This cessation of the data-feed was "necessary" after the definition of "unvaccinated" to mean anybody prior to 2 weeks post the second jab, and anybody more than 6 months after the second jab, failed to cover up the awkward "negative vaccine efficacy".

The UK Public Health, CDC and friends decided to stop shooting their narrative in the foot by releasing factual data which prove it increasingly false.

Imagine their consternation! :-o

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We're not supposed to know that the vaxxed are getting sick and dying more than the unvaxxed.

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Thank you so much for this heads up!!! Pure manipulation. I thank principled and vigilant MDs like you to keep us informed of what is really going on. I am shocked and dismayed at the majority who are still trying to receive, yet, another booster. Because of information like this, I am becoming more emboldened to say outright to them, “Don’t do it!”

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Aren't the earlier data based on defining "vaccinated" as 14 days after 2nd mRNA or 1st J&J - so if someone dies within 13 days of the shot they are counted as unvaxed?

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It's a "bayesian datacrime". See Bad Cattitude Substack:


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I've been consistently impressed, though in a bad way, of all the ways they protected themselves legally, and how they managed the clinical trials, plus controlled almost all of the data and media. It clearly isn't their first time, though not on such a grand scale.

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Here in Ontario (Canada), we found out that the public health data collectors deliberately assigned all cases of Covid diagnosed from 1- 14 days after the person's last gene jab into "unvaccinated" category. So the person could have had two doses already but if they got symptomatic and had a positive test result a few days after their first booster (third jab) - which is remarkably not uncommon - they were still counted as unvaccinated.

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Same here in Australia.

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Steve Kirsch has found an Attorney General willing to help stop the covid shot craziness. He is looking for people that work in the Healthcare field (any capacity from Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic…. to other) to give him just a small amount of time. See survey in article below. Please share this with any you know that work in Healthcare.

Thank you.

We have a red-pilled Attorney General!!


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When the stats don’t fit the narrative, just go poof! It’s gone. Just like Pfizer and the FDA.

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Yes, England and Wales, and also Scotland, all stopped publishing their comparisons in March this year, wth a lot of waffle about why they were doing it 'because the figures were being used to show that vaccines don't work' .

Yes, maybe that is because vaccines do not, in fact, confer any benefits... but if so, then why are the WHO still saying on Facebook that people who have had Covid should still get their jabs, when this is patently nonsense?

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

"Most notably, the agency withheld granular information about hospitalizations broken down by age, race, and vaccination because it feared that the public would misinterpret the data, an official told the publication.

The agency has also fallen under scrutiny over the past year due to its failure to publish data on cases of reinfection, when a person is fully vaccinated but still gets infected, unless the person is hospitalized or dies.

Agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund, who spoke with the New York Times, said the CDC has been slow to put out the streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time” and the public could misconstrue it."


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The way I see it is that if they really wanted to prove that the jags worked, they would have had to restrict them to those at high risk of death, rather than hand them out like candy to the 'worried well'. Then fair enough, compare the all-cause and covid-linked death rates of the vaxxed and unvaxxed over 70's, plus the middle-aged obese and sick.

I'm 68, my wife is 70, we are healthy, and we ducked the vaxx. We did both have Covid, probably twice, and it was really nothing to write home about: sore throat and fatigue mainly.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

but simply proving functionality (even if that were actually possible for these substances, which the FOIA data for Pfizer slowly trickling out of the FDA doesn't bode well for,) doesn't make billions of dollars in profits...

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That's so funny. It's obvious that they've re-defined "misconstrue" to mean the public might ascertain the truth.

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What a spin!

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Did those GENE THERAPY graphs EVER show any benefit, real or perceived...? Thanks.

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Its a good question: I think they can be made to look as if they are effective by counting those who get sick or die within two weeks of either the first or second jabs as 'unvaccinated' ....!!!

Now, this means that four whole weeks of data in 2021 are falsified to suit the pro-jabbers, and the result is that the data is totally untrustworthy.

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My question has been, for months, if vaccination is intended to create immunity, why are the graphs not tracking immunity/antibodies. That is the biggest red flag for me!

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Well...the NY ”Slimes” & the (C)riminal (D)epartment of (C)onfusion are at it again - just like da “vaxxx” - they are dirty.

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What is it We're Not Supposed To Know?? It's EVERYTHING!!!

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I’m sure they’re busy working out yet another way to skew and fake the data.

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When in doubt leave it out. Criminals.

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New Zealand still updating. Vaccination status of new hospitalisations per 100,000 of population segment https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/7871616/ Vaccination status of new cases per 100,000 of population segment


I guess its time for them to stop as the boosted and unvaxed rates of hospitalisations are pretty much the same the double vaxed winning the hospital game

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I was just going to share NZ data too. The moving graphs 3/4 the way down the page show no obvious benefits. I guess they're just banking on people not looking.


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They show that you are far less likely to catch Covid if you don't vaxx, but the ratios narrow a bit for hospitalisations. Its pretty hard to figure out whats happening without age bands, but broadly there is no obvious benefit, true.

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Isn’t it getting exhausting to be on guard for the RAMPANT gaslighting coming at us daily? I am!

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