It used to be called terrorism.

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As the piggery of the world's 1% of the 1% loses, falls, self implodes, they would rather rule over ashes than not rule at all. We're Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen to all of them. They have no allegiances but to power but I dance in celebration that they are fighting their last battle and they know it. They have already lost.

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In another related note, Larry Druhall of Solutions Seeking reposted a woman who'd investigated the drop in egg production and the feed from Producer's Pride, used for small farms and backyard hens. It turns out that it was bought by Purina and Land O'Lakes, who had large hen houses just coming online in Sept--just when egg-laying dropped and disappeared altogether by Nov. Now, I raise chickens and OF COURSE they stop laying in winter when there isn't enough hours of sun. But farmers have gotten around this with artificial light, obvi, and these are people who know what they're doing: https://gab.com/BeachMilk/posts/109828589920872933.

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Maybe Ed Dowd could do a deep dive into the market shifts right before these events. Foreknowledge? Are these industries that are being told they have no future with Gates' fake food shift and even beyond that? Has the consolidation been planned far more in advance than we can imagine? Is the market for a population about to see a massive demand drop for the worst reasons in the equation?

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So much industrial sabotage now - chemicals, fuel, food…

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It’ll be super easy to get people hooked on “Universal Basic Income” when inflation and scarcity collide.

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Guess we’re just not dying fast enough for the globalists

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I just said a week ago that I wouldn’t say, “I told you so,” but bloody hell, I must. I’m sure I just warned the entire world, again, on my posts here at Substack, that this would happen; an escalation of “combustible events;” why it’s happening; who’s doing it, and how to stop it. I’ve always known my warnings to be crazy-sounding to most; conspiracy sounding; fantasy Oz-shit that should be ignored sounding. But I know what I know, and what I don’t know I keep quit until I know, and then I begin screaming. Sometimes I think that perhaps I’ve been unknowingly boxed off; shadow-banned and just don’t know it. Or perhaps all my readers think my posted-warnings and predictions are the rants of a lunatic or just too scared to acknowledge. Everything is too strange. You know, I’ve received over 160 likes via chat postings, such as this one, but it never translates on my own Substack. I’m doing my best to honestly state historical facts and my foresights as I interpret them, without prejudice. I have no hidden agenda, and I work only for myself the The People; no agents private or government. Again: I believe we’re being led into world war by the lieutenants of War-Bankers; Monsters; Rothschild’s field officers & company doing their bidding within our governments, many as security briefers...but maybe I’m wrong and all this is just another normal day on Earth.

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I wonder how many of them made fertilizer…🤔

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With every large operation they destroy, the smaller operations become targets too. How far will this destruction go? It is obviously systematic. Too bad the dioxin bomb didn't go off inside the pentagon.

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Anyone want to start a planned community way off grid yet? No, you would rather accept death now? Oh, ok.

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surely there are fire investigation crews as to what caused all these over the last year or so........?

why are we not hearing them?

is no-one from the freedom movement trying to chase up on these?

especially if they're local to them....

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False flags? Terrorism? Strategic move to declare eco/chemical emergencies?

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This happens all the time (in fact had a small chem explosion at a place I worked a few yrs back). Before jumping to conclusions, what is the usual base rate in previous years?

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These stories are meaningless without some sort of synthesis. The train derailing was an absolutely unremarkable event that was not unusual in the train ecosystem according to a train engineer friend. Stay tuned for more at robertyoho.substack.com

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