Trump and RFK Jr. have their work cut out, rooting out the deranged minds that came up with these plans.

Sadder is the amount of friends, colleagues and family that jumped onboard this sinister train. It was military level psy-ops, but I can't find it in my heart to forgive, or trust them, ever again.

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You forgot the man most likely to find out - Elon Musk.

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Also be the first kid on your block to open up your skull to Musk's Neurolink..it didnt work with the monkeys, but maybe it will work with YOU....We are already innundated with RF waves from his STARLINK SPY SATELLITE SYSTEM, but a few more at this point in time won't make much difference to those who are already brain dead but just don't know it yet......

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Well, I can tell from your post that you are inundated with something.

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Musk is finishing on a new scale what his grandfather started: the idea/the ideal of technocracy inc.

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Lets not forget that Trump implemented the CARES Act that killed humdreds of thousands in order to "save" them, and he apparently still considers himself the "Father of the Quackzeens which killed and injured many hundreds and thousands more. No repentance whatsoever

Did BOBBY KENNEDY Jr join the Trump train thinking he is going to reform it concerning the vaccine issue? What is his motivation? What was he thinking?

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Yes. RFK Jr did join Trump hoping to reform the vaccine issue and a lot more. He has explained his action on a few videos before. I don't have time now to search for those videos and to post it here.

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As I learned first hand, (As RFK Jr.) when [so-called] "medicine" kills & harmes your loved ones, it makes a believer out of you!

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The thing to worry about is that while RFK jr is an honest and trustworthy man for the job, I'm not at all sure what the rest of the team are going to do. I don't trust Trump, I don't trust Elon....

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Yes. Bobby wants to end the corruption between Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food and our US agencies that serve them not us. That is Bobby's mission.

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Catherine: Did you know that our industrial medical complex kills, [through iatrogenics] 200,000 to 800,000 each & every year, I.e. 12.5 million to 40 million in the last 50 years? So using TDS "logic" you should be happy with Trumps low death count!!! Right?

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A lot of the information about quarantine plans is hiding in plain sight.

Eg. Senator Ron Johnson pushed for mass home quarantine on 5 March 2020 --and clarified enforcement powers - after pre-announcing the 'pandemic' (before the WHO).

See this post for video clips/ transcript:


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Rand Paul has done some great work to flush out Fauci's lies, and I have much respect for him. No one in Congress, however, has done more to expose vaccine harms and COVID malfeasance than Ron Johnson. I know of at least 3 hearings he conducted solo, with (almost) no one else in Congress or from the "health" bureaucracies even bothering to show up. He also sat in on one of Marjorie Taylor Greene's vaccine harms hearings about a year ago as the only senator present. He is the only one I know of who has pressed the DoD for explanations about apparent DMED database concealment of jab injuries. All this has happened since 2020. For these reasons, which are my highest priority, he qualifies as #1 of 100 in all the Senate.

PS: How could I forget? He was also the sponsor of S.444 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.

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Yes .. Senator Ron Johnson early on was courageous in taking a stance against the “Scientific” wave of CDC/NIH medical tyranny - he welcomed Dr Pierre Kory and others to speak out against the conventional treatments that clearly did not work - and show that repurposed drugs and other alternative treatments were much more effective in defeating COVID mortality rates than what was offered at the time / and he was a champion of exposing the Fauci mafia and its far too powerful influence on our daily lives - he truly cares about health and wellbeing and us not bought and corrupted by Big Pharma

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In that case, you must be deeply troubled by his casual announcement of the "pandemic" - with a chuckle for good measure - a full week before the WHO , and his aggressive push for mass home quarantines in the US on 5 March 2020.

It's all part of the PsyWar, remember??

See clips and transcript here: https://democracymanifest.substack.com/p/the-homeland-security-psywar

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I think all of us have learned volumes since 5 March 2020. There's a psy-war, alright, but Ron Johnson isn't one the players.

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Watch/ read and listen to the evidence -- and then decide.

The Chairman of "Homeland Security" Senate Committee calling a "pandemic" a week before the WHO should trouble true patriots.

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Did you know, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote?

Can you say or think, "Constitutional Republic,... if we can keep it." ???

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Ok you did a good job raising questions but how do you explain his behavior since this time?

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It looks like Ron Johnson changed his mind afterwards?

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It's interesting that then Senator Ron Johnson was the only one who had hearings and gave a voice to the vaccine injured and the doctors who were otherwise being silenced. What happened?!

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Who knows? (Maybe WHO knows. There was obviously an inside joke about officially declaring a "pandemic" -- see the video.)

