I really like this and certainly hope it is a real option. We are in the verge of a real precipice and some expert brinksmanship is necessary to pull us back.

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Me too, though we must stay hypervigilant. TPTB don't hesitate to take out heads of state, journalists, physicians, peaceful activists, etc. They don't allow anyone to gain a high level of power, wealth, and prominence if they cannot be controlled. The silver lining is the indication that the ESG issue and all that is connected to it was getting past the censors to such an extent that it needed to be brought out into some level of mainstream debate to repackage and spin for damage control. Hopefully, this signals to us that our collective efforts to expand the conversation could be driving the limited hangouts to new levels.

As for DeSantis, I noticed in a link shared below that Jeb Bush and Fox News have endorsed DeSantis for 2024 and a Rupert Murdoch funded book launch will be paying expenses for DeSantis’ cross-country tour. This demonstrates the globalists are happy to back DeSantis. I'm finding, just like Trump's main financial backers represented the same oligarchs who bankrolled Bush, Obama, and Clinton, DeSantis is also getting big donations from wolves in sheep's clothing, One example is billionaire Jeff Yass funding charter schools (school choice) which is the gateway for P3 Human Capital Markets and impact investments on the road to social credit scores (continuous surveillance and behavioral micromanagement) and implementation of the UN Agendas. In a recent MSM report DeSantis says he's against the school choice proposals making their way through Florida legislation. Yet just last month Yass donated $2.5 million to DeSantis. Yass is involved with the Club of Growth along with the likes of Pence and Pomeo (former CIA director). As for big pic narratives, they appear to be setting up a Kabuki match-up of a false choice theme of economic "growth (DeSantis) vs "no growth" Trump, or at least floating this as a divisive 'talking point'. This is interesting because we're entering another phase of rapid and aggressive corporate centralization (monopolies and oligopolies) via private equity firms which I see happening in healthcare and many other industries to include major grocery store chains Kroger and Safeway/Albertson. The latter owned by Cerberus, the name meaning three-headed dog that guards the gates of hell. IMHO, best to stay mentally nimble, steps ahead of the game, and know our enemies well.

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Thank you so much for the comment. I suspected as much which is why I urged caution. The dilemma we are in is extreme. Someone going to be swept in on a landslide here and we will be trapped in a whole new way. Yes the staying mentally nimble part is a real challenge in this environment . Deep into this international fascist Corporatocracy stuff. They have done an admirable job at creating this hell and making it so bulletproof. The World Economic Forum brags about penetrating the worlds government and these globalists are deep into the corporations as well. The YMCA & American Red Cross! Our cities.

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You're very welcome, and very well said, I completely agree. Thanks.

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Thoughtful assessment, Blue, Horizon, yet it is also true that any division that can be created by TPTB gives them an edge, something that they can tip one way or the ither in their interests. What they don't want is an American chief exectutive with autonomy, especially one who is intent upon keeping a social-contract with American citizens

If they seek to pit Trump and DeSantis against each other, then they should run as a team, which would be particularly against the globalist interests, because Trump/DeSantis would potentially be 12 years the globalists would struggle to control.

I am fully supprting RFK Jr. myself, but I have voted since 1976 and have not picked-a-winner yet.


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Wondering how we are really going to know is on our side from this down and out perspective. Trump and De Santis would be a powerful combination if and only if they truly back the will of the people. I love what RFK Jr. says also. Hopefully we will make the right choice. Their are some other choices but well outside the mainstream. But maybe we need someone who has not been a part of this mess and truly stands?

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If I'm correct about it being impossible for a politician who is against the NWO to be elected to high office, then perhaps our strategy should involve putting more energy into city, county, and state battles - especially county as Patrick Wood has encouraged. Wood went several steps further with citizen "ninja" training that has worked in some great examples, one cited in his book out of California and another, also in CA, highlighted in a recent podcast (please consider watching this interview in the link). https://rumble.com/v2bf6re-case-study-local-activists-reclaim-their-city.html Remarkable victories! That's also how more people can become informed on the big picture so as to not waste time with political theater. However, I think we need a higher level of grassroots activism, generally speaking. IMHO our "win" in the covid battle to get TPTB to stand down to a large extent came from this decentralized level of energy of frustrated and devastated people being gaslighted and lied to comparing notes with friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and on social media. It's hard enough verifying our local officials are representing our best interests. More people need to get involved with their city council but also keep much larger information networks flowing.

