Mass Sterilization……when will there be accountability

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The narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths most directly responsible for committing crimes against humanity and war crimes knew in advance how to not only implement their profiteering off of mass murder and mass maiming program, but how to prevent themselves from ever being held to account within the criminal system that they have developed. As reminder, the only reason why high ranking Nazi's were held to account for their crimes was because they were captured, tried, and when found guilty as they deservedly were, justly removed from society - well, except for the select few who the US "paper clipped" to the US to become the godfathers of present day US crimes against humanity and war crimes. Point being: unless and until We The People of the World decide to forcefully capture the massive host of narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths who have been profiting off of mass murder, maiming, trafficking, enslavement, and theft upon humanity, their crimes will continue.

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I'm in agreement with you on this, except for one particular point. The characterization of these people as psychopaths, while accurate in an informal sense, locates their mental problem within the realm of brain function (psychology). It rather seems to me they have a spiritual disorder -- there's nothing wrong with their brain function. They're evil. That's different.

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I think in "normal" times, we just aren't aware of how many people decide that "conformity" will give them the easiest life. And when things get really bad, and standing up to authority will get you persecuted, they just don't have the tools to do that. It might be easy to think every German citizen during the Third Reich was utterly evil. But it was easier to go along, to believe the propaganda even if you didn't, when stepping out of line would get you shipped to the Gulag. We just went through something similar, where your license and livelihood and even many of your friends would be lost if you spoke up. I don't really think this was a crisis of sanity, but of weakness. And the desperate need most people have to conform; to be "part of the majority" rather than ostracized with the minority. It takes amazing strength to go it alone, and I think we just learned, for the thousandth time, that most people don't have that strength.

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I think it's been shown that when a population is subjected to psychological warfare about 30% accept it and go along with it, 50% don't accept it but go along with it out of cowardice, and 20% don't accept it and resist to greater or lesser degrees. But in my own experience it's more like 90, 5, 5.

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I tend to agree with your percentages. I follow champions like Meryl and numerous others and take heart at their resistance, but recognize my current heroes belong to a distressingly small minority. If you've followed the attacks endured by Meryl and everyone else who was censored and demonized and forced onto substack, it's painfully obvious that as much as we have a community here, there were thousands, if not millions, who complied with the pogrom and tried to eliminate us. Our educational system, and the normal human desire for acceptance, strongly reward compliance over individual, rational decision-making. So yet again here we are, at a turning point for humanity that painfully few seem to recognize. But unfortunately with mass sterilization and iatrogenocide, technology has finally given the Monsters the means to eliminate resistance before it can reach critical mass. Though I pray it won't turn out that way.

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It will get worse once the super-AI appears. I wouldn't be surprised if the antichrist is an AI.

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It is both. Driven by Satan and all that is Evil and Homicidal Psychopathy. That is a DSM sickness to relentlessly murder and never stop planning the next stages.

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Robert Hare says between 4-6% of any given population are psychopathic. It is a very large problem and since 'they' control research grants, ta-da, one we don't know nearly enough about! My question is, what kind of God includes psychopaths in the mix.

Its a favorite topic. I postulate since Hate is closer to Love than indifference, we should be indifferent to Psychopathic people. Not their behavior, the people. We need to quit putting them in power. Their number one skill is lying, they can lie their way out of anything. It's what they do. I believe our hate empowers them. You want to make em mad, indifference.

Oh footnote, vast majority of psychos never murder.

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Bolsheviks...America was taken over in 1913, and our foreign policy has been zionist ever since. Time to remove dual citizens and their money from media, government, healthcare, justice, big tech, etc.

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A little off the point as often I am.



A Sudden Bird Flu Outbreak?

An Illness/Accident?

A nuclear Incident?

A Terrorist Attack?

A Severe Man-Made Storm?

A Paid "Grass Roots" Demonstration?

A war?


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Great point, let's keep God on our side!

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I got issues with select few and really the way the Nuremberg story is told. I am not sure that the Nazis who hung were that much different than Lee Harvey. They purged the least loyal, but some party loyalists went to cushy jobs, to rebuild their club even stronger. As we witness now. Paying Billions to take yet another kick at the Russian can.

Those paper clipped took positions of power and if memory serves there were more than a thousand of em. Could be wrong, lots to do or would go check. Making hay while the sun shines.

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I agree Frank. What did orwell say about who controls history...?

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Yeah who will they throw under the bus to appease the blood lust over Covid?

Hell do those they "take care of" just wind up on, (supposedly dead Island) with Jeffry and friends. Diego Garcia, where the Queen resettled its aboriginals. They made it to paradise alright.

We get fake everything these days. Not to mention the disallowed real stuff. No god forbid you honor your Mom. Those titties cranked out the real deal you devils! We should be grateful to Bill and hate our mom, nope not signing up!

