Like many other IOs, also the WHO must be DISSOLVED: it is irreparably corrupted.

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that would dramatically improve public health. Just like dissolving the CDC would ... or your state public health agency.

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Our rulers basically concluded they could not allow any of their false narratives to be exposed or debunked as false. The reason they can't allow this to happen is they want to remain in control and expand their control. The reason they want to protect and expand their control is they are not finished rolling out the rest of their unfinished agendas! That's the terrifying conclusion: They are not done with us!

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We aren't even started with them

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Feb 23
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Better denial me access. I thought they liked me? As for sharing, I'm banned Twitter and big onrs

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Feb 22
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Yes. They aren't going to tolerate any speech platform that threatens their control.

If Substack is perceived as becoming too influential (read: threatening), it will be the next target. It's probably already been targeted in ways that are hard to quantify.

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I move in and do other things.

T shirys, post on real bulletin boards, talk loud in stores worrying I might have ebola. Wife starts to run away

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In an easily corrupted world, just where do we turn to hear all truth, all the time?

One another, at least we know who can be trusted, by who they cancel. Assange is top of list. The Kennedys certainly have paid the price.

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The Catholic Church. We had one resident priest in Texas, but he just died. We have to have priests from out of stat come in. We are extremely tiny

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Went to catholic school and church. I will refrain from going ex-USN jerk on you. I got beaten by nuns who seemed to enjoy their power more than their faith. It seems entirely possible that some great folks are in your faith.

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We lost Vatican in 1958. Unless you are Sedevacantist or 70+, you went to Vatican II Church schools.

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I read a piece a few years ago where the Diocese of Los Angeles had paid 660 million to settle out of court cases of sexual abuse. You lost me in about 1968 don't waste your time trying to explain how great it is to be a Catholic. If I got met at the gates by those nuns I would demand a transfer to hell!

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1958. We lost Vatican. Catholic Church is sure guide to Heaven. Mt 16:18-29. Many Catholics have committed serious sins.

Sorry about your experience

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American taxpayer money contributes one-third of the UN's budget...and gets nothing in return. It is composed of many small nations who have nothing, but hate for America. Why would America's leaders keep sending money to the UN? The WHO is headed by a known terrorist and American taxpayer dollars support him? Are our leaders stupid or are they as corrupt too? This WHO (World Health Organization) has no connection to the word HEALTH. It should be the WDO (World Death Organization) with all the trauma it has created worldwide.

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Change it into a question. Who is getting what for all the money spent, do they see this as a waste or corrupt? Or the best usage of money possible. They hide behind oops WHO knew?

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I would say most of our leaders are corrupt, but there are some stupid ones in there too!

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Corrupt doesn't begin it. Evil, captured, with a few Satanists thrown in

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Indeed. A wake up call! The interview between Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz is a MUST watch. Tucker barely gets a word. Mike Benz is a waterfall of information that maybe difficult to process. 💥

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Just had an email from petition

.com stating that the UK government will not be discussing the treaty with the WHO … apparently it has already been discussed.. this seems to be an excuse to let things slide by till it’s too late to say anything… feel a sense of impending doom that those elected choose to ignore.

A debate on e-petition 614335, "Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum", which took place on 17 April 2023. You can read a transcript of this debate here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-04-17/debates/12BE683F-A25C-46E5-9FE9-B9C12CCDA9B7/PandemicPreventionPreparednessAndResponseInternationalAgreement

A debate on e-petition 635904, "Hold a parliamentary vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005", which took place on 18 December 2023. You can read a transcript of this debate here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-12-18/debates/945EBBB4-D052-4CF7-8109-B39FF7FF919D/InternationalHealthRegulations2005

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I had the same email. It is a disgrace - yet what can we do?

My own MP is a wll paid (but useless) tub of lard who will just regurgitate estalishment drivel. Andrew Bridgen must be maxxed out with input - and he's going to get booted by the big boys at the next election so there will soon be no voice for reason & science in the HoC at all.

The blue rosette muppets are, according to some poll or other, baying for Penny Mordaunt as PM! She who has dead batted Bridgen at every opportunity.

Things are crazy - round up a mob of foreigners living in this country, get them rioting around parliament & red rosetted Starmer gets a debate for them on a war in a distant country that has nothing to do with us - and with a result that is meaningless. Something like the WHO threat, however, with solid evidence as to the threat and he does nothing.

Maybe the answer is to get agitators working in mosques to deploy those same rent-a-mob resources on something that really matters to all of us. Surely there must be some influential moslems who can see what's happening beyond their religion?

Maajid Nawaz - where are you?

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Fine but very next section is unwavering support for the Zionist project to outdo the Nazis. It is not anti anything, I am pro human. If we need to kill someone to support someone else I am not signing up!

