Upon seeing a photo of Gay, first thought: "Air dropped into position."

Now commonplace practice, the well-positioned unqualified will accomplish the desires of their nascent benefactors - complete collapse of the once civilized (or not) world. A world that could at least function.

This is not the way to a better world people.

I trust truth is.

A word of gratitude to you for speaking truth M. Nass. Thank you.

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Some are still wearing masks in this photo. I'm not surprised with it being a liberal university.

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heck, I just saw a young woman walking up the street, in the rain (with an umbrella), alone, wearing a mask. what could this person possibly think they are protecting themselves from?! there's something airborne, in the rain? it boggles the mind

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Everything since the "virus" and the shots came out, boggles the mind. Also, I noticed the name of Penny Pritzker, probably the wife, of IL Governor Pritzker. Plagiarism, which even our wonderful (NOT) Pretendent was accused of many times.

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she's his sister. head of commerce dept, under obomber. embedded in the pharma-industrial complex.

as long as the harvard board is a cesspool of weffies, we should expect similar next time around. feeling validated that i chose not to go there.

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More on the lovely Pritzgers from Tablet

The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)


If ever there was an argument for shape-shifting reptilians, this family is it.

I'd imagine it is Harvard's Censorship Industrial 30 billion dollar hedge fund with a college attached, that is behind this controlled demolition of the medical freedom movement on substack. Jacinda Arden and Lori Lightfoot no doubt salivating as if they'd just killed millions with a "y'all are not a horse"-esque campaign. I think its interesting in a tragic way that this suspicion and detonation is happening, makes sense to me that it would be a CIA cut out behind it, at the same time everyone is being divided in their opinions on the catastrophes in the Middle East. Who to trust in the fog of circular firing squad repetitions?

Harvard yammers about "cognitive infrastructure," which they are now firehosing with suspicion, conflict, terror, and paranoia, and dread on every level, in every media community.

Gay is just Frankenstein on the iceberg. Most of it is deep underwater, and we've got to all get off the freaking Titanic, and steer a better course.

(Although that makes me sound like George Bush saying "stay the course" lol)

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is that the same Pritzker that's a trans gender (born a man, still looks like a man, just dressed up like a woman)?

but yeah, the Pritzker family is uber wealthy and very 'connected'.

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that's james. a cousin iirc. deep state adjacent philanthropath

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Another whole family, just like the Emanuel boys were, so well-connected in IL.

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Frankly, I thought that Picture of Claudine Gay (in gray suit) looked suspiciously like a man--note the relative width of shoulders and waist/hips

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I think Trump has a lot of work to do on just his first day. Like completely exonerate

all the J6ers. But also start a campaign of defunding universities, and incidentally defund the FBI, the FDA CDC and DoE. So It's going to cost even more money for parents to send their kids. to the woke schools. But, let the alumni and the rich donate and pretty soon they'll be "running out of other people's money"

The DEI crap has to end and defunding universities seems like very good place to start.

And Dismantle the Dept of Ed. and maybe we'll even get our Constitution back

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agreed. but there's a reason the voting machine company calls itself "dominion."

also: 10k mules

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brain damaged

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definite pathology

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She’s not protecting herself. She’s protecting YOU, don’t ya know. Signaling her virtue (and philosophical/political beliefs) to everyone who sees her. Like a good little sheep should.

And I, for one, am glad. It lets me know who to avoid before I begin to engage in a conversation requiring an IQ above room temperature.

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You said it!

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Thank You , Meryl. One wonders what her essential role is that she must be kept in position.

What plan needs her to be at the helm at Harvard?

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That's the question isn't it?

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I want to thank you for your free sub stack essays. I'm poor But I like staying informed. So thank you for that.

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There are unimpressive people in many positions of authority these days, look at Canada’s top doctor as an example, or even the USA President and VP. If your aim was to run shot over over institutions the last thing you’d want is people of substance in those positions.

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I do believe the heat being put to her is political, she stepped on somebody's toes.

The controllers knew about her plaigerism before they even considered hiring her.

That's why their "controllers"

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Yes, perhaps she stepped on "somebody's" toes, but why is she being vigorously defended?


