So Grateful for all your hard and exceptional brilliant work, actvisim and freedom fighting on behalf of the ENTIRE WORLD! You're in my heart and prayers every single day. I met Eddie Hobbs who has sounded the alarm here in Cork Ireland a month or so ago. I met him and I said `'We're in the fight of our lives." He said "That's right." So…
So Grateful for all your hard and exceptional brilliant work, actvisim and freedom fighting on behalf of the ENTIRE WORLD! You're in my heart and prayers every single day. I met Eddie Hobbs who has sounded the alarm here in Cork Ireland a month or so ago. I met him and I said `'We're in the fight of our lives." He said "That's right." So looking forward to Dan Astin-Gregory's ROAD TO GENEVA this coming weekend! VICTORY! Now the lines are clearly drawn and the world is watching. Eddie's done a KILLARNEY DECLARATION which has 5K signatures in it's first 10 days here in Ireland. Thank you Meryl! Peace and Blessings! Lou M :-)
Love that declaration. My side of my family is a bunch of polygamist crackers (lol), but on my niece's side, they are descended from the Irish signer of the Magna Carta, so I sent it on to her, hoping she'll diffuse it to the diaspora Irish.
So Grateful for all your hard and exceptional brilliant work, actvisim and freedom fighting on behalf of the ENTIRE WORLD! You're in my heart and prayers every single day. I met Eddie Hobbs who has sounded the alarm here in Cork Ireland a month or so ago. I met him and I said `'We're in the fight of our lives." He said "That's right." So looking forward to Dan Astin-Gregory's ROAD TO GENEVA this coming weekend! VICTORY! Now the lines are clearly drawn and the world is watching. Eddie's done a KILLARNEY DECLARATION which has 5K signatures in it's first 10 days here in Ireland. Thank you Meryl! Peace and Blessings! Lou M :-)
Love that declaration. My side of my family is a bunch of polygamist crackers (lol), but on my niece's side, they are descended from the Irish signer of the Magna Carta, so I sent it on to her, hoping she'll diffuse it to the diaspora Irish.
Wonderful news thank you very much ☘️💥🙏💥😎