I like to tell those who complain about the population the same. Why don’t you sacrifice YOUR family, friends and yourself? What makes YOU more important than Joe Blo? I could scream! I DO scream, all the time.
I've actually asked that of my friend...she says cause she has worked and been useful and didn't have children....they can't really think it through because it's a belief system..a religion...she just doesn't think her usefulness is entirely due to her having been born in this country at this time..an accident of birth. Smh.
So, her value is predicated on being an economic cog. So... once we have robots, will she kill herself? Or is she, like all fasco-Marxist somnolent wokesters, intellectuallly dishonest?
How much of a primitive, shallow thinking is this? How much is it different from a useful animal that performs its best to be rewarded? Only, the animal can not help, not being equipped with cognitive abilities like humans, but then....Of course it all depends on your own definition of what being human means. And, also one would think there is a great (even if only instinctive) wisdom in animal world to keep procreating to sustain the specie.
How otherwise does it all make sense? "Apres moi, le deluge",
arrogant and stupid. Oh Duchess I hope there are fewer of them than appears to be. Surely even simple "uneducated" person is smarter than this sophisticunt (please excuse my French here).
She is now, per her own definition, a useless eater.
Have fun, lady with Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel's Why I Hope to Die at 75 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/ Truth is, if she wants to determine who should be alive or not, like the Nazis with their untermenschen and ubermenschen, she is literally to woke and too stupid (but I repeat myself there) to be the one alive. But I won't say that other than in jest, as only God determines who should be alive., Period
There's a difference between limiting how much you reproduce, on the one hand, and killing already-born people, on the other. That this difference escapes so many seems bizarre.
FWIW, of *course* it's hypocritical to declare the importance of limiting population as you reproduce yourself many times over.
It's also worse to do that in a society that takes a much larger cut per capita than the great majority of humans.
The phrase "society that takes a much larger cut per capita" is dubious to the extreme. It is easy to argue that many of the poorest countries take the largest cut per capita due to vast misuse of the most valuable resources, i.e. hunting animals to extinction, burning rainforest for the lowest productivity agriculture on the planet, destroying animal habitat & forest for extraordinarily low efficiency firewood energy, not building proper irrigation systems to maximize use of water resources while reducing flooding & soil erosion, not maintaining ZPG, not participating in the development of innovative agricultural methods & technology that greatly reduces human impact on the environment, the list is long.
In every single case I've every seen of people chastising Westerners for "high resource consumption" they show an almost total lack of understanding of the mechanics of how resource usage impacts the natural world. They use the most incredibly simplistic metrics in defining "resource consumption". Don't even understand the meaning of the word "resource".
Please offer some specifics, because it seems to me that a lot of what *we* consider resources have been extracted from colonies and former colonies to the enrichment of powerful entities in Europe and, perhaps more recently, Asia.
Well if we had extracted all those resources then you would figure that the time price (constant value$) of those resources would have gone up drastically by now since we have already extracted them. In fact the opposite is true:
Don't get me wrong, the ?developing? nations have been terribly exploited, horrendously in fact. But not by extracting resources. By the criminal Bankster Overlords who are keeping them in poverty by forcing them to pursue a restricted trade & monetary policy. Gaddafi had the right idea for Africa, A Pan-African Bank with an exclusive African Trading Currency. That would free up the African people and give them Western Wealth like no other policy. So what did the Western Bankster Parasite Psychopaths do? They had some foreign Islamic Barbarians recruited to overthrow Gaddafi and destroy one of the wealthiest best run nations in Africa. Notice the first act of the ragtag rebels when they seized control, was to create "The Central Bank of Libya". That was their priority?
Now the Bankster Overlords are forcing Africans into abject poverty by demanding that their only energy supply be wind & solar, a sick joke, enforced poverty. With severe fertilizer shortages. Denial of technological development. Denial of access to western agricultural markets. Real creeps. "It's all for the climate". My ass.
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence
What is behind the global warming and the idiot Covid depopulation shot? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at http://www.scribd.com/doc/2297152/Alexander-King-Bertrand-Schneider-The-First-Global-Revolution-Club-of-Rome-1993-Edition that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself.
These evil, non-Einsteins like Goodall are too frighteningly STUPID to not know that their Malthusianism has NEVER ever, ONCE panned out. EVER.
The truth is simple: *** MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS****
If she, and other Malthusian IDIOTS weren't so arrogant and stupid (bad combination), they might look up the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894, where scientists KNEW that in 30 years London would be covered in 30 feet of horse manure (don't remember exact number).
Did that happen? No. Any intelligent person might ask why. But not these aholes, too arrogant, too stupid.
Then there is the Julian Simon/Paul Ehrlich wager. Look it up yourself. Basically, Ehrlich, a Mathusian, who was also a catastophic global cooler, who then became a catastrophic global warmer (I am old enough to remember when "the next ice age was just around the corner," needing - in the words of Obama's science advisor Holdren, the razing of our industrial capacity ***TO STOP GLOBAL COOLING***. He then shifted over to global warming, and leftists, being too stupid, had this just go down the Orwellian memory hole. I know the somnolent wokesters are too intellectually dishonest to read about the Simon/Ehrlich wager, but you can here https://fee.org/articles/how-julian-simon-won-1-000-bet-with-population-bomb-author-paul-ehrlich/ Erhlich is now 90, but of course, wont check out... nor will 95 yr old Soros, 100 yr old Kissinger, or late 70s Clintons. Gee... go figure.
People don't get this, but it's behavior modeled by british television with characters such ad doc martin and vera. Wonderful shows in their way, but they dictated a superior attitude where their rudeness is justified, they ARE superior. This is a behavior imparted to the pbs audience starting heavily about the time they started carrying republican programming. wall street week. It was a scandal at the time.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” —C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock
Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, The French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them. But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
Negative eugenicists even took things further, with some, like famed playwright George Bernard Shaw, calling for people to be called before a state-appointed board to justify their existence or be put to death.” The human response to this? Burgess Meredith put it simply in this 8 minute Twilight Zone episode, where Rod Serling notes in the world of what is today the WEF, “logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOYYCkVazBI
This episode is in reality an excellent short play that we'd hope that kids should be doing in junior high and high school-- ain't gonna happen, too much truth :-( Amazing how the guy sitting up high in the "seat of judgment" is preaching to the poor librarian about the "function of a minister" being academic, condemning the man for this, while doing exactly what he says is the "crime." I wonder how many people who saw this at the time actually understood in their post-WWII lotus-eater "euphoria"/celebratory stupor/ complete ability to FORGET what just happened, that it could actually happen HERE. As has been said, "Hitler lost but the N.A.Z.I.s won." Hitler even got away and was living in Argentina. There are people alive who SAW him (that's from the History Channel's documentary). The U.S. absolutely KNEW this and DID NOTHING to round up the arch-criminal and bring the monster to justice-- why? What kind of deal did this country make??
