1. We know the jabs were NEVER created to stop "Covid."
2. It was the reverse: Covid, whatever it was, was created and released so they could launch the herd-culling experimental mRNA genetic therapy shots. Shots in all arms was the desired goal from the very beginning.
Why have so many spent the past 5 years arguing "Was it from a bat cave, or was it from a lab?," which is a flawed question, as it admits just those two possibilities.
The more important question is: "Was it deployed INTENTIONALLY or accidentally?" This question is the elephant in the room that is hardly ever asked. Which is very telling.
I have no doubt that it was some sort of *synthetic biological agent* (whatever it was toxin, poison, virus, weaponized mycoplasma, take your pick) tweaked by human hands, most likely at UNC Chapel Hill.
And then it was INTENTIONALLY deployed in different locations to frighten people into taking an experimental mRNA genetic therapy shot designed to cause death, disease, infertility, and to reduce populations.
The entire horror show of the past 5 years was intentional mass murder to depopulate.
When you include the pre-planned mandatory digital tracking, digital-social score, and central digital currency that was thankfully suspended once Omicron magically came on the scene, which they are still doing everything they can to force upon all Western nations, it all makes so much more sense as a US centralized/Western elite aligned planned roll out for digital feudalism that they're so close to closing the prison cell on.
We must also not forget that Obama was approached with the threat that if the US didn't start treating their population the same way China had succeeded in treating theirs, that the US would lose to China, only to be soon followed with the claimed threat of gain-of-function research that just so happened to be shut down by him and eventually outsourced to China and...wait for it....wait for it....Ukraine, which would've been another fantastic suspect for the "accidental" release of a bioweapon.
The major crime: American taxpayer dollars being used to support criminal labs in creating engineered viruses to kill Americans with the support of our Congress. Is this a sane world?
US Bioweapon development came from Japan who was using it against China before WWII. Just as the US space program started with German Scientist to go to the Moon or make Nuclear weapons. Yes, it's a crazy World.
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Feb 23, 2020
China Using Vitamin C Against COVID
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
(OMNS February 23, 2020) We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, full in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, qualifies as news.
The news media are not reporting this, or any other, significantly positive megavitamin news.
50 tons vitamin C to Hubei Wuhan
Loving the photo, but needing authentication, I consulted my physician correspondent in China, Richard Cheng, MD. He confirmed it, saying: "This was reported in the Chinese media about 2 weeks ago." Another translator has also independently verified the accuracy of the translation.
DSM, by the way, simply stands for Dutch State Mines, the Netherlands-based parent of DSM Jiangshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The Chinese division has been recognized as a "China Enterprise with Outstanding Contribution to Social Responsibility." https://www.dsm.com/countrysites/locations/jiangshan/en_us/home.html There is another DSM factory in Scotland, which also manufactures vitamin C.
We are so used to being lied to that the truth is like a diamond in a five-and-dime store: you can't believe it is real because it is mixed in with the fakes. News of nutrition-centered treatment of COVID-19 has been branded "fake news" and "false information." I say that what is "false" and "fake" is the deliberate omission of any news of health-saving, life-saving measures already underway to help the people of China and the rest of our planet. .
Here is more verified but still unreported news of high-dose intravenous vitamin C against COVID-19 in China:
February 21, 2020 Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19
February 16, 2020 Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia
February 13, 2020 Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C
February 10, 2020 VITAMIN C AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE TREATMENT OF nCoV CORONAVIRUS: How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases
February 2, 2020 Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses
January 30, 2020 Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus
January 26, 2020 Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
2) Confirmation has also been obtained that 50 tons (yes, tons) of vitamin C has been donated by a major C manufacturer and trucked to Wuhan.
3) The concerned public is receiving only "be-scared-until-we-vaccinate-you" news.
4) Sharing information on COVID-19 vitamin therapy research has now been systematically blocked by Facebook and other social media giants.
5) The news media are not reporting on any of this. Therefore, I ask that you take it upon yourselves to do so and share all this with everyone you can.
Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org
Ralph Baric....the leading virologist in the US...not a word from him in 5 years. ...no subpoenas no interviews...no appearances before Congress...Senate.....why?
God answers Prayers. As a West Virginian born & raised we under the control of the Rockefeller Foundation forever have had absolutely the Strictest Vaccine Rules in the NATION!