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I think there are battles ongoing between globalist and nationalist cliques.

A lot is breaking, and a lot has failed to advance as planned for the globalists.

Globalism requires more energy to support than regionalism does, and the higher-up the command chain that decisions are made, the stupider they are at ground-level.

Don't despair. I see desperation in globalist actions/attacks lately, not strength.

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I currently feel like a term of Trump, to cut deals, is probably necessary. He is "known", to whatever degree that is possible, and has tried to serve US nationalist interests. I don't know that we will have a candidate more dedicated to service of humanity than RFK Jr., and he is certainly a threat to globalist interests. It seems to me that things would have to already be massively changed for him to be elected POTUS. He is wiling to risk his life on that.

We shall see... The DNC wants the first primary to be the tightly-controlled South Carolina, not the free and open New Hampshire...

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We shall see indeed. The one thing we know is these fascists cannot be allowed to win any more ground than they already have. Going to take generations just to weed them all out of our lives.

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Nope. All major politicians are Actors. They are not our representatives in the least.

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Major politicians are all ACTORS, who do whatever their employers (major campaign donors) tell them to do. Dr. Sansone's work with Republican county committee chairs is likely to be way more effective (working with the grass roots) than is any high level action. I link to Sansone's posts at the end of this post: https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/request-for-assistance-reports.

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Yes they are all actors and well infiltrated by governing forces beyond our control. Local is better until we get locals in there who may well be corrupted by the very forces we wish to contest.

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We can start local non-government controlled churches and build freedom thereby, starting locally. https://acts15church.substack.com/archive

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Agree anything local as long as it is not hopelessly woke like some of the churches. I am an advocate of peer to peer decentralized education networks and the work of parents who do not want their kid subject to this insanity. So much power lies in the people if they only had a chance to find out.

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DeSantis is 1000x the leader Trump claims to be.Strong, disciplined and Brave. He actually gives a damn , is outside the box, an independent thinker and is able to express himself without resorting to puerile, vulgar ad hominem attacks.

Trump is so insecure and egocentric he calls everybody else “losers” when in fact, he is to blame for his own poor judgement, lack of impulse control and self inflicted wounds. He refuses to heed the advice of exceptionally quailed people who are on his side and disposed of themYet he demands loyalty. When he didn’t stand up for Mike Flynn, I was terribly disappointed. It was the beginning of a pattern.Monica Crowley, KT McFarland,Ezra Cohen,Toensig, DiGenova,, Phil Haney, Diana West, Gaffney,Drs Atlas,Zelenko,Alexander,Battacharaya,Gold,Kuldorff,Levitt,Ionnides, Mikovits, Montagnier,Shiva, Makary,Hatfill,Smith,Oswui..RFK Jr. and these were prior to Risch, McCullough,Malone,Yeadon,Kory,Nass,Mercola,Naomi Weiss, etc Or Lou Dobbs, Assange, Navarro, Rudy, Gens Tata, Lyons,Lt Col Allen West, Navy Seal Rob O’Neill,Posobiec, Jim Hanson,Zudhi Jasser,Papadopoulis, Carter Page, Lara Logan, Trish Regan,Brandon Straka, ditched every grassroots movement crossover group, failed to recognize or Thank Jonathan Turley, Deneen Borelli, Dave Rubin,Gutfeld, Tyrus, Tammy Bruce, Chadwick MooreBill Binney, Jim Kallstrom, Lacey Johnson, Isaiah Washington, Dumasami Washington, Asra Nomani, Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Taibbi, Shellenberger, Kim Iversen, Glenn Greenwald,Bret Weinstein, Mark Steyn,Russell Brand,, Liz McDonald, Peter Pry, Sonnie Johnson… the list is endless.

But his worst behavior is the hideous and totally unwarranted attacks launched on Elon Musk, Youngkin,Nancy Mace , DeSantis and Dr. Ladapo… As he pals around with Lindsey Graham, “ surprises” everybody with a “ huge announcement” crypto cards emblazoned with his image in various superhero costumes. Or bragging about his hole in one with the additional “ I bet Biden couldn’t do that”. Dining with Kanye and Nick Fuentes and touring with Bill O’Reilly ( who dumped him after the Kanye debacle).