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Seems to be no clear demarcation lines, a lot of zig-zegging players.

Then of course you got your standard hyenas and vultures who swoop in whence the smellith blood, with MSM tossing in the chum. Hell I don't know

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It's like chaos and destruction is the downfall of America so the globalists can march

(yes, march) in and save the day.

It's still not late too to stop this spiral.

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Keep BLM from torching the quad?

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Interesting that the white lady at the Pennsylvania college was quickly forced to resign, but the black diversity hire with a history of plagiarism and data fabrication is still hanging in there. Harvard appears to have lost most of its big ticket donors over the past few months. Maybe the best that we can hope for is that it collapses as a prestigious university and then it doesn't really matter who is in charge.

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I'd argue that the plan to destroy reason and logic and substitute unverifiable narratives is the reason they want Gay to remain.

Did Klaus Schwab not write a book called, "The Great Narrative"? He did. We're to abandon reason and logic since these are a white man's trick-- one of the tenets of CRT (Critical Race Theory)-- so that irrational (and "beyond questioning") narratives that reflect supposedly "true" power structures can take their place (narratives will then merely reflect who's in power.) Nothing can be questioned. Accusations of plagiarism are a simple misunderstanding-- depending on who is being accused.

Part of the plan is to destroy critical thinking, itself part of a multifaceted attempt to destroy western civilization and set up a dictatorship of the elite.

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So Klaus being Caucasian, should we expect him to commit a ritual suicide in atonement for his color?

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I doubt it. CRT isn't a legitimate (i.e., rational) theory; it's only used to further the agenda of those who want power over us.

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Obama rose all the way to president of the United States with even sketchier academic records. Some "classmates" don't even remember seeing him in one undergraduate class. Personally, I think the Obama birth certificate scandal might be backwards. I think he was born in Hawaii, and is thus a U.S. citizen and was eligible to become president, but I think, at some point, he passed himself off as a native of Kenya - to help him get into an Ivy League school or become president of the Law Review.

The records that show he said he once said he was born in Kenya are perhaps the smoking gun. He wasn't born in Kenya, but benefitted from making admissions counselors think he had been.

Clearly, this Harvard president also benefitted from being the child of Haitian immigrants. I wish I was born in Kenya or Haiti. Maybe I could have also gotten into Harvard. But, shoot I'm not a "person of color."

Also, wasn't Joe Biden once accused of plagiarism too?

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Biden was caught plagiarizing the speeches of other politicians.

I don't know about his academic career. He seems like a D student to me.

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Yeah he was. But he passed himself off as a high achieving double major.

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Oh no. He says he was the top of his class!

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i think biden plagiarized visa and mastercard and then put their words into law. unattributed. there's a reason we called him "senator credit card"

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I don't think biden exactly 'plagiarized' the works of visa and mastercard. it's more like he read the script...

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Watch Tucker’s interview of Larry Sinclair.

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"Surely she can't las much longer." Don't hold your breath on that one. There is no shaming people who have no sense of shame.

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She has no standing

if she really did plagiarize! Come on, how can you ask students to be honest if the head of Harvard cheats? I mean really!! Come on!!!! Fools frauds and freaks!

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Do you really think they care if their graduates lie, cheat or steal the intellectual property of others? As long as they get themselves hired into semi-woke or unwoke corporations, or finagle their way into boardrooms so they can continue to push the agenda, that’s all that matters.

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I guess you’re right. Sad state of affairs we’re in where money drives absolutely everything!

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Good distraction is best appreciated when it is most needed.

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I was told by an older mentor as a child, it's good that you're smart but it's not what you know but who you know many times that makes the difference. I had that repeated more recently. My response is you had better know Jesus Christ and He know you.

