Really great points and a well written article.

I'll remind you though that (I believe you support him for president) RFK jr. is still suckered by the global warming scam despite more and more irrefutable evidence that it's another globalist/corporate invention to control and bilk the population. The points you laid out here have no chance if they are clouded by a fake schema dreamed up by the likes of klausy and billy.

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RFK Jr. is also continuing to ignore the genocide in the Dombas and unfaithful negotiation of the Minsk agreements by the Ukraine while attacking Russia for defending itself from terroristic encroachment by NATO. The best thing he has promised is the withdrawal of American troops from the 800 foreign bases they are terrorizing and bullying the world from. Trump promised the same thing and then did nothing.

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RFK Jr. and Trump both mean well, and want to get the Ukraine-War stopped promptly. Bobby has made that clear.

"The Presidency" is a vast bureaucracy which happens to include an elected "president". He/she is extremely constrained by all of the projects and agencies already operating on planned timelines. Presidents who go against that are mortal, and it is harder to go against it than it was in 1963, when JFK paid the price for acting upon his convictions.

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The best way to end the war would be to withdraw from NATO, but the MICIMATT complex would never let that happen. WW3 will be more likely to end the war, triggered by a NATO member attacking Russia. Finland is the most likely candidate.

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The Fins don't want anything but peaceful business. This was not a popular national decision, to join NATO.

Weakening the western/global financial system incermentally, which it is doing without help, may be the best path to de-colonization.

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Which colonization are you referring to?

The Fins didn't do anything to prevent what the warmongers in Brussels wanted.

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I refer to the global financial "colonization" I'm sorry if I was obscure in my reference. The NATO/US military backs up the $US financial extraction neo-colonalism, as do the IMF and World Bank.

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There are no government solutions, only government-made problems. Realize this and your eyes become wide open.

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Indeed you have identified the fork in the road. Liberals think more Gubmint is the solution.

Conservatives believe the opposite. Liberals used to be knowledgeable about environmental concerns and now fear monger repeating a child with Asperger's "stolen future" fears...

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Why aren't there more people fighting for regenerative foods and more organics, both will help the environmental movement. The CO2 stuff is really nonsense but nobody will tell the truth about it. Read all about this on naturalnews.com, one of the few sites that tells the truth.

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I think the better word is accurate as is your evaluation of the CO2 hype. That said C (carbon) is better sequestered in the soil for many reasons. The green plants take in CO2 and give off O2 (oxygen). That is necessary for life, but don't suggest this to a climate change fool. Natural News hosts its own channel, that Adam's realized (before anyone else) that he must be in control of content. Mercola who has or had by FAR the biggest health info site, did not have this foresight and has paid dearly for not taking this action. Adams is a lay person with an exceptional keen science loving mind who occasionally errors. Mercola is a credentialed physician who pays to deep dive and flawlessly reports on an extremely wide range of topics.

There is plenty of room for these great contributors and thousands more!

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natural news is far from truthful. mike adams makes lots of money selling prepper products driven by his fear mongering. Ask him about the 11 types of aliens he says work w/the US government, 10 of which want to destroy humans. :)

Oh and as a "scientist" he did a botched analysis of zeolite.

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perhaps you might provide useful info on the alleged botched Zeolite analysis??

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You'll have to find his analysis. When you do you'll see that he says zeolite contains aluminum. It does. That's known. It's not a problem because it is bound to the zeolite and passes through the body with zeolite w/o losing its binding, making it effectively "inert" even though it's there. He uses ICP-MS atomic spectrometry to evaluate for the presence of elements in things he tests. In this case, that is going too deep and when he claims that because that type of analysis found aluminum that zeolite is bad or contaminated, he's just a machine operator and not a scientist (as he self-professes), talking over his head, not understanding the situation.

We know people that have used zeolite to improve their vaxxed situation because the spike binds to it. It would be stupid to give that up because of his botched analysis.

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Your analysis is exactly correct. I have studied Zeolites in detail for over 16 years and do have the necessary background. That said his contributions to Natural Health are unprecedented. He used his personal $$$ to fund and go through the onerous ISO lab certification process and turned the "organic" food and supplement market on its head when no other lab would touch it. I have 33 years of being in the rank and file and thousands of alt. lab results as experience... There are many many details.

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There is chemistry and biology. The people I have studied include 7 PhD's in chemistry. They are easily hoodwinked and the most difficult people to ever admit a false belief regardless of evidence. Medical doctors unfortunately are often even worse as they are directly telling people what to do or scripting out toxic "medicines" and turning a blind eye to the effects...

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I'd like to learn more from your zeolite knowledge.

We eat only organic food and know much of it is not what's claimed. If he uses spectrometry to prove his products are clean, that's a great/proper use of the technology.

That said, he has for years (I have to hear it from a neighbor all the time) touted all kinds of fake end of times news to sell his prepper products. And I have a friend (a substack author adams interviewed and he said adams was a nut).

So when you send me info about those 10 unfriendly alien species hanging out with the government, I'll believe all he says.

Meanwhile, please share your zeolite and lab knowledge. Maybe start a substack?