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We the people have to organise and do it ourselves. No one or groups are going to do it, it looks like. Furthermore they are allowing the Highjacked US Gov to start WW3 and break every law in the books and create new evil ones on the sly every week.

For instance ----The 2025 National Defence Authorization Act on page 3: "Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service."

The population of the United States needs to get its act together.

At least the French farmers filled Macron's Apartment full of manure by pressure hose.

We need to look to the Europeans on how to fight back an uncontrolled Gov.

Brush up on your European history books everyone.

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I agree.

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I rue the inevitable day when we start to see the lasting effects on the elementary school-age kids who received the CONvid shots the last few years (the ones who don't drop dead while playing middle and high school athletics, I should say). Sterilization will be the least dreadful result, I fear.

My common law wife was pressured into taking 2X Moderna jabs (at the old folks' home where she worked), and premature menopause followed instantaneously. We are learning all about it together, and overall, resources for menopausal women are scant at best (for a condition that effects over half the human population, too--go figure! Must obviously be more money in letting the suffering continue...).

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Thank you for highlighting our work Dr. Nass.

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After my dad was injured from the vacccine in March 2021, I needed a productive outlet for my anger. My daughter had been mandated for college athletics but I was able to get a religious exemption for her (after much panic and clueless floundering about). I decided to help others with the process and started a Facebook group “Religious exemption writing”. I met awesome people who help me edit exemptions and moderate the site. We have 19k in our group and were shut down for about two months in 2022 by censors. Since August 2021 we have collectively helped literally tens of thousands. I would guess 90% of those we helped were students or health care workers. If you find yourself facing a mandate at a school your kid wants to go to and don’t know where to start you can look us up. We never ask for money. Everything we do is 100% free. I have personally written exemptions for Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans and more. I estimate that I have saved about 2500-3000 from taking the vaccine since 2021.

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Amber God Bless you...I literally vote for women of power.

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Just watched an interview with Dr. Scott Atlas who said over 350 million was paid to people to push the jab apparently there is a report in "Openthebooks.com". I think that is a very low figure when you consider that 3rd parties were funding the fear mongoring. The Colleges should be sued. Just this week I have read about three more young athletes dropping dead, it is heart breaking, these kids are trying to be their best in their sport and have bought into this insanity., or forced into it.

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There is a list I have, put out by the Fed Gov showing how much each school received from the Fed Gov 2021 ( and possibly subsequent year lists ). This was hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions for Rutgers ( 1.5 mil ) of unaccounted for money that they were just given to force the new unsuspecting youths into taking the Gene Modifying Bioweapon. Every school got this Bribe money, even the smallest , most obscure Colleges. Call it what it is!!

Please research the List. I will also try look through my files. Could be from Dr, David Martin, he was good on receipts.

I emailed the President and other key players of my children's school ( Admissions etc ) and asked them where that money was going exactly ( their pockets ) and how much (public information ) exactly did they get? Every parent should want to know where the bribe money went no ?

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My wife and daughters all attended Rutgers back in the day...but now they can rot in hxll. Will not support them. Evildoers.

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Good for you for having common sense and seeing through the smoke screen “ Legacy “ bull shit that the NE Schools push on the NE Sheeple!


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From https://nocollegemandates.substack.com/ sited by Dr. Nass above.

'Among my favorite colleges on our spreadsheet are those listed below because they “do not accept grants from the federal government or participate in any federal financial-aid or student-loan programs”, and therefore, they remain completely autonomous and independent institutions of higher learning.'

Fascinating list, mostly religious organizations, would be a place to send a kid.

So all the brochures highlighting all the wonderful attributes of all the innumerable minion schools who mandated (some still do) is just so much Bullshit! My God, what a minefield raising children has become. Skull and crossbones from sea to shining sea.

I often get overwhelmed by all the choices in so many stores. Choice is fun but at what point are all of them bad. I am sure those who buck the agenda are struggling.

I did an electrical apprenticeship, in Canada, late in life. Honestly there was no political agenda. To the joy of the instructor, I did tune up a few bullies. They responded, we're just fooling around. I sprang to me feet, spun around to more fully face them, and declared "well I am not!" Delivered with a big fist crashing into the table top.

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All College Professor's were in the same secret societies as the grubs who told them to hit the go button. They're all in on it.

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Most private religious universities like Mt. St Mary dropped their mandate early last year but 75% of HS grads shouldn’t even be going to college anyway. Honestly according to Nurse Dee Dee most should just actually drop out of HS, learn farming and “homemaking” while they’re medically able to. My view on college is don’t go into debt with another to pay many others to teach you how to (maybe) earn in the future, when there’s sooo many others who would happily pay you right NOW, to learn how to earn a living through them.

