

I history of 1973-1975 events which made public some of the CIA's crimes and illegal activities (including assassinations)

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Please explain the relationship to Covid

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yes--the CIA used those assassinations as deterrents. Actually as acts of terror. Who knows how many heart attacks they caused?

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So Dr Ardis wasn’t a whack when he said, snake venom was found connected to Covid…….

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It took the whole covid thing and about 70 years of living before I finally see with clear eyes the omnipresent pattern of brutal corruption in "big" everything - big pharma (big corporate everything), big government, big NGOs, big medicine, and so on. I mean, I always knew that corruption existed in high places, but I thought it was the rare exception. Now it's become crystal clear that it is the almost-inviolable rule and having seen it, I can't unsee it, it's obvious everywhere. What has hidden it all these years - and I think what hides it from most people still - is its size. It's hiding in plain sight because most people simply cannot conceive that such evil can exist other than on the tiniest scale. It IS hard to understand how so many well-educated and intelligent individuals can become so devoid of principle, so ruthlessly corrupted, and I still struggle with "how." But the fact that it is the rule and not the exception is clear.

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Was Colby being too honest? Why did he die of a heart attack when fishing alone after retirement? Nixon also wanted to reopen the JFK assissination probe, and instead Mr. Gray who reported to J Edgar Hoover created Deep Throat. You don't think they had to get Nixon out of the Oval Office? Is that why they are trying so hard to stop President Trump? Will RFK Jr. ignite another fire storm? Will the deep state continue to gas light Americans forever? RNA injections is just a very sophisticated way of controlling humanity and Big Pharma gains a 200 Billion business. Amoral humans rein.

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Why bring up this ancient history? These upstanding patriots at the CIA have certainly ceased development long since, and destroyed existing stockpiles to bring themselves into strict compliance with the law.

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¨Hackers Remotely Hijack a Jeep, Crash it Into a Ditch¨... So now the CIA don't need a gun to hurt you. They can just remotely Hijack your car. We have to find a way to protect ourselves.



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Thanks for unearthing this and bringing it to light.

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Maybe we are under the influence of Demons?

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It would appear that people are finally figuring out what so few have been saying for decades: That the governments of the world are up to absolutely no good, are corrupted by the relentless flow of blood money from "corporate interests" and politicians, and all think themselves to being in possession of superior information and skills of interpretation. It is why they feel that they have the right to determine the reproductive abilities of everyone else.

Governments are constituted principally by politicians (who are largely sociopaths) who love the association with such ambivalent, unbridled, malevolent, power.

A congress of smug eugenicists.

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So a reasonable government would place these psychopaths in an enclosed facility to observe the dangerous behavior typical of psychopaths and thereby derive antidotes to their deviant scheming. Such poisoned minds are a real danger to the safety and health of humankind. Instead, we elevate them to controlling positions.

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Wow, this talk from Andrew Breitbart (Steve bannon former Breitbart partner) shows all the tools the leftist MSM uses - he hits all of them - especially the fact that without race they have nothing.

And how much of the false White supremacy, and false racist accusations , and unnecessary CRT (critical racial Training!) are presently being used by the left currently to destroy this country for the gobblelists who own the MSM and have forever. His speech was 10 years ago! And yet it is ageless.

They use the same old formula because it’s worked up to now. Smoke and mirrors of the HIDDEN HANDS.

Time to change the peoples response. Be an influencer of positive change!

Worth a listen since he describes himself as a reformed leftist from Brentwood California.

We need to reach ALL people left right center with common sense and realize the fight is against ALL of us by a very small minority who create the PERCEPTION EVERYONE but you feels their way.


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Makes me reconsider what the so-called Spanish flu was, it’s my belief that it was induced by a vaccine in 1918. The elites who are responsible for it would love nothing more than to eradicate us

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There are many who say Andrew Breitbart was murdered just over 10 years ago with poison/heart attack gun, because he was exposing too much close to those controlling the levers.

(Breitbart was calling out evidence on Weiner - of “Weinergate” , who wife worked very closely with Hillary Clinton…



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9w1XLpCZXc Ex DEFAULT Liberal from Brentwood proclamation How he became red-pilled and his revelation of the Democrat media COMPLEX and liberal interest groups agenda.

Even though we ARE a CENTER RIGHT country the fake installed MSM work in concert with each other, to alter PERCEPTION of what we are, in order to influence MINDS to believe their LIES and FORCE submission to THEIR will.


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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

All nothing but a fabricated story no doubt. What did the Church Committee really do? They did nothing but make it look like they were taking real action; and, no doubt did take some minuscule, serious-seeming actions as part of the show. The experimentation in, and creation of, lethal substances continued to this day, mostly in other countries like Ukraine and China, and many other places, and they've no doubt been used in "al CIAduh(!)" clandestine assassination and/or mass-murder operations. Colby had no choice at that point but to appear conciliatory and transparent, since the evidence was already widespread. Besides, he was just the nonexistent fallguy, also only "for show".

Just as with the Warren Commission; and, years later, the 9/11 Commission, as well as whatever committee "investigated" the Oklahoma City inside-job bombing; We the People were duped as usual.

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