Thank you for granting my wish, Meryl and David! :-)

It looks like these may be PowerPoint slides. I would still love to see a standalone, nicely typeset, highly legible graphic that also has Door to Freedom branding so if it is shared on social media, people can see the source. I know you said you have a graphic artist on your team who can do that, but drop me an email if you would like me to throw something together.

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It is a pdf. I don't know how to put high quality graphics up on substack. Do you?

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I have not had luck with embedding PDFs. So I upload them to dropbox and copy the link to my Substack. Pictures can be added by clicking on the box to the left of what looks like headphones, then going to your file and attaching the graphic you want to include. I add a meme to everyone of my daily Substacks.

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Substack does let you embed PDFs. See these instructions:


To clarify, I was referring to the graphic design rather than the quality of the image itself (although PDF is certainly superior quality). I had previously provided my typeset version of Biderman's Chart of Coercion from this pieces as an example:


Ideally, it would have the Door to Freedom logo, url, fonts, and colors and would be designed to work well on social media as well as for embedding in articles. Jon Olsen's idea to produce a poster version is great, too.

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Totally - posters in pub & shop windows!

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Great idea. The visuals are powerful. We all need to be aware of what is happening.

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Great idea! So we can share it everywhere! The charts are concise and hugely informative; I can see plenty of light bulbs going !

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I agree. Great ideas.

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Yes! See my own comment in that regard (just above)

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Those charts are so accurate in describing what has been going on since early 2020!

...................and still thousands of our friends, relatives and neighbours of those that believe 'Covid Victims' - with (supposed) 'Long Covid', were not, in reality, damaged or KILLED by the Poisonous injections!

They fail to realise that the WEF's New World Order 'EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION' (called Covid vaccine) is the most likely cause of all of these ill health and DEATH, life expectancy-reducing, 'Excess DEATH' consequences.

New Years resolution = Things we have to achieve during 2024;

1. Stop Big Pharma killing (CULLING) humanity with their deadly injections that they call VACCINES!

2. Stop the recently re-opened Wuhan Institute labs from experimenting with viruses to maximise their deadly impact upon HUMANS.

3. Destroy the intentions of the World Economic Forum to Control us by INJECTIONS ('Vaccines'), enslaving us by Genetic modification achieved by the mRNA they pretend is useful for defeating diseases.

4. Disband the Corrupt World Health Organisation which we 'terminated' on the 30th November 2023.

5a. Reintroduce LIABILITY into the pharmaceutical marketplace by determining that all drug and medicine makers have to accept ALL legal responsibility for their products.

5b. Back-date LIABILITY to 2020 so that the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, etc, have to sufficiently compensate those that suffered health impact related to Big Pharma's dirty and frequently DEADLY injections that were intended to reduce the World's population.

6. Arrest and prosecute those all involved in the planning, creation and release of the Covid Scamdemic and remove these evil murdering 'animals' from our once wonderful planet.

7. Arrest and prosecute all involved in manufacturing the DEADLY injections they pretended were a "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" cure for the man-made Covid disease. They too must be exterminated for their crimes against humanity!

7b. Stop Pfizer from trying to 'avoid prosecution for mass-murder by claiming false BANKRUPTCY to avoid justice and their LIABILITY for the DEATHS and injuries their DEADLY injected poisons caused.

8. Arrest and prosecute all Politicians and other influencers of the Covid & Vax scams, as they are party to the mass murder of millions who were encouraged to accept the DEADLY injections. The same deadly fate must apply to these accomplices.

9. Arrest and prosecute all media personnel and those who advertised the DEADLY injections as "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" medicines. The same fate will apply to these insane participators of genocide.

10. Ensure the now Corrupt organisations that assisted in promoting the Vax Genocide upon humanity. These include organisations such as The US FDA, CDC, The United Nations, any remaining members of the, now defunct, World Health Organisation. the BBC and many other culpable persons, organisation heads, politicians and all others who participated in the worst example of genocide ever witnessed on our planet.

