Claiming monkeypox is primarily spread through gay sex, then claiming children are at risk is telling me something that they’re not saying..,,

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"Dr. Naomi Wolf: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Is Responsible for Mass Murder"

"She knew, and she kept saying 'safe and effective.'"


''Dr. Naomi Wolf: The CDC Director was working with the 'Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army'… the whole time''


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They lie a lot.

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How do you know they lie?

Well, they open their mouths :P!

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Excuse me; are you a pedophobe :P?

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No. They don’t scare me, I just hate them.

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What's even worse? We just had nation wide elections and no candidates mentioned the whole covid power grab and loss of rights. In the exit interviews no voters mentioned it either. It's just not important to most people, and the brainwashing is wide and deep. Your a nut job for doubting the official narrative!

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Yes! This implications of what happened over the past few years has gone over most people's heads. The harsh and brutal censorship by government and media of low cost treatment protocols for covid, and the "state" shutting down discussion and dissenting views on the vaccine--that millions of people were coerced into getting, by the government!--is so scary and unprecedented. Just asking a question these days gets you slandered as a conspiracy theorist/selfish/threat to others. Doctors are being frightened and punished and/or being brainwashed into not doctoring but rather conforming to government approved big pharma's agenda. A door has been opened, and it should be slammed shut but many people have no clue. There's too much noise, too much distraction, too much brainwashing?

But to be fair: In NY Governor race, the Republican challenger Lee Zeldin was beloved by the medical freedom movement in NYC. He was unequivocal that the nyc vaccines mandates were totally wrong and openly said so. He was refreshingly clear and articulate on that. My most recent blog post has an excerpt from his debate with Kathy Hochul on Oct. 25 (who unfortunately won)


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It is interesting how quickly the whole thing was quashed, but particularly the part about children getting monkey pox when it was pointed out that somewhere north of 99.5% of cases were spread sexually, mostly between men having sex with other men, but also with women who were having sex with men who had sex with men. When it was pointed out there was practically no spread through casual contact and that the children becoming infected were all children who had men in their lives who had sex with other men so it likely meant that those men were likely also having sex with those children the cries of homophobia were rampant.

Sure, we totally believe that a disease which wasn't commonly spreading through casual contact was somehow infecting kids through casual contact even though they virtually all had contact with men who had sex with men. Screaming that we are irrationally afraid of homosexuals isn't the way you disprove a hypothesis, it is how you shut down any discussion of a hypothesis that is actually likely to be proven true if it is discussed and looked into at all.

Right after that you couldn't buy a headline about a minor contracting monkey pox because the media had been told to shut down that line of thinking completely as it was bringing attention to another leg of the agenda they didn't want to see looked into.

I'm not saying all homosexuals are pedophiles and no one was. But when a kid who has a relationship with a homosexual and becomes infected with a disease that is spreading almost exclusively among those having sex, you at least have to look into the possibility that homosexual is also a pedophile.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck it probably is a duck, unless of course it is a member of one of the "protected classes" and then it can't even be looked at because the possibility it is a duck can be proven.

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and there was a dog infected who slept with his gay male owners

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Barf! I could have lived the rest of my life happy to not know that fact.

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A monkeypox dx in that under-age group should automatically trigger a mandatory social worker visit for probable sexual abuse. Any pediatrician recommending this vax needs a state medical board visit.

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My supposition is that the 9 hospitalizations occurred to get kids out of the home to perform a social services evaluation...

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it's probably the state medical board insisting the Drs push it on the patients

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

"probable sexual abuse" is unwarranted. infected persons can be teachers or have kids in the house or even be completely UNconnected to people they inadvertantly infect. they only need to have used the same seat or piece of cloth (e.g. hand towel in the bathroom) or have touched infected skin onto a toilet seat or any door handle.

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It’s like people are so hypnotized and brain addled by the psy op of these past few years that the perpetrators can say anything at all, no matter how ridiculous, and these people will accept it, parrot it, and line their selves and their children up for experimental injections that they’ve already been told won’t protect them in any way. I think the Covid injections effected some sort of lobotomy on them. Really. It’s like something is MISSING in these people. I don’t intend this as a slur or hyperbole.

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Report from NZ: some while ago our sainted Prime Minister somewhat plaintively asked a press conference if anyone had any questions about monkey-pox. The &*^% faithless mainstream media hacks (whom she THOUGHT she'd bought and paid for) answered with deafening silence. And the PM ran away ....

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My God! This is tiresome. And predictable

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When your only tool is a hammer, a liability-free hammer, what does everything in the world look like?

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An arm.

That is why God gave us two. Thanks to COVID czar Ashish Jha for letting us know.

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OK, but I meant "a nail". In this case the vaccine is the hammer and the nail is a human body sigh... (Picture Arm & Hammer logo in mind)

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The CDC et al count on people not reading (or not understanding!) these simple facts. I like that new CDC motto, 'No matter the question, vaccinations! is the answer.'

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“It seems even the lying is half-hearted these days. What will happen to the scientists who produced this drivel when the vaccinated public understands what they did?“

The vaccinated public will never understand. I know people who’ve had five so far. Non sentience is not confined to less living beings.

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I should be able to get you the article, let me know if you want me to send it along

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I love it that ". . .even the lying is half-hearted these days." What is certain now is that a much larger percentage of the population is finished with vaccines than before the clown show, when (mainly) the only adults affected by vaccine injury were the parents of kids diagnosed with ASD. Even Paul Offit, the pit-bull of vaccination, is now denigrating the latest whoop-de-doo jab.

Astonishing. On the other hand, how many people voted for covid zealots yesterday? A hell of a lot of them. Sigh. I was sorry to see your governor re-elected.

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"We Need To Protect The Innocent Children!'

"The VAERS Dashboard is 'court room ready'! This is where they are hiding 'kids deaths' in VAERS:"


"How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding Covid Jab Dangers"!


Mad As Hell!


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Though the study in question isn't available there yet, I assume you're aware of sci-hub? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sci-hub&t=h_&ia=web

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Thank you Dr. Nass! Always the voice of reason. I thought you might be interested in knowing current Air Force doctors facing deployment in 2023 are getting local deployment. Teams are being formed to treat injuries from chemical warfare. Is it a coincidence there were 6 questions on anthrax on the board exam this year?

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If the powers that be openly come at the kids with this farce of a vaccine, then the world will know that they are all corrupt and all about the dollar. Sick-economy.

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