In Love, in Life - we send Energy to dearest warrior: Robert F Kennedy Jr.

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He seems like the best chance we have here at this venue and juncture to save the Demonrats and the Uniparties from their Evil Globalist influencers.

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In this interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., discusses very important topics, their history and solutions.


Take care.

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Pls see my posts above. He may be a Trogan Horse. Willingly or unwillingly.

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Thank you

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However....I just surmised after reading the two articles I posted on this Comment page two big things happened yesterday and the afternoon before.

Fed Now CBDC went Live with programmable currency for the citizen slaves and Congress voted to NOT let unvaxed pilots back to fly!

And to allow and NOT investigate the bad ( previously failing ) EKG pilots to fly !

What does that tell you?!

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Great reporting--thank you!

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And I imagine should anyone be opposed to anything Stacey Plaskett says they will be labeled "racist". that is the kind of insanity that is happening in our world.

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Name calling when you are losing the debate or argument; Typical, always with Dems! Point it out!

When they have nothing left, that is what 8 th Graders and Demonrats do. Don't fall for it! Call them out each and every time LOUDLY and call them a name, vehemently, as they are you! A " Fabricator ".!!!

That is the only thing that can neutralize this absurd, childish name calling. That is what it is.

Why doesn't the other side, the good side respond in an intelligent counter move such as above?

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A big part of the problem is that politicians do not read the science and just accept the organized Party narrative. Those who rebel get heavily attacked. Look what just happened to Pramilla Jayapal for accusing Israel of being a racist & apartheid State. How can it be seen as anything else given the dozens, yes dozens of laws that have been passed over the past15 yrs alone that make their illegal Occupation supported in the courts. Palestinians are never allowed in the civil courts when arrested but only military ones. But Jewish settlers can do major violence and rarely get arrested and then they get

dismissed in civil courts. The very few left organizations that speak up for equality or end to Occupation are deemed terrorists. The list of human rights abuses and denial of civil liberties against the Palestinians is encyclopedicaly long. But Jayapal was pilloried and to great disappointed backed down with weak apologies. But people supporting the freedom for Palestinians gets called racist. Plaskett sells herself short on this issue but we do know the politics. The GOP is no different.

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But I can still call her a total 💩POS, which is totally accurate but will no doubt be labeled as racist hate speechby the hundreds of censoring “factcheckers” running interference for the communists that have embedded themselves in our government’s Censorship Industrial Complex. If Senator Joseph McCarthy had the tools that our current technology oligarchy has, 1984 would have arrived in the late 60s/ early 70s. And where did they find Rep. Connolly and Rep. Garcia and that crazy disinformation spreader from Houston Texas. These people are perfect candidates for the CNN/MSNBC propaganda operations. I really feel sorry for Jim Jordan for having to deal with these idiots at every hearing.

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“Factcheckers” were instituted to keep fact in check.

“We choose ‘truth’ over fact!”

~ Joe Biden

Among that cohort, “truth” is a personal reality, not bound to the empirical.

Jim Jordan needs daily decontamination, poor man.

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No, she is a criminal from Epstein's Islands on his payroll that helps with his activities.

The payroll part is the only part I can't prove but it would be easy to show if any Agency or Justice Dept was not corrupted and wanted to demonstrate. This is how the Evils manipulate these people, they pay them off big time, then they threaten to expose it. Pretty simple Mafia tactics really.

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Thank you for the update. Trying to watch it while at work and wondered what happened.

What a disgrace this government is! RFK'S many messages are being heard around the world 🙏 PRAY

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Ms Plaskett & her ilk seem quite incapable of looking beneath the surface of the statements they apparently accept as is, and parrot so easily. The whole display is an embarrassment: if the people ever thought those in gummint were overall capable of thinking clearly - or anything else, this is likely to trash that image. There's an underlying implicit premise that gummint actually speaks truth and acts for the benefit of the populace, uttered mostly by the true believers. That's the first premise we need to challenge.

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Our government is captured, compromised, and weaponized against We the People! Anyone who believes we still have a representative government that works for US is ignorant and delusional. What we currently have is a very dumbed-down population, with the Deep State cabal in control that is strictly doing the bidding of the Globalist Power "Elite".

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You are right. What is the solution for good to prevail over Evil?