I want to give God the praise for this decision. Under our past Gov. Jim Justice he followed Israel re mRNAs, we have a 70% elderly population so Imagine now what is happening to our citizens!?! Our New GOV Patrick Morrissey who was our State Attorney General when asked by now RINO Senator Jim Justice about FORCED mRNA Bioweapons Injections his reply was then Gov Justice could NOT DO THIS AS IT WAS AGAINST OUR STATE CONSTITUTION.
It should be further noted that NO DOCTORS in the State of WV 😕 will prescribe Ivermectin even though the CDC LOST that decision in a 3 Judge Panel ruling.
Although some in the US were perhaps made ill using modified viruses,and other biological weapons, and chemical weapons. Although the flu and other common diseases were exaggerated in the media so that the tens of thousands of old people who will naturally die of the flu looked like a pandemic, and also various deaths were misattributed or even made up, the overwhelmingly important and dangerous part of the Covid reign of terror was a mass psychological operation starting in Darpa coordinated by private intelligence firms in DC and Tel Aviv, and coordinated with pals in China and Australia, Germany Australia and South Korea__abd elsewhere.
Dr. David Martin already has more proof than anyone needs to prosecute. He even has the indictments already printed out and downloadable, ready for use by any prosecutor who is brave enough to start hauling these criminals off to jail. I'm amazed at how so few people are unaware of his work.
Is everything a distraction? Hello? Covid and its vaccine killed and mangled millions. Yes it was just one piece. But it is one piece that billions can probably agree on. It unites us. Those of you who want to sideline it--well, I question your motives.
Learn about "transhumanism" and the "biodigital convergence."
"The internet of bodies" will help you understand for example why people were told to stand 6 feet part and why people were having blood clots and why people were told to take boosters.
The global population was part a clinical trial.
By the way, you don't need a man made virus to make people sick. Radiation poisoning thru technology can cause for example lack of smell and taste as well as illness.
^Yes. Each of us has a WBAN (wireless body area network).^ Most are unaware it even exists.
For starters, the unaware should think about telemetry devices in hospitals used to measure pulse, oxygen levels, etc. *from outside the body* without inserting a needle or probe into one's body. The heart, brain, and nervous system are part electrical. If you have any doubt, just consider the Elon Musk project "Neuralink" designing chips to implant in the human brain as a brain-to-computer interface. Transhumans. Cyborgs ...
The scary part is that the latest technology in this area goes sooooooo much further than hospital telemetry. It is military, with soldiers as its labrats. Start to watch Sabrina Wallace's videos at her Psinergy channel.
Learn about "transhumanism" and the "biodigital convergence." The goals of Big Tech partnering with the military ultimately are total surveillance of each of us, and to turn each human being into a little node on the internet, where each person is like a Ring doorbell.
This woman below is not Sabrina. She is Laura Aboli. And she is correct about "transhumanism" and "posthumanism":
Once again, a highly informative article which makes this newsletter an important piece in perhaps putting together the 'virus' origin puzzle.
Was an upgraded highly-transmissable virus the real culprit for 4 years of global chaos and insane government decisions!?
The inevitable spanner in the works, Sasha Latypova, has often revealed the fact that each year there are hundreds of LabLeaks from United States biolabs, yet we've never had any kind of serious domino effect adverse effects on local populations🤔.
No spread or contagion!
Professor Denis Rancourt has talked about geographical infectious 'Hot Spots' like the New York area and the north of Italy and repeats that there never was a pandemic of any sort.
S.Latypova states that pandemics simply can't exist!!
Further unpeeling of this many-layered onion might one day allow those who're still passionate about this subject to finally reveal truths of many colours.
I have revealed lab leaks all over for over a decade. Alison Young did most of the heavy lifting. And while a few people got sick, not that many.
Most bioweapons need to be controlled. Anthrax is a bioweapon precisely because it does NOT transmit person to person.
This weapon had a different intent than most of those that have been developed. If you have ever had influenza you should acknowledge that pandemics can and do exist.
