Drugs are not the only means to obtain subservience of the masses. The almighty buck makes many middle class people work long hours and ignore what is happening around them so they can make rent and mortgage payments. The food supply may be tainted, reducing peoples energy to protest or made too sick to protest. The lack of honest governments to choose from in elections makes people give up hope. I am sure the cabal have looked at all avenues to acheive their control. The Pandemic was their first obvious manoeuvre so they are out of the shadows now.

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The good news is that we are, historically, a mostly-ungovernable species. The exceptions are in those smaller groups where leaders see themselves as having responsibility to their people rather than seeking to hold power over their people. So long as power is the greatest good, we won't have this. But we could ....

The bad news is that they've found addictions to screens, and their distractions, even better, and cleaner in the delivery, than drugs. Not the least of these screen addictions is pornography, which damages male sexuality deeply, and human connection/ interconnection even more deeply. To keep the 'kicks' coming, boundaries and then taboos must be broken, and they are, and children's and women's lives are damaged. Or ended. And there is little desire among users to stop using.

We are here. Let's not stay here. Let's also not meander into the grasp of any of the elite groups vying for control. We do NOT need to be hackable, or controlled, but we need to grow up, accept responsibility, and accept others so that we can work together to fix it all. Rebuild community and connection, hold 'leaders' accountable to the people they represent. Clean up the messes of greed in so many areas of our lives: economics, medicine, politics, religion. And undo the drugging that has gone on so long: toxins in our food and air and water. And the dumbing-down add of fluoride to our drinking water.

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The removal of free will by conditioning. Pavlovian dogs is what we are to these types. It's Masonic occultism.

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What a sad a desperate club. H.G. Wells head of British Foreign Intelligence!!!! Wow! I thank god for the JFK speech at the Waldorf on secret societies. What a fine line he had to walk but he was trying to be as clear as possible. Did the journalists get it? The good ones did. It is a speech I refer people to whenever they use that ridiculous phrase that's a conspiracy theory.

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Do you have a link to the JFK speech you refer to in your comment?

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Thank you, James, for sending the link. I just finished listening to JFK's speech; I do wish that all commencement speeches were that extraordinary.

However, I did not hear the reference to secret societies. Did I miss it? Could you give me the time point where he refers to secret societies? Thank you.

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See my note below. Youtube not to be trusted. They are removing and changing many important historical videos. You will also find it harder to locate Jim Garrison's address on CBS on JFK's murder. JFK's speech on secret societies was clear and he mentioned the danger of it all in many ways.

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I would suggest going directly to The Kennedy Center's website and put in speech at Waldorf Astoria to the Press in the search bar but it appears that whole website has been revamped and I see no access to what was once fully available. Rumble search for JFK-Secret Societies Speech /Warning (full). I am seeing that it is harder and harder to find full speeches that actually show the footage of the person of him, Jim Garrison's warning on CBS and others. It was at an address to The American Newspaper Publisher's Association on April 27, 1961. He was walking a fine line, was trying to appeal to the press to read between the lines and understand the threat. But his disdain for secret societies clear and emphasised as the very threat.

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Thank you, Gayle. I did a Rumble search on JFK-Secret Societies/Warning,, as you suggested. There were several links. I am grateful for your research into these links and for sharing them with us. I exhort others to listen to JFK's warning, as I did, and then to pass the information on to others.

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I would like to see some documentation of Wells being head of British Foreign Intelligence, because I have read a lot of the writing of Wells and never heard that before. He was involved with British war propaganda, but that is a far cry from being head of an intelligence organization.

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Would you really doubt that? I suggest Matt Ehret of The Canadian Patriot website or his rumble channel under Matt Ehret and CP. He covers a great deal about Wells. He was instrumental, as was Bernays and the rest in the MK of the masses for the empire.

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As I said, I would like to see documentation. Although I have not looked extensively, I have not seen any suggestion anywhere (other than the article on which this comment was made) that Wells was the "head of British Foreign Intelligence." I have only read that he worked in British propaganda in 1918, which was near the end of World War 1. Wells was a prolific author and was famous and instrumental during his own lifetime, but was not (to my impression) the type of person a government would want to head an intelligence organization. Of course, I could be wrong, but I would think that someone, somewhere, would have mentioned it.

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Turning people into autistic drones through mandatory vaccination is a good way to turn whole populations into slaves. That coupled with intentionally bad education soaked in intense and unrelenting propaganda that matches the messages in entertainment will turn many into mild and uncritical zombies.

The questioning of reality heard so often today makes good pairing with convincing people that the authority of experts in corporate and government is what takes precedence, with well drilled and recognizable symbols to make the indoctrination go down as smoothly as syrup.

Bulldoze Chesterton's fence by declaring social norms as oppressive while turning guilt of simple existence the new moral in the zero-carbon paradigm making redundant the very practical but so old fashioned 10 commandments.

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A Future Vaccine to Prevent Knowledge of Soul and Spirit

From The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85.

On October 7, 1917 Steiner said, “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be

considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. . . The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit. . . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos.

Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”

On October 27, 1917 Steiner said:

“. . . the spirits of darkness are now among us. . . I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are

vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists.. . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption – oh, I beg your pardon,

from the consumption [tuberculosis] they themselves suffered – people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination toward spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field – the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the [Michaelic] spirits of light [in 1879].”

Vaccines are grown on or tested on the tissues taken from fetuses that are aborted but alive - temporarily. This is the human sacrifice that people take part in without their knowledge. And why it's preferable that a baby be vaccinated on the day of birth. DNA from another person, who was sacrificed, is injected into you, though they say it's only fragments of DNA. I argue that this is no different than the human sacrifices done in the Satanic/Luciferian circle. Satanists don't care about you practicing any religion, except for Christianity. Only Jesus is their enemy. They talk of the light of Lucifer, and in Corinthians in the bible it says "for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light".

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These people are going to be very surprised when the brick wall finally crumbles and they find themselves falling into the abyss.

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"Not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of 10"....it's gotten younger and younger. In the 50's it was Kindergarten, age 5. Now they are now stealing children form the family in the toddler stage or even infancy....

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How truly demented, good grief there is nothing that can be said of this kind of thinking save for the descriptive it resembles a sociopathic discord, these supposed elitist thinkers, these circles and centres of influence ostensibly it would appear over represented and populated with many who are either homosexual or who it seems we always become aware of possess and are riven with deep seated and ingrained sexual deviant proclivities…. The very same I submit are at the confluence of much of what can be said to be a very much shared psychosis …

Personally I have no axe to grind with anyone or more directly as might relate to their preferred sexual desires and tendencies, whatever gets them off… go for it, make a pig of yourself, but do so privately and in the privacy between consenting adults.

Where I do draw the line is whenst the very same, this behaviour crosses the boundary of interdicting and imposing upon my ideals, beliefs and virtues… in other words, keep it out of my sphere, my families sphere and importantly out of my/our face…

Given the now preponderance it seems of this assault that we are contending with almost daily of late, one cannot but help reach the conclusion that these deviants have finally reached their zenith and end goal of mass grooming, of implanting a long planned perversion of societies the world over, of dominating and destroying everything and the very foundations upon which society and humanity has been built over the millennia.

Certainly for many of us, most definitely and unlike those perpetrating and conducting this assault, there is nothing that can be attributed or that can be said to be whatsoever cathartic about these machinations we are now dealing with as we fight to preserve every vestige of that which we know has sustained us all as a race, humanity for so long…

In short what this excerpt and so many like it illustrate is the extent to which the elites and those behind this will go to give acclaim to those known amongst them to be the worst purveyors of this filth… in essence we are in a battle royale, good vs evil, it really is as simple as that and no amount of window dressing wilst whitewash this simply fact, these people these elites, many of them are perverted, deeply disturbed individuals elevated to positions of outsized influence unbefitting their perverted existence yet we are left to pick and clean up the detritus of this behaviour and excess that results from this evil…

Keep your shoulders to the wheel, keep uppermost the need to ensure that yours, your loved ones and especially your children’s minds are kept devoid and free of this rubbish and we will overcome.. triumphing as needed, the spectre of any defeat and inability to win this battle not even worth contemplating…. Humanity’s existence is on the line these evil doers must be defeated and held to account, with the very same certainty in this temporal world as we know that they will be held to account in the next…

Best from Bali

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omg...history. Learn from it or perish.

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Cognitive sciences, when addressing consciousness, that always involves a subject-object relationship with related biochemical / physical hoopla.

This contrary to those, having rediscovered "consciousness without content", who either inspired their followers to formulate practical religions or were serving as living examples that those traditional religions "work" (class of saints and sages, often healers too). That rediscovery of "consciousness without content aka the subject of all subjects" and subsequent development was and is the greatest danger to the rich and ruling class, in traditional scriptures often visible as ambiance of war involving master, teaching disciples.

So since time immemorial, the rich and ruling class sought to realize "the same state of bliss" or more via drugs and rituals (best described as satanic). The latter requires violating qualities like compassion, empathy, forgiveness whereas "following the saints and sages" would develop those qualities to the highest level, "benefiting all sentient creatures".

IOW what's going on now could be called "final battle between good and evil".

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Very astutely stated! The battle has always been between good and evil starting with Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel; but the good and evil are both inherent in each of us and up to each individual to be wise and responsible enough to choose the right path; " I now give you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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Upbringing and education should and could have made people aware, curious and caring. That's the basis for meritocracy, with the result that a govt. can solve every issue with the cooperation of the population. What the satanic cult has done is the opposite, to the extent of initiating 4. The Self-Destruction Hypothesis

of the Fermi Paradox. So a serious issue that will only get worse (when after achieving NWO, the egoistic neofeudaslist gang members will start wars with other members, just like they did in the medieval era, even within blood lines).


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The mere facts that these MrNA "vaccines" are killing people and have violated everything around the ABSOLUTE RIGHT OF MEDICAL CONSENT implies to me that we are already in Tyranny.


