You're FAR too kind in allowing them to be considered "ignorant," Kathleen. These criminals surely KNOW what they're doing, how complicit they've become, whether that be from the gate, or later on, they're guilty as presumed, no doubt (I just wish I could substitute the word with, "as charged").
Don't we love it when one types out a 30 min. reply with all the bells and whistles intended to cover the subject at hand, and then some cyber devil causes it to go bye-bye? Well, I'll just try and deal with it and piece it back together the best I can.
There is ALWAYS a "motive" behind every crime; a motive behind every move, actually. So what is theirs according to logic? The "Greenback" of course. What is their motive according to the evidence? It is likely just what they are purporting: to reduce the earth's population to a "sustainable level." Evil Bill has spilled the beans, even, stating that "If we do a real good job with the vaccines, we can reduce the population by 15 percent or so," Someone please tell me how that might NORMALLY happen, if the jabs were to accomplish their intended (spun) purpose. Would it not INCREASE the existing population? What grade are we in?
Now, being a Christian, I naturally see things through spiritual glasses. If prophecy predicts something and it's happening, then it gets noted. But more tangible than that exists something that will perplex me all my days. It has been finally "cracked" as in a code, that Satan will gain control of those minds which have consistently and overtly repulsed the H.S. and the Truth of the Gospel. When this occurs, the will of the person is nearly extinguished, unbeknownst to him or her, but it's like something you've never seen! Very creepy! They have unwittingly joined the ranks of the enemy! They're like brainwashed, and there is no reaching them. A terrible deal.
Wrapping up, it's been my conclusion (for many reasons) that there is an alarming current of supernatural activity on BOTH sides of the picture. It has been said, that it is actually MORE busy than the temporal world itself! God's angels are of course busy with their duties of protecting souls and prohibiting evil befalling them as directed, and on the other side, you can only imagine the mind-numbing, calculated, plans set in action, and some in reserve, to deceive the people, and cause as many as he can, to offend God.
There is ample room to assume a "spiritual" influence present in this C campaign. We may know the intricacies of that truth, but we must first get to heaven, where every move, thought, deed, and lack of duty is faithfully recorded for the "Investigative Judgement" to take place, so the saved will be fully convinced that God's "Executive Judgement" was in fact supremely perfect. No mistakes or oversight there!
OUTRAGEOUS abuse of power against you, Dr. Nass. I'm beyond disgusted with these ignorant, petty people.
You're FAR too kind in allowing them to be considered "ignorant," Kathleen. These criminals surely KNOW what they're doing, how complicit they've become, whether that be from the gate, or later on, they're guilty as presumed, no doubt (I just wish I could substitute the word with, "as charged").
I agree Ray. They ARE criminals. There is no excuse for their premeditated crimes.
Don't we love it when one types out a 30 min. reply with all the bells and whistles intended to cover the subject at hand, and then some cyber devil causes it to go bye-bye? Well, I'll just try and deal with it and piece it back together the best I can.
There is ALWAYS a "motive" behind every crime; a motive behind every move, actually. So what is theirs according to logic? The "Greenback" of course. What is their motive according to the evidence? It is likely just what they are purporting: to reduce the earth's population to a "sustainable level." Evil Bill has spilled the beans, even, stating that "If we do a real good job with the vaccines, we can reduce the population by 15 percent or so," Someone please tell me how that might NORMALLY happen, if the jabs were to accomplish their intended (spun) purpose. Would it not INCREASE the existing population? What grade are we in?
Now, being a Christian, I naturally see things through spiritual glasses. If prophecy predicts something and it's happening, then it gets noted. But more tangible than that exists something that will perplex me all my days. It has been finally "cracked" as in a code, that Satan will gain control of those minds which have consistently and overtly repulsed the H.S. and the Truth of the Gospel. When this occurs, the will of the person is nearly extinguished, unbeknownst to him or her, but it's like something you've never seen! Very creepy! They have unwittingly joined the ranks of the enemy! They're like brainwashed, and there is no reaching them. A terrible deal.
Wrapping up, it's been my conclusion (for many reasons) that there is an alarming current of supernatural activity on BOTH sides of the picture. It has been said, that it is actually MORE busy than the temporal world itself! God's angels are of course busy with their duties of protecting souls and prohibiting evil befalling them as directed, and on the other side, you can only imagine the mind-numbing, calculated, plans set in action, and some in reserve, to deceive the people, and cause as many as he can, to offend God.
There is ample room to assume a "spiritual" influence present in this C campaign. We may know the intricacies of that truth, but we must first get to heaven, where every move, thought, deed, and lack of duty is faithfully recorded for the "Investigative Judgement" to take place, so the saved will be fully convinced that God's "Executive Judgement" was in fact supremely perfect. No mistakes or oversight there!