Oh, I just found the ending clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWdmbakG9BA The People turn on the "governor" and in a climactic moment, the Chorus of The People turns on the governor, surrounding him with increasingly loud growls, then throws him on the table where he slides into the lap of the gatekeeper. The judge becomes the judged, the victimizer becomes the victim. In conclusion, Twilight Zone host Rod Serling appears, stating that "Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man-- that state is obsolete."
Self importance. They consider themselves superior and more significant .
See, that’s where values come in -
We “normal folk” mostly view ALL people as having value.
To these ULTRA privileged, perversely rich, self appointed vampires - “to WIN” and get “MORE “ - is - everything . And that often includes dominating those less fortunate or powerful.
Look at the past to know the future. Power corrupts most men and women.
Jezebel in the Bible was one nasty queen, and apparently Cleopatra wasn’t as wonderful as pop culture like to portray. If memory recalls correctly, I think she murdered her own sister.
These globalists and families of old still dominating the power structures behind the scenes will never be content with their lot in life.
If they TRULLY believed in what they proclaim - ie Equity - they would be DIVIDING up their money and sharing it . NOT the scraps in their so-called charitable TAX SHELTER non profits.
THEY fake their caring - it’s not authentic but a useful tool. Rockefeller was the first to create this “special framework” shell game. Gates SENIOR was in awe of it, and Junior is just replicating the system along with the Clintons, and Warren Buffet and gang. It’s all one big stage show.
Though more like a dark, sick CIRCUS Show though, run by clowns and jesters.
Sadly the joke is presently on us.
Wouldn’t it be nice if they left us to live a happy, free life and not as their slaves.
Thank you, Bandit. Another extremely strange phenomena is the metastatic spread of global childless leaders. It is not mere coincidence. They have nothing to worry about. They have nobody to leave behind.
If only the imbecilic GOP had left R v W alone! Their greatest skill is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They have no issue sending our sons and daughters to fight wars in foreign countries , the losses are “ casualties”. But a woman who does not want to bear a child pre-viability is committing murder. So “ pro-life” excludes warmongering.
If the leftists who hate humanity as a whole want to delete their gene pool, let them. Instead, the idiots on the right prefer losing America. Essentially, that appears to be a mutual goal.
NOBODY is forcing anyone here have an abortion, though my thoughts at this point, with Klaus Schwab's infestation of CCP "ideas" about "ruling" his "loyal subjects," is that this possibility really could be on the table in the future. Then again, with -72% birth rates in places like Australia and other heavily COVID-vaxxed countries, we are going to be mostly missing the next generation.
The bottom line is simply nobody has the right to play God. All of us are here a relatively short time and are expected to make many personal decisions in the hope of developing good character while enjoying the precious gift of life given to us. We have no right to murder or harm anyone because we think we are better than them or they are are not productive enough (whatever that means?). Try and do your best and above all avoid doing harm to anyone. All will be held accountable at the end.
They decided to start active depopulation through mass murder NOT because the world was getting over-populated. It's the opposite. It's because the naturally declining population makes their sovereign debt crisis exposed and insupportable. So they need to wipe out people, starve them and otherwise crash the system so they end up on top of the pile of ashes, but still in charge.
" sovereign debt crisis exposed and insupportable". While depopulation certainly can divert attention, the debt only gets worse. China may be the only place to grab the resources before we discover we are broke and need the resources. Those sitting around with loads of digits on paper may discover that paper useless if we don't have food. We peons may just survive on our gardens and barter. Great leap forward. Nobody can afford electricity nor fuel. So they are on top of what?
These are the people who would rather rule over ashes than not rule at all. Also, they are installing the global totalitarian gov't and CBDCs to do the controlled demolition (their plan, not really working well in my assessment).
It'll be a bust. Wait and see... when talking with people I interact with at checkouts, I ALWAYS mention the W.T.F. "Plan" for Total Dominance-- sounds like someone hobnailed skinhead abusing a bunch of dogs, don't it just, I mean, especially after having seen a picture of their "world headquarters," built in the shape of a boot-- well, I say, "GIVE 'EM THE BOOT THEY DESERVE!!"
I think they want to rid the world of idle people, because they fear them, and rightly so because idle people will rid the world slavemasters. Its a preemptive war.
Really? Only with a reliable supply of electricity, lubricants, bearings, computer chips, and knowledgeable technicians to service the robots. Sure, less people in total, but a REAL infrastructure must be maintained.
At some point the robots could be maintained by other more specialized robots. Some say there are far more advanced technologies that are not made public knowledge. We don't really know what their potential capabilities are...
they want to get rid of the ones with the highest productivity, lifestyles and pensions, as they are consuming resources the elites believe to be their own
Makes complete sense. The elites are playing the long game. Genocide will keep going and those who haven’t yet woken up will go to their graves none the wiser that they were in fact murdered. Do you think their dastardly plan will eventuate?
She's your typical birdbrain, maybe has talent and knowledge in one area i.e. Ape anthropology, but completely lacks even a basic scientific knowledge of economics or energy & resource engineering. Zero qualifications to comment in this field.
they are not the world's brightest, they just think they are more worthy than all other humans. Some, maybe many, believe they have extra special genetics.
They don't want to eliminate us all prematurely. They still need that huge pyramid underneath them until AI and transhumanism become more mature. They want to be immortal and be waited on by robots and lobotomized ex-humans. They want to eventually have everything they need supplied to them by automated AI and robotic systems. Then the peasants can be eliminated. Fortunately, they aren't as smart as they think they are!
In fact they are a lot dumber than they think they are smart, incompetent to the point that any world they ruled would be best described as Idiocracy. They are trying to re-create the Soviet Union on a global scale and we all know how well that worked.
All you have to do is watch Gates or Schwab speak. It's quite absurd! They both think they are Bond villains or superheros. You're right about Idiocracy.
