
I history of 1973-1975 events which made public some of the CIA's crimes and illegal activities (including assassinations)

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The fact The CIA took out Kennedy, Kennedy, MLKjr, Malcom X in the public eye, when they could have darted, heart attack, poisoned in private, shows how devoid of Humanity the agency always has been.

Dulles brothers were Evil and Nazi collaborators, like Bush sr.

FBI , no better.

J Edgar infiltrated groups w People he got out of prison, or released from a wanted list…… Ray Epps comes to mind.

To infiltrate groups that The Feds wanted shut down. Murder was fine. Ask the black panthers.

Gloria Steinem was CIA, as was Ms Magazine. All to destroy Motherhood, Family, communities, bring in more Tax dollars. Have children a ward of the state in propaganda schools.

It worked.

The Book Operation Gladio is a great eye opener to how the OSS morphed into CIA and how there is zero oversight.

Human trafficking, weapons, Drugs all fund their operations.

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Also, an amazing read, "The Devils Chessboard" by David Talbot and a thrift store find, "The Invisible Government" by David Wise and Thomas Ross, written before, but published after the Kennedy cou de 'etat by Dulles et al.

It is strangely satisfying to read accounts of these globalists tossing and turning, full of dread, on their death beds.

God forgive me, but I'd like to be there, nestled amongst their ill-gotten wealth, and give 'em hell on their way out...

I'm reminded of the scene in "Brave Heart" where the king, Edward the Longshanks, is told by the future Queen that his son will not sit long on the throne, that the child within her is the progeny of a murdered enemy.

Ah, the joy of retribution...

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I have both those books!

Haven’t gotten to them.

So many good reads.

I’m working on

Hidden History, Donald Jeffries

Good lord!

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I love Brave heart. So many good lessons to learn from William Wallace.

Makes me reflect on traitorous conduct within our government past and present, and how if Robert The Bruce had not cowered to Britain, Scotland may have succeeded in achieving freedom from their oppressors.

Williams character is one I greatly admire. So few men of valor and integrity nowadays.

He suffered a horrible death - worse than the movie depicted, but he was willing to die fighting for freedom.


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Senator Church died-suddenly of cancer a couple of years after held those hearings..


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Please explain the relationship to Covid

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Watch Dr Ardis' "Watch the Water" documentary. He explains it clearly. BTW IT IS HEAVILY CENSORED AND BLOCKED..that tells you a lot.

BUT, it's available on Rumble, they won't censor.


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Thanks for finding.

It seemed so outlandish, but that was my own cognitive dissonance.

I know how corrupt our Government is.

Like 9/11. I still have difficulty comprehending the lengths they go to.

Yet I know they do.

And the paid criminals like Fauci and Gates and and roam free. Murdering in broad daylight.

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I didn't see your post until I posted my first thoughts. The first thing that stood out to me while reading were shellfish toxin and cobra venom. I 100% believe Dr. Bryan Ardis has been telling the truth.

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Seems so outlandish .

But once you go down the truth rabbit hole, and read the criminal history of the elites and their army mascarading as the peoples representatives,

you realize it is not that outlandish to induce a pandemic using this method.

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Since then all research from Dr Ardis and others proved their assumptions were true and worth more investigation. Ardis suggests solutions / a "simple" protocol . Please note that the same anti-venoms benefit the vax injured and long haulers... Explain that if that theory doesn't hold...? explain they find all sorts of venoms in the intestines of long haulers...?

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Yes, I believe Ardis got that right and we can all imagine these horrors in bliss at the use of them and what they symbolise. Possible synthetic forms of them. I guess we will see more come out.

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Venoms are very easily and cheaply made synthetically, have a very long shelf life and stabilize products they are introduced in.

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At this point who would doubt that this is a possibility? None in this arena.

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In my opinion, the second installment of "Watch the Water" is more helpful:

PREMIERE: Watch The Water 2: Closing Chapter


“COVID” blood clots contain Ecarin (from Echi carinatus) and Textillin. (“Textillin-1 is a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor from Australian brown snake venom.”)

Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 2022; 10:860390 PMCID: PMC8959115

Published online 2022 Mar 8. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.860390 PMID: 35356782

“Peptide Toxins as Biothreats and the Potential for AI Systems to Enhance Biosecurity”

Ying Chiang J. Lee, Alexis Cowan and Amari Tankard

“...bacterial toxins, poisons derived from snake venoms, algae and plant proteins….”

“Conotoxins: Potential Weapons From the Sea”

NCJ Number: 240750

Journal: Bioterrorism & Biodefense Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Dated: 2012 Pages: 1-4

Author(s): Peter D. Anderson, Gyula Boker

Date Published: 2012

Length: 4 pages

“...weaponized and used as an aerosal….”


“Fourth Industrial Revolution”

“How can killer snails improve the state of the world?”

Sep 11 2015


freeze-dried, water-soluble snake venom for sale online

“Cysteine-Rich Secretory Proteins (CRISPs) from Venomous Snakes:

An Overview of the Functional Diversity in a Large and Underappreciated Superfamily”

Creators of mRNA shots: Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó [the latter working on mRNA tech since 1978]; both at UPenn.

“...their landmark research...set a foundation for the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines….”

(2021 Albany Prize)


In order to “cleave” (cut) RNA or DNA, they use snake venom phosphodiesterase and then insert foreign/non-native RNA or DNA.

They also use Rnase.

“...purified Rnase 1, readily cleaved the oligo ssRNA C11U2C7....”

Rnase is the component of snake venom designed specifically, through evolutionary adaptation or Creation, to kill human cells.

“...fusing the venom with the hydrogel—which is composed of self-assembling nanofibres—"

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Amazing! thank you for sharing. Anyone knows how to get Dr Ardis' s podcasts/videos, I cant' access vokal platform.

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The best books to read regarding ALL shots are: MURDER BY INJECTION; The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by EUSTACE MULLINS; A World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin and Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond (It wasn't the diet so much as the premises/research behind it. I learned so much when I read it in my early 20s and now 44 years later, it still rings true)!

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Yes sounds crazy but here is one of the papers

"The SARS-CoV-2 glycoprotein contains

a neurotoxin-like region that has sequence similarities to

the rabies virus and the HIV glycoproteins, as well as to snake

neurotoxins [king cobra and krait snake], which interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtypes via this region"


also may be of interest as to treatment (see below)- not as crazy as one might think - I use to carry that and a vial of ascorbic acid and syringe and dist water when I walked my dog in snake country. Common remedies in Australia for snake bites.


And another interesting observation from an elderly friend who was bit by a copperhead - the only finger that did not have arthritis was the one that was bit - i would stick to bee venom myself

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There're many regions on the SARS-CoV-2 genome that look like they could have been inserted there to cause harm, and this could be one. However, the actual disease is nothing like a snake bite, and nicotinic acetylene choline receptors are very common so if it really did something to them we would feel it, I think.

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Yes agree with the weird design - even L.M pointed it out with HIV and was slammed for it. However, the use of nicotine in post-covid case study paper is quite interesting - there are some other papers on its use in post-covid. We have a lot of folks still suffering, trying nicotine patches or gum could help.

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Nicotine helps prevent parkinson's disease

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And is the best effective anti venom.

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Kary Mullis invented the PCR and won a Nobel for it. He insisted it's not a diagnostic tool and that HIV is a hoax that has never been isolated, only modelled.


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Hi Meryl -- Thank you for this article. Your comment above is interesting. I recall Ardis stating that the symptoms of a person bitten by a rattlesnake are the same as Covid-19 symptoms, including the temporary loss of taste and smell. Do you disagree with his statement?

It certainly gives credence to Ardis suggesting that the mRNA in the Covid-19 injection products could be coded for venom peptides, as we saw was apparently researched in the 1996 U.S. patent 5,580,589 Malone is associated with at https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/6f/65/07/e39a6bf6d18e9d/US5580859.pdf

Karen Kingston brought this to the fore in the following Stew Peters interview:

March 13, 2023

FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!


Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA. And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."

"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" ( Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"

Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."

(Ed Paré Note: According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, various toxic venoms cause symptoms identical to the symptoms alleged to be indicative of the Covid-19 illness, including loss of taste and smell. Additionally, Ardis states that PCR tests will report these toxic venom peptides as a positive result for "Covid-19" 100 percent of the time.)

