What the government doesn’t quite understand is, there are so many Americans that withdrew from social networks and are just waiting for a certain moment in time. Americans who are just fed up with corruption and the nonstop lying of so called “leaders”. Every time there is a WhiteHouse press briefing these same Americans sit back in disgust and chuckle at the evil fools that claim to be the “smart ones”. As they continue with their clown show, every time they lie they’re becoming less relevant to the people who actually keep this country running, middle America that is. It feels as if since the stolen election of 2020, awake middle America feels as if we’re in limbo, zero leadership, just a bunch of court jesters stirring the pot. Well “leaders” stir that pot long enough and you might get more than you asked for. - We the People

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The serfs still vastly outnumber the mad gentry.


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Always will, the jesters just know the jig is up so they wanna burn it all down. Don’t ever expect anything other than chaos and confusion while they are at the helm.

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They stay in their niche lane, doing what they do best.


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“Never let a crisis go to waste” Obama’s helper - Rahm Emanuel

(Still working in gov , now a “Diplomat ….in Japan”.

They never leave “The Establishment”…

who do these types work for exactly? …

Chaos and fear paralyzes society so the despots can take over.

Think Stalin, Mao….

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First time I ever saw Rahm, I got that gut feeling that the dude was evil, like answers to Satan “kind of evil”

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I love your user name - THAT IS the road I’ve been focused on. He IS THE way, THE Life - and it sure is the narrow road worthy of sticking to. God bless you.

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How about the Podesta brothers…. Same discernment.

It makes sense Satan would place himself at nexus of power worldwide.

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I exited the media after 9-11. Have I missed anything? Hell no.

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I say a GREAT RESET IS due - only - NOT for the ULTRA “privileged , covertly ruling class “,

Puppet masters -

but for The People , to get involved with local government and councils and reclaim real freedoms by insisting the constitution be adhered to.

We have seen some good wins lately in Supreme Court, and we mustn’t lose heart.

It’s time to to roll back many “health laws” laid down by Obama, and other treasonous politicians, who are not for the people - but for their own enrichment to the deep state.

Time to root out the corruption from all regulatory agencies including the alphabet soup groups.

We have all learned a lot about how this “operation” works, thanks to Covid plan which if you listen to the evidence presented by Dr Martin at the recent EU, goes back many many years.

Please share the video below with your local reps and congressman. They NEED to be informed. Those that aren’t helping “The Program” to advance for the bankers and deep state.


It’s diabolical and pretty sinister how there are a small percentage in this world so intent on eliminating OTHERS right to live as free people, and trying to prevent them from having families (children).

They do NOT have our CONSENT for these LIVE experimental GENE modification tests they deviously renamed “vaccines” ,

they do not have our CONSENT to put us in 15 minute cities and take away farms and own private property - which is what they’re aiming for in UN 2030 plan.

They do not have our consent to force us to eat BUGS (which bible says to stay away from), they do not have our consent…

Time to pay attention to ALL the laws they are trying to change while we watch this actor and this football game…the art of distraction is a tactic that the Romans used with the games and it’s still being used.

Time to get involved - NO, we do NOT consent.

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Well said I’m the people we must fight the cheaters and out them early.

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Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. #1984

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👍🏻He who controls the dictionary writes the script.

What we tolerate, we will live with.

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God! So true.

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They are complicit in the greatest crime against humanity in the 21st century! They became tools of Darpa/CIA and Big Pharma that only wants to perpetuate their corrupt medicine model!

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I have loved Brownstone since it was founded. Thank you for this piece! Your firehose metaphor is indeed apt.

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Thanks doc! I really appreciate your work here. I truly don’t know how you do it, you put out so much great information!

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Malcolm was on the money all those years ago."So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over--a weary, battered old brontosaurus--and became extinct."

Malcolm Muggeridge

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So true::

ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide

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Eloquent, poetic and sadly, I fear, prescient.

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When this is all history your contribution to promoting the truth will shine out above all others. I am amazed every time I read your posts of the forensic accuracy and level tone putting the facts calmly but with deep feeling, exposing the dark heart of those who purport to govern us

I don't want to compare but in my view you are primus interpares - McCoullugh, Mercola, and other worthy names - thank you, you more than anyone have made clear we are in a desperate spiritual battle for the soul of humanity and we must all do what ever we can to fight with you.

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If we fail to understand that the "battle for souls" is individual, as well as a collective affair, then we will have a tendency to toss in the towel, raise the white flag. But we can take refuge in the promises of God, which are very personal to each of us, and thereby gain courage.

Those dedicated souls like Meryl, are indispensable indeed, and deserve our gratitude for sure.


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Sadly it is easy to tell when someone from CISA or the CDC is lying. Their lips are moving!

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And also targeted election integrity proponents.

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Let's not neglect to thank CISA for their pivotal role in selecting the candidate who garnered the greatest number of presidential "votes" in American history...stairs, coherent thought, and Tour de France prospects, notwithstanding.

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You should see their "package" today. They insist on having specs on all aspects of your network, passwords, albert sensors installed, etc.

Did you ever see the opening episode to Battlestar Galactica's reboot? It's going to be just like that. Completely taken out from the inside. And they'll smile at you the entire time and tell you how it's the most safe and secure election ever.

For REAL this time.

No. Really!


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CISA was not the only force behind the censorship and debate about the Covid vaccine was not the only issue that was censored. The ideologues in Twitter and Facebook were broad in their attempts to crush discussion on politics and cancel opinions they label "hate". YouTube was especially obnoxious to people like John Campbell who reports government censorship in the UK.

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What people don’t realize is FB and Twitter have been funded by CIA.

It’s a listening device (a switchboard) to take the pulse of the people.

A nice surveillance tool. Of course they would fund it.

Get educated on how many systems work by listening to hundreds of informative well researched articles by independent journalist Whitney Webb (American living in Chile)


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Trust no government lest you do not value your time on earth.

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If you have "hundreds of paid subscribers," this important and newsworthy post should, in its entirety, be offered to all your subscribers. FREE. As Substack evolves, content providers need to evolve with it.

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It’s all there in the links (part 3). Wonderful to have them.

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Yes, like the alien with the water hose down his throat in the recent TV series, first episode, “The Man Who Fell to Earth.” All of that knowledge and understanding, yet almost no conscientious objector whistle blowers at the very top fighting to end it. Not a single arrest or serious investigation leading to Nuremberg trials. All of them bought and soulless. What’s so damn terrifying and troubling is how this proves, once again, how blatant complicit-guilty most Senior Security Briefers, Politicians, Federal Investigators of every Intelligence Agency Director, the entire Justice and State Department, AG’s, Judges and the richest Private Investigative Journalists are. All of them Treasonous to an extreme, and we the people brainwashed stupid to believe there’s nothing we can do but wait for “them” to determine our horrible fate. And if were are to fight or go to war, the time money and blood must only be our own fighting each-other, not “them.”

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The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted


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The government censors belong behind bars.

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