The scams orchestrated by the money people run deep!

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Jun 5Edited
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Many people will call you crazy, but I think you are correct. It is diabolical and so hard to accept that such evil exists, but we have seen horrible things historically happen. It is naive to believe that it cannot happen again.

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Absolutely correct! Rise in carbon dioxide FOLLOWS rise in temperature. “Carbon” taxes are a tax on thin air, “carbon” credits transfer wealth, impoverish. The whole “carbon” footprint thing is a massive scam, and has nothing to do with actual environmental pollution.

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Someone ought to tell RFK, Jr this because I tried to ignore him for years, now, over his endorsement of the global warming narrative and I have yet to hear him call our country a Constitutional Republic (at least that was at it’s inception; I am unsure what we are now—a bankrupt corporation?)

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The end of the article supports the crisis narrative that we must rush to stop the “climate crisis”

Yes another narrative to profit from a public manipulated with shame, pain, and fear.

RFK loses all credibility by endorsing the “climate crisis” …

But I understand that Trump and many other otherwise aligned officials are “standing with Israel” - which is yet another scheme.

Gaza is only a resource grab and that billion dollar pier just erected affords them the means to ships those resources out to market. Corrupt officials on both sides are aiding and profiting from this effort.

Funding this war is simply funding a theft… Israel is yet another Ukraine.

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Jun 5Edited
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Apologies for going off topic. Yes the Wapoo and other presstitutes are covering this in the usual fashion, you can bet money their take is not what is happening. It is very similar to Covid's coverage. Those telling the truth are cancelled.

In short NATO, on the US? behalf, are hell bent on war. Many, seasoned, decorated professional ex US military, are now saying, today is more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis. Here are a couple of links.

Larry Johnson; Russia Is Flashing Red, the West Better Pay Attention


Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin


Be curious about Dr. Nass' take on Sachs Covid opinion. Certainly out of his expertise zone, or not?

However sent this link to some friends and a surprising number responded with accolades.

I like this Sachs character. He presents a historical view, that he was often an actual involved witness to, very humbly. Larry reminds me of all the reliable characters of my youth, not enough of them, rock solid, integrity.

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I don’t think I am familiar with Larry Johnson. I’ll listen later. TY. It all feels very ominous to me; NATO via US weapons and UK influence are planning to indeed start a thermal war with Russia. Zelensky flying all over even recently over to the Philippines. Ukrainians from 18-60 years old are being force conscripted/abducted into military service. Macron sending troops into Ukraine. Most Americans are oblivious to the danger this installed regime in the US and the other entities are putting Europe and the US/Canada in—really the whole world.

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The scammer of a scammer is an honest person? War on carbon is our enemy. Carbon cycle means flourishing life. Killing carbon means killing life.

Best scientific sources to debunk carbon climate action:


Not global warming but deliberate global droughting

Climate change has nothing to do with gases and everything geoengineering tech



Killing me softly with green songs:


Carbon reparations:


Climate deaths:


Open season for human culling:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


War on poultry and cattle:


War on Pigs

No ham, bacon, sausages, pork ribs, chops and tenderloin


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Excellent sources thank you

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Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. This article seems to buy into the false premise that it is.

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Yes Nina, you are correct: "Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant". Actually CO2 is an "energy carrier" and can be "split into CO" and manufactured into "green jet fuel" with the mixture of hydrogen. Or CO2 can be manufactured into methanol with similar processes.

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eucalyptus is fast growing and has HUGE water consumption. They have been removed and banned from most parts of very dry Los Angeles and beyond.

All of it, all of it is a grift, vig, baksheesh, scam.

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Plants love and need CO2. God orchestrated fossil fuels to be stored in Earth so that humans could find them and use them to humanity’s advantage for energy and also to assist plants. It’s humanity’s responsibility to use fossil fuels in the most efficient way possible to limit pollution. Pollution from fossil fuels has been dramatically reduced in the US over the past 50 years.

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Amen. He IS WAS WILL BE is coming soon

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I live in a nation where significant areas have been turned into moonscapes by fossil fuel mining - not good for plants, animals or humans.

Other extraction sites have been "restored", but the toxic pollutant residue in water and soil make life hazardous for all living creatures now and for a long time to come.

Some humans pollute and destroy the environment wherever they go.

Selective human culling might be the only realistic solution.

Leaving fossil fuels where they are might also be a good idea.

Ripping the environment to pieces, then trying to restore it and reduce pollution, is a way better progressive idea!

Seems to me that an omnipotent God, was a tad shortsighted, under the circumstances.

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I couldn't agree more. Carbon offsets, carbon credts, NACs, carbon markets are all a mirage to make consumer goods more expensive, thereby further enriching the ultra-wealthy and taxing the poor, while forcing corporations into compliance with ESG standards.

NAC: https://open.substack.com/pub/wildhorsewisdom/p/carbon-delicacies?r=31a4ti&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Carbon offsets: https://open.substack.com/pub/wildhorsewisdom/p/big-banks-net-zero-pledge?r=31a4ti&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

The way out: legally ban ESG requirements in investing.

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Thanks for substacking this. I think I speak for most all of us when I say with sarcasm: "No...way!!!!!!!"