Hah hah-- just get a load o' Schwab's wardrobe weirdness-- is he actually trying to tell us that he's a KLINGON? What is he Clinging Onto here, Earth itself? Tell the MotherWeffer to KLING OFF!!! And look how l-o-n-g it took "Big Pharma Billy" Gates to "get" that his damnable shots DON'T WORK-- "Safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective," Oy VAYY!! Wonder if anyone got a PARROT to squawk that in the ears of those trolling kiddies up at the 5G U.S. military Propaganda Pulp factory in N. Carolina?
So often the willingness to deny morality and empathy are presented as intelligence. Being "clever" so we can't plainly say "evil".
Think of the entire needless debate over fluouride in water. It's added and not necessary. That there is even concern that it may be unhealthy is sufficient reason to halt the unnecessary and probably costly practice. Then we have to track the fluouride to see how else they try to put it into us.
But obvious things are being reduced to semantics and truth is prohibited and debates rage on despite obvious truths. Action denied by proving to liars that they are lying. Think of it.
That's why a free speech zone around identifying those to be indicted where evidence exists must take place now while we all recall the events. While those guilty may be held up to the rest of their controllers to show what must take place. WEF must be a curse word.
So 20 years from now a player at Wimbledon like a then-john mcenroe type could get upset with the umpire and say "WEF!" to the umpire and be expelled for cursing. As mcenroe should have been, but that's seemingly a different story. And is, but related by way of promotion of bad behaviour that was rife in the 80s and beyond, which was preparing the ground. Along the same lines as "Just say no" to drugs which divided communities. At the time Venus Flytrap on WKRP in Cincinnati would go into the closet to smoke marijuana, it was an open joke.
Think of THEIR micro-aggressions. Seatbelt laws... Any gun laws. A better way of living for all results in gun violence being more defensive than offensive.
So complicated, all the chemicals going on with the propaganda and top-down moronic control.
In fact, it's very much part of this if you can't see mandates don't work. Seatbelts also kill, but who wants to talk about that? Crashes can make it hard for hands and arms to work and there you are tied in. No one should be able to tell you what to do for your own safety. Make it repellent to be irresponsible, but you can't really make it a mandate enforceable by law.
motorcycle helmets are mandatory almost everywhere because of the high risk of serious brain damage that would put one in nursing care for the rest of their life, on the public dime. Most all auto safety features are demanded by purchasers/owners, who know what part they are in an equation including mass, momentum, and meat. The % of crashes where seatbelts are a hindrance rather than a savior are so small as to be rendered inconsequential, and not worthy of mention. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, and my father was an insurance agent. I literally cut my teeth on auto safety data.
Thank you. We have an infestation of "limited hangout" trolls here whose purpose from their U.S. D.o.D. C.O.'s command is to deny, distract and damn the TRUTH. TOO LATE, li'l trollies, we know who you are, what you're doing here and who you're "daddy" is. And "HE" is FINISHED.
Yes and you make a valid point. Nonetheless, adherence is up to the intelligence and dilligence of the individual. But then, you introduce insurance, which is a bogus industry.
Societal issues should be covered by society. Taxes should be actually to cover the cost of living, and dying. Everyone in a bad situation should be cared for, regardless of cause.
Perhaps she could really go out in style and feed herself to some hungry starving Lions. I’d donate a dime for a cheap plaque commemorating and acknowledging her achievement with Born Free blaring in the background backwards. 😂😂😂
Oh how I laughed. Wonderful comment and great idea. Bring back the coloseums and let the carnage begin. Part of a conference to identify areas of guilt and the parties involved, should be donations towards the punishment. Imagine how very well paid our lawyers would be. We are the majority, vastly so. Media is quite persuasive, as a nanny force.
Die at 75? Does this mean vile, evil, disgusting, arrogant, nasty Hilary will check out? Bill? what about centennariain (sp?) Kissinger, or almost there Soros. How about Gates?
Brother of Rahm, no doubt. Their father was a mass murderer of Palestinians when his senior handlers handed him the mantle of cleansing Palestine on the pretext of plopping the Holy Jews back on their "homeland," which never was, as THEY murdered the original inhabitants on advice from some whacked-out Satanic voice posing as "god." Plenty of documentation on that one. All to get a toehold on the "holy land" of even Holier Oil, the better to fuel the Zionist-owned industries of Europe and the U.S. Whatta loada bullshit, everything we've been taught, eh?
The "bringing in millions of refugees, etc." is to discomfit the 99%. This wreaks havoc for those who have to compete for jobs w/ others (though let's not mention AI/automation). It also attempts to overload & hopefully break (regressively-funded) socialized medicine, at least in the countries which currently HAVE socialized medicine.
I moved from east to west coast for 20 years, then moved back. In that time, there was a much more visible Mexican population, evident by restaurants, grocery stores. Only saying, in returning home it was an obvious difference. I was going to take time to rethink my life and live in my grandparents' home, after they had passed away. Not having to pay rent, I thought how freeing it would be to work in a restaurant just preparing vegetables/food prep. I already had competence and could do a good fast job. I understood the requirements. I only wanted minimum wage. It didn't matter, if I could feed myself. The 4th time I was declined for any position, the nice man doing the hiring started talking to me about a management position, because "we pay a bunch of Mexicans what we would have to pay you." I pointed out minimum wage was fine. He didn't feel he needed to go that high.
I ended up "managing" a restaurant that had once been good, but the owner turned to a drunk, on top of being the truly awful person she was/is and would sit in her bar and berate the appearance of her wait staff. Not just in front of customers, but FOR them. I bring it up only to satisfy a long-standing frustration with the whole situation.
The reason the restaurant was failing was the entire kitchen staff was Mexican, did not speak English or pretended not to. The owner spoke badly of and to me, as irresponsible drunks are want to do, so they had no need for my instruction.
They couldn't be instructed on the proper temperature to fry beer-battered camembert so it wouldn't arrive as a greasy puddle on the plates.
So the restaurant failed. How many businesses suffer in this way?
If I moved to France, I would not expect to be able to work unless I spoke the language. Somehow this basic requirement is being portrayed as "racist" when applied to those entering to work in the US.
Like dual citizens banned from public office, we should not allow employers to hire unless English competency may be proven. BASIC competency, not the ability to read Proust in English.
