Q: Is the WHO aiming to become a Universal Ministry of Health? A: Yes.

Q: What is the best way of dealing with this aim? A: Universal exit of all nation states from WHO.

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Nailed it with a sledge hammer and with concise and effortless grace - much as did Meryl Nass herself.

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The group dynamics of what is going on with the search, rescue, and recovery operations in Western North Carolina mirrors a lot of the dynamics behind the WHO's power grab.

FEMA ... while acknowledging it is going broke, and now denying 'grants' of a measly $750.00 to many households which do not 'qualify', has, like many other state authorities been trying to crush and/or commandeer immediate grassroots volunteerism and donations.

This is a conflict between two largely sub-conscious mind-sets:

1 — the long term and sustained rule-driven, institutionally authorized behavior of those with high social currency

2 — the immediate empathy-driven of neighbors, family, and friends

While empathy-driven behavior tends to be immediate, it tends to be limited in scale and duration. But in times of emergency, it is the better moral and practical choice. Rule-driven behavior is subject to two serious constraints:

1 — The limits of rules (logic, language, or algorithms) as philosophically pointed out by

Wittgenstein's Ladder or Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems ... or for a touch of more whimsy,

read mathematician Charles Dodgson's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The more

'mystic' traditions of religion and art also point out the limits of conscious cognition.

2 — The moral constraints of scale, which can be further broken down into at least two ways ...

2.a — rule-driven institutions tend to self-select positions of authority that are predisposed to

dark-triad behavior traits ... pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and

morphologically defined psychopaths ... who are neither willing nor capable of empathy-

driven behavior. See Harrison Koehli's substack on Political Ponerology for more info.

2.b — a consequence of the above is the effects of moral corruption on those most in need of

care and attention. A quote from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter From Birmingham Jail"

points to this ... "History is the long and tragic story of the fact that privileged groups

seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and

voluntarily give up their unjust posture; but, as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, groups

are more immoral than individuals."

The same dynamics have been playing out here in Japan since the stone age. As recently as 1995 when the Great Kobe Earthquake hit, the national government could not hide its institutional incapacity and/or unwillingness to help the victims, resulting in the 1998 change of the law recognizing volunteer activism in times of emergency and accepting their help.

Two other instances did not result in a change of law (rule--driven behavior) ...

1 — The 1985 crash of JAL 123 in the mountains of Gunma Prefecture ... the largest loss of life in a single airplane crash in history. The crash site was discovered at night by a U.S. military helicopter which offered to pick up survivors ... but was denied by the Japanese govt. ... as a loss of face and acknowledgement that 'outsiders' were capable of helping). The govt. took its time organizing its own military to reach the site later the next day ... during which time most of the survivors had died.

2 — The nuclear meltdown at Fukushima. As the nuclear disaster unfolded, the U.S. military twice offered help, first to dump sea water on the overheating reactor, and then to replace TEPCO's failing water-cooling pumps with larger, U.S. military-grade pumps. Both times, the Japanese govt. refused aid as a loss of its image as a country capable of taking care of its own. To appease the Japanese govt and keep Japan as part of nuclear buffer/puppet state between the U.S. and Russia / China, shortly after the disaster began unfolding, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went on record denying such offers of help were made by the U.S. military. I wrote about this and provided links to documentation in a Quora post some years ago.

(pausing for now, but might return and/or bump my comment up to a post).

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Stranded people, suffering and about to die are the driver for exclusive powers and profits: Celia Farber:

"I Am Literally Flying Around In A Civilian Helicopter Looking For SOS Messages Carved In The Mud."

Reports Pour In From Rescue Volunteers Thwarted and Even Threatened With Arrest If They Set Out To Save Desperate People With Hours To Live, or Less: Mass Media Underplaying The Death Toll https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/i-am-literally-flying-around-in-a

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Hi John.

Good link. Thanks. Been pouring over this for a couple of days now, sending summaries of citizen-uploaded videos to Traci and Shane ('Brush Junkie' YouTube that has been covering Lahaina).

Among some of the things you may have already seen ...

— A woman driving from the airport near Asheville when 4 FEMA officials flew in (on a private jet) claimed to overhear one of them saying to add two 0's to whatever is claimed to be the 'official' death toll.

— Truckers bringing in supplies claim someone is slashing tires ... and my guess is such vandals are hired by 3 and 4 letter agencies.

— Civilian drone operators ordered to cease and desist search and rescue under the threat of arrest.

— Authorities using 'stolen valor' tactics to take credit for the work done by civilian volunteers

— And the beat goes on.

I have a bit of extra incentive because I grew up and went to college in North Carolina, and have friends and relatives living in Asheville and King's Mountain. The scale of this nightmare is further revealing the ruling class's pathological contempt for their presumed inferiors. Same old, same old of that forever war of mankind against its own worst nature.

Despite it all,

cheers buddy.

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Thanks Steve. I lived in North Carolina from 1968 (inclusive) through summer of 1971, Dad's last station in the USMC. The King and Kennedy assassinations in 1968, particularly the openly-broadcast venom towards King were really shocking to me at 10 years of age.


Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"

"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."

The investment banker says:

"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."

"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.

"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."

Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene

Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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Good links.

Yeah, I saw that Wigington video. Haven't seen the Catherine Austin Fitts analysis yet, but as usual, sounds spot-on. If I am not mistaken, her small piece of earth is somewhere in rural Tennessee.

And yes, I also believe that hurricane was deliberately steered and suspended. Our black-budget tax dollars at work.

A couple more new finds for me include:

— this guy and his partner's analysis ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azMpK7S7vbI, a bit on the 'rant' side, but not wrong.

— Chris Martenson, a guy I've been following since he beginning of the scamdemic got his Ph.D. at Duke, so he's covering it ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YePcR0vJ47Y

— This guy is someone I picked up and occasionally follow thanks to Shane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reuikBdNp1s ... maybe Weinstein is unfairly picking up some flack for choosing to talk more about solar flares than the hurricane. A few weeks ago, I posted this on Reddit ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Tokyo/comments/1fkrthv/one_disconcerting_explanation_for_all_the/

— In2ThinAir is a new one for me, also found through Shane on "Brush Junkie". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAR_TXQlKLo&t=0s

68 through 71 ... my golden years of Jr. High and first year of high school, in the sticks of Northeast Guilford county, just outside of Greensboro. Times wre simpler then ... or rather, I was. 😅

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You will remember 1968 well, then. I had never lived in actual economic-racism, supported by murders until then.

It was in death-throes, but still...


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My public elementary school was all white, but by the time I entered Jr. High, about '67, the schools had been integrated. There were racists, but my big wake-up call was when I realized there was little to no correlation between merit (such as being well read) and caste.

From my marginalized viewpoint ... the A group (and they were both black and white) seemed to be particularly aware of social cues (designer clothes and what social circles their parents were in) and petty politics. The teachers were in on it as well, so I am guessing it was largely a subconscious 'socialization' that had little to no connection with what we were supposed to be learning from textbooks.

Although I was not in any social circle during Jr. or Sr. High, I did have fishing buddies, and half of the wrestling team were black. We had a kick-ass team that took 3rd in the state my Sr. year. I was a light weight and co-captain with a black guy at heavy weight. I never won a tournament, but in the finals of a local conference / holiday tournament, I pushed a 3 time state champion into overtime before he beat me and also took outstanding wrestler of the tournament. Still remember his name ... Billy Rumley, and lo and behold ... a search just turned up his obituary https://www.boone-reynoldsfuneralservice.com/obituary/4901775.

I still remember late night rides back to the school after away matches, the black guys on the bus singing the latest soul music of the early 70's — great sounds. Funny, but I can still remember the names of the black guys on the team when I was a sophomore and Jr. more easily than the white. I guess they were closer to my role models.

I bought a Kindle version of Isobel Wilkerson's "Caste", but have not made the time to read it yet. One I did read that is related to this topic is Michael Sandel's "The Tyranny of Merit: What Has Become of the Common Good?" ... but an even better find was this YouTube ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73YEFD89IuM. Alas, the book appears to be only available in Swedish, but I have a paid account for ChatGPT and Perplexity Pro. If I find the time, might make my own bootleg translation.

Regarding racism in the South, yeah ... I saw bits and pieces here and there. But it was what was NOT said or overt that now really stand out in my memory ... for example, nobody needed laws or signs to point out which beaches were for whites, which for blacks ... and the same for bars and night clubs.

Back a few decades ago when NPR was worth the time to play in lieu of background music (I miss Prairie Home Companion, Fresh Air, and Science Fridays) ... I remember an interview of one of the speech writers for MLKJr saying that while King took it for granted the South was the most overtly racist in laws and culture, he was unprepared for the vicious racial hatred he found in Chicago. As a jazz fan, come to think of it, even among early jazz musicians, it was deemed noteworthy that after an evening set, Louis Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke head over to 'the other side of town' to hear each other play.

The subtle, and occasional not-so-subtle institutional racism in Japan is another thing altogether ... fellow ex-pats being as bad or worse because most have such a delicately balanced and fought-for identity to protect ... an ego-driven turf war (a bit like the difference between kitchen n's and filed n's in the antebellum South), or huddling in expat pity parties, competing for complaints. Come to think of it, the biggest social change for me since Jr. High days is becoming more involved with local community activist-volunteer circles. But even the best of such groups have their subtle politics. Meh. Maybe it's part of the package of chimpanzees in sneakers. 😂

Heading to bed.

Thanks for the chat John, and keep up the good fight.

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I just thought about Carolina Bible Camp, where I went for a couple of summers.

I presume it got flooded badly. It was on a lake or big pond. https://carolinabiblecamp.org/info

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Thank you for posting what each of these wise scholars, health practitioners and health freedom advocates, think about the WHO and their IHRs. Their impressive perspective is much more universal yet also zeroes in on the concerns of each sovereign nation.

They represent an authentic, broadly centered, and balanced health advocacy group of people, who not only spiritually qualify, but academically qualify to replace the present WHO participants, who are a corrupt, anxious and self-supportive bunch of crooks, with countless special interests that dominate their intentions for power and control over humanity's health.