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If the mRNA does code for venom peptides, I have seen no proof that those sequences are present nor have I ever seen any evidence that any venom has been produced by the virus in tissue culture, nor vaccinated people or experimental animals.

Since the patent you reference is entirely irrelevant to venom peptides, I have to assume you goal is not to enlighten but to obscure.

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In fact, during a Stew Peters show, Karen Kingston once read directly from a patent (I forget whether it was Pfizer or Moderna) that the technology also had potential application as a "bioweapon". To me, that was shocking that the patent would actually state that.

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Would you agree that research funding applications or patent applications often justify the research by relating it to eradicating certain diseases, while at the same time there could be a dual use and a dual could very well entail a bioweapon.

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No, I'm only repeating what Karen Kingston stated and what is stated in the patent:

1) Kingston: "And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides,..."

2) In the U.S. Patent 5,580,859:

a) "Moreover, selective delivery of toxic peptides (such as ricin,

diphtheria toxin, or cobra venom factor)..."

b) "Other lethal genes besides diphtheria toxin could be used

with similar effect, such as genes for ricin or cobra venom

factor or enterotoxin."

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And the test for venom is d dimer right?

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From the Cleveland Clinic:

"A D-dimer test is a blood test that measures D-dimer, a protein fragment your body makes when a blood clot dissolves. A high result may indicate a clotting disorder."

So D-dimer would not be a fool-proof test for venom; because, some venom cause clotting; others cause bleeding; and, others can cause both clotting and bleeding.

Since it's a relatively complicated test, here's a link to a Cleveland Clinic page on the D-dimer test:


And here is a link to many videos which describe the D-dimer test:


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They all seem to share the same issue which is destruction of the immune system going way back to early vaccines. Danish study Robert talked about proving Gates lied about saving millions in Africa.

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yes--the CIA used those assassinations as deterrents. Actually as acts of terror. Who knows how many heart attacks they caused?

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There are many who say Andrew Breitbart was murdered just over 10 years ago with poison/heart attack gun, because he was exposing too much close to those controlling the levers.

(Breitbart was calling out evidence on Weiner - of “Weinergate” , who wife worked very closely with Hillary Clinton…



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9w1XLpCZXc Ex DEFAULT Liberal from Brentwood proclamation How he became red-pilled and his revelation of the Democrat media COMPLEX and liberal interest groups agenda.

Even though we ARE a CENTER RIGHT country the fake installed MSM work in concert with each other, to alter PERCEPTION of what we are, in order to influence MINDS to believe their LIES and FORCE submission to THEIR will.


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So Dr Ardis wasn’t a whack when he said, snake venom was found connected to Covid…….

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Please show me how snake venom is connected to COVID

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I have never been a fan of Dr. Ardis' proposition that snake or other venoms he mentioned could have been used in Covid. However, I don't think it is unreasonable to consider that possibility given the statement in this article that these toxins and venoms have been stored at Fort Detrick and could kill "hundreds of thousands" . Obviously the CIA is not to be trusted with such things. And the fact that the shellfish toxin was made by the Army and stored at Fort Detrick along with Cobra toxin, and that we now know from Sasha and Katherine that the Military Industrial Complex was heavily involved in setting up the Covid scam, this article makes me rethink those possibilities.

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We can buy Snake Venon online. How about that!

¨Buy venoms online with 98% purity from Venoms Pharma your number one supplier of Snake venoms, Scorpion venoms, Frog venoms and Toad venoms. You do not need a prescription to order from us. Our prices are very moderate, our packaging and delivery services are fast, cheap, discreet and highly secured. Buy Snake Venoms Online. Buy Scorpion Venoms Online. Buy Frog Venoms Online. Buy Toad Venoms Online. When you buy your snake venoms online from us, you can either get vacuum sealed glass vials of 500 mg, 1g, 3g, 5g or even 10 grams. We ship all our products worldwide, so you can order your desired venom online from us from any part of the world. : https://venomspharma.com/

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Thanks. Anyone have Gate's address?

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All, what do you think is th active ingredients in lisenopril that21 million Americans take daily?