I can't say that I know but to say pandemics can and do exist assumes one thing--that we understand why someone is sick with illness and I'm becoming convinced that we really do not know why our bodies have these episodes. Personally, I think we should be studying differences in human bodies particularly with regard to our immune systems. Is disease an allergy to something? or is it a toxicity reaction, a cell damage reaction, and what exactly causes it. Example: When Pasteur discovered bacteria at the site of cell damage or even whole body damage, that was the start of believing that all sickness is the cause of some tiny microorganisms causing our sickness because when someone is sick, these microbes are found at the infection site. There is a little wiggle room there if you know what I mean. Sasha Latypova and Michael Yeadon both do not know what the "toxic agent" or "poison" was but they do not believe there was or has ever been a "virus" causing the sickness. From their statements, trusting them, I went back to compare "poisons" with vaccine rollouts. I started with the most famous--Polio. I can't write everything here, but the rollout of arsenic and DDT as insecticides matched almost exactly with the incidence of polio. Their declines in use and outbreaks also matched. The vaccine came out AFTER the Polio outbreaks started to quickly decline and the decline showed no alteration in slope of the decline graph from the time of mass inoculation. Now the only polio cases we see are due to the vaccine. Obviously this is a big investigative need-just after I did my little bit I looked up the measles outbreaks and the vaccine came out far past the near total elimination of the disease. We need to know why it ceased. Then on a sidebar I noticed an advertisement for a book called "The Moth and the Iron Lung". I knew what it was about before even reading it. Because of my research, I knew a damaging moth was the reason an insecticide was looked into at that time and arsenic & DDT were used as were new methods of mass spraying. I just think, we are not as careful as we should be with our critical thinking and questioning. We have to think more like God would when he created us-a tall order for sure.
Just curious: why did Prof Wang Linfa resigned, From what I can understand in the report, he was not involved in the development at all? I am residing in Singapore.
Jim suggests his group / Danielle Sullivan was testing it in the Wuhan BSL-4 and Jim implies but does not say directly that he resigned because he knew the project he was involved with was likely responsible.
I'm going to go with Ralph Barik creating the final official sequence in his head at the University of North Carolina at Chappel Hill, taking that sequence to WIV (he could get in real trouble in the USA because it is suppose to be forbidden to play with such things) and getting them to create some similar sequences, call them virus' then colluding with the CCP to jointly pret end their was a novel unknown virus killing people, then mandating anyone "testing+ or have C19 symptoms" to have the virus which was anyone coming to the hospital with serious cold/flu/pneumonia symptoms (that's all they really had) a protocol that would surely cause many to die ( isn't poisoning people on purpose murder?) so that both counties could see if their citizens would tolerate having their basic human rights taken away and at the same time get rid of the weakest, oldest, and sickest people in their societies (and the world as part of this experiment-no big deal if some are unlucky enough to unknowingly have weak immune systems so die as collateral damage--just a rare few so who cares?). This would let them try out world control while eliminating many "useless eaters" and saving billions of dollars in wasted health care on these leaches on society and then begin the search for the virus and applaud Ralph's sequence for this made up virus and get the world to go along by the WHO declaring a pandemic because China said to do that, and Wala!-the world in lock step in every country (almost) following the real (made up science- sequence), made up protocol (made to kill), and let the rumor mill take care of the rest. If we pay hospitals for any patient testing positive for C19, pay them a lot for giving them Remdesivir and more for venting them, then give them a bonus if they die of C19 in the hospital I wonder what would happen? People with multiple organs shutting down=must be such an awful virus (check out the side effects of Remdesivir-you will have to dig a little, half are hidden under "other side effects" and it will not be reported that Remdesivir will cause organ failure after just a few days so not to be used for more than a few days). They forgot to tell hospital workers about that so they saw such horrible things happening to people who were C19 positive, Kidney failure, Liver failure, both, horrible pain and breathing issues then death. Now add fear to the mix and you have the whole truth. This is probably a little off but closer than all of the sidetrack theories everyone talks about. We wouldn't want Ralph and his friends Collins and Fauci to suffer any punishment for pulling this off and millions of people dying needlessly.
Don't you think the lock downs causing huge losses to America and vaccine long term effects of heart issues, neurological issues, cancers, and many many more issues were both part of the original plan? Any subversive damage done to America is a win for China. The above are only two of the many ways China damages us every day by our own ignorant trust of relying on them for nearly everything. We even allow hundreds of very large high tech drones to fly wherever they want for weeks with us never knowing what they are and seeming to not even care. We are the target and too many don't know it. Here is an intelligence (a real but obscure intelligence agency) report from 2017 which hopefully is off a lot.