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The BIG picture? It always does and already has, because Evil is an illusion. Evil is like darkness: the absence of something. Darkness is only the absence of light. Cold is the absence of (or a lesser amount of) heat. Evil is only a manifestation of the ignorance of Reality. The fundamental basis of everything is energy, and the primal energy, the highest vibrational frequency, is Consciousness. Its inherent being-ness encompasses the qualities of unconditional Love, Peace, Bliss, etc. THAT is the reality! But when people are disconnected from that experience, they experience fear, and that fear can be expressed as anger, greed, selfishness, jealousy, lack of empathy, a sense of powerlessness, and every other "negative" trait and emotional experience. But they all stem from the same root cause: disconnection from what exists, what is real.

Life is a learning experience. And we learn by doing things, then experiencing the results. Cause and effect. When we don't like the effect, we learn to make a different choice the next time. Some people learn faster than others. It takes multiple lifetimes to learn some lessons! But we have eternity to do it in. Selfish, greedy, psychopaths still have a lot to learn!

Stay focused on the positive ASAP. It raises one's frequency. Everything is energy (there is no such thing as "solid" matter), and through the mechanism of resonance, things are attracted to each other. Put out the frequency of "good" and that is what you are most likely to attract. You ARE safe! No matter what happens in this time-space physical illusion, nothing can really harm you. You are energy. You are Consciousness. When you leave your body, you will experience that everything is not only okay, but incredibly wonderful! Actually, the REALITY is that "Everything is perfect just the way it is"! And that Well-being is the "constant" in this universe. It may not often seem like that, and you may not believe it yet, but that IS the reality, and you will realize it someday.

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You MUST change your handle or is that your real name? Faith in what? The twisted realm of spiritualism? You MUST be kidding! And you also must be ashamed of yourself for promoting such nonsense that has led so many to sucking in the baited hook that Satan has promoted with such craftiness. If logic has any space within your "consciousness," I would recommend fully that you take a seriously hard look at the things you point to spiritually. For instance, if a monstrously evil people who are in position to do good, but do harm because of their communion with evil, and subsequently destroy the hundreds of millions of innocent lives, where is the justice going to come from which will put them in the straights? They'll eventually somehow come to realize that in one of their "past lives" that they were not so kind, and repent? Repent to whom, may I ask? Do you also trust the narrative which calls for the belief that everything you see around you, both animate and inanimate has created itself by sheer chance? Your reasoning has a LONG way to catch up to reality, and therefore, you'll do well to find your way to the Truth as it is in the Bible. God cannot lie. His Word is Truth.


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Solution: We must exercise patience and forbearance in the face of every trouble, even unto death. In the near future, the King will return to gather His saints, and to destroy the wicked inhabitants of the present world along with all of their workings. Then, it's off to heaven for a brief 1000 years, in order to examine for ourselves, the Judgement which Christ has justly made regarding the fate of the wicked, both recently destroyed, and those who will yet be sleeping in the dust, awaiting the Second Resurrection to face their doom; their "just rewards."

Set your faith on these facts. Trust in the One who is perfect in judgement, and who will in no way acquit the wicked. Strengthen your commitment to expose sin and call it by its rightful name. Repent as we ALL must do, and stay in prayer until the "indignation be overpast." It's coming, but it must get extremely worse first.

That's the short version.


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Appreciate your words and time.

Thank you 🙏

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It's a pleasure to be considered as your brother in Christ. Let us never forget that ALL glory goes to Him!


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They are just Evil to the core. Satanic. From childhood I presume.

Why doesn't someone bring up at the hearing her connection to Pedophile Liar Jeffery Epstein ? Even if they are shut down quickly...

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Evil is what we’re watching.

God’s hand rules them, now as then.

America—the globe!—needs righteous PRAYERS and courage.


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The True Believer by Eric Hoff is illuminating. Weak afraid people with no internal compass and denigrated morality gravitate towards Fascism.

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They need a club, a sense of belonging and accomplishment. Shitheads.

Demonrats. And these people ran to the Injectors to be part of the Virtue Signaling Club. Further destroying human freedom. Dumbshits.

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Your hatred is duly noted however True Believers come from ALL walks of life and I myself have been seduced by various clubs in the past. Loneliness is terrible and we are a small tribe hard wired animal. Be understanding if you care to.