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Thank you!

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Odd to be 3 time zones away from the originator. Go to sleep and wake up to a very changed conversation.

Schlapp is certainly under attack which increases his credibility in that odd way we have come to expect. Will we evolve towards only trusting AI as it can't be bought, only programmed to cheat?

Too early to have a headache already. Time to walk. Turn off the noise.

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I give CPAC a "no confidence" vote. CPAC ought not be trusted one iota.

No mention of the United Nations, an organization equally as corrupt (arguably more so) than the WHO. It ought not be overlooked that "resilience" and "sustainability" in the quest "to save the Earth" originated in the United Nations (arguably with the Committee of 300 and the Club of Rome).

And no mention of the WEF either?

Who is the author of that piece from CPAC? Was it Matt Schlapp?

Let me guess, "the police state tactics" of those particular States mentioned, and those of the current occupier of the Oval Office and his administration, without any mention of several RINOs complicit in advancing the "police state" within the United States?

"Israel is one of the few countries in the MIDDLE EAST to exemplify the values of liberty, justice and freedom." Really?

And of course there is no mention of the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, and the BIS! After all, none of all the chicanery and Mafia tactics would never be possible without all that fake fiat currency created at will out of NO-THING (I wonder how many readers of this post are aware of the confession made last week by Adrian Orr, current 'Governor' of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, New Zealand's Central Bank, during a New Zealand Parliamentary Committee meeting : "..... it's a great business to be in Central Banking. We print money and people believe it (laughter amongst all in attendance)....."). Some times the criminals of the State openly admit their chicanery without being asked. As far as I am presently aware, Jerome Powell and all the FED presidents and board governors of the FOMC have been silent on that one. More still, has any of the legacy media asked for any FED comment about Orr's statement of fact? Not likely.

Other times the criminals (CPAC?) merely and intentionally omit their chicanery.

Who needs enemies (the current occupier of the Oval Office and his administration and their "party") when the alternative is CPAC?

Simply more confirmation that both parties are nothing other than two wings of the same bird.

Separating the WHO from all the aforementioned is useless because they're ALL incestuously and inextricably linked together. It is akin to trying to chop off bad branches of a tree, when in fact the infection is deep in the roots.

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"Israel is one of the few countries in the MIDDLE EAST to exemplify the values of liberty, justice and freedom." Really?

I guess when you colonize a land and toss out the local inhabitants, restrict their movement and access to essential resources, and then punish their amateurish attackers who revolt with an all out genocide, that’s a pretty lame demonstration of liberty and justice.

But hey, America engaged in a similar way with its native inhabitants, so this mentality doesn’t surprise me at all.

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Regarding Israel, they have the most (death) - vaxxed populace among all countries. Neteyahu is as corrupt as they come.

I've long been a proponent for the U.S. to end ALL "foreign aid," including that going to Israel.

As for the N_orth A_tlantic T_error O_rganization, it needs to be thrown in the dust bin.

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Aid could be directed in ways that improve the world. Our current orientation is bringing the world together in opposition. We are actively pursuing a world war they cannot win except by destroying the whole planet. Somehow power and profit seems more important than life.

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Scott, Which begs the question who do you trust? I trust my nose. If it's not available data, the smell, I don't go all in.

When you realize you are being bribed with fiat money, do you double down?

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It is important to comprehend the deep relationships between the international corporations and Israel. Tel Aviv is the most expensive city in the world to live. It is in the forefront of Bio Sciences. It is intimately connected to Germany and especially Berlin and Swiss markets. Wealth is the defining element. With all that has transpired in the last 55 years there should not be surprises just realization. The USA has become a colony and soon a feudal state unless people rise to the occasion.

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Getting this before CPAC is a huge accomplishment. As far as I could tell from the article, the resolution hasn't been adopted yet. That's the necessary part...

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It was adopted

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Congratulations! How wonderful...

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You're crushing it, Meryl. Thank and God bless

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Great news. Thank you for all you do to raise awareness.

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Time to spread the word/ Facebook page etc

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Yeah. How could anyone think we are all that dumb to turn our health over to destructive forces. Wow.

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A few years ago, MLB moved an upcoming All Star game out of Atlanta because it didn't like the actions of the Georgia legislature. The NCAA did much the same to the state of North Carolina by pulling a basketball tournament. Politicizing the medical hierarchy via top-down micromanagement by the federal medical bureaucrats may be the most lethal, but we now live an age that politicizes absolutely everything. Good grief.

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Seriously PLEASE read.

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You are incendiary!!!! Livestream to International Covid Summit link from the FLCCC


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Yep! Going forward will be hard. Must be done for humanity.

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