Lisinopril is a synthetic peptide derivative of captopril used to treat high blood pressure and other heart-related complications. It was first derived from the venom of a snake found in South America, the Brazilian pit viper. Lisinopril is the first medication to treat high blood pressure and has remained on the market since its clearance by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1981.1 The creation of Lisinopril has an interesting history that dates back to the 1960s when the very first ACE inhibitors were discovered. It was discovered that a substance from the venom of Brazilian viper, Bothrops jararca, could inhibit the activity of ACE.0 There is a possibility of a link between drugs like Lisinopril and lung cancer.2


Dr Ardis and Dr Tau Bruan are over the targets. Why do you think big pharma have hits out for both of them?

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I thought I had the Dr Ardis interview.

He was on a lot of Podcasts, Stew Peters was the first.

Talking about Snake Venom and Covid .

How the symptoms of the Vax injuries were similar to Venom Poisoning

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Dr. Ardis has also been interviewed by a number of host on WVW TV as well as Karen Kingston and others who have confirmed and documented his findings. All past interviews and transcripts are all archived on that site as well.

You are 100% correct. He is no whack job. He just hovers over the target.

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Watch Dr Bryan Ardis' "Watch the Water" and contact him and Dr Tau Braun. Those peptides segments in the mRNA correspond to synthetic venoms Including Cone snales and burgero and Chinese crate snake venoms. Also, note a number of natural spike protein dissolving moliciles are also used around the world to detox snake bites, like Nattokinase. Watch "Remedy" by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. It ran for free last week. Contact them as well.


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We can buy Snake Venon online. How about that!

¨Buy venoms online with 98% purity from Venoms Pharma your number one supplier of Snake venoms, Scorpion venoms, Frog venoms and Toad venoms. You do not need a prescription to order from us. Our prices are very moderate, our packaging and delivery services are fast, cheap, discreet and highly secured. Buy Snake Venoms Online. Buy Scorpion Venoms Online. Buy Frog Venoms Online. Buy Toad Venoms Online. When you buy your snake venoms online from us, you can either get vacuum sealed glass vials of 500 mg, 1g, 3g, 5g or even 10 grams. We ship all our products worldwide, so you can order your desired venom online from us from any part of the world. : https://venomspharma.com/

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Not at all. He’s a smart Doc.

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It took the whole covid thing and about 70 years of living before I finally see with clear eyes the omnipresent pattern of brutal corruption in "big" everything - big pharma (big corporate everything), big government, big NGOs, big medicine, and so on. I mean, I always knew that corruption existed in high places, but I thought it was the rare exception. Now it's become crystal clear that it is the almost-inviolable rule and having seen it, I can't unsee it, it's obvious everywhere. What has hidden it all these years - and I think what hides it from most people still - is its size. It's hiding in plain sight because most people simply cannot conceive that such evil can exist other than on the tiniest scale. It IS hard to understand how so many well-educated and intelligent individuals can become so devoid of principle, so ruthlessly corrupted, and I still struggle with "how." But the fact that it is the rule and not the exception is clear.

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a little goes a long way, but we are not talking small amounts, obviously it if cheap and plentiful, most likely pesticide precursor or base material, that spreads rapidly in the air. Thus there is no real evidence, other than some harmless polyacrylamide film maybe with whatever is left of chlorophenols. Not an organic chemist, and its a complex science, but pubmed and pubchem breaks it down a bit. But as to batches it has to be very simple and easy, as few are even buying houses around here not fully or partially engaged releasing, small pumps or built into tanks, much like a cars' fuel injection system. Some emitters do tiny floating fog drops, quickly off gassing, and others from further away houses tiny small missiles that go far, hit the ground running and up springs hundreds of tiny little insect like missiles of it, wind driven yet reactive to light and air contact thus own propulsion. Without cameras going at night you won't have a clue, best to install outdoor surveillance kits, find neighbors not involved to share info and sue the hell out of the syndicate, The deep pocket syndicate, and its the flu too, the virus, as defined in Websters' dicitionary as slime poison, the kinetic force to the pumping systems, maybe canister is constituted different that toxify large areas, haven't been able to see the actual equipment. but night cams can allow to reverse engineer in speculative terms. take care

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Was Colby being too honest? Why did he die of a heart attack when fishing alone after retirement? Nixon also wanted to reopen the JFK assissination probe, and instead Mr. Gray who reported to J Edgar Hoover created Deep Throat. You don't think they had to get Nixon out of the Oval Office? Is that why they are trying so hard to stop President Trump? Will RFK Jr. ignite another fire storm? Will the deep state continue to gas light Americans forever? RNA injections is just a very sophisticated way of controlling humanity and Big Pharma gains a 200 Billion business. Amoral humans rein.

