Here I sit, unvaccinated and unemployed and unemployable as a pharmacist because I refused the COVID-19 vaccine. I worked the first year and a half of the pandemic in a level 1 trauma center before I lost my job. I am still waiting to catch COVID-19. Yet I was considered an extreme infection risk to my colleagues for an illness that I cannot seem to catch myself and thus rendered unemployable. I think it is safe to say that my innate immune system is doing a far better job than any shot that any of these "experts" have come up with so far against COVID-19.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

It is very important we hear from you Erika, I am so angry that all the harmacies are so killingly clueless. I sincerely applaud and laud you, you saved MANY lives by your selfless action of quitting. How are you getting by? Did you hear a woman in Europe just got compensation for the mental anguish of being fired unecessarily, a slightly different situation, but the mental duress from this has been and is very real, for all who would not bend. You rock Erika, so much.

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I have been forced to dip into my retirement savings early (I was 50 last September when I lost my job), which I am so thankful to have. I have been volunteering with the Warroom/DailyClout collaborative effort to review the Pfizer documents since May of this year. It has been very enlightening to be sure. I am still considering my next career move--maybe training in the trades? I want to finish the volunteer project first though.

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Thank you for the kind words too, and the update Erika. I have heard of the Warrooms 'volunteer army' it is good to actually 'meet' one of the DailyClout support system. I have no doubt that you will end up being able to contribute your skills and integrity in some new setting(s), medical or maybe you are thinking a new skill to develop...I am an amateur herbalist and winemaker, and like to read books on herbs, many by Steven Buhner, a very advanced herbalist. I mean very advanced, chemically, but still readable by laypeople. His understanding of the mechanims of action is just astounding to me. Also, he has updated his Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal AntiVirals are updated for Covid 19. You could probably understand a lot more of what he is describing than I can, no doubt. Best from Oregon- jackie

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Thanks for the recommendation!

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You would probably be very employable at one of the big health insurance companies, many of which have work-from-home options. Your skills/experience/knowledge would be quite relevant and valuable.

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Your reply went to me, and not the ex pharma lady fyi ok

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If it's any consolation, thank you for taking the high road.

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🤷🏻‍♂️haven’t caught Covid-19 yet eh? Keep trying with PCR tests, sooner or later it’ll test positive 😂🥁 remember that ol drs. Joke, “ you seem to be in perfect health, but I’m sure we’ll find something wrong after you take all these tests”

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I would trust your evidence before anything out of these corrupt institutions. You should try to connect with groups which are well on their way to offering health care outside of the mainstream systems. Not sure where you are located but the FLCCC in USA, CCCA in Canada, others for UK etc. These parallel health care systems are bound to grow exponentially once people realize how much better their health outcomes are outside of the pharma funded systems.

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I agree. I am really interested in exploring a more non-traditional pharmacy practice. I want to leave Big Pharma behind forever. Getting kicked out of my career really helped to open my eyes to just how captured the entire healthcare industry is. I want no part of that.

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You are a lioness, not one of the sheeple! What sound do sheeple make? VAAAAAAAAAX!

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You are too kind. And funny!

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That’s what I want to find. Heath care outside of our current system. The COVID experience has completely shattered any remaining illusions that our health care system has anything to do with health or care. It’s a racket like war is a racket. I now see heath care’ and global heath as the new frontier of exploitation and imperialism.

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I completely agree. Big Pharma has its filthy little fingers in every aspect of traditional healthcare currently. It's despicable to be at their mercy.

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At least you are still alive and healthy.

Some of your former colleagues will probably "die suddenly."

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Forgot to mention, I went for 2 1/2 years unvaccinated before I got COVID-19, I assume it was COVID-19 anyways. Felt poor for 2 or 3 days, took ivermectin per FLCCC protocol and that was it.

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I commend you for your resolve but am so sorry that you lost your job.

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Thank you very much.

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Look on the bright side, Erika — at least you’re not working for/with covidiots. I do hope you’ll find employment soon in a place that respects your humanity.