What you describe is part of the SPARS script. https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf

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Wow! I thought Ron Johnson was a decent guy. Didn't he hold all those wax injury hearings? Wth...

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The PsyWar runs deep!

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It looks like you have a masters degree in PsyWar mongering!

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That would be your "homeland security" heroes.

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If you knew that "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep protesting the vote." You woulden't use silly "democracy" for your handel!

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forgive , its just for you.Forget??????NO WAY.IM MEANING FRIENDS N FAMILY MEMBERS WHOM ARE BRAIN CONTROLLED.IF you showed them a bird in the sky they would not believe you,except if its convenient for their world.Trust in any 3 letter is lost.so good luck rfk jr.

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Trump will never put on the table what he is personally responsible for in the time from 2018 - 2020.

Putting Global Health Security for all people on the planet into force.


And fixing PPP's with BARDA, DOD in the field of Public Health through Operation Warspeed. The new, accelerated model for health industrial development. The brigde for inventing gene-therapy on the market. The invention of RNA-medicine which would had not possible without the pressure of this "historic" pandemic since 100 years.


Trump with Alex Azar as the investors of the most important operation since Apollo.

What's all about the scientist that they forgot about the fact that science is constructing reality?

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We will find out who wrote this. Just a matter of time.

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Who is "We"? We still don't know for certain who specifically ordered JFK killed and that was over 60 years ago. We don't know for sure how Jeffrey Epstein was killed, although that could change very soon.

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cut-and-paste comment from above...

A lot of the information about quarantine plans is hiding in plain sight.

Eg. Senator Ron Johnson pushed for mass home quarantine on 5 March 2020 --and clarified enforcement powers - after pre-announcing the 'pandemic' (before the WHO).

See this post for video clips/ transcript:


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Love that confidence Dr. Jack!

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This needs to get to RFK Jr. Instead of wasting years trying to revamp and seek out the criminals in the HHS and affiliated departments they need to fire EVERYONE and start over with a new set of rules and regulations. Of course create the new system first, hire the new people, and fire everyone that is currently in place. No more NIH or CDC Foundation. No more research money coming from these organizations and no more funds coming in from pharma for approving drugs and vaccines. Also, repeal Bye-Dole and all laws passed that allow big pharma to cause harm without accountability. If they threaten to end the production of vaccines all the better. I think we should have a halt on all vaccines for 5 years and I have no doubt you will see chronic illness, SIDS and autism almost disappear.

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icymi... re Senator Ron Johnson on mass home quarantine plans even before the 'pandemic' was declared...


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If you are trying to reveal that Sen. Johnson was actively onboard to promote the c-19 scam and quarantines are you also suggesting he had nefarious intentions?

It’s a challenge to believe that as he really changed his tune and has been a leader of discussions at the capitol attempting to unravel who/what led us down this path.

Is it possible once he realized that the committee he was a part of initially was compromised that he innocently and honestly switched gears? Or would you have us believe he is controlled opposition?

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"Sen. Johnson was actively onboard to promote the c-19 scam and quarantines..."

Most people agree with your assessment after seeing the video, for sure.

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How are you sure Senator Ron is not sincere? All his public actions after the early days have been to reveal the truth.

-It’s not my assessment as you originally posted it.

I reposted it in reply as a question to you.

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What’s more chilling is that all 50 states already have rules in place for them:


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Yup. Even in good ole RED florida state we have this law... everyone THINKS DeSantis 'fixed it'. They did not, there is a huge loop hole..

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icymi - re mass home quarantine plans even before the 'pandemic' was declared...


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Think what you will of Alex Jones. Has he batted 1.000? Probably not. But he's called out some stuff that no one else would've touched, and was ultimately proved right. I don't remember the who/where/when, but I think this might be another one he called correctly.

I remember, with little doubt, seeing a kind of ongoing manhunt in Australia during the height of all this. Someone broke out of quarantine camp, and had to be tracked down. I think roadblocks may have been involved. So is this kind of outrage unthinkable? No, it is not.

All for an artificially-created virus born of government malevolence. Western civilization, paying dearly for the sins of the monsters at the helm; paying dearly for the privilege of being tormented. May these monsters get what they deserve.

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Yep, the quarantine camps in Australia were populated with inmates. And they had other restrictions more severe than we did. It was the vaxxed who were the danger all along, and of course the Media said it was the unvaxxed. And what were otherwise reasonably thoughtful people fell for it. Pysop for sure, but these Camps are no joke either.

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Also see the work of former Green Beret and war correspondent Michael Yon.