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We all smell something reeking to proverbial high heaven in Net Zero and the corporatefaux religious invasive zeal of climate action---that little climate hourglass with wings on Amazon belying the fact that that company's packaging alone is probably eating up whole swathes of old growth---but it is too complex for most of us to analyze for ourselves, so we turn to politicized sources. To start something that might align people beyond the left- old school liberal- right divide would be magnificent. In the old days there used to be teach-ins, which could include all the strange bedfellows, like the Defeat the Mandates alliance, teaching together on how things really are and what can be done that isn't a corporate scam to rob us, our great grandchildren and the cosmos itself.

I have been reading Clemens Arvay's books on eco-psychosomatics, and I found a passage on lichen, which I posted to Covid and Coffee, where the political persuasions are mostly very different from my own. Fungi and algae TOGETHER united as lichen take over the most hostile environments successfully!

"...The fungus forms a lichen body and offers the alga a damp hiding place in its folds and nooks where it does not dry out. It provides the alga with water and in return receives carbohydrates that the alga makes through photosynthesis, which the fungus is not capable of. United as lichen, algae and fungi conquer even the most inhospitable of habitats together. There, where nothing else can grow, they take root together. In this way, they even grow on naked boulders and with united forces are capable of transforming the ground into new soil for other plants over time.....soil and vegetation slowly emerge on the boulder, and plants cover the stone in a green blanket" from The Biophilia Effect

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Yes let us return to basic biological tenet of symbiosis. They are now and always have been real. There are however issues like dioxins, heavy metals, plastics, and synthetic persistent

chemicals many of which have no known remediation...

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Meryl: This re your licence: DeSantis is defanging the medical boards in FL, perhaps you can consider moving your practice there...


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Telling the truth or even asking questions is now forbidden. That is how far sideways "we" have gone. I see the empire crashing and do not think it possible to fix from within...

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Meryl, move to the NY metro area, triple your fees, and keep giving the same great advice you have been giving all along. People will gladly spend some of the helicopter drop on actual health.

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Thank you so much for circulating this wonderful article! As a former environmentalist and climate emergency advocate, I am so heartened to see respected leaders in the environmental movement speaking out about the hijacking, which has been taboo in the new authoritarian-loving left. I breathe a sigh of relief - perhaps this will awaken a few more of those whose caring for the earth has been so cleverly used to further an agenda which is completely OK with collateral damage in human health and ecosystem destruction.

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So funny. I just read the defenders email and posted this exact article on twitter. Yes! Sounds awesome to me.

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"So It Protects Freedom, Too" - this implies that the current 'environmental' movement is protecting the environment. Which it blatantly is not. In many well known instances, quite the opposite is happening.

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What we need is Emergency Power reforms. If they can't get us with another biowaepon they will declare climate emergencies and lock everyone down - just watch

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EVERY public policy issue affects civil liberties. Covid exposed this in a way that’s easy to understand. I hope we’re paying attention.

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We’ve gone from terror alert levels to COVID alert levels to CO2 alert levels in a few short years. What’s next?

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I have a rich friend who is a climate-change consultant. She drives a Tesla and charges it with a diesel generator when she’s at her country house. She flies first class. She maintains two opulent households. She is the poster child for the climate movement!

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However, he does tell the truth about many things that the gov't lies about like the CO2 issue that I mentioned in my comment. He does fear-monger but people should be afraid about a lot of what is going on. It also makes people get off their butts and do something like prepping. I don't mind that he makes money from selling prepper products. He's also the only one who thought enough about organic food to make a 25 year org food prep package.

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Nothing wrong with monetizing knowledge however he is by no means the first or only.

Mercola and The Health Ranger are thousands of miles ahead in this regard...

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"Climate change" is the next "coronavirus pandemic." Obvious things will be ignored, like weather manipulation, geoengineering and the effects of toxins dumped into our environment.

I really like RFKJ - his honesty and integrity are a healing balm to this nation's wounds. AND, AT THE SAME TIME, we all need to be aware of the possibility that he will bring in the next stage of worldwide authoritarian control (either purposefully or accidentally). Allison McDowell's video this morning is a must watch on the subject:


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Have to remember that many well-intentioned movements end up being co-opted by the Oligarchs and then turned into activist or propaganda outfits to move their agenda forward. Often this results in divide and conquer strategery being played against the Oligarchs’ perceived enemies. Their number one enemy being the American Middle class right now.

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In my climate warrior days, I had followed Dr. Bendell and his Deep Adaptation movement. They were the only people openly acknowledging how society was heading for collapse due to not dealing with the climate. Your article informs me that he and I both underwent a transformation during the pandemic years, discovering the centrality of freedom.

Noticing how the rhetoric on climate change was a parallel to the WEF's rhetoric on vaccines, I've moved away from my decades of climate work. I see the scam... I have a left perspective, but have worked with people on the right, and recognize that this is the only way forward.

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There is no demonstrable 'climate crisis' and there exists no sound, scientific basis or empirical evidence supporting 'dangerous' man-made global warming caused by greenhouse gases. The proposed 'sustainable' solutions to an imaginary climate crisis are doing as much damage, if not more, to wildlife and the environment than the use of fossil fuels. Until Bendell acknowledges this, there can be no progress on real environmentalism.

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