us but it would certainly look bad. Fascinating no coverage, wow that is flagrant.

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CNN is not interested in a "debate" that is ridiculous.

They are interested in tossing slow pitches to the Dotard and demonizing DJT and very likely RFK, assuming he is not a plant.

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That is fantastic news

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