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We can see from this ai query what Alex said and he was pretty much on the mark. Just don't pay any attention to the left biased responses from the ai program. https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-did-alex-jones-say-about-BXnTlPQyQbapMGiayGnlGg

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Governor 'Gulag' here in NY State has an exact same Quarantine Health Threat Executive Order on the books and it is still being fought in the courts by heroic Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox!


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The NY governor was sued because she wants to keep her emergency power to throw people into these camps still!! She lost AND IS APPEALING!!!!!!! No proof of any communicable disease needed, just the possibility and she can lock you up and throw away the key!!! These tyrants must be stopped!!!

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And this dastardly totalitarian scheme has been hiding in plain sight on the CDC website all along?

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See this post for Senator Ron Johnson, 5 March 2020, plans re mass home quarantine even before the 'pandemic' was declared...


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Excuse me, are you a bot? What's with the exact same snippet repeated again and again?

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PS. You clearly aren't "red-pilled" if you're defending Senator Johnson calling a "pandemic" before the WHO and pushing for mass home quarantines in early March 2020!

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Did I defend him?

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You're excused!!

Just trying to get the messages through to all the deniers here!!

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Bobby's going to have his hands full revealing all the truths that need to be had.

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Quarantine camps is code for biometric open-air prisons.

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The CDC is a private company that owns vaccine patents. Why were we listening to guidance from them? Oh right, because the globalist enabling media whores were helping to push the narrative. The events of the past few years are a part of the globalist New World Order Madness genocidal agenda. Nothing less than Crimes against Humanity and ALL involved need to be held accountable. Some call them psychopaths. I prefer to call them sociopaths because they knew exactly what they were doing and didn't care. No Amnesty for Murder!

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Where did you get the idea that the CDC is a private company. It is a federal agency under HHS. Are you confusing the CDC with the CDC Foundation. created by Congress and supposedly an independent nonprofit organization that enables the CDC do do illegal thing in a Private-Public-Partnership (PPP) front for the WEF and the UN/WHO?

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The two significant differences between psychopaths and sociopaths are: 1) psychopaths are born, and absolutely have no conscience, and 2) sociopaths are made by childhood abuse, and have some semblance of a conscience. Other wise, same difference.

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This seems a well entrenched plan...

- As in NYState...

Ms. Hocul had the power and determination to RETAIN these unjust camps. The court of law OVERTURNED and ALLOWED her appeal so...

presently all is back in place!


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I know! I posted that as well. It’s clearly one of the most anti-American power grabs I know of and I fear for my friends. When they ban me from visiting my family because I come from a state they considered dangerous during Covid, I couldn’t believe NY was part of America! They allowed neighboring states but not southern states. They couldn’t produce their criteria or data when I FOIA for it. The government is tyrannical! My best friend’s mom was a prisoner of a nursing home there, locked away from her family. She lost more than 80 pounds and had a nerve of her tooth exposed when my friend was finally allowed in. My friend’s mom died three days after she got to be with her daughters again. This neglect is so barbaric I really want to see the high-level officials tried and convicted. We must strip them of these powers. They want to control and/or destroy us.

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My heart aches for your friend and her Mom. Please let her know that a stranger somewhere really cares. I took in the horror and prayed that we learn and we do not let this happen again so their torment and loss matters. 💞💞 Marjorie

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Thank you so much. your reply here just brought tears to my eyes. It’s nice to know that others still have compassion considering what we’ve all been through. I certainly will tell her and her sister thank you so much.

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Hopefully Elon Musk's Independent Government Efficiency Department, a joint project between President Trump and Elon Musk (or whatever the final name will be) will do as promised and conduct do the most massive government purge in history and expose all the criminals. It will start about 20 Jan 2025 (although I suspect that the identification phase has been in progress for some time already. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/trump-offers-a-10-point-blueprint

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another angel looking down on us.we must not let it be in vain.lost so many,i can not count anymore.

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Meryl Nass makes a great case for eliminating the failed CDC and for starting over under the leadership of RFK Jr. On day one RFK Jr. should eliminate any pharmaceutical indemnification for any pharmaceutical product beginning with vaccines. The CDC is no longer an American public health institution, it is a corrupt and captured agency of the globalist elite that delivers lethal political medicine aligned with the lethally corrupt United Nations and World Health Organization. Personally, I think President Trump should withdraw the United States from the irredeemably venal United Nations.

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I believe he tried to do that (withdraw from the UN) last time he was in power, but was told by Congress that he had to wait a year before pulling America out of the UN (he stopped funding WHO immediately). They with a capital T then dropped covid on him earlier than intended and used that as an excuse to toss him out of power by mail-in ballot before the aforementioned year was up. So (unless he's been lobotomized since) I have hope that President Trump WILL withdraw America from both UN and WHO In January next year.