What I find most pecular is the WEF is acting as if the fourth industrial revolution exists...robots are in mass taking over and thus mass random killing of humans is fine as everything they need will be done by robots. This is normal for a Psychopath, they can not tell the difference between something that exists and something they desire the most. My current thinking is the Globalists will kill billions, then themselves as no one depends on complex social structures than Klaus and the Ketchup man and the rest.
Those that outlive this unbelievable drama will be the winners. Not the Globalists Psychopaths. Every one of us comes from stock that survived pandemics, wars and famines. Suck it up buttercups.
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence
What is behind the global warming and the idiot Covid depopulation shot? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at http://www.scribd.com/doc/2297152/Alexander-King-Bertrand-Schneider-The-First-Global-Revolution-Club-of-Rome-1993-Edition that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself.
This evil, non-Einsteins like Goodall are too frighteningly STUPID to not know that their Malthusianism has NEVER ever, ONCE panned out. EVER.
The truth is simple: *** MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS****
If she, and other Malthusian IDIOTS weren't so arrogant and stupid (bad combination), they might look up the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894, where scientists KNEW that in 30 years London would be covered in 30 feet of horse manure (don't remember exact number).
Did that happen? No. Any intelligent person might ask why. But not these aholes, too arrogant, too stupid.
Then there is the Julian Simon/Paul Ehrlich wager. Look it up yourself. Basically, Ehrlich, a Mathusian, who was also a catastophic global cooler, who then became a catastrophic global warmer (I am old enough to remember when "the next ice age was just around the corner," needing - in the words of Obama's science advisor Holdren, the razing of our industrial capacity ***TO STOP GLOBAL COOLING***. He then shifted over to global warming, and leftists, being too stupid, had this just go down the Orwellian memory hole. I know the somnolent wokesters are too intellectually dishonest to read about the Simon/Ehrlich wager, but you can here https://fee.org/articles/how-julian-simon-won-1-000-bet-with-population-bomb-author-paul-ehrlich/ Erhlich is now 90, but of course, wont check out... nor will 95 yr old Soros, 100 yr old Kissinger, or late 70s Clintons. Gee... go figure.
Apparently these snowflake men are so lovely, they have become very unattractive to the breeding female.Keep it up guys there will be more cheese whiz for you
I agree with you, and I believe Worldometers miscalculates, whether knowingly or not, the world population to be growing at about 2 per second net person growth (births minus deaths). https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
The important thing is what you show: Fertility rates declined below 2.0. Once that happens, once fertility gets into < 2 territory, a couple is no longer replacing all of itself, and net population unavoidably declines at that point (assuming death rates remain stable - not at all a safe assumption in the 'died suddenly' era.).
The inability to reproduce by choice or cause means the end to civil society eventually. Sadly, the nations that contribute to world improvement are leading in that inability. That does not bode well for the future and those aspiring to enjoy life as we have known it. Your smart phone means little without a huge infrastructure that must be maintained. If the creatives who create are not here, advancements end and decay starts.
I reflect on the great Maya and others who built great societies that failed. Hope nature enjoys consuming NYC.
That's because there is a built in momentum for population increase as the many more children than older adults replace them as they die off. However that momentum must inevitably fall to zero and reverse since we have already surpassed Peak Children.
a lot of ideas that are "mainstream" end up being based on nothing.. how could "population growth" be "exponential" and "food growth" be "linear"? even as it is half of the food in "the west" is thrown away.. the real reason "stalin" is considered a "monster" in "the west"?
"..Malthusianism is the theory that population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population decline..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusianism
"..blamed the poor alone for their condition ..scholars have not found historic societies which have collapsed because of overpopulation or overconsumption ..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_overpopulation
How come the people pushing population control don’t just commit suicide.
I like to tell those who complain about the population the same. Why don’t you sacrifice YOUR family, friends and yourself? What makes YOU more important than Joe Blo? I could scream! I DO scream, all the time.
I've actually asked that of my friend...she says cause she has worked and been useful and didn't have children....they can't really think it through because it's a belief system..a religion...she just doesn't think her usefulness is entirely due to her having been born in this country at this time..an accident of birth. Smh.
So, her value is predicated on being an economic cog. So... once we have robots, will she kill herself? Or is she, like all fasco-Marxist somnolent wokesters, intellectuallly dishonest?
The latter I think...
How much of a primitive, shallow thinking is this? How much is it different from a useful animal that performs its best to be rewarded? Only, the animal can not help, not being equipped with cognitive abilities like humans, but then....Of course it all depends on your own definition of what being human means. And, also one would think there is a great (even if only instinctive) wisdom in animal world to keep procreating to sustain the specie.
How otherwise does it all make sense? "Apres moi, le deluge",
arrogant and stupid. Oh Duchess I hope there are fewer of them than appears to be. Surely even simple "uneducated" person is smarter than this sophisticunt (please excuse my French here).
Because she "worked."
Past tense.
She is no longer working.
She is now, per her own definition, a useless eater.
Have fun, lady with Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel's Why I Hope to Die at 75 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/ Truth is, if she wants to determine who should be alive or not, like the Nazis with their untermenschen and ubermenschen, she is literally to woke and too stupid (but I repeat myself there) to be the one alive. But I won't say that other than in jest, as only God determines who should be alive., Period
There's a difference between limiting how much you reproduce, on the one hand, and killing already-born people, on the other. That this difference escapes so many seems bizarre.
FWIW, of *course* it's hypocritical to declare the importance of limiting population as you reproduce yourself many times over.
It's also worse to do that in a society that takes a much larger cut per capita than the great majority of humans.
Not all figures are directly comparable.
The phrase "society that takes a much larger cut per capita" is dubious to the extreme. It is easy to argue that many of the poorest countries take the largest cut per capita due to vast misuse of the most valuable resources, i.e. hunting animals to extinction, burning rainforest for the lowest productivity agriculture on the planet, destroying animal habitat & forest for extraordinarily low efficiency firewood energy, not building proper irrigation systems to maximize use of water resources while reducing flooding & soil erosion, not maintaining ZPG, not participating in the development of innovative agricultural methods & technology that greatly reduces human impact on the environment, the list is long.
In every single case I've every seen of people chastising Westerners for "high resource consumption" they show an almost total lack of understanding of the mechanics of how resource usage impacts the natural world. They use the most incredibly simplistic metrics in defining "resource consumption". Don't even understand the meaning of the word "resource".
