Under the laws of God and the universe, WHO is an illegal entity that shall perish in Hades. Never surrender your personal sovereignty to the anti-humans of WHO.

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Thanks again and again for holding the feet of these scoundrels to the fire. God bless you and all those who support your hard work for truth and justice.

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We know these crooks are chancers, having a sneaky go, bluffing, lying, scamming to see if they can get away with it, so your post seems quite hopeful that you've discovered major flaws & weaknesses & possibly disqualifying factors to chuck this lot under the bus along with their crappy terror treaty

We live in hope

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Hope is also a town in Maine, about 22 miles from Liberty, but to get there, you need to pass through Washington.

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US politicians would destroy our Constitution by ceding these authorities to the WHO.

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NO ONE has the authority to cede the sovereignty of these United States to any foreign nation or organization. Even if the Congress were to pass such a law, it would be null and void, as it is repugnant to the Constitution. Anyone who tried to cede our sovereignty would be a traitor to the nation. And if anyone has already done it (1871...?), same thing. We might need a serious housecleaning and some reorganization. Our government is grossly too big for its britches and needs to go back to being trim, slim, and under the control and authority of the People, as provided for in the Constitution.

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Thank you so much Meryl, for these very clear questions concerning the actual powers given OR not given to government diplomats to sign away the sovereignty of their countries to the WHO--and the many other legitimate questions you pose here. I am so grateful for your clarity in a situation where this "advisory body", seeking to transform itself into "the totalitarian governing body" of the world, is deliberately obfuscating and trampling over the rules which have provided its legitimacy since its inception. The language they use is deliberately obfuscating. The language you use and the questions you are posing to us and to the WHO are deliberately clarifying and meant to help awaken all of us to the threat that the WHO--this rogue organization--poses to our sovereign countries, but most especially to each individual citizen of these 194 countries that are on the brink of losing our right to determine how we will treat ourselves in the case of sickness--and so much more! Thank you so much Warrior Woman! Due to the introduction of AI into the arena of 'expression through language', a very unsuspecting world population is having 'the wool pulled over our eyes and ears and over our ability to conceptualize the enemy as it is preparing to strike... They are cleverly clouding the issues as they are deliberately laying a trap to ensnare all of us. Your words are clearly pulling the wool and the clouds back from this charade so that we can begin to see the trap clearly. Please keep following this means of de-mystifying the charlatan WHO's charade. Definition of a charlatan: A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud. The WHO. Sorry for being so long-winded. You've really inspired me. :))

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Any treaty with the WHO is DOA.

Void ab initio.

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Please share this discussion with James Roguski on the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty as widely as possible.


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Dissolve WHO!

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Thank you for making this clear to European Parliamentarians, and giving them tools with which to defend their countries, Warrior Sister.

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All people involved are criminals and they don’t care if they violate laws. They just want power and a one world government.

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Tenth Amendment..“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

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Great summary, Meryl. I would encourage those who live in cities where there are consulates or embassies to PRINT THIS OUT and hand-deliver to such ASAP. What a great poster or flyer it would make to distribute at various international events! When speaking to people from Africa or South America, let them know that by implementing the WHO agenda, it intends to become THE NEW COLONIAL MASTER. THAT will get their attention!

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Nobody is getting away with anything AND never has. IT'S not over. If they were smart or simply self-preserving practical, they would come clean while possible.

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Constitution's are a pain in the arse for the tyrants so this is a sloppy "throw @ the stumps" to circumvent said constitution's. It takes the pain away i.e the great unwashed clogging up the judicial "system" with constitutional arguments & we'll be stuck with piss weak "leader's" of OUR countries with disingenuous statements like this: "It's not us, it's them" or, The People to the government : "Who's fault is it then? Government to the people; " Correct, it is the WHO's fault but we are bound by treaty." Worst political "business model" EVER.

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Canada is a constitutional monarchy with an elected executive parliament that King Charles can legally erase any time he pleases through the appointed governor-general. Our Prime Minister is not elected by us, but becomes PM if his party wins an election by getting the most seats. Seats are not population-representative. So, not very democratic or sovereign. Yet Justin Trudeau signed what little sovereignty we have over to the WHO without public consultation last year. Is there anything we can do?

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you have to study your documents. I hired lawyers and consulted several for free to understand the legal ramifications. It is not easy but it has to be done.

Dr. Kat Lindley pointed out that for Croatia, the Parliament needs a 2/3 vote in favor of a treaty:

Croatian Constitution Part on International Treaties


Article 140

The Croatian Parliament shall ratify all international treaties which require the adoption of amendment to laws, international treaties of military and political nature, and international treaties which give rise to financial commitments for the Republic of Croatia.

International treaties which grant an international organization or alliance powers derived from the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia shall be ratified by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority of all deputies.

The President of the Republic shall sign the documents of ratification, accession, approval or acceptance of international treaties ratified by the Croatian Parliament in conformity with paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.

International treaties which are not subject to ratification by the Croatian Parliament are concluded by the President of the Republic, at the proposal of the Government, or by the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

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Go Kat Lindley MD!

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