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Many students benefit greatly from learning to communicate verbally and through writing, awa critical thinking skills learned in college. My college group consists of an MD, a dentist, a Fl. judge, a college president, a Naval Officer. I don’t think dumbing down America will help us. We need to raise HS standards for college entry and those that can’t/won’t get there, get them employment through trades or programs that combine HS with an AA degree as IBM has done here in the Hudson Valley.

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I’m in complete agreement with everything that you posted - accept for that first word.

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All. FYI except

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So you went from many to All students? I feel like you might not interact with anyone below 30 “except” for the occasional cashier or bank teller nor paying attention to actuaries or birth rate declines. Sounds like it may be counter to your own indoctrination to “accept” the word “few”as in very few students benefit from sunk cost biases of adults.

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It would appear you’ve got issues, are looking to make some point, and haven’t enough to do. Bye

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I accept that, but now could you "make an adjustment back" to your blanket "we've ALL" got issues approach when we start to eventually ask, "Where are ALL these students Doc Drew Promised us would benefit from this... crickets chirp in empty elementary school classroom?".

BIRTH RATES for Last year but Nurse Dee Dee will bring you up to speed if you don't trust gov data ---- >


That was the point of Farming and "Homemaking" in my comment.

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Any education that comes with such a poison pill is automatically void of value. On what campus does it profit a student to learn from the inept?

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Friendly reminder: the narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths who legalized and legitimized mass murder and maiming upon humanity, along with their easily manipulable and complicit HR minions also required employees and anyone entering the field of "education" to inject themselves with untrialed "safe and effective" now provable poison.

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Stanford actually had injextion sites in their parking lots. With power generators, for two years. I worked briefly for generators unlimited, who provided them.

It was with great horror that I learned when we were breaking down that parking lot testing site that they weren't just testing , but also injexting.

But I have no proof of this, it is just what I heard from others. I have always had a bad feeling when I am around Stanford killafornia.

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Now many colleges are pushing to feed students meat-alternative diets to save the climate from carbon dioxide. That in itself is proof positive that these colleges have utterly lost any capacity for critical thought, and have joined the climate cult.

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Thank you for pointing this out on your Substack, Meryl. Lucia is doing and has done an excellent work. Coalition for Future Maryland and many parents from the state worked with NCM on their various initiatives. We also tried every route possible to stop the USM mandate; a law suit, letters to the many USM school administrators, individual meetings with legislators, FOIA/PIA requests, 2023 MD HB699 submission and hearing, requests to speak at the Board of Regents meetings, etc. Check out our website www.coalitionforfuturemd.org.

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Thank you Eszter!

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Extremely useful information for older children who think they are immortal or could be permanently maimed for life. True their souls are immortal but not their vulnerable bodies. Criminal behavior by those who required these dangerous shots for an education, just to get paid off.

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They were paid millions. The good news is the coming financial implosion will take out these bloated, worthless and amoral institutions along with USA corp. It is always about Pay to Play but when there is no money to play, there will be a different society. Say good bye to our unlovely society... it only has a few months left on the clock.

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We in Marin County miss you Dr Stoller! Keep speaking truth to power!

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It's time for class action lawsuits against any educational institution that mandated these Poison Jabs.. We will get to Nuremberg yet...

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Yale was one of the worst. Indiana University was challenged legally early on and prevailed. But truly, how could little, non-scientific people like me parse their way through medical papers, listen to innumerable doctors and scientists, and come to a much clearer understanding of the function and the dangers of the covid injections than highly intelligent people working for some of the most prestigious universities in the world?

First of all, every two-bit petty authority administrator of ANYTHING wanted to jump on the bandwagon and pretend they were the good guys who would end the pandemic and save the world by requiring their tiny corner to partake of the saviour injection. The ALL assumed the CDC and FDA were telling the truth and made no inquiries to challenge it. But perhaps key on their minds was the question of covering their asses. Petty administrators are always concerned about liability and I'm sure their thinking was "if we don't require the shots and someone here gets covid from an unjabbed person and dies from it, we'll be sued to kingdom come."

They never did the deep dive on immunology and virology, gene therapy, nanotechnology. They never paid attention to cogent warnings of people like Sucharit Bahkdi or Luc Montagnier. They bypassed the compelling info brought forth by Peter McCullough. Or America's Front Line Doctors. They failed to see glaring inconsistencies between proven science and absurd societal covid protocols, or comprehend that we were being duped. And while students were dropping dead on campuses, they looked the other way instead of looking towards the jabs they required as a possible cause.

Now ironically, instead of avoiding liability, universities are steeped in it, having caused deaths and harms with their mandates. I hope the immunity veil is pierced and these institutions pay dearly for the harms they caused. If it was clear as day to people like me that the shots were harmful, they surely had to know as well.

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