Serial liars, career parasites and misanthropes abound at the highest levels.

Did you expect anything less?

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"Rogue agency needs serious pruning."

I think if we're brutally honest, they need to be razed to the ground and completely re-conceived from scratch.

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Over and over in 2021, when I tried to help others understand the shots were horribly dangerous and shouldn't be mandated, the fallback was "we are going with the recommendations of the CDC". "CDC said to" is now the modern day equivalent of "I was just following orders". The CDC will have to do far more than reorganize a few departments in order to rebuild its shredded trust. They have to come clean.

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There is no “fixing” the CDC. I will never trust anyone or anything coming from that government agency. Defund it and save taxpayers money.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Is this even an agency or is the CDC a rogue corporate species of co-mingled public and private interests fatally conflicted and embodied in the equivalent of a corporate zombie not meaningfully controlled by any reasonable, meaningful or otherwise immediately controlling public oversight or physically present trustee culture empowered to protect and preserve the mutual public interest?

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The CDC has been assuming legislative and executive functions during the plandemic. The revolving doors on its half-private institution have been around for several decades.

It has also approved "vaccination" through the food supply from the end of May, 2023:


Who are these people to exercise such power over civilians?

Did it ever have to "explain" what it was doing to a "Congress" that was hijacked to begin with?


Anything new here?

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Shocking - NOT! Bigger question, will the rinos do anything about it?

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Shut er down and investigate any organization or individual who complains, 'where did our gravy train go?' It's always hard to explain corrupt practices when you are paid to be the good guys.

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The Republicans will not do what is necessary to reform this agency. There is only one effective solution. Cut the funding stop feeding it. Make them reform from within show the American people that they realize that they lied to American people and have taken the necessary steps to prevent it from ever happening again. This will require real pain as people need to be fired and their careers destroyed. Unless this happens nothing will change. The swamp will never change unless you starve it of it’s blood

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Why am I not surprised? Since I found CIA agents were fellow pilots during my career, I never knew. Arms, drugs, what else? Our country needs some serious house cleaning of institutions, RJK is the way to go. He knows where all the closets are, and the skeletons in them. I think he's our only hope.

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Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic yet again. Not safe. Nor effective. Poor CDC. Such a sad chapter of the worn tale about this organization. Overdue time to raze and rebuild I wholly agree. My legislators will know my stance. We must all speak up. Now is the time.

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Show me good results from ANY 3 letter agency? CDC, NIH, CIA ,FBI, FDA, DOE, HHS, DOT, DEA, DHS,NSA, TSA??? What do they do with the billions and wheres the results, thats what I want to see. Any business would be bankrupt with their track record.

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Or/and totally dissolving all lettered agencies and then getting rid of the trash!

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CDC -- Center for Disease Control to thrive and spread, then bloom like COVID?

According to Google , CDC stands for "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention". Since "P" is missing from the acronym, the agency just overlooked this aspect of its mission.

A new, from scratch, agency (department?) needs to be created that main focus are causes not the symptoms of the disease. Examples: toxins free food, water and air, no?

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All this talk about how to handle the future, when it seems the past has lots of criminals that have yet to be convicted never mind charged. The sure sign of guilt, mass resignations. Who wants to be bothered with a bunch of pesky questions.

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Spoiler Alert:

This Movie Doesn't End

Until After They Get The Young People

To Kill Their Own Parents.

Or At Least Turn Them In


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