I have no reason to lend credence to the communist theater of men in hazmat suits spraying roads and alleged welding of infected into their (somehow steel) houses. Communists' lie as naturally as they breathe, and they love to put on a good show to justify brutalizing the populace. Let us not forget they were sending people all around the world at a furious pace (Italy, the US) to ensure spread.
Covid was immediately and strategically weaponized by Fauci, et al. who co-opted medical literature coordinated punishment of real doctors, suppressed and destroyed effective medicines and rushed fake studies out to declare safe meds dangerous, wildly exaggerated the danger of the disease, paid hospitals huge sums to pretend all deaths were from covid, and enacted a whole of government censorship campaign as never seen before. They then used this emergency to destroy Trump's functioning economic achievements, transferred wealth to cronies, and stole the US election, installing Beijing's puppet, the corrupt imbecile Biden. Biden has been repaying his benefactors in Beijing ever since including his recent efforts to weaken the US vis-a-vis China. Among these flagrant events, Afghanistan, Build Back Better, and sending us to war against our natural ally, Russia, who together (but not alone) could challenge China's ascendancy.
Looked at strategically, it is obvious. The US' traitor elements and CCP conspired to create the virus and release it for shared strategic goals. Cui bono?
This isn’t any more helpful than blaming it on the Chinese. The U.S. & China worked together, as we see with Avril Haines sitting next to George Gao at Event 201; China’s insane early-COVID fear porn with people dropping dead in the streets (Mark Crispin Miller did a great job of reporting on this) and its viscous lockdowns that they said worked, which provided the FALSE basis for lockdowns worldwide. They even had a cover-story worked out with the U.S.: every time the U.S. said Wuhan, China said Detrick, and there was plenty of circumstantial evidence for both, which was seeded online by fake origins researchers like Luigi Warren who worked for Moderna and spread false online info about 9/11 anthrax back in the day. The people behind COVID are the biotech billionaires like Eric Schmidt of Google (Kissinger’s heir to the globalist throne) and China’s BGI’s Wang Jian. Sure, they work with their governments, the Democrats & Republicans and the Communists, because the governments work for the corporations. They’re fascist, letting the military-pharmaceutical-industrial complex rule the world, because they have no other choice. The corporate-government alliance has been destroying democratic and communist governments alike through assassinations and false flag attacks going back for who knows how long. JFK & RFK? 9/11? The murder of Trotsky? The Business Plot to murder FDR? Stalin told FDR’s son that the Business Plotters, including Bush, eventually did kill his father… I wonder how he knew. The assassination of Lincoln? Has there ever been a government that represents the people that hasn’t been overthrown by monied interests? Why did every First-World government on Earth go for lockdowns & mandates? Why is it so dang easy for the WEF to set global policy? This didn’t start with COVID and it isn’t one government’s plot. It isn’t the U.S. vs the Chinese. It’s the global haves against the global have-nots. It’s tyranny versus freedom.
Alexis, this is not a blame game but a search for evidence. You have made large claims (many of which I agree with) but as an attorney you know that claims get you nowhere. Evidence can slowly take you back to the crime and the criminals as you debrief one after the other. Who paid for the research? When? How were the findings from different labs strung together? By whom? Who paid?
That is how you eventually tie it back to those in charge and can get accountability. You know this.
I think it is which model of Government the Globalists (or whatever one calls them) want to use as a socio economic governance method and the China model wins every time because everything is about controlling the outcomes for all of us in life. They are tired of us squabbling with each other, having wars, having dirty little ignorant people, having disease, etc. and they think they can fix everything if they can just get control. (like all good Marxists think).
1. We know the jabs were NEVER created to stop "Covid."
2. It was the reverse: Covid, whatever it was, was created and released so they could launch the herd-culling experimental mRNA genetic therapy shots. Shots in all arms was the desired goal from the very beginning.
Why have so many spent the past 5 years arguing "Was it from a bat cave, or was it from a lab?," which is a flawed question, as it admits just those two possibilities.
The more important question is: "Was it deployed INTENTIONALLY or accidentally?" This question is the elephant in the room that is hardly ever asked. Which is very telling.
I have no doubt that it was some sort of *synthetic biological agent* (whatever it was toxin, poison, virus, weaponized mycoplasma, take your pick) tweaked by human hands, most likely at UNC Chapel Hill.
And then it was INTENTIONALLY deployed in different locations to frighten people into taking an experimental mRNA genetic therapy shot designed to cause death, disease, infertility, and to reduce populations.