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I certainly understand where the weaklings ( your term ) are coming from.

They will drag the strong and smart into the Communistic trenches with them. Why do you think thé Evils ( Jeff Bozo ) are giving 100 million dollar awards to spread "kindness"? If you don't see it, you don't see it and you never will. The Enemy ( Nazis - Khazistanian Commie Nazis ) want their opposers to be " kind ". They are asking for "kindness " while they brutally slaughter us with knives, guns, injections and poisons from the sky etc. The German Nazis would tell their fellow German countrymen, don't worry, just strip down, you are going to someplace better, just get on the train and be kind to one another. ( We certainly don't want you to get outraged that we are slaughtering you and your children and rising up against us! - they probably winked at each other. )

Choose your side, be cunning and smart or get out of the way. We have run out of time whether you realize it or not.

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Time has run out, that's evident. The time for a temporal battle has come and gone long ago, it seems. There has been infiltration at EVERY level of society which has secretly undermined its fabric, beginning but not ending with education, affecting the family structure. This has been the work of the RC church and her military arm called the Society of Jesus, aka Jesuits.

A war for the souls of men, and not for much else, other than to gratify the sadistic intentions of Satan himself, is waged continually. When a person learns this truth, the rest of the puzzle does not seem so puzzling.


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It's not about "understanding." "Understanding" is how we got here. It's about the HARD TRUTHS that too many refuse to acknowledge.

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I may have misspoke... erm, mis-typed. What I was implying was that we all could benefit from realizing that humans are flawed beings and when we work together while understanding the flaws we can synthesize winning transcendent strategies?

If I may I would like to add this from J. Krishnamurti.

As without so within

Unless I have correct appreciation or understanding of what is happening outwardly, I may not have that clarity inwardly. I must have clarity outwardly; I must know what is happening, not as a value judgment. Just look what is happening: they are murdering each other in war and conflict. These are facts which may be distorted by reporters, but something of that kind is going on. I am very clear on this, in the sense as far as one has read, been told, discussed – this is what is happening. So inwardly, if I am not very clear, there will be distortion. The outer clarity of events may help to see clearly inwardly. If I am muddled there, my muddle will also be inward.

From an Interview by Patricia Hunt-Perry, Ojai, 24 April 1984


Psychologically, I depend on people. I am lonely, I am miserable, life is so strangling, so I depend on you. Dependency is an escape from myself, from my loneliness.

From Discussion with Young People, Malibu, 14 April 1970

We are stuck in Hell

The mind held in knowledge is always anxious and guilty. It is fearful to inquire, to go into the unknown. And so we are always living in the past, and therefore the present is only a passage to the future or the past. So we live in a vicious circle, always in the field of the known and therefore never discovering something new, fresh, young, innocent.

From Public Talk 8, Madras, 17 December 1961

And finally:

True Religion is No Mind

Most of us are seeking permanency in some form or another, certainty in so many different ways. Not having found it, we ultimately turn to what man calls God. God is an idea; man has invented this, and there is satisfaction in the experience of an idea. All organized religions are structured on man’s thought. To find out for oneself, to see the origin of discontent and be finished with it completely, doesn’t mean that one becomes contented. A thing that is tremendously alive is neither content nor discontent, it is simply alive. And to proceed, never having a resting place, never being caught in experience, it seems to me only such a mind can find out or be in that state which is beyond the limits of time and thought. Then there is communion, a state of mind that is truly religious.

From Public Discussion 8, Saanen, 11 August 1964

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Thanks for adding breadth and depth to the discussion!

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I lived in the USVI for 8 years and I can tell you that the so-called "Representative" from those islands is a corrupt piece of shit--she knew what went on at Pedo Island (everybody did!!!), but alway$$$ looked the other way.........

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Kennedy gave a heart-breaking opening speech proffering the hand of comity, respect and mutual understanding, and had it bitten off. The link to his speech that Meryl summarized is below. Kennedy lobbied for respectful cooperation to bridge the areas of profound disagreement in order to address and resolve issues of profound mutual concern and was told to shut the fuck up. His escutcheon was the mutual need to respect democracy and free speech and he was told that this is not a mutual need. This is very distressing. He didn’t get a ride home like Giacomo Matteotti, but one fears not for want of wishing it could be done.

