The lies don’t have an end with these liars in seats of authority. It must be exhausting creating new semi-plausible lies to make up for prior, obviously implausible lies.

The nooses await.

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If you start on page 59 of the SPARS PLANdemic Scenario handbook and start reading you can see they though out all these lies long ago.


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OMG!!! Everyone should look at this especially page 59 and forward

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Yep. That was completed in 2017 too. So no telling how many years previous they worked on that script. The Event 201 videos may even be better, it was blow by blow scripting. For those of us that knew this material existed it was like having a cheat sheet. We knew all along......They even wrote the lab leak into the story in SPARS

Page 66, last sentence of 2nd paragraph.

"Conspiracy theories also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the virus had been purposely created and introduced to the population by drug companies or that it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons."

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I keep saying it....and will continue saying it, until even the MFM recognizes the implications and value of getting outside their silo....these guys have a playbook.

They use the same methods and techniques that they used in education and other sectors to push their agenda. The agenda is longstanding going back to the aftermath of WWII. Few have researched as heavily and in earnest as much as Alison McDowell. She has tracked backwards and forwards in understanding the roots and tentacles of the fin/tech elite. She knew from the start of the pandemic that it was largely about demolishing the west with the intent to “build back better.” Alison understands the mindset that created and has fed the agenda and who and what institutions have contributed to it along the way. And perhaps she understands better than most what the goals and objectives are going forward. Check her out on her YT channel. And her blog, “Wrench in the Gears.”

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I have listened to some of Alison McDowell's talks. She is a super brain on this topic.

"She knew from the start of the pandemic that it was largely about demolishing the west with the intent to “build back better.”"

If you look back at those Deagel population forecasts its pretty similar to what we have going on. They indeed to level Western Europe, U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc...and they are chipping away at it.

“build back better.”

Yep build back better is the Phoenix Rises From The Ashes principle. Tear it apart and what rises from the ashes is rebuilt according to their wishes. They are also doing that to our medical system.

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I came to know Alison back in 2018 when a small group of us mothers (although Alison developed a big following on FB) were networking and sharing information across the US from states that had been targeted by Gates et al and the fin/tech elite relative to “reform” efforts in education. Over time, we came to understand that the reform efforts were about re-making the education system as a pipeline for the coming gig economy, it also would be a system for tracking citizens from cradle to grave on blockchain through a system that would assess, track and capitalize on one’s natural attributes. I had not had contact with Alison since she left FB, but I recently re-established the connection---prompted to do so because of where my own research in Maine was leading me. We talked for hours about where her research has led her as of late. We both have this feeling that what the fin/tech are really interested in doing is cracking “the code” relative to human consciousness. And while many have a hard time contemplating that possibility, it seems pretty clear to me that they have technology well beyond what they are letting us see. Even the way AI suddenly is everywhere in the press these days is telling. Additionally, these guys (the powers that be) think about everything in terms of computer programming, technology, and processes.

Have you heard Alison’s presentations where she is reading from the 1940’s work by then “thought leaders” following WWII about “The World Brain”?

I do believe that one of the goals of those pressing ahead with the NWO is formulating a system whereby they can concentrate and consolidate data on a global scale to better help them understand how to hack human consciousness.

Data is the new gold.

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(kinda makes me wish that substack had a laughing face emogi. kinda. I like the maturity of substack that they don't.)

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I'm not #pharmacy but I share my personaly experience or I'm not #ivermectin promoter.

I have COVID 5day ago and i take ivermectin. Now I'm feeling good. I think ivermectin is effective.

I recommend buying ivermectin site- www.buy-ivermectin-suppliers.com

#USA #UK #austalia

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So, now we know where the virus came from. Got it.

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There is a Rockefeller document named "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Future Development” released in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation. On page 18 you will see a section named Lockstep. It is unmistakably similar to the Covid scenario. If you have not seen it bucked your seat belt :)


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The SPARS document even goes so far as to instruct the media on strategies to suppress and to smear a cure called "Kalocivir" (= hydroxychloroquine), in order to push only the injections. See pp. 22-25 of the .pdf, or alternatively numbered as pp. 13-17 in the document:


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Dr Nass —-👉“Likewise, if someone wished to view the Kalocivir vomiting video on YouTube, they would first have to watch either a montage of pictures illustrating the effects of SPARS or a clip of Paul Farmer’s explanation of Corovax’s benefits. This advertisement campaign required government officials to leverage relationships in the information technology industry, including the many companies involved with social media, but the impact was worth the effort. Vaccination rates eventually began increasing across all targeted demographics except the most recalcitrant anti-vaccine activists.”

👆👆A quote from page 55

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Dr David Martin on Rumble reminds us that indeed Fauci and Baric(sic) engaged in this program of premeditated mass murder 24 years ago.

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You talking about the AIDS flim flam scam?

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AIDS in the U.S.A. was 44 years ago -- just a matter of a few months after the experimental Hepatitis B vaccines were injected into a cohort of exclusively gay, promiscuous men in America's big cities.