The entire horror show of the past 5 years was intentional mass murder to depopulate.
When you include the pre-planned mandatory digital tracking, digital-social score, and central digital currency that was thankfully suspended once Omicron magically came on the scene, which they are still doing everything they can to force upon all Western nations, it all makes so much more sense as a US centralized/Western elite aligned planned roll out for digital feudalism that they're so close to closing the prison cell on.
We must also not forget that Obama was approached with the threat that if the US didn't start treating their population the same way China had succeeded in treating theirs, that the US would lose to China, only to be soon followed with the claimed threat of gain-of-function research that just so happened to be shut down by him and eventually outsourced to China and...wait for it....wait for it....Ukraine, which would've been another fantastic suspect for the "accidental" release of a bioweapon.
Yes, the digital noose is ever-tightening.
Your kind of Kool-Aid is FREEZING !!!
The major crime: American taxpayer dollars being used to support criminal labs in creating engineered viruses to kill Americans with the support of our Congress. Is this a sane world?
US Bioweapon development came from Japan who was using it against China before WWII. Just as the US space program started with German Scientist to go to the Moon or make Nuclear weapons. Yes, it's a crazy World.
Unit 731 and Wernher von Braun et.al. ...
Most probably their experiences were brought to the US without imposing any kind of tariffs ...
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Feb 23, 2020
China Using Vitamin C Against COVID
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
(OMNS February 23, 2020) We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, full in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, qualifies as news.
The news media are not reporting this, or any other, significantly positive megavitamin news.
50 tons vitamin C to Hubei Wuhan
Loving the photo, but needing authentication, I consulted my physician correspondent in China, Richard Cheng, MD. He confirmed it, saying: "This was reported in the Chinese media about 2 weeks ago." Another translator has also independently verified the accuracy of the translation.
DSM, by the way, simply stands for Dutch State Mines, the Netherlands-based parent of DSM Jiangshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The Chinese division has been recognized as a "China Enterprise with Outstanding Contribution to Social Responsibility." https://www.dsm.com/countrysites/locations/jiangshan/en_us/home.html There is another DSM factory in Scotland, which also manufactures vitamin C.
We are so used to being lied to that the truth is like a diamond in a five-and-dime store: you can't believe it is real because it is mixed in with the fakes. News of nutrition-centered treatment of COVID-19 has been branded "fake news" and "false information." I say that what is "false" and "fake" is the deliberate omission of any news of health-saving, life-saving measures already underway to help the people of China and the rest of our planet. .
Here is more verified but still unreported news of high-dose intravenous vitamin C against COVID-19 in China:
February 21, 2020 Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19
February 16, 2020 Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia
February 13, 2020 Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C
February 10, 2020 VITAMIN C AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE TREATMENT OF nCoV CORONAVIRUS: How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases
February 2, 2020 Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses
January 30, 2020 Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus
January 26, 2020 Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
1) Three repeatedly confirmed vitamin C for COVID-19 research studies are going on in China now. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n12.shtml
2) Confirmation has also been obtained that 50 tons (yes, tons) of vitamin C has been donated by a major C manufacturer and trucked to Wuhan.
3) The concerned public is receiving only "be-scared-until-we-vaccinate-you" news.
4) Sharing information on COVID-19 vitamin therapy research has now been systematically blocked by Facebook and other social media giants.
5) The news media are not reporting on any of this. Therefore, I ask that you take it upon yourselves to do so and share all this with everyone you can.
Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org
Syrian Hamsters?! I knew that Assad was up to no good 😋
Munster liked them to aerosol agents like this DARPA preempt animal vaccine
Ralph Baric....the leading virologist in the US...not a word from him in 5 years. ...no subpoenas no interviews...no appearances before Congress...Senate.....why?
Your question strongly SMELLS !!!
Dr Meryl Nass - WEST VIRGINIA HAS A NEW Governor Patrick Morrissey and Guess what he did day 1 re Religious Exemption for Vaccines!!!
Link #7
God answers Prayers. As a West Virginian born & raised we under the control of the Rockefeller Foundation forever have had absolutely the Strictest Vaccine Rules in the NATION!