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Sorry, Meryl. The treatment of Aldous Huxley in today's excerpt is erroneous -- based on a complete misreading of his work. Huxley certainly was not advocating for the totalitarian Brave New World any more than Orwell was advocating for the totalitarian system in his 1984. Quite the opposite. Huxley's very clear purpose was to warn us that something like a Brave New World would be our future unless we dramatically changed course. His critique of socio-political reality was every bit as potent as was Orwell's.

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Yes, and the same thing goes for Bertrand Russell. Donald Gibson smears him in "The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up" by persistently quoting him out of context. In one case he attributes to Russell a quote that is a reductio ad absurdum of Russell's opponent; in another he quotes accurately but strips it of crucial context. That said, Estulin is indeed speaking of the evil cauldron of Tavistock from which much of our mind-control issues.

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It's all wow but page 97 keeping all populations except a few elite in a permanently" autistic like" condition in love with servitude.

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At http://www.youtube.com/lowwisezahstudios , The Productoin Company That Produced The FIRST NARRATIVE FILM Exploiting The COVID Pandemic, We Are Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment - We See Through The Oppressive and Combative Globalist "Woke" Agenda and We Are Creating Purposeful Entertainment To Exploit The Corruption Within Politics And Of Course The Big Corporations That Pull The Strings Of Their Puppetted Politicians.

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Peace and Love to you,

Michael Angel Loayza Jr.

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Dr. Meryl - you’ve written many important posts but this is Top 10

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I'm sorry, but this book sounds like so much conspiracy theory on steroids, and I consider myself to be a "conspiracy realist," not a conspiracy denier. Having read all of Aldous Huxley's works, including his novels and many essays, I have to say this author is looking through the wrong end of the gun barrel. Huxley wasn't celebrating the coming dystopia of drug-controlled populace, he was warning us about it. In his interview with Mike Wallace on TV in 1958 he makes this clear, as he does in his short book of essays, "Brave New World Revisited," now often packaged with the novel.

In terms of drug culture, Huxley was a pioneer in realizing that hallucinogenics must be placed within the context of spirituality, not hedonism. I would accept that the CIA flooded American youth culture with LSD but point out that, had they followed Huxley's lead and sought spiritual guidance for the use of these drugs, things could have turned out very differently. Whatever one thinks of Carlos Castenada's books, he too was pointing toward Indigenous cultures who had a millennia-old tradition of using hallucinogenics as rites of passage and spiritual enablers. If you read the biography by Huxley's second wife Laura Archera, "This Timeless Moment," you find a very tender portrait of a man who chose to enter the final stages of his cancer while taking mescaline, as he wished to learn more about the realm he was about to enter in death. Acting as his secretary, she transcribed his observations, which have the wisdom of a sage about them.

In his final novel, Island, which he struggled to finish even as he was entering the terminal stages of his cancer, he wanted to depict a utopian society as a kind of direct response to the dystopia of Brave New World. I don't agree with some of the concepts in that novel—the matriarchy, the decentralized family—but Huxley was trying to write from a more optimistic place than BNW, even though it was ultimately outside forces that destroyed the Island utopia.

To assume that, because one is born into an aristocratic lineage one is therefore automatically part of their cabal is a logical fallacy. It assumes one has no individual agency, will or personality. While it seems clear that T.H. Huxley and Aldous' brother Julian were anxious to advance the eugenicist philosophy, this does not mean that Aldous had similar aims. Does Estulin have any familiarity with a responsible biography of Aldous Huxley? Or is he just engaging in wild, conspiratorial speculation? If so, that is highly irresponsible and only serves to further our cognitive dissonance, which would actually place him in the 5th generation Psywar vanguard Dr. Malone discusses.

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Two books mentioned in the page images shown are available in the Australian site for Project Gutenberg. They are The Open Conspiracy (https://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks13/1303661h.html) and The New World Order (https://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks04/0400671h.html). They are well worth reading, because Wells was a key figure in promoting world socialism, including the main steps in achieving administrative socialism. Wells certainly did not invent the expression "new world order," but was influential in promoting his version of that, which was world socialism. I helped to write much of the content of a Web site on the new world order in the mid-1990s. Although that site is not active, it was recently discovered on the Wayback Machine (https://web.archive.org/web/19981203053338/http://syninfo.com/Crier/).

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This will be a long battle. It could be generations, or longer. Even if everything is engineered to collapse, that won't be the end of it.

However we want to frame it, what's happening on a ground-level is that technology is now able to hack and surveil life on a heretofore unimaginable scale. Some people want to exploit this and to exploit it fully means that the sanctity of the individual has to go. The first step in this is to eliminate criticisms of policies and procedures that are necessary to accomplish the goal of hacking life; that is, the employment of censorship on many scales, so that speaking freely carries negative consequences.

Protecting freedom of speech will be a key and central battle in what will likely be a long, drawn-out war. From the vantage point of the freedom to criticize state policies and procedures, other freedoms protecting individual self-determination against an intrusive global alliance might be won. But if the freedom to criticize policies and procedures is lost, other freedoms are hardly to follow. A lot hangs on our determination to protect and defend free speech.

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