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''Pls. Bump and Share this Video may finally take the Vaccine Cabal down!''

"World Premiere: Died Suddenly"

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.


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I am so sorry but trust me, things will ease and more and more the vaccine injured are spreading the word - you'll find a job - I think companies and even the medical profession are realizing the dangers - and letting go these requirements.

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Thank you for the encouragement. Unfortunately, with the healthcare mandate, it comes from the federal government and is tied to Medicare/Medicaid payments. No hospital or retail pharmacy can survive without participating in that program. I'll take that as my cue to try something different. It's never too late to change course, even if that wasn't the expectation.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Yes, it appears that these jabs have damaged people's immune systems and primed them FOR the illness itself. Btw, they want us to wear their obedience masks again. HELL. NO.

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That's a good name for it: obedience mask.

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I call it a medical burqa :-)

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Oh yes! Medical burqa is a great name for it! Further, We assert the right NOT to bare arms.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

Hmm, I wonder if "long covid" = vax injury? Who might do such a study of THAT?

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

While data keeps piling up that basically proves the vaccines are neither safe nor effective, it is important in any analysis like this to decompose further with infection rate by age. The results of this analysis could be influenced by the fact that vaccination rate is greater in older age people. IE greater percentage of people who are unvaccinated are younger with stronger immune systems. Thus lower infection rate for unvaccinated.

Further, even if one is vaccinated, they still need to have a strong immune reaction for even a notion of the vaccine to have an impact on viral spread. Thus, it could be that mRNA vaccines have even less effectiveness with older people who have immune system response deficiencies.

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This is an excellent point. I think a lot of pro-vax folks confusedly imagine a vaccine to be liquid immunity. It is not, of course. At best, it is a mild toxin intended to train the immune system against a greater one that may accidentally infect one in the future. Even for people who are vaccinated, it is still their own native immune system that does the work of protecting them. Without a strong immune system to begin with, a vaccine cannot help.

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Scant ‘benefit’ vs evident risks.

No brainer.

But Zombies don’t have functional brains, so…

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25% more likely but why? Could be the vax. The spike protein will dysregulate their immune systems or possibly generate ABs to strains no longer in circulation.

Could also be the vax are behaviorally less risk adverse after believing the CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci, Biden, Gottlieb, TV doctors and their own doctor that the vax will keep them safe.

Could be they think they can get off easy by getting a vaccine instead of doing the work to improve their immune systems - especially exercise and nutrition/diet.

I thank God I did not have any SAEs to the two doses of Pfizer I took June/July 2021, that I was led to improve my immune system with diet & exercise, with supplements (OLE, Vit D3, C, K2, Quercetin, Zn, NAC, & others) and that I've continued to study the trends... no boosters for me.

I pray that all the doctors like you are reinstated with those that tried to ruin you publicly acknowledging their part in making this pandemic worse, fined, and appropriately held accountable for their crimes and fraud.

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I doubt the vaxxed are behaviorally less risk adverse than the unvaxxed vis-a-vis covid, at least for this past year. Since the rise of Omicron, it's been quite obvious that the vax does not keep them from getting it.

The unvaxxed, on the other hand, apparently divide between those who are in such fragile health that even provaxxer doctors have mercy on them, and those who recognize the scam and have never feared the virus. Those two groups would pull the behavioral factors in opposite directions.

Good on you for improving your health, and for refusing the boosters!

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

I know folks that keep getting boosters because they think they won't catch and spread disease. It's sad but it's hard to overcome the propaganda they've been fed.

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I don't think the effectiveness of the injections at mitigating Covid are the issue. I think the only real issue worth discussing is the damage being done by the shots. That's because the jab's effectiveness is here nor there, when compared to the likelihood of harm.

I don't know a soul who died of Covid; but, I know numerous people that died young, shortly after getting the jab. I also know numerous people who suffered severe reactions to the jab.

As well, the subject of the jabs cannot be discussed without also talking about the attack on our freedoms. These issues are all one single topic, and any failure to address the correlation is naive.