I want to give God the praise for this decision. Under our past Gov. Jim Justice he followed Israel re mRNAs, we have a 70% elderly population so Imagine now what is happening to our citizens!?! Our New GOV Patrick Morrissey who was our State Attorney General when asked by now RINO Senator Jim Justice about FORCED mRNA Bioweapons Injections his reply was then Gov Justice could NOT DO THIS AS IT WAS AGAINST OUR STATE CONSTITUTION.
It should be further noted that NO DOCTORS in the State of WV 😕 will prescribe Ivermectin even though the CDC LOST that decision in a 3 Judge Panel ruling.
Although some in the US were perhaps made ill using modified viruses,and other biological weapons, and chemical weapons. Although the flu and other common diseases were exaggerated in the media so that the tens of thousands of old people who will naturally die of the flu looked like a pandemic, and also various deaths were misattributed or even made up, the overwhelmingly important and dangerous part of the Covid reign of terror was a mass psychological operation starting in Darpa coordinated by private intelligence firms in DC and Tel Aviv, and coordinated with pals in China and Australia, Germany Australia and South Korea__abd elsewhere.
Can you point us to a source re these companies?
You're so SMART! You know EVERYTHING!
Dr. David Martin already has more proof than anyone needs to prosecute. He even has the indictments already printed out and downloadable, ready for use by any prosecutor who is brave enough to start hauling these criminals off to jail. I'm amazed at how so few people are unaware of his work.
Look into the Internet of bodies. This had alot to do with c@vid and why they want to give us and our children more shots.
In my opinion, the bat story is a distraction to what really happened.
Is everything a distraction? Hello? Covid and its vaccine killed and mangled millions. Yes it was just one piece. But it is one piece that billions can probably agree on. It unites us. Those of you who want to sideline it--well, I question your motives.
Learn about "transhumanism" and the "biodigital convergence."
"The internet of bodies" will help you understand for example why people were told to stand 6 feet part and why people were having blood clots and why people were told to take boosters.
The global population was part a clinical trial.
By the way, you don't need a man made virus to make people sick. Radiation poisoning thru technology can cause for example lack of smell and taste as well as illness.
^Yes. Each of us has a WBAN (wireless body area network).^ Most are unaware it even exists.
For starters, the unaware should think about telemetry devices in hospitals used to measure pulse, oxygen levels, etc. *from outside the body* without inserting a needle or probe into one's body. The heart, brain, and nervous system are part electrical. If you have any doubt, just consider the Elon Musk project "Neuralink" designing chips to implant in the human brain as a brain-to-computer interface. Transhumans. Cyborgs ...
The scary part is that the latest technology in this area goes sooooooo much further than hospital telemetry. It is military, with soldiers as its labrats. Start to watch Sabrina Wallace's videos at her Psinergy channel.
Learn about "transhumanism" and the "biodigital convergence." The goals of Big Tech partnering with the military ultimately are total surveillance of each of us, and to turn each human being into a little node on the internet, where each person is like a Ring doorbell.
This woman below is not Sabrina. She is Laura Aboli. And she is correct about "transhumanism" and "posthumanism":
"Laura Aboli"
May the good somehow prevail over this evil.
Where - and what is the proof that a virus made in a lab has infected people?
It was made in a COMPUTER LAB!
I didn't mean where the "virus" is made, but where is the proof etc.....
the creator of Covid could freeze it, for us to see it
Once again, a highly informative article which makes this newsletter an important piece in perhaps putting together the 'virus' origin puzzle.
Was an upgraded highly-transmissable virus the real culprit for 4 years of global chaos and insane government decisions!?
The inevitable spanner in the works, Sasha Latypova, has often revealed the fact that each year there are hundreds of LabLeaks from United States biolabs, yet we've never had any kind of serious domino effect adverse effects on local populations🤔.
No spread or contagion!
Professor Denis Rancourt has talked about geographical infectious 'Hot Spots' like the New York area and the north of Italy and repeats that there never was a pandemic of any sort.
S.Latypova states that pandemics simply can't exist!!
Further unpeeling of this many-layered onion might one day allow those who're still passionate about this subject to finally reveal truths of many colours.
Keep up your great work Meryl👍🏻.
I have revealed lab leaks all over for over a decade. Alison Young did most of the heavy lifting. And while a few people got sick, not that many.
Most bioweapons need to be controlled. Anthrax is a bioweapon precisely because it does NOT transmit person to person.
This weapon had a different intent than most of those that have been developed. If you have ever had influenza you should acknowledge that pandemics can and do exist.