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Why bring up this ancient history? These upstanding patriots at the CIA have certainly ceased development long since, and destroyed existing stockpiles to bring themselves into strict compliance with the law.

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What is the best sarcasm emoji? 😉🙃😝🤯🙄😵‍💫🥴

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¨Hackers Remotely Hijack a Jeep, Crash it Into a Ditch¨... So now the CIA don't need a gun to hurt you. They can just remotely Hijack your car. We have to find a way to protect ourselves.



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Thanks for unearthing this and bringing it to light.

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Maybe we are under the influence of Demons?

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It would appear that people are finally figuring out what so few have been saying for decades: That the governments of the world are up to absolutely no good, are corrupted by the relentless flow of blood money from "corporate interests" and politicians, and all think themselves to being in possession of superior information and skills of interpretation. It is why they feel that they have the right to determine the reproductive abilities of everyone else.

Governments are constituted principally by politicians (who are largely sociopaths) who love the association with such ambivalent, unbridled, malevolent, power.

A congress of smug eugenicists.

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So a reasonable government would place these psychopaths in an enclosed facility to observe the dangerous behavior typical of psychopaths and thereby derive antidotes to their deviant scheming. Such poisoned minds are a real danger to the safety and health of humankind. Instead, we elevate them to controlling positions.

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Wow, this talk from Andrew Breitbart (Steve bannon former Breitbart partner) shows all the tools the leftist MSM uses - he hits all of them - especially the fact that without race they have nothing.

And how much of the false White supremacy, and false racist accusations , and unnecessary CRT (critical racial Training!) are presently being used by the left currently to destroy this country for the gobblelists who own the MSM and have forever. His speech was 10 years ago! And yet it is ageless.

They use the same old formula because it’s worked up to now. Smoke and mirrors of the HIDDEN HANDS.

Time to change the peoples response. Be an influencer of positive change!

Worth a listen since he describes himself as a reformed leftist from Brentwood California.

We need to reach ALL people left right center with common sense and realize the fight is against ALL of us by a very small minority who create the PERCEPTION EVERYONE but you feels their way.


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Makes me reconsider what the so-called Spanish flu was, it’s my belief that it was induced by a vaccine in 1918. The elites who are responsible for it would love nothing more than to eradicate us

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There are many who say Andrew Breitbart was murdered just over 10 years ago with poison/heart attack gun, because he was exposing too much close to those controlling the levers.

(Breitbart was calling out evidence on Weiner - of “Weinergate” , who wife worked very closely with Hillary Clinton…



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9w1XLpCZXc Ex DEFAULT Liberal from Brentwood proclamation How he became red-pilled and his revelation of the Democrat media COMPLEX and liberal interest groups agenda.

Even though we ARE a CENTER RIGHT country the fake installed MSM work in concert with each other, to alter PERCEPTION of what we are, in order to influence MINDS to believe their LIES and FORCE submission to THEIR will.


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All nothing but a fabricated story no doubt. What did the Church Committee really do? They did nothing but make it look like they were taking real action; and, no doubt did take some minuscule, serious-seeming actions as part of the show. The experimentation in, and creation of, lethal substances continued to this day, mostly in other countries like Ukraine and China, and many other places, and they've no doubt been used in "al CIAduh(!)" clandestine assassination and/or mass-murder operations. Colby had no choice at that point but to appear conciliatory and transparent, since the evidence was already widespread. Besides, he was just the nonexistent fallguy, also only "for show".

Just as with the Warren Commission; and, years later, the 9/11 Commission, as well as whatever committee "investigated" the Oklahoma City inside-job bombing; We the People were duped as usual.

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