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Yes, the Hippocratic Oath and Nuremberg Code need revisiting. Or, more accurately, resurrection.

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I do not know why we trust anything about "the novel zoonotic coronavirus" much less draw any conclusions from "any test for COVID."

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THanks, lv u meryl!

As per other such assessments, they very likely included those who had only partially completely whatever standard of # of vaccinations, and allowing for 4-6 wks ("before the vax is judged to be effective") in the Unvaccinated group. If the number of these partially vaxxed folks could be subtracted from the number they reported as unvaxxed (perhaps creating a 3rd group for this gray area) then the deleterious effect of the jab would be even more evident. And it would show a dose dependency.

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35.7/28.6=1.248 or 125% --->25% more. Dr. Nass, can you comment on the reliability of these tests? Is this more PCR BS? Honestly, my default position on any advice, statements, recommendations and guidance from the the CDC, FDA, NIH is that it is false until reviewed and independently verified.

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They included two different tests, and I don't think either is that reliable--however, with over 300,000 subjects, the differences between the vaxxed and non-vaxxed are probably reliable, as you would expect the tests for both to be wrong in the same direction

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real, but minimal benefit ≠ really minimal?

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And the risk vs benefit?

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Yes, limit of (Risk / Benefit) --> infinity. or whatever negative infinity is

and. Efficacy is jargon for Relative Risk Reduction, where Risk is risk of getting Covid,which is not the appropriate measure for individuals to consider. Absolute Risk Reduction is. It is beginning to appear that the the Absolute Risk Reduction for a jabee is so low that it is negative.

In addition, the Absolute Risk Reduction for a jabee to suffer each one of the kind of illnesses (or death) now listed in VAERS is by definition negative, but problematically a very large negative.

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Unfortunately, most people seem to forget that statistics is not reality, but rather probability.

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How many mice did they test this one on?

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''Pls. 'Bump and Share' this Video may finally take the Vaccine Cabal down!''

"World Premiere: Died Suddenly"

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.


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Just watched this devastating documentary. Truly a MUST watch, and circulate!

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Why are the CDC & probably the FDA perpetrating this farce when most of us know the truth = It's just a HUMAN CULL!

I went grocery shopping this morning with my bright YELLOW TEE-SHIRT with messages stating;

'UnVAXXED to live Longer' (front) and

'Covid UNVAXXED CLUB' (back)

Had various comments; "Love the tee-shirt" and "We know what's going on".

Then the cashier whispered, "Never had a jab and I'm never going to". He went on to talk about NWO & WEF.

I told him that Boris (PIG) Johnson had signed us up for WHO taking control of when they pretend the next PANDEMIC has arrived and then controlling the planet with MANDATED Mask wearing, Lockdowns and compulsory poisonous injections.

I mentioned our new UNELECTED Prime Minister has already signed up the UK for a BAN on any uninjected Brits being BANNED FROM international flights.

At least people are beginning to realise what's really going on! At long last!

We finally talked about Canada's 'Pussy' TRUDEAU wanting anybody refusing the poison, to have MANDATORY psychiatric 'help'. He's washed up!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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My husband's nurse's granddaughter has a blood clot in her liver. 15 years old - never had Covid, just the shot - surgery in December with a 50/50 chance of not needing a liver transplant. That's all the proof I need that this is lethal. I've always said I'd take my chances with the virus. We all used the FLCCC protocol in May when we came down with it and we were safe and fine. And I'm almost 68, pre-diabetic and sad to say, heavy. Our ages ranged from 6 months to 69 years old. Yes, I know people who are vaxed who have had the virus more than once. And there are 4 dentists in my family - so we are high risk - natural immunity is what makes the difference. So far we are all good. Thank God for Ivermectin and the brave physicians who have risked all to treat early and safely.

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Thanks for this independent study. These people need to be continuously reminded that they are being watched and analyzed. They (the vaccine mafia) will do anything to fudge the statistics and then they take this rotting cargo to congress and ask for more money.

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