Columbia University and Georgetown Law School are crying over threats of $ cuts. Both supplied the globalist henchman for taking over the world using pandemics, vaccines and One Health
These two centers of "higher learning," which helped create the narratives destroying our civilization, deserve their comeuppance
Gostin’s long-time friend and colleague, Tony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), echoed the sentiment, calling Gostin “one of the most highly respected global authorities in public health law” and a “moral compass and go-to thought leader” in the field….
In 2002, in the wake of the anthrax attacks, the CDC asked Gostin to draft model legislation designed to expand state power in response to bioterrorism, recommendations that drew fire from civil liberties groups. Indeed, ACLU leaders publicly tore up his membership card on national television. But the vast majority of states adopted Gostin’s Model Emergency Health Powers Act. (This enabled the COVID lockdowns—Nass)
Fauci lauded Gostin’s long-standing work on behalf of the common good. “For nearly 40 years, since the early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Larry and I have worked in complementary spheres of public health, enabling us to become both close friends and valuable colleagues,” he said. “Overall, our objectives are always aligned: Protect and preserve the health of people here and abroad, not only to benefit individuals but to safeguard the peace and security of the United States and the world.”
Today, Gostin advises the White House, the CDC, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and other groups on the COVID-19 response and all manner of public health law. The O’Neill Institute is now providing legal counsel on pandemic treaty negotiations, global vaccinations, and guidelines on migrant health, mental health, and more.
…The task force appeared to move into action quickly after a pro-Palestinian sit-in and protest at Barnard College, a partner school to Columbia, on Feb. 26. Two days later, the administration releasedits list of 10 schools under scrutiny, including Columbia, the site of large pro-Palestinian encampments last year.
It said it would be paying the schools a visit, part of a review process to consider “whether remedial action is warranted.” Then on Friday, it announced it would be canceling millions in grants and contracts with Columbia.
Harvard University, whose former president Claudine Gay resigned last year following a bruising appearance before a House committee, [note how The NY Times omits the fact she produced no scholarship and was a serial plagiarist—Nass] is also on the list.
So are George Washington University; Johns Hopkins University; New York University; Northwestern University; the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of California, Berkeley; the University of Minnesota; and the University of Southern California.
The Trump administration’s moves to hobble university funding and target schools over claims that they tolerated antisemitism had already caused internal recalibration at schools across the country. Some have stepped up lobbying efforts, including hiring lobbyists with connections to Mr. Trump.
We’ll be good! We’ll do anything! Give us back our money! Maybe we won’t even be woke…
Columbia University’s School of Public Health had Peter Daszak on the books as an adjunct faculty member, to give him some prestige and make him look like a professor, rather than what he really was:
a peddler of pandemic pathogens,
a pontificating pimp, and
a purveyor of prevarications.
Once the news about EcoHealth Alliance got out, his name and photo were expunged from Columbia’s Center for Infections and Immunity’s website. I wrote about this back in 2020. But now that he is no longer at EcoHealth, Peter needs to hang on to his fake appointment at Columbia. Below from wikipedia.
It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it—George Carlin
Who runs the Columbia School of Public Health Center for Infection and Immunity? None other than the 5th author of the Proximal Origins paper, W. Ian Lipkin.
Yup, the pandemic’s biggest scam that insisted COVID could never, not in a million years, have come from a lab. All 5 authors are intelligence assets who also happen to do science, or what has passed for science these recent decades. “Science” in aid of narrative.
Here’s Ian’s own bio, followed by my summary of his deeds.
Dr. Lipkin was the first to use purely molecular methods to identify infectious agents. In 1999, he identified West Nile virus as the cause of encephalitis in North America. He developed MassTag PCR and Greenechip technology, two multiplex assays that have been used to identify and characterize more than 2,500 viruses, and was the first to use high throughput sequencing for pathogen discovery. In 2003, Dr. Lipkin established the Norwegian Autism Birth Cohort (ABC), the largest prospective birth cohort devoted to investigating gene-environment-timing interactions and biomarker discovery.
Dr. Lipkin served as co-chair of the Steering Committee of the National Biosurveillance Advisory Subcommittee and as Director of the Northeast Biodefense Center and the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center on Diagnostics, Surveillance and Immunotherapeutics for Emerging Infectious and Zoonotic Diseases, the only academic WHO Center focused on diagnostics and discovery. He has collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, USAID PREDICT, US Department of Agriculture, US Food and Drug Administration, Agilent Technologies, Pfizer, Roche 454 Life Sciences, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,, Institut Pasteur, and OneHealth Alliance.
His honors include the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Young Investigator Award, Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Lecturer of the Nation Center for Infectious Diseases, Honorary and Founding Director of the Beijing Center for Infectious Diseases, Fellow of the American Society for Microbiology, Fellow of the Wildlife Conservation Society, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Member of the Association of American Physicians. He has been featured by the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Discover Magazine, Nature Medicine, the History Channel, National Geographic, National Public Radio, Wired, the Huffington Post, This Week in Virology, WNYC, and Steven Soderbergh's film Contagion.
So, Dr. Lipkin has been used to control the narrative (even in Hollywood movies) on HIV, mental illness, autism, Lyme disease, bioweapons, COVID — and double-crossed Judy Mikovits in a study they did together.
Do you think his funding should be cut? It is time to cut off the many heads of the snake?
"a peddler of pandemic pathogens,
a pontificating pimp, and
a purveyor of prevarications."
Lovely and accurate alliteration. I find the NYT headline so telling -- whatever this demonic MSM outlet pukes prolifically from its pusillanimous propagandist pie-hole is persistently putrid!
I think nothing about higher education schools like these: Ivy Leagues, Seven Sisters, etc. like I used to while growing up! If I had had my druthers and knowledge, I would have attended Hillsdale College, even if it had been online.