
The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)

1) It's the cure!

2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others

3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick

4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick

5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying

6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying

7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!

8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot

9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore

10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way

11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok

12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now

13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in

14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare

15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%

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Absolute classic !

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What Scott said!

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It’s only secondarily about money. It’s ultimately about POWER and CONTROL.

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Yes, and amongst the most evil of doctors are those who see 'medical procedures' as a way to exert power and control.

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Meant to create so much indebtedness that it becomes intergenerational to pay off. Maybe with interest it will take 1,000 years to do so. Theft from your children's children's children and more.

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It won't last anything like 1,000 years. When the bankers' children are murdered, they will have learned the hard way that money can't buy you a bloodline. Once it's gone, it's gone.....

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Possibly. And we get to either watch from the sidelines or wait for justice and bad karma to strike. Could happen or something even worse.

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Thank you for your tireless work getting info out to us. I just pray that fewer people fall for the bs this time than how many did for Covid.

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ANYBODY who attempts to poison me by injection WILL DIE.

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I couldn't have said it better myself!

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1 free breakfast sandwich for all that comply...

(an Eggless MacGuffin)


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LOL!! All the free stuff and coercion didn’t work the last 4 years…won’t work now for me and many others!!

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the coercion was, in the main (imo) -'bluff', and butt-naked, as in 'the buff'

and in one's face - some chose to feed their face, and seal their fate...?

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And look at the new EU VAX CARD a few countries are now testing


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All I can say is that until people wake up they will keep creating and injecting the populous. What a horrific society we have become to allow Big Pharma, with Gov't endorsement to inject whatever they like into people.

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So much death and misery covered up by blaming “long Covid” whatever that is. Sudden deaths, heart attacks, exploding cancer rates, miscarriages, infertility, neurological disorders all as a result a flu. Unbelievable! The worst of it is, this level of stupidity and deception is still being peddled by all globalist controlled governments and the corrupt institutions that hang from them. So many people who have already died, dying or sick following the poison shots continue to believe these lies.

As we are all targeted for the great cull, we are likely never to find out the true level of carnage.

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You and I probably will, but 90% of the Uk population still don't realise that Lockdown was a scam. They still think it was for real....

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Screw that! I've had my last Vax because of KoviD!

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Your an idiot

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Or just a bullshitter that needs attention!

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You mean CON CON CON…vid!😉

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This explains all the lying and gaslighting surrounding the COVID shots and moron Hotez speaking recently about using police and military force to mandate injections onto the public. They are planning on milking the mrna cash cow for all it is worth, people and humanity be damned

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Unless Hotez has a military security detail protecting him, he may find 'the public' forcing certain unmandated procedures onto HIS body. I don't think it will be very pretty what will ensue....

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All workers at NIH, CDC and FDA should be required to get these poison jabs. Past that, hard pass.

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Hang em all.. we need addresses to hunt em down

And hang em

And burn em alive.

Quit being pussies

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Drawn and quartering? Expand the toolkit :-)

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They will all get saline. All the 1% get harmless jabs, the 99% get the poison. It's all written into the plan. You didn't see Nazis sent to concentration camps, did you?

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Disability can be much worse than death!

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There are MANY things worse than death!

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🤔wondering if TPTB are beyond curious as to why - after purposely wrecking the health of the bioweaponed vaccinated and their ability to shed on the unvaccinated causing so much lowered immune systems that nothing has seemed to cause (bird flu, monkey pox, etc) another plandemic for TPTB even under extreme compromised health the useless eaters are still surviving - God made a wonderful resilient thing - the human body.

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You’ll love this! I haven’t flown in YEARS! I was on a one hour flight. I haven’t been sick in 15+ years at nearly 61. Guess what? Sick after being on that flight…probably all jabbed people! I’m a anti-vaxer. I’ve never had any flu shots or jabs.🖕

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First hand knowledge myself, my youngest perfectly healthy unvaxxed adult child returned to the office with 10 jabbed (minimally) twice coworkers and shortly thereafter lost some vision in both eyes - medicos diagnosed optic neuritis but thought it was MS as it presented as such - thankfully it resolved in about 8 weeks - anecdotal - I think not - she has since quit and no more health issues. Totally agree with you and there are no coincidences - those that were refusnicks got shedded on - no coincidences! 😘

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Thank God and His angels for protecting your baby! Eye problems are a big issue with jabs!

My Intuition tells me that that was from the jabbed shedding.

I’m a very healthy 61 year old with a great immune system. After flying I got a bad cold. I don’t get sick.

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Grow your own, eat your own, enjoy the sunshine, take exercise. It seems to work, doesn't it?

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By the way, I survived cancer, after losing my job for non-CONvid compliance. I have become a holistic/back to nature person. I know what the average person is putting in their body😉.

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Rhys you got that right! I will be moving to a different state soon. I want to grow my own food, have fruit trees, chickens, etc.

I’m currently living in a “communist state”. It’s very hard on the soul!

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This is so extraordinarily diabolical it's enough to make you lose any and all faith in our government to do the right thing in the so called "public sector" to monitor the "private sector" to correct any fraud or abuse. One can only hope for MASSIVE RESISTANCE to whatever propaganda push comes this fall or whenever to "PLANDEMIC II: THE SEQUAL", brougnt to you by an aggregate of Satan's Useful Idiots! mRNA shots?? Really?? We haven't seen enough people killed, maimed or otherwise injured by poison jabs????

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Your US Congress and Senate is 100% bought and controlled. They absolutely DO NOT represent you. They represent their donors, but they don't represent the taxpayers.

You lot should make an ultimatum: represent we the American People, or 250 million of us refuse to file tax returns. They can't put 250 million of you in prison.

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