I can't say that I know but to say pandemics can and do exist assumes one thing--that we understand why someone is sick with illness and I'm becoming convinced that we really do not know why our bodies have these episodes. Personally, I think we should be studying differences in human bodies particularly with regard to our immune systems. Is disease an allergy to something? or is it a toxicity reaction, a cell damage reaction, and what exactly causes it. Example: When Pasteur discovered bacteria at the site of cell damage or even whole body damage, that was the start of believing that all sickness is the cause of some tiny microorganisms causing our sickness because when someone is sick, these microbes are found at the infection site. There is a little wiggle room there if you know what I mean. Sasha Latypova and Michael Yeadon both do not know what the "toxic agent" or "poison" was but they do not believe there was or has ever been a "virus" causing the sickness. From their statements, trusting them, I went back to compare "poisons" with vaccine rollouts. I started with the most famous--Polio. I can't write everything here, but the rollout of arsenic and DDT as insecticides matched almost exactly with the incidence of polio. Their declines in use and outbreaks also matched. The vaccine came out AFTER the Polio outbreaks started to quickly decline and the decline showed no alteration in slope of the decline graph from the time of mass inoculation. Now the only polio cases we see are due to the vaccine. Obviously this is a big investigative need-just after I did my little bit I looked up the measles outbreaks and the vaccine came out far past the near total elimination of the disease. We need to know why it ceased. Then on a sidebar I noticed an advertisement for a book called "The Moth and the Iron Lung". I knew what it was about before even reading it. Because of my research, I knew a damaging moth was the reason an insecticide was looked into at that time and arsenic & DDT were used as were new methods of mass spraying. I just think, we are not as careful as we should be with our critical thinking and questioning. We have to think more like God would when he created us-a tall order for sure.
How about he Fort Detrick episode?
Just curious: why did Prof Wang Linfa resigned, From what I can understand in the report, he was not involved in the development at all? I am residing in Singapore.
Jim suggests his group / Danielle Sullivan was testing it in the Wuhan BSL-4 and Jim implies but does not say directly that he resigned because he knew the project he was involved with was likely responsible.
I'm going to go with Ralph Barik creating the final official sequence in his head at the University of North Carolina at Chappel Hill, taking that sequence to WIV (he could get in real trouble in the USA because it is suppose to be forbidden to play with such things) and getting them to create some similar sequences, call them virus' then colluding with the CCP to jointly pret end their was a novel unknown virus killing people, then mandating anyone "testing+ or have C19 symptoms" to have the virus which was anyone coming to the hospital with serious cold/flu/pneumonia symptoms (that's all they really had) a protocol that would surely cause many to die ( isn't poisoning people on purpose murder?) so that both counties could see if their citizens would tolerate having their basic human rights taken away and at the same time get rid of the weakest, oldest, and sickest people in their societies (and the world as part of this experiment-no big deal if some are unlucky enough to unknowingly have weak immune systems so die as collateral damage--just a rare few so who cares?). This would let them try out world control while eliminating many "useless eaters" and saving billions of dollars in wasted health care on these leaches on society and then begin the search for the virus and applaud Ralph's sequence for this made up virus and get the world to go along by the WHO declaring a pandemic because China said to do that, and Wala!-the world in lock step in every country (almost) following the real (made up science- sequence), made up protocol (made to kill), and let the rumor mill take care of the rest. If we pay hospitals for any patient testing positive for C19, pay them a lot for giving them Remdesivir and more for venting them, then give them a bonus if they die of C19 in the hospital I wonder what would happen? People with multiple organs shutting down=must be such an awful virus (check out the side effects of Remdesivir-you will have to dig a little, half are hidden under "other side effects" and it will not be reported that Remdesivir will cause organ failure after just a few days so not to be used for more than a few days). They forgot to tell hospital workers about that so they saw such horrible things happening to people who were C19 positive, Kidney failure, Liver failure, both, horrible pain and breathing issues then death. Now add fear to the mix and you have the whole truth. This is probably a little off but closer than all of the sidetrack theories everyone talks about. We wouldn't want Ralph and his friends Collins and Fauci to suffer any punishment for pulling this off and millions of people dying needlessly.
Is it likely some Congress people had invested in virus companies and technology?
or some Pharma agent invested in their campaign?