Please offer some specifics, because it seems to me that a lot of what *we* consider resources have been extracted from colonies and former colonies to the enrichment of powerful entities in Europe and, perhaps more recently, Asia.
Well if we had extracted all those resources then you would figure that the time price (constant value$) of those resources would have gone up drastically by now since we have already extracted them. In fact the opposite is true:
Don't get me wrong, the ?developing? nations have been terribly exploited, horrendously in fact. But not by extracting resources. By the criminal Bankster Overlords who are keeping them in poverty by forcing them to pursue a restricted trade & monetary policy. Gaddafi had the right idea for Africa, A Pan-African Bank with an exclusive African Trading Currency. That would free up the African people and give them Western Wealth like no other policy. So what did the Western Bankster Parasite Psychopaths do? They had some foreign Islamic Barbarians recruited to overthrow Gaddafi and destroy one of the wealthiest best run nations in Africa. Notice the first act of the ragtag rebels when they seized control, was to create "The Central Bank of Libya". That was their priority?
Now the Bankster Overlords are forcing Africans into abject poverty by demanding that their only energy supply be wind & solar, a sick joke, enforced poverty. With severe fertilizer shortages. Denial of technological development. Denial of access to western agricultural markets. Real creeps. "It's all for the climate". My ass.
Crimes by bankster overlords (which, FWIW, seem in-character) don't disprove other crimes.
They are far too arrogant to think the world could get by without them. We would all be 10,000 times better off if they did the hare-kari thing.
Because THEY'RE important!
They often have large numbers of children like Boris Johnson and his dad, who advocates for reducing the population of the U.K. to 12m
so they can continue to have litters of their ilk
Who then proceed to interbreed creating more retards like Boris
Not retards; TOOLS.
Both! PLUS war criminals, and mass murderers. To a large extent we are being killed off so they can escape consequences.
Yeah, that's exactly what I think/feel/see. The criminals should be hanging from lampposts.
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence
What is behind the global warming and the idiot Covid depopulation shot? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at http://www.scribd.com/doc/2297152/Alexander-King-Bertrand-Schneider-The-First-Global-Revolution-Club-of-Rome-1993-Edition that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself.
These evil, non-Einsteins like Goodall are too frighteningly STUPID to not know that their Malthusianism has NEVER ever, ONCE panned out. EVER.
The truth is simple: *** MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS****
If she, and other Malthusian IDIOTS weren't so arrogant and stupid (bad combination), they might look up the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894, where scientists KNEW that in 30 years London would be covered in 30 feet of horse manure (don't remember exact number).
Did that happen? No. Any intelligent person might ask why. But not these aholes, too arrogant, too stupid.
Then there is the Julian Simon/Paul Ehrlich wager. Look it up yourself. Basically, Ehrlich, a Mathusian, who was also a catastophic global cooler, who then became a catastrophic global warmer (I am old enough to remember when "the next ice age was just around the corner," needing - in the words of Obama's science advisor Holdren, the razing of our industrial capacity ***TO STOP GLOBAL COOLING***. He then shifted over to global warming, and leftists, being too stupid, had this just go down the Orwellian memory hole. I know the somnolent wokesters are too intellectually dishonest to read about the Simon/Ehrlich wager, but you can here https://fee.org/articles/how-julian-simon-won-1-000-bet-with-population-bomb-author-paul-ehrlich/ Erhlich is now 90, but of course, wont check out... nor will 95 yr old Soros, 100 yr old Kissinger, or late 70s Clintons. Gee... go figure.
They are indeed dumb and arrogant. I call them Moe Howards as he was dumb, arrogant and violent.
They are wizards and we are just muggles.
Lizards not Wizards
Right, why do Democrats have those weird ass eyes? Wth?
People don't get this, but it's behavior modeled by british television with characters such ad doc martin and vera. Wonderful shows in their way, but they dictated a superior attitude where their rudeness is justified, they ARE superior. This is a behavior imparted to the pbs audience starting heavily about the time they started carrying republican programming. wall street week. It was a scandal at the time.
Weird ass eyes? Ohh, it's because they see so much more than their lesser neighbors.
So they are aliens. Thank you for replying.
Exactly. Alien in thought, word and deed.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” —C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock
Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, The French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them. But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
Negative eugenicists even took things further, with some, like famed playwright George Bernard Shaw, calling for people to be called before a state-appointed board to justify their existence or be put to death.” The human response to this? Burgess Meredith put it simply in this 8 minute Twilight Zone episode, where Rod Serling notes in the world of what is today the WEF, “logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOYYCkVazBI
This episode is in reality an excellent short play that we'd hope that kids should be doing in junior high and high school-- ain't gonna happen, too much truth :-( Amazing how the guy sitting up high in the "seat of judgment" is preaching to the poor librarian about the "function of a minister" being academic, condemning the man for this, while doing exactly what he says is the "crime." I wonder how many people who saw this at the time actually understood in their post-WWII lotus-eater "euphoria"/celebratory stupor/ complete ability to FORGET what just happened, that it could actually happen HERE. As has been said, "Hitler lost but the N.A.Z.I.s won." Hitler even got away and was living in Argentina. There are people alive who SAW him (that's from the History Channel's documentary). The U.S. absolutely KNEW this and DID NOTHING to round up the arch-criminal and bring the monster to justice-- why? What kind of deal did this country make??
Looks like a deal with the devil, from where I sit.
Oh, I just found the ending clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWdmbakG9BA The People turn on the "governor" and in a climactic moment, the Chorus of The People turns on the governor, surrounding him with increasingly loud growls, then throws him on the table where he slides into the lap of the gatekeeper. The judge becomes the judged, the victimizer becomes the victim. In conclusion, Twilight Zone host Rod Serling appears, stating that "Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man-- that state is obsolete."
I'm glad you found the clip! Me trying to explain would not do it any justice.
Our State is "Obsolete!"
What happened after the "kaboom" ? This clip didn't show us.. MUST the True ALWAYS "have to" sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Devil??
Why are those who accomplish so very little always running their mouths on how mankind should run their lives.
I love this episode! The ending is the best!
Self importance. They consider themselves superior and more significant .
See, that’s where values come in -
We “normal folk” mostly view ALL people as having value.
To these ULTRA privileged, perversely rich, self appointed vampires - “to WIN” and get “MORE “ - is - everything . And that often includes dominating those less fortunate or powerful.