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I hope so, Susan. It would be a great start.

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I can imagine many of the "authors" of this dystopian, tyrannical, and holocaustic (new word), "policy" are some of the same ones that accuse anyone to the right of Stalin as being "Hitler".

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And they still refuse to admit that Hitler was a leftist, one of their own.

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Trump's choice for White House Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles, is a former Big Pharma lobbyist, including for Pfizer. We'll see what happens with all of this. To me, it looks like Trump is already stymieing RFK Jr.'s Make America Healthy Again intentions.

See: Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff


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And are people really going to buy that he was duped once again? We all need to keep a close eye on everything now. With this swift appointment, clearly they are in a big fat hurry. The signal has been sent. The only saviour is the people and we've got far more power.

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The snakes are slithering in. They know the stakes. Undoubtedly some nasty actors are Wormtonguing their way into Trumps sphere of influence.

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Worming or considering his first pick as chief of staff I'd say all well planned in advance and invited in with exuberance. The ultimate Hegalian Dialect is playing out and our belief in lesser evil type saviours is exactly that dialect.

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Very troubling. So much of what Trump wanted or could have done got stymied by the People he surrounded himself with. High stake politics is playing out before our eyes...

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We can only hope that some people, like RFK, Jr., will make some noise. At least Roger Stone is vehemently criticizing Pompeo as a choice for anything.

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Trump should know better by now.

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It may well be that he doesn't want to.

I'm going to be watching very carefully what he may be doing with regard to his statement to "my lovely Christians" that "in another four years, they will have fixed everything and you won't ever have to vote again." That's ominous. But, at least it's out in the open.

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I just forwarded your link WIDELY.

Thanks for letting us know.

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Given that so many lies have been spread about Trump and people he picked, why believe the smears without extensive research. The lies an smears will not stop because we won big time. The enemy never stops lying, slandering and smearing anyone who does not obey them. A large consulting firm (Mercury has almost 70 clients) and well before she worked at Mercury she worked for President Trump and helped him very much in the 2016 campaign. Did she do anything illegal? If so where is the credible proof from credible sources? Working at a consulting form that has pharma and other clients does not even prove that she directly represented even one pharma company, and even if she did, where is the proof that she did anything wrong? RFK Jr does not come entirely clean https://www.thedailybeast.com/actress-cheryl-hines-was-warned-against-marrying-rfk-jr/ - see how easy it is to smear someone in politics without hardly trying? Speculative smearing is not recommended and can cause a lot of harm. I've done a bit of smearing Junior myself, but I provided pretty strong evidence. Now that he is on the right side, I can just hope that he will help get rid of regulations instead of adding more, because despite his claims of being a free marketer, every regulation restricts freedom, and thee environmentalist are the worst when it comes to regulating. As foir Suzie Wiles if someone has some credible negatives, fine, but not these part of the story smears.

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How's the trolling going? There's a lot of information in that healthimpactnews article, written by numerous people. And, I wouldn't discount Thomas Renz's comments. Renz is about as honest as one can be. I also found the Wholistic News article to be particularly interesting.

The bottom line is that people should read all of the links in the healthimpactnews article and store the information for future reference.

And, while you're at it, you could do a bit better in your own research. Mercury states on its website that it has 550 clients, not the smaller number of 70 which you state. Interesting to me is that, since this healthimpactnews article was published two days ago, the Susie Wiles pages on both the Mercury and Ballard websites have been pulled and we now get a 404 response. What was on those pages, which would necessitate removing them so quickly? (-:

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By definition "In slang, a troll is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages".

Providing information, asking questions and having doubts is not trolling. That Trump and just about everyone around him has been lied about and smeared repeatedly is indisputable, so I am naturally suspicious of unsubstantiated claims of fact. What I mean by this is that words mean nothing. Deeds count. Wiles was a co-chair of Mercury, and that means right at the top. 2 ai programs say 68 clients. The 550 could be accumulated, but for the sake of discussion let's go with 550. Since Wiles was co-chair, she could have been overseeing many clients, and none of the articles I looked at mentioned anything but big pharma. With more information that smells like bias. None of what I red accuses her of wrong doing. The number of people who wrote the articles is irrelevant. The NYT has teams of writers for many articles and still lies. Without any specific crimes or wrong doing, it is sort of like saying that anyone who owns mutual funds that include big pharma stocks is suspect. I would not doubt that she is a negotiator. So is Trump and he would naturally be drawn to someone who can make good deals. Anyway, there is nothing either of us can do about it, so I reserve judgement until I see some real proof of wrong doing.

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Thanks Meryl.

I was aware of the quarantine camps. Crazy times.

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