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One big scam, as a kiwi entrepreneur and property developer I have developed and operated vineyards, Deer Farms, ordinary property Hotels, Residential, Commercial Real Estate, and vividly recall the scam that our then Labour Government under WEF adherent and Prime Minister Helen Clarke and her government wanted to impose on forestry owners… at the time we had 290ha of Pinus Radiata and Macrocarpa Trees, that we’d developed, this was the early 1990’s, and we were advised together other owners in a large meeting of the then governments plans to tax us because of our proposed loss of carbon sequestration upon the trees being harvested, bearing in mind at that point the trees were relatively young… the Pines being in the ground 8 years so aged 9 and the Macrocarpa Hardwoods 10/11 respectively.

Nz under Clarke typically as a WEF stalwart had signed onto the WEF globalist scheme in its infancy, something the nation always seemed to do, as if we were an incubator for these nefarious schemes.

Thankfully we didn’t pay, challenging the decision, before given the groundswell of opposition to this theft, the government decided to shelve and not proceed with their theft and pilfering.

However worse was to come, they came up late 1990’s with a scheme to credit owners carbon credits predicate a calculus of metrics used to identify a sum the government would pay owners for the carbon sinks their plantations were acknowledged as being… in exchange for the CARBON CREDITS assigned to government, only issue was that once the trees were harvested as ours have been given their 28 year maturity cycle and site index, save the Hardwoods with a 40+ year site index/rotation, anyone who had received monies had to repay the money based a new calculus at the age of the trees when harvested, a result that fiscally penalised owners rather dramatically, as most will know the cost of repaying carbon offsets paid say when trees are aged 8/9 years would be dwarfed by the amount owed government when the trees are harvested at maturity… thank this was an opt in scheme, we never did, for the simple fact it was a scheme that was so hard to quantify, lacking details, only a fool would sign up, many I know of who took the upfront carbon sequestered credits offered government ended up owning money upon harvest of trees… so much for the upfront benefit… I know that many Endowments in the U.S who owned large forestry tracts out here in NZ took the upfront money, undoubtedly seeing the same as a gift from government with no intention to ever harvest commercial forestry plantations owned… killing in the process an industry…

The entire climate issue is a scam, we know weather changes, climate changes, the U.N climate data relied upon has been found to have been in many of their reports, overstated, manipulated, to buttress this dystopian agenda… an agenda borne of a desire to con us all, remove arable land from the global food chain in their bid to control global food supply… not for them, lab grown meat, just as they fly the world in their private jets, they’ll dine on grain fed or grass fed beef, best cuts, you, me, per that hypocrite and arsehole Klaus Schwab and his acolytes, will eat ze bugs, own nussing, and will be deliriously happy… not..look into, look up, read about the climate scam, educate yourselves, there is presently a document signed by 1500 of the world’s leading climate scientists attesting to the scam and fraud that the entire net zero argument is…

The entire Al Gore hyped climate change outcry , it’s a fiction, a scam, designed to create money out of thin air, provide the sham of polluters being non polluters, whilst remaining the worst offenders, ever wonder why the poles are still frozen, not melted, ice thickening in Antarctica not thinning or disappearing, cities not underwater, inundated as predicted would be by now, sea levels rising at normal rates as they have the last hundred years since records began, why the elites are snapping up coastal sea front property for getaways, clue… it’s not to watch or have a grandstand view of sea rises… 😂😂😂😂😂, they’re argument is all bull💩, we know Nordstream released more methan into the air and the ocean than all farmed animals they rail against known to exist in fifteen (15) years would at present known levels, a single volcanic eruption has more of an impact than every combustion engine known to exist in motor vehicles on the Earth emit over a 50 month period according to real scientific calculus, that Military jets emit annually as flown they’re regular training sorties, more carbon than the two largest manufacturing and pollutant economies (China /India) do every 6 months, that’s right, every year the emissions of military aircraft flown globally add more emissions into the atmosphere than the world’s two acknowledged largest emitter nations do 6 monthly, that doesn’t even equate the impact to emissions of the bombs they drop…. add to this mix their private jets emissions… and if they think they can buy a credit or sort of, ausage their guilt by buying a phantom credit whilst they actually add dramatically to that which they mandate we must sacrifice for, is laughable, we didn’t come down in the last rain shower, though the way they treat us with such disdain, you’d think they think we did… its just one big scam, don’t be tucked, see it for what it is… Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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But again, CO2 is the gas of life....

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Money laundering by any other name is just as rotten.

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Why pick on Carbon Credits? The entire "Climate crisis" is a Globalist scam, of which creating new markets and sources of revenue is an important part.

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Amen another good litmus test...watch their actions and subtract between their word and deed. If they are so for "owning nothing and liking it" then immediately they should surrender all wealth, stop flying private jets, dining with elegant food and eat bugs...etc etc

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Global warming caused by humans and/or cow farts is a lie.

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If we really want to cut pollution without killing off planetary life, we should eliminate the incredibly eco-destructive military, all military craft , geo-engineering, unnecessarily toxic frequencies and GMO crops - everywhere. All at once. And the WEF/WHO/UN and all other 'secret societies'/control freaks. First.

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All of this to reduce carbon dioxide, also known as plant life sustainer, to fight non-existent climate change. A scam on top of a scam.

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It probably causes less damage to people and the economy to pretend you are net zero than to actually try to do it.

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