Look at the past to know the future. Power corrupts most men and women.
Jezebel in the Bible was one nasty queen, and apparently Cleopatra wasn’t as wonderful as pop culture like to portray. If memory recalls correctly, I think she murdered her own sister.
These globalists and families of old still dominating the power structures behind the scenes will never be content with their lot in life.
If they TRULLY believed in what they proclaim - ie Equity - they would be DIVIDING up their money and sharing it . NOT the scraps in their so-called charitable TAX SHELTER non profits.
THEY fake their caring - it’s not authentic but a useful tool. Rockefeller was the first to create this “special framework” shell game. Gates SENIOR was in awe of it, and Junior is just replicating the system along with the Clintons, and Warren Buffet and gang. It’s all one big stage show.
Though more like a dark, sick CIRCUS Show though, run by clowns and jesters.
Sadly the joke is presently on us.
Wouldn’t it be nice if they left us to live a happy, free life and not as their slaves.
Because, psychopaths do not have real emotions, like real people, they can only mimic the visual, if that.
True. They are the chameleons among us.
This is why I do not support overturning R v W or banning abortion. If they want to delete themselves from the gene pool- let them.
Good point! --- And pretty much my thoughts as well.
Thank you, Bandit. Another extremely strange phenomena is the metastatic spread of global childless leaders. It is not mere coincidence. They have nothing to worry about. They have nobody to leave behind.
Oh, if only biden was childless.
If only the imbecilic GOP had left R v W alone! Their greatest skill is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They have no issue sending our sons and daughters to fight wars in foreign countries , the losses are “ casualties”. But a woman who does not want to bear a child pre-viability is committing murder. So “ pro-life” excludes warmongering.
If the leftists who hate humanity as a whole want to delete their gene pool, let them. Instead, the idiots on the right prefer losing America. Essentially, that appears to be a mutual goal.
Oh, I totally agree. The only problem I have with some states, is letting them abort up until birth. I, personally, find that reprehensible.
Klaus Schwab, "Gyorgi Schwarz" and Henry Kiss-My-Assinger, too.
NOBODY is forcing anyone here have an abortion, though my thoughts at this point, with Klaus Schwab's infestation of CCP "ideas" about "ruling" his "loyal subjects," is that this possibility really could be on the table in the future. Then again, with -72% birth rates in places like Australia and other heavily COVID-vaxxed countries, we are going to be mostly missing the next generation.
Yeah, I been sayin' that for years: "Lead by example." Let's start with Public Enemy No. 1 on the list: Bill Gates
The bottom line is simply nobody has the right to play God. All of us are here a relatively short time and are expected to make many personal decisions in the hope of developing good character while enjoying the precious gift of life given to us. We have no right to murder or harm anyone because we think we are better than them or they are are not productive enough (whatever that means?). Try and do your best and above all avoid doing harm to anyone. All will be held accountable at the end.
Yeah, with "them" finally gone we might at last be able to create something resembling TRUE peace on Earth.
Ooohhh, if only they'd go back to their home planet. 😌👽
Thanks! 😉
You set 'em up. I'll knock 'em down. 😉😊😋
And still, it’s not fast enough for the Malthusian Molochists:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)
Haha, aww, thank you for the sweet note, Gina 🤗
They decided to start active depopulation through mass murder NOT because the world was getting over-populated. It's the opposite. It's because the naturally declining population makes their sovereign debt crisis exposed and insupportable. So they need to wipe out people, starve them and otherwise crash the system so they end up on top of the pile of ashes, but still in charge.
" sovereign debt crisis exposed and insupportable". While depopulation certainly can divert attention, the debt only gets worse. China may be the only place to grab the resources before we discover we are broke and need the resources. Those sitting around with loads of digits on paper may discover that paper useless if we don't have food. We peons may just survive on our gardens and barter. Great leap forward. Nobody can afford electricity nor fuel. So they are on top of what?
These are the people who would rather rule over ashes than not rule at all. Also, they are installing the global totalitarian gov't and CBDCs to do the controlled demolition (their plan, not really working well in my assessment).
"not really working well" good!
It'll be a bust. Wait and see... when talking with people I interact with at checkouts, I ALWAYS mention the W.T.F. "Plan" for Total Dominance-- sounds like someone hobnailed skinhead abusing a bunch of dogs, don't it just, I mean, especially after having seen a picture of their "world headquarters," built in the shape of a boot-- well, I say, "GIVE 'EM THE BOOT THEY DESERVE!!"
I think they want to rid the world of idle people, because they fear them, and rightly so because idle people will rid the world slavemasters. Its a preemptive war.
Robots will replace manual laborers.
Really? Only with a reliable supply of electricity, lubricants, bearings, computer chips, and knowledgeable technicians to service the robots. Sure, less people in total, but a REAL infrastructure must be maintained.
At some point the robots could be maintained by other more specialized robots. Some say there are far more advanced technologies that are not made public knowledge. We don't really know what their potential capabilities are...
I hope we can stay human.
Sure...ad infinitum...yeah
The real question is...can humanity stay in control of what it creates?
they want to get rid of the ones with the highest productivity, lifestyles and pensions, as they are consuming resources the elites believe to be their own
Truth is quite a liberating thing and we need much more of it.
Truth is everything.
Makes complete sense. The elites are playing the long game. Genocide will keep going and those who haven’t yet woken up will go to their graves none the wiser that they were in fact murdered. Do you think their dastardly plan will eventuate?
The overpopulation doomsaying is just for propaganda purposes.
You first, Jane!
Yeah. I don't know WHY I find it surprising that a Jane Goodall is speaking like this.
I suppose - save the apes, screw the humans ???
She's your typical birdbrain, maybe has talent and knowledge in one area i.e. Ape anthropology, but completely lacks even a basic scientific knowledge of economics or energy & resource engineering. Zero qualifications to comment in this field.
Yet there she is, sharing her wisdom, and a dais with some of the WEF's biggest and brightest.
What a cluster @#%& this all is.....
WEF should be embroidered in red into all of THEIR clothing as a consequence of their actions.
they are not the world's brightest, they just think they are more worthy than all other humans. Some, maybe many, believe they have extra special genetics.