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I agree 100%. Trump is a salesman, an excellent one and when you are looking for the best deal he will present one on a plater. DeSantis is a true leader for the people. I pray for him and all of us. Fight the tyranny no matter where you are. Look at the French right now. Macaroni has banned protesting!! Can you imagine telling the French NON!? I hope they burn his house down

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Doctrine of the Lessor Magistrates. A book worth reading. I’m blown away DeSantis is using this Doctrine to counter tyranny. He’s got my vote.

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Yes. I agree with you. He’s not a serious leader. Buffoonery and mean spirited narcissistic behavior cannot lead.

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He's the father of OWS, never sought a second opinion, allowed chloroquine to be banned despite knowing it was highly effective against coronavirus (2005). A master globalist shill.

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What's OWS? Occupy Wall St.? Oh, I see Brandy says Operation Warp Speed.

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Operation Warp Speed.

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Trump was a complete sell-out to Big Pharma. He gave lip service to early treatments, but his actions supported the exact opposite (Opperation Warp Speed) and he's still bragging about it.

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Those who did a deep dive like journalist Daniel Hopsicker of Mad Cow Productions knew early on that Trump was part of the 'club' and the dirty connections likely added to the "selling points" to achieve maximum political polarization. There were other clear signs Trump was a member of the pyramid cap such as his financial backers, friendship with the Clintons and Epstein, his SIL Kushner's family paying overmarket price to own the 666 Fifth Ave address and doing business deals with Soros - to only name a few.

Once in office Trump greased the skids on ushering in 4IR Technocracy and the NWO like the EO for Opportunity Zones, getting formal healthcare policy advice from Ezekiel Emanuel, formal advice from Erik Prince on a global intelligence resurrection of Operation Phoenix to spy and infiltrate dissenters, and support of "red flag" laws. BTW, Prince was also working for the CCP to build out the Brick Road Initiative aka Silk Road with highly trained corporate mercenaries in an elaborate project as BRI is a formal United Nations UNCTAD program emphasizing privatization for corporate expansion.

It's usually best to not focus on what they say, but rather what they quietly do off the main stage. All else is Kabuki theater, for the most part, and Musk epitomizes this given his support for the rise of authoritarian technocracy just like his grandfather Joshua Haldeman who oversaw the 1930s era Canadian branch of Technocracy Inc and was also Chairman of Canada's Social Credit Party. See Patrick Wood's website technocracy.news and do a search for Elon Musk. There's more but that's a start.

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Another good news story from Meryl. The presidency has turned into our version of Royalty. It's so wrong that "whoever" blew up the Nordstream pipeline using our forces, according to Sy, did not need any other pencil whipping than Biden. On the wrong day Russia says, we've had it with this bs, if that's how you wanna play, bring it on. Luckily they weren't raised on a steady diet of Clint and Rambo. Then of course Germany, how do you attack an enemy and a friend and get away with it, well you don't. Our reputation, as false as it was, is trashed.

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear "-

Harry S Truman former US President

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Sy also writes that the Senate unanimously voted to block Nord Stream 2:

"Opposition to Nord Stream 2 flared on the eve of the Biden inauguration in January 2021, when Senate Republicans, led by Ted Cruz of Texas, repeatedly raised the political threat of cheap Russian natural gas during the confirmation hearing of Blinken as Secretary of State. By then a unified Senate had successfully passed a law that, as Cruz told Blinken, “halted [the pipeline] in its tracks.” There would be enormous political and economic pressure from the German government, then headed by Angela Merkel, to get the second pipeline online.

"Would Biden stand up to the Germans? Blinken said yes, but added that he had not discussed the specifics of the incoming President’s views. “I know his strong conviction that this is a bad idea, the Nord Stream 2,” he said. “I know that he would have us use every persuasive tool that we have to convince our friends and partners, including Germany, not to move forward with it.”

