Its great, but if its not too late to put the delighted duper (Gates)'s face with his sickening smirk right behind Tedros, it would be extra nice.

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Good idea!

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Gates smirking in tandem with Melissa would be doubly disgustingly ominous.

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Then we all turn into snakes

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Poster looks great. Got a b/w version for copy?

This administration would do it all but close the border.

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I will ask for one

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Thank you.

Happy Easter.

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I think they are comprehensive and an excellent way to get the message out. I'm gonna go print me some now! Keep up the good work, Dr. Nass.

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Great job Meryl! Sharing! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Here is my comment. It seems to me that if the material looks alarming and shrill, that people will tune out. Completely tune out. As in not sink in at all. This is a big problem when reality is very shrill people just tune out.

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How would you frame it?

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At a minimum, no scary pictures. Then it just keep to the facts. Keep them very calm and smooth and maybe someone will be open to it.

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Agree. The image of Tedros is an ad hominem attack and unnecessary.

The WHO wants to pretend it's infallible and wants us all to go along with that pretense, whereas the freedom to speak truth to power is the time-honored tradition for exposing corruption and error. All organizations are susceptible to corruption and error, moreso when they silence criticism. Points 7 and 8 aimed at silencing criticism allow the other points to proceed unchallenged. On the other hand, if points 7 and 8 are negated, this makes it much harder for the other points to proceed. This demonstrates something of a hierarchy of points.

On the poster, I like the image on the bottom: the door to freedom and the sun over a field. Think of how the WEF seduces: with images of beauty and happiness and light. So I agree very much with what Stephen says.

The people we're trying to reach aren't the people who agree with us and who'll immediately assent to an image of evil Tedros. Others are still in baby steps and might be persuaded to look into it more by a show of simple reasoning and maybe more positive images that still convey the desired meaning.

My 2 cents.

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A few ideas --

1. How many people will actually print this out in color? I'm thinking not many. Red letters on gray background doesn't differentiate that well. Think black and white.

2. Your second sentence should not end with a semicolon, but a colon - or nothing.

3. Bigger font for the 8 things? Hard to read.

4. #5 Impose border closures - that's a good thing if it would stop illegal immigration. Why not say something like: Restrict domestic and international travel. I would love it they "imposed border closures", but I would not appreciate the restriction of free travel within my own country.

5. I am wondering if you could get more use of space if this was in a square instead of round. Four squares on each side. You wouldn't have to double number everything. It might give you more room in the center for Tedros and his global grab. The layout is pretty busy right now.

6. Would it be more effective to have at least one call to action on page two? How many people do you think will actually take another step to seek out the next link to get to a call to action?

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Stephen - there are very dangerous people attempting to consolidate a global government. In a few weeks.

We’re past the stage of trying to issue gentle warnings.

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Simply: these people are out of our reach, no matter how much of our well-meaning energy we heap onto them. Let.them.go ! Everyone is entitled to their choice. Respect it.

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I think the image of Tedros is captivating. The brain selects for social information. Robin Dunbar thinks gossip replaced grooming in evolution. I get your perspective, and that might be true of some people, but I see constant alarmist posts and videos, often with flames licking out of them, with social conflict themes ("sparks outrage" "melts down"

' etc) or with the words "shocking" or "terrifying" in the headline), which means attention is being riveted. I know this, lol, as I'm proud of myself for managing to not click on anything with flames licking out of it. Pathetic, but true lol.

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It is excellent! As they say a picture is worth a thousand words so starting with a picture of Evil Tedros and his/their evil plan is perfect. Just one punctuation correction if you will - the semi-colon before listing the 8 items should be a colon.

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I know, right? That shot of Tedros with the whole wide world in his hands is perfect, in a chilling sort of horror movie way.

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Love it!

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Tedros is a doctor. But not a medical doctor. He is a doctor of.... philosophy. What is his philosophy? To kill them, kill us all, let God sort it out. He has the blood of many on his doctorate....

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It's very good. But many people will read it and not realize that the treaty/amendments can/will go into effect for the United States without a vote of Congress, abrogating US states authority over healthcare, because of the US Supreme Court decision Missouri v Holland. And the US is on the executive committee writing this bad treaty. So my message is do these facts fit somewhere on the poster and can we get the message out-you must write your state and federal representatives to reject this attempt at global medical tyranny!

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On the money handout, except I would set up the circle in a clockwise direction instead of counterclockwise.

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well if this happens everybody should start carrying firearms at all times to discourage the police from following these illegal orders.

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Great work!

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Love it!

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Good job!

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Sorry to be like this. I think a simple bullet-point format is easier on the eye than trying to follow a circle cluttered with smaller, circular graphics. Graphics compete with text. More than one or two can obscure the info that text tries to convey. Also, do we need a villain besides the UN agency named the WHO? Yes, Tedros is titular head of the WHO, but how many villains stand behind him and probably control him? I think monster images within text subvert the sobriety of its message.

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Excellent I like the idea proposed by Tommy re. Bill gates sickening smirk right behind Tedros.

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