They don't want to eliminate us all prematurely. They still need that huge pyramid underneath them until AI and transhumanism become more mature. They want to be immortal and be waited on by robots and lobotomized ex-humans. They want to eventually have everything they need supplied to them by automated AI and robotic systems. Then the peasants can be eliminated. Fortunately, they aren't as smart as they think they are!
In fact they are a lot dumber than they think they are smart, incompetent to the point that any world they ruled would be best described as Idiocracy. They are trying to re-create the Soviet Union on a global scale and we all know how well that worked.
All you have to do is watch Gates or Schwab speak. It's quite absurd! They both think they are Bond villains or superheros. You're right about Idiocracy.
Hah hah-- just get a load o' Schwab's wardrobe weirdness-- is he actually trying to tell us that he's a KLINGON? What is he Clinging Onto here, Earth itself? Tell the MotherWeffer to KLING OFF!!! And look how l-o-n-g it took "Big Pharma Billy" Gates to "get" that his damnable shots DON'T WORK-- "Safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective," Oy VAYY!! Wonder if anyone got a PARROT to squawk that in the ears of those trolling kiddies up at the 5G U.S. military Propaganda Pulp factory in N. Carolina?
maybe the 4th Reich
So often the willingness to deny morality and empathy are presented as intelligence. Being "clever" so we can't plainly say "evil".
Think of the entire needless debate over fluouride in water. It's added and not necessary. That there is even concern that it may be unhealthy is sufficient reason to halt the unnecessary and probably costly practice. Then we have to track the fluouride to see how else they try to put it into us.
But obvious things are being reduced to semantics and truth is prohibited and debates rage on despite obvious truths. Action denied by proving to liars that they are lying. Think of it.
That's why a free speech zone around identifying those to be indicted where evidence exists must take place now while we all recall the events. While those guilty may be held up to the rest of their controllers to show what must take place. WEF must be a curse word.
So 20 years from now a player at Wimbledon like a then-john mcenroe type could get upset with the umpire and say "WEF!" to the umpire and be expelled for cursing. As mcenroe should have been, but that's seemingly a different story. And is, but related by way of promotion of bad behaviour that was rife in the 80s and beyond, which was preparing the ground. Along the same lines as "Just say no" to drugs which divided communities. At the time Venus Flytrap on WKRP in Cincinnati would go into the closet to smoke marijuana, it was an open joke.
Think of THEIR micro-aggressions. Seatbelt laws... Any gun laws. A better way of living for all results in gun violence being more defensive than offensive.
So complicated, all the chemicals going on with the propaganda and top-down moronic control.
My two cents' worth on your limited hang out: My sister would be alive today had she actually WORN a seat belt. Now, GET BACK ON TOPIC!!!
In fact, it's very much part of this if you can't see mandates don't work. Seatbelts also kill, but who wants to talk about that? Crashes can make it hard for hands and arms to work and there you are tied in. No one should be able to tell you what to do for your own safety. Make it repellent to be irresponsible, but you can't really make it a mandate enforceable by law.
motorcycle helmets are mandatory almost everywhere because of the high risk of serious brain damage that would put one in nursing care for the rest of their life, on the public dime. Most all auto safety features are demanded by purchasers/owners, who know what part they are in an equation including mass, momentum, and meat. The % of crashes where seatbelts are a hindrance rather than a savior are so small as to be rendered inconsequential, and not worthy of mention. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, and my father was an insurance agent. I literally cut my teeth on auto safety data.
Thank you. We have an infestation of "limited hangout" trolls here whose purpose from their U.S. D.o.D. C.O.'s command is to deny, distract and damn the TRUTH. TOO LATE, li'l trollies, we know who you are, what you're doing here and who you're "daddy" is. And "HE" is FINISHED.
Yes and you make a valid point. Nonetheless, adherence is up to the intelligence and dilligence of the individual. But then, you introduce insurance, which is a bogus industry.
Societal issues should be covered by society. Taxes should be actually to cover the cost of living, and dying. Everyone in a bad situation should be cared for, regardless of cause.
"Limited hangout."
I wonder if "limited hangouts" include getting choked to death with your own rope...
Malthus lives in people like Jane Goodall.
Perhaps she could really go out in style and feed herself to some hungry starving Lions. I’d donate a dime for a cheap plaque commemorating and acknowledging her achievement with Born Free blaring in the background backwards. 😂😂😂
Born free, Stay free, Live free ...... die free, sweetie.
I don’t get these animal rights people who are anti people. Bunch of kooks.
Oh how I laughed. Wonderful comment and great idea. Bring back the coloseums and let the carnage begin. Part of a conference to identify areas of guilt and the parties involved, should be donations towards the punishment. Imagine how very well paid our lawyers would be. We are the majority, vastly so. Media is quite persuasive, as a nanny force.
Ted Turner maybe better 🔥
at least he paid an early, large part on the survival of the north American bison
Refuting Malthus: the Geopolitics of Creativity and Open Systems Explored
So is Goodall going to check out?
Nah, didn't think so.
Didn't vile Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare, tell us to check out at 75. See his vile, disgusting article yourself in the Atlantic here. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/
Die at 75? Does this mean vile, evil, disgusting, arrogant, nasty Hilary will check out? Bill? what about centennariain (sp?) Kissinger, or almost there Soros. How about Gates?
Brother of Rahm, no doubt. Their father was a mass murderer of Palestinians when his senior handlers handed him the mantle of cleansing Palestine on the pretext of plopping the Holy Jews back on their "homeland," which never was, as THEY murdered the original inhabitants on advice from some whacked-out Satanic voice posing as "god." Plenty of documentation on that one. All to get a toehold on the "holy land" of even Holier Oil, the better to fuel the Zionist-owned industries of Europe and the U.S. Whatta loada bullshit, everything we've been taught, eh?
Yes, Rahms brother. Both disgusting.
The "bringing in millions of refugees, etc." is to discomfit the 99%. This wreaks havoc for those who have to compete for jobs w/ others (though let's not mention AI/automation). It also attempts to overload & hopefully break (regressively-funded) socialized medicine, at least in the countries which currently HAVE socialized medicine.
I moved from east to west coast for 20 years, then moved back. In that time, there was a much more visible Mexican population, evident by restaurants, grocery stores. Only saying, in returning home it was an obvious difference. I was going to take time to rethink my life and live in my grandparents' home, after they had passed away. Not having to pay rent, I thought how freeing it would be to work in a restaurant just preparing vegetables/food prep. I already had competence and could do a good fast job. I understood the requirements. I only wanted minimum wage. It didn't matter, if I could feed myself. The 4th time I was declined for any position, the nice man doing the hiring started talking to me about a management position, because "we pay a bunch of Mexicans what we would have to pay you." I pointed out minimum wage was fine. He didn't feel he needed to go that high.