AIDS in Africa was spread widely in the 1970s during the World Health Organization's "Smallpox Eradication Campaign."

Two separate "epidemics" ... (1) One began as exclusively homosexual in American cities. (2) The second in Africa largely heterosexual. But both were initiated & spread by contaminated vaccines.

But nobody is supposed to mention this. So allow me.

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The HIV panic was Covid 1.0. They drove the panic with a PCR test and then people took a chemo drug named AZT. AZT made people sick and they wasted away and it was called it AIDS. Just like the covid shit. Fauci again, he did HIV too.

Covid......People took a PCR test, tested positive, and they were not even sick. The masses ran into the poison needle and now they are sick. Just like the HIV thing.

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Question: But (1) if HIV is not a real illness-causing biological agent, and (2) if the deaths were caused by overdosing on AZT, and (3) if the PCR test for HIV was meaningless, then how do you explain that all of the hemophiliacs (who were dying from blood transfusions) STOPPED DYING once the blood supply began to be screened for HIV?

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Unbelievable, but actually sobering smoking truth.

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That is one of the reasons they get away with unspeakable evil. Not all, but most of, the human race is not capable of such evil, so they nobody else is either. They take advantage of our goodness, kindness, and sense of right and wrong.

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To your point....they do what nobody could or would believe is possible, knowing full well that strangely it gives them cover and plausible deniability in plain view.

Hence for those of us paying close attention.....we get labeled...”You must be a conspiracy theorist”....until you no longer are...because your beliefs/choices and the truth gets revealed and vindicated.

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“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

― J. Edgar Hoover

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From the SPARS section on communication strategies:

"Bringing a Sense of Resolution to a Period of Crisis While Striking a Balance Between the Need to Affirm Collective Grief and Loss and the Need to Move Forward "

Notice a bevy of articles from the msm all coming out asking the public for amnesty for them and the CDC, NIH, FDA etc...? They follow the same playbook-- we acknowledge that there's a problem. We were wrong. We are sorry. Please forgive us. Now, let's all admit our collective grief and move on. This was all war gamed and is playing out right now as expected.

Sorry kiddos, but there will be no moving on.

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I suspect there won’t be nooses , however hell is waiting.

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What a tangled web we weave....

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If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

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I’m not buying it. I don’t know a single person who has gotten the bivalent although many had gotten boosters.

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my elderly parents (84 & 90) didn't even bother with the boosters. they got the originals 'behind my back'. I've since been able to convince my mom (it was actually pretty easy) that's its BS.

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Good for you and them. 😁👍🏻

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I’m a senior. All those seniors around me have taken it. Most got the flu jab at the same time. My brother and sister-in-law are the only 2 seniors I know who are unjabbed with any of the COVID jabs. Blue state. Yes, some are reaping the damages.

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I know quite a few who got it. Mostly older.

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16% to many.

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Yes but at least 84% have figured it out!

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(or died, sadly)

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"Be careful to remember where you leave your luggage, so you will be sure to find it after your showers."

Still pushing the shots with a completely straight face.


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Sounds like Dominion and Smartmatic are counting for the CDC.

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Vote counting machine companies?

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As excess mortality rises daily 🙃🤔🫣🤔

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Only 16% took bivalent booster but, 90% of the people I know in my very Blue State did take it. Predictably they are sick with Covid, RSV, flu, strep, etc., more often than not.

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The 65+ crowd still being bamboozled. Just like with the flu shot.

Captive body subjected to staggering amounts of disinformation from their doctors. This should be deemed criminal by now.

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Mar 12, 2023
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Doctors might be a perjorative at this point, unfortunately. There’s a difference between a healer and a doctor. Some doctors might not like that, but the record is what it is. Sorry, docs.

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Mar 12, 2023
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There are some good ones out there, esp in Functional Medicine. But by and large, fully agreed.

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Mar 13, 2023
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Of course. That’s the reality of everything isn’t it?

Everything and everyone needs careful conscious consideration.

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We taxpayers have still paid for doses for 100% of the the population, at least. What a colossal waste in all respects.

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Who paid for incentivizing run death is near and ventilators. This winds up our tax dollars applied to getting us to take a fatal treatment.

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That’s freaking hilarious...... They just keep going and going . Now they have the next one all figured out for 2025-2028.

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Kinda like the MIC saying we will be at war with China by 2025. Like yahoo, what great news. We pay for this foolish nonsense too? I'm am sick of paying for war. Can we hire some diplomats and doctors that don't announce with glee their plans to kill us and our children.

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3 year pandemics with a couple of years in between. Yup.

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Looking forward to when only 16% of children take the mandated school vaccines.

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oh dear, so many doses. so few willing takers. whatever will they do? oh I know... lie. again. and again.

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Interesting. Could people actually be waking up? hmmm....

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When all the ardent followers of your cult die 'mysteriously', even the challenged start to manifest survival instincts.

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BREAKING - 1 hr. video - Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - The house of cards is about to collapse https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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The CDC is the government's propaganda machine. It can lie any time it wants to and that is 100% of the time. The CDC gets away with murder, literally and without question. It's data? Untrustworthy.

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