My Opening Statement on Censorship


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Yes, now maybe more people will see why we need someone like Trump to win against these malfeasants. These are not regular people of an opposing party. Those days are over.

You will not win with kindness and respect against the Evils. They will cackle with laughter and sacrifice two children that eve instead of one. ( Yes, they do, and it gets worse ).

They need to be put in their places and made fun of. Two of the fundamental ways of handling the Devil's disciples.

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Thankfully, what they need, is what they'll get: To be punished by divinity, and then to be consumed into ash and the memory of them in specific forgotten forever. But the evil wickedness and the horrendous suffering that it caused will remain as a bulwark against any such thing ever happening in God's Universe again. That's God's promise to us all!


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💕 but it is happening again. This is not the first or second or third time in history....

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Thanks, and yes, certainly there has been and will be repeated attempts to produce mayhem, discord, misery and death to God's created beings. The adversary of all of heaven and all of God's creation is relentless in his goal to cause harm, since he is a student of God's Word, he KNOWS his fate and trembles, yet will continue with his work until the VERY LAST end when he and his cohorts will be consumed by divine fire, according to their guilt.

One only has to look on the ONE DOLLAR BILL to get a full education of the systems of evil, the secret societies behind most of it all, and realize that the "all seeing eye of Lucifer" is at the peak of the pyramid, not quite yet attached. But that is close to fruition. Stay vigilant my brother.

Yours in the Battle,


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I notice that there is a reiteration of anti-RFK Jr. talking points by different members, the same ones again and again. It is almost as if the plan was to hammer them repetitvely as though that alone might make them stick.

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Yes Kristy,

you will see every News Channel doing the same thing. Same words and intonations.

Marxist Playbook. Psych Ops. Inversion Reality.

They can make people think that he is _______ fill in the blank, By repeating it continually ( I think it is 7 times and your ave person will believe it - weak minds less time because they are easily malleable ) as the person above said. Understand what they are doing and how they do it and you will see it continually, every damn day. It becomes reflexive and you immediately know when you encounter the Psych Ops Campagne.

Sometimes it is a double or triple Psych Ops ( like double or triple Agents ) so it gets a little confusing. They set a Psych Ops trap for each prevalent mindset. They are very smart Psychopaths these billionaires. We cannot think they are like us. They are much smarter however they DO have their weaknesses. Absolutely, and they cannot control them because of their Homicidal Psychopathic thinking. They are in deep now. They follow our every move, they know that we know it. Including those weak, unknowing few they are counting on to win. They will use them against us. They are Satanic and not much is out of bounds, their are Evil guidelines however. They will announce and let you know what they are going to do. So that should make it easy, no?

Watch this short 4 min clip of the John Cusack movie about halfway down this publication. Also the same/similar on The X Files TV program. They announced it. In Psych Ops it is called Predictive Programming.


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Hmm, I've heard on the concept. Do you think the Kennedy campaign has a counter-strategy to combat this?

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Not sure, Kristy.

If Kennedy is propped up as a Trogan Horse ( I hope not ) they won't need one. It is just a Dog and Pony Show to entertain and distract the masses while they come in with their Capture ( death and slavery ). Death being Covid and more Covid like BS, air, water and food poisoning and slavery being CBDC programmable money and mercenary groups, some made up of the armed illegal aliens, why do you think they want the single males by the hundreds of thousands ? They are being recruited by our hijacked gov for the coup over throw that has largely happened already. Doing it slowly under peoples noses while you insist they be kind is a genius plan when you think of it.

If he is not a Trogan Horse they will need a Plan to combat the Psych Ops, even though they are really still part of it. The Big Picture.

Trump undermines them, he learned in NYC how to undermine Evils, they usually bow to him after time and he " befriends " the Evils ie N.Korea Dictator.

That is why the Establishment Evils Hate Trump so much, he can win against them. The Evils then brain washed the masses ( TDS ) to reject Trump to make their Evil job much easier. Like Trump said as they were coming after him big time and still are " they are not after me, they are after you ".

Hope all this makes sense. 😊

It is insane how human beings can act this way. It is just the minority, but they ruin it for everybody. Earthlings need to do a better job keeping the Psychopaths in check.