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Whatever the truth of academic failings on the part of Gay, please explain how her testimony to congress was wrong. It is true that to call for the genocide of Jews is not necessarily harassment, depending on the context. We do not have a group right to protection from harassment, only an individual right. Genocide has a definition as per international law. Most troubling is the false claim that students at Harvard chanting "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" are in any way calling for genocide. I have made that call many times including when I was student at MIT and at times on Harvard's campus and it never meant killing or eliminating or genociding Jews. It means equal rights for all in the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. One of the reasons Gay's and the other presidents' answers may have sounded so vague is because they know that people were falsely claiming that "From the River to the Sea" means "kill all the Jews." That claim is slander and use of the ad hominem fallacy. I would like you to articulate more clearly what was wrong with her comments to Congress or point out where you have written on this before if you have already pointed this out. I do respect all of your work, including for the soldiers who were wrongly used as experimental subjects for the anthrax vaccine and as a fellow Green for the 20+ years I was in the party. I am also concerned with the brokeness of woke, but while it is true that corporate elevated movements like BLM went too far in generalizations about police and white people, I do not think the same can be said about those who call the occupation of Palestinian lands, the expulsion and forced exile of 3/4 of a million Palestinians from the land claimed by the Zionist terrorists in 1948, the siege on Gaza since 2006, and the latest Nakba on Gaza to be part of ethnic cleansing actions that meet the UN definition of genocide. I think those statements are borne out by the evidence to anyone that takes an honest look. People who want peace and respect for the sacredness of all human beings are correct to speak out against this injustice against the Palestinians, especially if you are a US tax payer who is funding and arming the perpetrators, the state of Israel. Also note that while there may be powerful players protecting Gay from attack, the movement for Palestinian rights enjoys no where near the united support of the elites that BLM, gender ideology or COVID jab mandates do.

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It's time such advocates of medical freedom such as Meryl Nass generalized their commitment to freedom beyond their own careers and actually stood up for the underdogs under the bombs and the boots of U.S. and Zionist imperialism. Put your money where your mouth is, Meryl!.

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Couldn't of said it better

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At which date in time would you like the map of the world to revert to?

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Is that you Rashida?

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No Chuck, it is me, Aimee, but I did live and even ran as a Green in an older congressional district in that area partly on the human rights of Palestinians since that is one area in the country where the large Muslim and Arab populations have made it harder to deceive people about what Israel has been up to for the last 7 decades. I disagree with Talib on many many points, but when someone is correct on something, I have to go with the truth and not who is supporting it. I recommend you try that strategy as well. (BTW, who are you, Chuck? A sincere freedom activist who just happens to be duped by Israel or a member of the IDF unit 8200?)

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DEI is a destructive force in education as well as in corporations.

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The Brownstone article goes WAY beyond the situation with Military. Definitely worth reading.

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I know several people who have become fed up over DEI and left the military.

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Yes! This is a great Brownstone write-up on DEI danger / harm.

Brownstone Insights (https://open.substack.com/pub/brownstone/p/no-institution-is-safe-dei-thought?

No Institution is Safe: DEI Thought Control in the Military

40% of the admirals and generals, whose promotions were delayed, have made public statements supporting DEI. Once a critical mass of officers reaches 30%, DEI will be self-sustaining.

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The US is screwed. It would take 20 years at least to correct this if DEI policies were eliminated. And there is no sign of that happening.

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Incredible! Why am I not surprised?

I hope when Pres Trump is that stop funding these schools.

America First 101 or Marxism 201.

Those are the choices for our country. In all areas from Fed govt to kindergarten.

Enough is enough the marxist shit makes so angry and so tried.

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No surprise Barry intervened; he’s running the country

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She is the poster child of a society that has devolved into the promotion of know nothing, do nothing intersectional credentialists who affirmative actioned, and plagiarized their way to the top as she scrambles to change her publications so it will no longer be obvious she copied others' work in obtaining those credentials. How the Harvard faculty cannot refrain from supporting her shows you how they got their appointments. I hope they keep her forever.

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Former commerce secretary and well known con artist (remember Superior Bank) Penny Pritzker head girl of the Harvard “Corporation” did Obama’s bidding and got HIS girl into the top job. Obama is VERY familiar with affirmative action

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She is a fraud, a liar and a cheat but I guess now in Harvard standards that is ok. Any student that was thrown out of Harvard for cheating or plagiarizing needs to file a lawsuit against Harvard. Any parent so egotistical that they pay to send their kid to Harvard is also telling your kid it is ok to be racist, anti semetic and a cheat and a liar.

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