I concur but doubt the role of the CCP as such as I don't see what China would gain. I'm all-in with the genocidal Zionist protagonists theory.
Don't you think the lock downs causing huge losses to America and vaccine long term effects of heart issues, neurological issues, cancers, and many many more issues were both part of the original plan? Any subversive damage done to America is a win for China. The above are only two of the many ways China damages us every day by our own ignorant trust of relying on them for nearly everything. We even allow hundreds of very large high tech drones to fly wherever they want for weeks with us never knowing what they are and seeming to not even care. We are the target and too many don't know it. Here is an intelligence (a real but obscure intelligence agency) report from 2017 which hopefully is off a lot.
I have no reason to lend credence to the communist theater of men in hazmat suits spraying roads and alleged welding of infected into their (somehow steel) houses. Communists' lie as naturally as they breathe, and they love to put on a good show to justify brutalizing the populace. Let us not forget they were sending people all around the world at a furious pace (Italy, the US) to ensure spread.
Covid was immediately and strategically weaponized by Fauci, et al. who co-opted medical literature coordinated punishment of real doctors, suppressed and destroyed effective medicines and rushed fake studies out to declare safe meds dangerous, wildly exaggerated the danger of the disease, paid hospitals huge sums to pretend all deaths were from covid, and enacted a whole of government censorship campaign as never seen before. They then used this emergency to destroy Trump's functioning economic achievements, transferred wealth to cronies, and stole the US election, installing Beijing's puppet, the corrupt imbecile Biden. Biden has been repaying his benefactors in Beijing ever since including his recent efforts to weaken the US vis-a-vis China. Among these flagrant events, Afghanistan, Build Back Better, and sending us to war against our natural ally, Russia, who together (but not alone) could challenge China's ascendancy.
Looked at strategically, it is obvious. The US' traitor elements and CCP conspired to create the virus and release it for shared strategic goals. Cui bono?
This isn’t any more helpful than blaming it on the Chinese. The U.S. & China worked together, as we see with Avril Haines sitting next to George Gao at Event 201; China’s insane early-COVID fear porn with people dropping dead in the streets (Mark Crispin Miller did a great job of reporting on this) and its viscous lockdowns that they said worked, which provided the FALSE basis for lockdowns worldwide. They even had a cover-story worked out with the U.S.: every time the U.S. said Wuhan, China said Detrick, and there was plenty of circumstantial evidence for both, which was seeded online by fake origins researchers like Luigi Warren who worked for Moderna and spread false online info about 9/11 anthrax back in the day. The people behind COVID are the biotech billionaires like Eric Schmidt of Google (Kissinger’s heir to the globalist throne) and China’s BGI’s Wang Jian. Sure, they work with their governments, the Democrats & Republicans and the Communists, because the governments work for the corporations. They’re fascist, letting the military-pharmaceutical-industrial complex rule the world, because they have no other choice. The corporate-government alliance has been destroying democratic and communist governments alike through assassinations and false flag attacks going back for who knows how long. JFK & RFK? 9/11? The murder of Trotsky? The Business Plot to murder FDR? Stalin told FDR’s son that the Business Plotters, including Bush, eventually did kill his father… I wonder how he knew. The assassination of Lincoln? Has there ever been a government that represents the people that hasn’t been overthrown by monied interests? Why did every First-World government on Earth go for lockdowns & mandates? Why is it so dang easy for the WEF to set global policy? This didn’t start with COVID and it isn’t one government’s plot. It isn’t the U.S. vs the Chinese. It’s the global haves against the global have-nots. It’s tyranny versus freedom.
Alexis, this is not a blame game but a search for evidence. You have made large claims (many of which I agree with) but as an attorney you know that claims get you nowhere. Evidence can slowly take you back to the crime and the criminals as you debrief one after the other. Who paid for the research? When? How were the findings from different labs strung together? By whom? Who paid?
That is how you eventually tie it back to those in charge and can get accountability. You know this.
I think it is which model of Government the Globalists (or whatever one calls them) want to use as a socio economic governance method and the China model wins every time because everything is about controlling the outcomes for all of us in life. They are tired of us squabbling with each other, having wars, having dirty little ignorant people, having disease, etc. and they think they can fix everything if they can just get control. (like all good Marxists think).
Munster's not American; he's Dutch on a J1 visa. See him as Fauci's Operation Paper Clip.
Very astutely stated!