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D side MO:

1. Kick up dust

2. Distract, talk about anything but the subject: The BAD VAX, Censorship, and hiding the truth.

3. Smear, and call everything and everyone they do not like "RACIST."

The truth hurts, and they are trying to do anything to conceal it.

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Etana Hecht 🇮🇱 🇺🇸




"'Trusting the experts' is not a function of science. It's not a function of democracy. It's a function of religion and totalitarianism and it does not make for a healthier population"



, July 20 2023

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Confuse and Obfuscate

( when the Evils don't have a defense )

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So this is how democracy works in the Democratic party<?

Just asking as a foreigner.

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No, not at all. We lost Democracy with the Dominion Changer machines. The US has been rigging elections in other countries and this country for a long time.

If they would count paper votes, in front of cameras, equal party representatives and a few security personnels, we would not have this problem. The Computer machines programmed by whomever was the only way thé Evils could take over and screw everything up and take down the country from within.

A NSA Contractor admitted to designing the riggable voter machines, likely because he saw them being used for Evil ( good guys are not going to use them ) everywhere.

Now, I'd we cannot get rid of them - Crazy we can't....- then the Good guys should use them right back! If the Bad guys are continually setting the rules, and they are , even by calling everyone racist !😂 , then we have to play by their rules, give them a taste of their own medicines ( and injections ) and call them a name ( however childish ) right back. We have to neutralize the Evil Children.

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Sorry Trevor,

Yes, in the Democratic ( Dummycrat ) ( Demonrat ) Party, Yes.

Then there is the Uniparty which most everyone except 1 or 2 Democrats and a dozen or more Republicans belong to. Sorry it is confusing. Keep reading and talking to people. If you are from Africa you will understand it faster then most Americans, I

guarantee you! 😊

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PhD Huff said in Kim Iverson Show these congressional hearings are window dressing. Looks that way...wtf are Republicans?

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Thanks for the great summary! Here we go again...what a zoo!

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Which gutless bought and paid for rinos were missing, to give the dims a majority?

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Excellent summary.

I have one thing to add to it.

Apparently Plaskett views only "maga republicans" as those who oppose censorship. There are many on both sides of the aisle, including non "maga republicans", who oppose censorship and support the First Ammendment.

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Well if their are any on the Left that do oppose Censorship , you would think they would stand up and let us/her know!? Where are they? At the Hearing?

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I also do not understand why they get to have 10 Dems and there are only 8 Repubs.

That tells you how the vote is going to go! It sounds fixed! Like everything else!

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Not all the members are present for each hearing--either they have other hearings or for other reasons. It seems the Rs were not expecting something like this to happen so had not garnered their people.

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Thank you for your reply.

I would Hope that Censorship of Free Speech, especially with RFKJr testifying should be at the top of their priorities. RFKJr is the top runner for Dem Pres. and the Rs did not think it important enough? Who would be more important? I thought I saw a last minute time switch, perhaps that was part of a bamboozel, I don't have enough detail for this instance but we do know the Nancy party of trickery, she has outlined it for all the public to see if they would like to.

Not sure how important the outcome of this hearing is but it does make clear who is for people speaking freely and who is trying to muzzle free will. May Heaven strike them.

We just don't have much time or many options left and there are too many that still need to be woken up from their slumber. They will drag us all down with them.

We need 50 % of the population and quick. Thé Evils know it too.

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There are only 9 Democrats on the subcommittee, so 10 could not have voted.

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You are absolutely correct. It's unclear to me whether Ms. Plaskett gets to vote on procedural issues.

However, Jim Jordan called in a clerk to count the votes. I was trying to keep up with the count but couldn't. I will let folks know the count may be wrong.

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Hi Meryl, I tried to write a note above and it's not there. So again, there were 8 Dem votes, and 10 Rep. votes and the Republicans voted NOT to go into executive session! and so the Rep. allowed Kennedy to speak. The Dems wanted to stop him! and your assumption about the prepared text being stopped is wrong. RFKJr. dropped it himself in the beginning and spoke extemporaneously. love from shanti in auroville, india

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I'm disgusted as you and others must be. Thanks for this insight.

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Thanks a lot. I thought at the start they were allotting him 10 minutes, so he could give the prepared and be extemporaneous. But he seemed to lose the second five minutes. So the Dems lost the vote. Hmmm.

It's beyond me.

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