I pray that their voices can go far, as one nation after the other starts to wake up to the disastrous reality it chooses as it sacrifices its sovereignty and the health freedom of its citizens, as they consent to any WHO diktat.

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Bureaucracies create waste, unneeded paperwork and records that somehow magically get redacted. They reward mediocracy and punish excellence. They write wonderful vision statements, but ultimately only effectively protect their turf and acquire status for stake holders. It's not really regulation, it's more like stopping credible business and enabling evil-doing psychopaths.

Speaking of which, has there ever been a vaccine that actually worked really well Dr. Nass? Hell I'm thinking these kids all confused about what their sex organs are doing on their body are suffering from side effects from..., well if they aren't really vaccines, what the hell are they? Profitable Poison. Lot of that going around for the last 30 years or so.

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Sure they are.

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Why does PHEIC, abbreviation for Public Health Emergencies of International Concern, sound so FAKE?

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It is clear there is a collective mandate by the corporate medical complex and those that control it to enslave people worldwide. Big pharma is playing a huge role in this. My wife was recently diagnosed with AFib and immediate prescriptions of Metoprolol and Eliquis.(Pffizer). I read recently where Eliquis' (if I remember correctly) is around 14% of the gross (and I do mean gross) annual revenue of Pffizer. Pffizer has paid huge kickbacks/payoffs in the multi millions of dollars to practitioners for prescribing Eliquis. Call me a skeptic but with the graft and corruption we've seen with the Covid criminal killings I can only question if Eliquis is just another piece of the puzzle that we today call "medical practice." Yes, they "practice" on us while we pay to enslave ourselves to the whims and direction of those who have numbered us and could actually care less whether we live or die. If we decide to stay with our current Medicare plan the initial payment for Eliquis in 2025 is $560 because of the deductible with subsequent payments of $160 for each prescription filled. People are being held hostage by big pharma and the corporate medical complex. I can't claim to have the answers to these problems, but I do know that the assurance of the things to come, found in God's Word, offers a peace that passes all understanding....be in it.

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Thank you so much, Meryl Nass! You are, as always, a gem.

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My production company LowWiseZah Studios creates purposeful entertainment to awaken society. I would greatly appreciate your support so that I can produce more eye-opening movies!


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Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram so I can continue to create this content:

Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment


Your love is much appreciated.

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This is the UK. No Change to the Coronavirus act yet. But it allows for changes in the regions - Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Scotland. Already passed in 2022.



Northern Ireland. consultation stage now.


Canada. going through parliament.


These changes all incorporate the provisions of the WHO health regulations. The WHO regulations are already superseded by domestic legislation that removes rights.

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I understood that it was African Nations who rejected the Corrupt World Health Organisation recommendations due to the decades of medical experimentation and mistreatment they endured while under the 'care' of the WHO. Africa was, for decades, the laboratory for evil Big Parma to find Guinea Pigs and Lab Rats from the African population. They learned first hand, how evil the WHO was.

Nobody listens to the defunct corrupt World Health Organisation any more! They lie to create opportunities for lunatic Gates to further profit from pretend health emergencies.

Sometimes, even the most ludicrous nonsensical suspicions come to be reality. I suspected the dangerous injections they 'knocked up' "at the speed of science", were at best USELESS, Now it seems they were even more dangerous than we could have imagined. Useless AND deadly!

This could have been predicted as soon as we learned that BIG PHARMA (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) demanded NO LIABILITY came with EVERY DEATH SHOT! Such a ridiculous condition should have alerted everyone of the potential dangers of these magically quick cures being created within just months of the release of Fauci's Coronavirus Scamdemic!

'Excess Deaths' are part of their mercenary business plan!

Unjabbed mick (UK) We live longer without dangerous intervention by corrupt (just for profit) medical companies.

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Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"

"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."

The investment banker says:

"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."

"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.

"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."

Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene

Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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The Professor from Nairobi hit the nail on the head. Comity, which is the recognition that in peacetime, foreign nations carry out due process of law and draw factual conclusions, requires nations to honor the sovereignty and decisions of neighboring nations. This is why governments employ diplomats to communicate with other governments. Each can inform the other of what it has learned, when some threat arises. When there is profound difference of opinion and lack of probative facts, reasonably nations should be free to make their own policies on pandemics. Maintaining diverse policies in operation enables nations to learn from their neighbors' experiences.

The WHO is neither omniscient nor omnipotent against disease. If difference of opinion exists and scientific facts are unestablished, then leaving people and their public officials free to try possible measures to ameliorate a pandemic, will create the missing information. We may observe what other nations tried, and what resulted.

Scientific knowledge is NOT voted into existence by the numbers of scientists who favor a particular theory. Knowledge is proven by experiment. Usually most correct science is first found by a minority as small as one person, and is accepted universally after it is proven.

Leaving the doors wide open to peaceful discussion of findings, is the best way to discover solutions to puzzling problems. Since freedom gives us the fastest route to the truth, it is absurd to impose censorship during a crisis.

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