"A few months later, as the construction of the second pipeline neared completion, Biden blinked. That May, in a stunning turnaround, the administration waived sanctions against Nord Stream AG, with a State Department official conceding that trying to stop the pipeline through sanctions and diplomacy had “always been a long shot.” Behind the scenes, administration officials reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, by then facing a threat of Russian invasion, not to criticize the move.

"There were immediate consequences. Senate Republicans, led by Cruz, announced an immediate blockade of all of Biden’s foreign policy nominees and delayed passage of the annual defense bill for months, deep into the fall. Politico later depicted Biden’s turnabout on the second Russian pipeline as 'the one decision, arguably more than the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan, that has imperiled Biden’s agenda.'"

So Biden was held hostage by the Senate, who were unanimous in passing a law that stopped ‘the political threat of cheap Russian natural gas’ in its tracks. And somewhere he decided to go the Senate one better and blow up both Nord Stream 1 and 2 with the complicity of the Norwegian Navy. If we're complaining about expensive gas and oil, it's a bipartisan attack on Germany, Russia, China and US.


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Don't follow so closely as you. Would add Zelensky was almost done preparing an assault on Donbass and the Russians simply beat him to the first punch. A well known tactic from Putin's childhood, if you have to fight always strike first.

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Tereza, do you acknowledge that Zelensky was an actor on his own tv show and that his election was a fraud as Miles Mathis has indicated at https://presearch.com/search?q=site%3Amileswmathis.com+zelensky?

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Have you seen/ read my posts on Zelensky, Len? I think one that would answer your question definitively is this with the following quote from me and quoting Kanakoa the Great:

Zelensky, like Martin Sheen of West Wing, made his reputation playing the role of President, and has continued to play that role under Kolomoysky’s direction:

"Kolmoysky, who currently holds a net worth of $1.8 billion … has had a long history with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. For years, Zelensky’s company produced shows for Kolmoysky’s TV network, 1+1 Media Group, one of the largest media conglomerates in Ukraine. Zelensky achieved national fame portraying a president on a hit television sitcom called, Servant of the People, which was broadcasted on a channel owned by Kolmoysky.

"In 2019, Kolmoysky’s media channels gave a big boost to Zelensky’s presidential campaign, while Kolmoysky even provided security, lawyers, and vehicles for Zelensky during his campaign. Kolmoysky’s bodyguard and lawyer accompanied Zelensky on the campaign trail as Zelensky was chauffeured around in a Range Rover owned by one of Kolmoysky’s companies.

"The Pandora Papers showed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his TV production partners were beneficiaries of a web of offshore firms created in 2012, the same year Zelensky’s production company entered into a deal with Kolomoysky’s media group, which allegedly received $41 million in funds from Kolomoysky’s Privatbank.

"Zelensky’s political rival, President Petro Poroshenko commented on their connection during the campaign trail, “Fate intended to put me together with Kolomoyskiy’s puppet in the second round of the elections.”

"After Zelensky’s victory, Kolomoysky, who had spent the last few years living between Israel and Switzerland, returned to Ukraine to keep up his relationship with the new president, nominating over 30-lawmakers to Zelensky’s newly established party and maintaining influence with many of them in parliament."


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Have you noticed that Zelensky's corruption group is now looking at Kolmoysky? Quite stunning. Something about hands and feeding. OTOH Zelensky has quite a bit of power now and may be difficult to remove - ever.

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Thanks, Tereza. I wanted to see if we're on the same page. Looks like we are. Sounds like Zelensky is managed by Israel's Mossad. Is that a reasonable guess? But Israel, UK and US are all in cahoots. Right? And the intel agencies all work for the big corporations, i.e. the owners or their secret controllers. I believe most or all governments are similarly controlled. Do you agree? So the clashes among governments are faked. Right? Do you read Mathis?

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Wow! Horowitz finally got off the Trump sinking ship? God bless him! Horowitz is the real deal. One of few.

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I’m sad to say that I do not see the governor of Vermont’s signature on that bill. I’m glad to see other states are fighting for their constituents rights

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Yes, Ron DeS is making some really good moves but be forewarned - HE IS NOT WHAT HE APPEARS TO BE!!!!

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What is your evidence against DeSantis?

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The author/owner of this blog, Sundance, lives in FL - he has a number of enlightening pieces:


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A treasure trove of interesting DeSantis connections to be gleaned scrolling through articles. Thanks.

