"a peddler of pandemic pathogens,

a pontificating pimp, and

a purveyor of prevarications."

Lovely and accurate alliteration. I find the NYT headline so telling -- whatever this demonic MSM outlet pukes prolifically from its pusillanimous propagandist pie-hole is persistently putrid!

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Way to slam dunk that amazing behind the back pass she tossed you! But I love alliteration so...

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I think nothing about higher education schools like these: Ivy Leagues, Seven Sisters, etc. like I used to while growing up! If I had had my druthers and knowledge, I would have attended Hillsdale College, even if it had been online.

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yep. the Ivy Leagues have become tools of the left and the globalists, factories for churning out automatons who spout the party line but cannot think logically.

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'poison ivy' league

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Not just ivy leagues. Penn State helped mess up some members of my family.

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My whole family is like that, all libs! It's so sad!

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It’s alright, they can’t stand to be around you.

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For the record, they laugh at you, not with.

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Just like we laugh at them!

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By using taxpayers' money to promote Satan's ideology! What better way to enslave a once Godly nation?

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My brother Jeff wrote his college thesis on Godley Adam Smith's economics theory. His Godless Marxist professor gave him a F! Jeff asked for a redo, so he copied the Godless communist/government-controlled (failed] Keynesian economics crap! The old commie professor swooned. He loved it, but only gave him a B for being late!

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Me too😊. Love Hillsdale, the real school of truth, honesty and integrity. Thank you Hillsdale!

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Educator John Gatto wrote the book on "education," I.e., "It's to "Make Cogs to support the industrial complex." (Except for Hillsdale College,) all our once Christian based univerisities now suck money from Godless Leftist Democrat's money machine, I.e. no LBGTQIA+ promotion, etc. no money! It's how Democrats re-enslaved Blacks with "free stuff"! Remember our murdering racist LBJ's quote of "With my new WOP free stuff bill, we'll have Ni@*r$ voting Democrat for 200 years?

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Disgusting, the liberals are!

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Remember too most of these "institutes of higher learning" mandated the clot shots for students and personal, how many were murdered because of this?

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The mandates disgust me to this day. There was absolutely no reason to mandate the vaccine for young adults, let alone give them the vaccine in the first place. What many people don't realize is that these Ivy League institutions mandated every subsequent booster until last year. Sadly, like most of the decisions made my the administrations of these prestigious schools, it was more about Democrat virtue signaling than it was about public health.

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Especially when you learn Mandates can Only be issued by a judge in a court of law! Emergencey mandates come with a host of restrictions and mandates that were all violated to receive indefinite/fraudulent federal grant money from enslaved taxpayers! We buy the chains to enslave us at ridiculously high prices! It's what we get for running God out of American government! So now we have Satan's law for guidance!

I.e., "If it feels good, do it."

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Cry me a River! 🎻

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World’s smallest violin, right there

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Also, are the graduates the types of people we need in business? I know they are team players, I’m just not sure which team they play for.

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The graduates are all the people you fucking yahoos elected in.

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Thankfully President T has addressed this and will take 400 million in grants from Columbia U!! Well played. They deserved it!

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Hilary is teaching @ Columbia, Nuland is teaching @ Columbia, McFaul teaches @ Stanford, not only it's okay to pull funding, parents should demand a refund!

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Holy cow. ....and Al capon was taken down by tax evasion. What ever it takes. Burn it down! Columbia harbors traitors.

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Skinning a cat ....!🤷‍♂️

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Is the real reason funding is being cut because of being pro-pandemic or because of pro-Palestinian protests?

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When the economic thing happens let these institutions fall

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“ Do you think his funding should be cut?”

Not if it’s because of false claims of anti semitism which seems to be what Trump is threatening.

He’s already had his goon squad arrest someone at Columbia for this.

Vance scolded Europe for its crackdown on free speech and yet Trump is doing the same damn thing.

Be careful for what you wish for.

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Good. Expose and squeeze all of them.

Investigate, try, imprison.

Daszak is horrible beyond words.

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Drain the swamp. They should not only be cut from financial support but be dismantled completely as they have shown drastically how completely corrupt they really are. There is not hope of any repent or betterment. Rotten to the core.

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they are EXACTLY the sort of players who should not be sucking off the public teat. boo hoo hoo... go get your corporate buddies to cough up some dough, its their butts you all are covering.

Lipkin is joke, in the real autism community. the so-called 'cohort' study could have produced something of value, instead it propped the narrative of genetic epidemic in the mind of the unwitting public.

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"one of the most highly respected global authorities in public health law" and a "moral compass and go-to thought leader." That is exactly what I am when it comes to my personal health. With that said, the Government needs to butt out of my business and my health!! Nobody is going to enforce or mandate my health. Remember "my body, my health" left-wing demonic liberals?

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