I ended up "managing" a restaurant that had once been good, but the owner turned to a drunk, on top of being the truly awful person she was/is and would sit in her bar and berate the appearance of her wait staff. Not just in front of customers, but FOR them. I bring it up only to satisfy a long-standing frustration with the whole situation.
The reason the restaurant was failing was the entire kitchen staff was Mexican, did not speak English or pretended not to. The owner spoke badly of and to me, as irresponsible drunks are want to do, so they had no need for my instruction.
They couldn't be instructed on the proper temperature to fry beer-battered camembert so it wouldn't arrive as a greasy puddle on the plates.
So the restaurant failed. How many businesses suffer in this way?
If I moved to France, I would not expect to be able to work unless I spoke the language. Somehow this basic requirement is being portrayed as "racist" when applied to those entering to work in the US.
Like dual citizens banned from public office, we should not allow employers to hire unless English competency may be proven. BASIC competency, not the ability to read Proust in English.
too bad dual citizens are not banned from government jobs in the US, like most other countries
It's more important here, because it's freedom we cared about most, and people from other countries with more intrusive laws bring those ideas here.
What I find most pecular is the WEF is acting as if the fourth industrial revolution exists...robots are in mass taking over and thus mass random killing of humans is fine as everything they need will be done by robots. This is normal for a Psychopath, they can not tell the difference between something that exists and something they desire the most. My current thinking is the Globalists will kill billions, then themselves as no one depends on complex social structures than Klaus and the Ketchup man and the rest.
Those that outlive this unbelievable drama will be the winners. Not the Globalists Psychopaths. Every one of us comes from stock that survived pandemics, wars and famines. Suck it up buttercups.
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’” Or see the 2023 article by computer professor at Univ. of Washington, Militant Liberals Are Politicizing Artificial Intelligence
What is behind the global warming and the idiot Covid depopulation shot? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control. And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at http://www.scribd.com/doc/2297152/Alexander-King-Bertrand-Schneider-The-First-Global-Revolution-Club-of-Rome-1993-Edition that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” A full Club of Rome history can be found here, from the Club itself.
This evil, non-Einsteins like Goodall are too frighteningly STUPID to not know that their Malthusianism has NEVER ever, ONCE panned out. EVER.
The truth is simple: *** MINDS MATTER MORE THAN MOUTHS****
If she, and other Malthusian IDIOTS weren't so arrogant and stupid (bad combination), they might look up the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894, where scientists KNEW that in 30 years London would be covered in 30 feet of horse manure (don't remember exact number).
Did that happen? No. Any intelligent person might ask why. But not these aholes, too arrogant, too stupid.
Then there is the Julian Simon/Paul Ehrlich wager. Look it up yourself. Basically, Ehrlich, a Mathusian, who was also a catastophic global cooler, who then became a catastrophic global warmer (I am old enough to remember when "the next ice age was just around the corner," needing - in the words of Obama's science advisor Holdren, the razing of our industrial capacity ***TO STOP GLOBAL COOLING***. He then shifted over to global warming, and leftists, being too stupid, had this just go down the Orwellian memory hole. I know the somnolent wokesters are too intellectually dishonest to read about the Simon/Ehrlich wager, but you can here https://fee.org/articles/how-julian-simon-won-1-000-bet-with-population-bomb-author-paul-ehrlich/ Erhlich is now 90, but of course, wont check out... nor will 95 yr old Soros, 100 yr old Kissinger, or late 70s Clintons. Gee... go figure.
Apparently these snowflake men are so lovely, they have become very unattractive to the breeding female.Keep it up guys there will be more cheese whiz for you
I agree with you, and I believe Worldometers miscalculates, whether knowingly or not, the world population to be growing at about 2 per second net person growth (births minus deaths). https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
The important thing is what you show: Fertility rates declined below 2.0. Once that happens, once fertility gets into < 2 territory, a couple is no longer replacing all of itself, and net population unavoidably declines at that point (assuming death rates remain stable - not at all a safe assumption in the 'died suddenly' era.).
The inability to reproduce by choice or cause means the end to civil society eventually. Sadly, the nations that contribute to world improvement are leading in that inability. That does not bode well for the future and those aspiring to enjoy life as we have known it. Your smart phone means little without a huge infrastructure that must be maintained. If the creatives who create are not here, advancements end and decay starts.
I reflect on the great Maya and others who built great societies that failed. Hope nature enjoys consuming NYC.
That's because there is a built in momentum for population increase as the many more children than older adults replace them as they die off. However that momentum must inevitably fall to zero and reverse since we have already surpassed Peak Children.
a lot of ideas that are "mainstream" end up being based on nothing.. how could "population growth" be "exponential" and "food growth" be "linear"? even as it is half of the food in "the west" is thrown away.. the real reason "stalin" is considered a "monster" in "the west"?
"..Stalin ..If capitalism could adapt ..to the systematic improvement of ..the masses ..would not be capitalism..": http://ciml.250x.com/archive/5classics/english/stalin_crisis/stalin_16th_congress_cpusb_excerpts.html
"..half ..food ends up in the garbage ..every second lettuce ..potato ..fifth bread ..produce abundance and throw it away..": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA1m2aKkqdQ
"..whole concept of “overpopulation” can be traced to Thomas Malthus..": https://christianpost.com/news/the-myth-of-overpopulation.html
"..Malthusianism is the theory that population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population decline..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusianism
"..Overpopulation Is A Capitalist Lie..": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUJmZ5hUy84
"..the myth of over population ..seeks to create contempt for masses of ordinary people, whilst excusing ..inhumane practices by institutions and elites..": https://off-guardian.org/2020/12/12/the-myth-of-over-population/
"..blamed the poor alone for their condition ..scholars have not found historic societies which have collapsed because of overpopulation or overconsumption ..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_overpopulation
It should be Damn Jane Goodall--some dame indeed! (An' yup, Sir Elton the Jab-Pusher gotta title too...)
I wrote about the gawdawful "Dame Jane Doll" not so long ago... what the heck were they thinkin' ????