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One of the blog's commitment: "Intolerant of hate and division."

OK. That's nice, but what does it mean? What, if any, reaction does that "intolerance" demand of those who commit to that commitment?

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Check out the link below and decide for yourself.

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Have you listened to the video Dr Jane Ruby put up about him? https://rumble.com/v2d9ncq-after-talk-atty-shawn-mcbride.html. Well worth listening to. Must get to bottom of these claims.

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No, I don't think I have - thank you - I'll check it out.

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I listened, John, and many of these outrageous laws were passed when the State was more "blue." It is now officially "red." While what McBride said was very concerning. this State has many, many people organized in various groups putting pressure on Tallahassee and at the local level -- and I think it's working.

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I understand but what bothers me is DeSantis passed up the opportunity to make sure no laws exist which could be used to force vaccination of any kind by any entity, public or private. He is hedging his bets and I don't approve of that.

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Are you referring to the new bills, HB 305 and SB 222, which would do just that?

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Perhaps we could cordon off parts of Maine. We are doing the I Do Not Participate workshop in Norway and South Paris in April and joining the We Are Ready international coalition on May 20. https://livingagoodlifechurch.wordpress.com/inspiration/

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ESG is another leftist plague. Where are the other states on this? Where is congress?

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Congress is part of the problem; none want to upset their cushy jobs and lifestyles, even the republicans. States have more collective power than Congress. We need to use it!

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The FAUXI left; not the genuine one which is anti-imperialist..

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True, Jon.

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Dare I hope that a real opposition exists?

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Then there is that yes.

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What is notable about your long comment is that you have provided? Absolutely no specifics about any of your complaints.

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After living in Progressive Portland and watching the city die a slow death of a thousand cuts - all self-inflicted - we bolted to the red state of Tennessee and never ever looked back. DeSantis is right. Red states ought to come together and forge a new path for those who still care to defend and fight for freedom. Those foolish enough to give it up willingly, all while condemning those of us trying to save them, will reap what they sow.

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Tennesse sounds like a lovely place to live. Although, keep in mind the division of states is what is desired to fracture the US creating a "constitutional crisis" such that our enshrined liberties are no longer a bedrock for us and in, in the wake, a North American Technate is born with subregions (this appears to be why CA, OR, and WA are beginning to openly move in 'lockstep' on policy issues). For this to occur, the more polarized we are the better. Several years ago when Soros was funding secession in various parts of the world, he also funded a California secession group. Imagine as we fight "15 minute cities" subregions may form such that we must have permission and "good standing" to travel in that area - both can happen.

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Sounds great and exactly what we are all crying for - do you think Sweden might join the alliance too? Just kidding of course, but over here we are in sincere need for some steermanship. Just lost 12 billions of recent nvestments in the svb and another 8 apparently in the Signature. Our regulator had been looking into the affairs last year, but regarding other things....not the apparent risks to crash! Could it be ESG stuff? And still not a word in todays papers.

So, I may congratulate you Americans on this excellent initiative and only hope it can be pulled thru all the way needed.

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I see Oho's DeWine wasn't included in the list of governors. It pains me to see a red state have a RINO corporatist/fascist governer in office.

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99+% of so-called Republicans are RINO/globalists in my personal experience. They lie during campaigns and once elected, show their true WEF colors. Not one member of Congress has demanded the jab program be stopped immediately!

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Whenever I have written that not one of the 535 members of Congress have demanded the jab program be stopped immediately, I get no response. Apparently, it's incontestable. What does that say? Be honest.

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Don't follow closely US pol. Is it Johnson who held those hearings, but he is a senator from TX? Wonder how much polling they've done and don't want to lose for expressing an opinion that might not be PC. Its ok to kill people as long as you win the election.

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The lower magistrate idea is one that is lawful constitutional and Godly. There is a book laying it out. I recommend reading it. I’m blown away DeSantis is referencing this doctrine. He will have my vote.

The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government.

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The same 18 states must be willing to declare independence if they want to be taken seriously.

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This is what we need, strong state leaders! North Carolina DOES NOT HAVE ONE!!!

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You the people control who leads you; unite and vote in a Governor worth supporting.

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