And with this case, in particular, they thought there was a greater percentage of people that could be deceived, intimidated, manipulated, etc.
On the other hand, many on our side tend to over-estimate how easy it is to red-pill the unenlightened to a belief as disturbing as the one we have; namely, that the governments of the world are, for all practical purposes, frauds that are corrupt beyond belief. Many otherwise reasonable people will continue to find that VERY hard to accept. Most of those who didn't go into the pandemic realizing how pathetic our government ALREADY was can't yet see the forest for the trees. And it will be very hard, if possible at all, to change their perspective.
Hopefully, the two-party system, as fraudulent as it is, will continue to cause them problems. As long as the RINO's still vote in ways that slow the would-be-tyrants down, even though it's only to get re-elected, we can proceed to try to wake up as many as we can in time to stop the worst.
And their hubris which they easily trip over since they deceive themselves thinking they are absolutely correct about all things.
And with this case, in particular, they thought there was a greater percentage of people that could be deceived, intimidated, manipulated, etc.
On the other hand, many on our side tend to over-estimate how easy it is to red-pill the unenlightened to a belief as disturbing as the one we have; namely, that the governments of the world are, for all practical purposes, frauds that are corrupt beyond belief. Many otherwise reasonable people will continue to find that VERY hard to accept. Most of those who didn't go into the pandemic realizing how pathetic our government ALREADY was can't yet see the forest for the trees. And it will be very hard, if possible at all, to change their perspective.
Hopefully, the two-party system, as fraudulent as it is, will continue to cause them problems. As long as the RINO's still vote in ways that slow the would-be-tyrants down, even though it's only to get re-elected, we can proceed to try to wake up as many as we can in time to stop the worst.