This list is just the beginning of our intentions to free our planet from the evil clutches of those that mean us to be SLAVES, and that have been manifesting their plans over the past century and beyond!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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“Unjabbed to live longer”. For you count your blessings that you and your loved ones health is well enough that “being unjabbed” INCREASES your chances “to live long”. Some people’s health is not in a position to gamble with potential harm of vaccines (not ignoring that the risk is there). While so lucky blessed and privileged to live a place in the world where we can actually “afford” to think about this bc basics are covered, I myself simply could not (or rather WOULD not, in Denmark we weren’t twined to a table and force injected so “Could” might lead to a misrepresentation that physical force was exerted. My health due to cardiac chronic illness is such that NOT getting the vaccine not only jeopardized me but potentially also our 7yos who among other things have a chronical respiratory conditions, having been hospitalized most of his childhood until 5, and recently spent 35 days in an incubator in an ICU. Same goes for his dad and my parents/his parents.

To each of US (my fam), the risk of being seriously affected by as little as a could and maybe fatally ill made my choice easy (not light hearted or rushed, but easy).

BUT it also very much helps that despite me being bit of a nerd, loving to read sometimes denser material and examining things for myself AND the fact that while we do listen to UN/WHO (sadly), the Danish healthcare and medical system is VERY different from eg the US (as an example, I recently learned that in US doctors are not merely prescribing meds but also in cases giving it (selling?) to patients. In Denmark you have to go to a pharmacy unless you are admitted in a hospital ward.

Again, I’m not saying “there’s no such thing as serious side effects of vaccines”, I’m simply saying each person should consider pros and cons, trying to sift through the information of both sides and especially the side that you are most averse to, that can give a very profound basis for decision (of course* then whether or not the outcome is something you are prepared to accept is another thing lol.)

If I had found convincing un biased data that the risk my son would grow up without me was bigger getting vaccinated than not - and the competent cardiac health professionals who see me each month and my sons pediatricians advised me NOT to get the vaccine - I’d take that into account too.

Well I’m sorry if you feel I’m ruining your thread, it’s just something I think about whenever people are anti vac, is whether or not they have special conditions that make them in greater risk than others.

Ps. I hope it goes without saying that the difference in my case also is that we were in great risk of being seriously ill PRE COVID eg my son has never could visit theme parks/public transport/shopping without serious health risks and also attended daycare with conditions that met the hospitals’ requirements.

Would I feel different if none of us in fam was in higher risk than the average person and had no one in our lives who was in high risk? Maybe. I’ll never know because that’s just not how the situation is and some of these conditions are chronic so no matter how much I put on my wishing hat and saying “I WANT TO!” Just not gonna change them (while of course other things can change and I can be a participant in that, eg learning myself and my son that while we cannot change everything, we _can better ourselves and refuse to let the conditions determine our lives as much as possible, especially so privileged living in a country with excellent healthcare not only for those who can afford it (then again, we also have a very high income tax).

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Cash eliminated, replaced by trackable PROGRAMMABLE digital currency.

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The “Cabal” may end up being too nice of a word for these demons.

Thanks for all you & many others are doing to shine the light in the darkness ❤️

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And natural asset companies.

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The print is small and hard to read. I did see "learned helplessness." I disagree. It is "induced helplessness." I am a psychologist, with some knowledge and practice in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). I know Marty Seligman, theorizer of learned helplessness and I know the studies and have written about to for years. The phenomenon perpetrated by the cabal is more accurately described as "induced helplessness" such as making everyone passive and helpless, instructing them and their doctors to do nothing, locking people down, destroying small businesses started by entrepreneurs, waiting for a year for the magical vaccine, discouraging people from doing their own research, thinking for themselves, doctors from administering their own protocols, etc. "Learned" is attributed to the person, "induced" indicates that it is intentionally done to people by design. Btw, helplessness is associated with elevated levels of cortisol which suppresses the immune system. The healthy alternative is agency, could be "learned agency" and/or support and allowance for people to manifest their personal agency and to teach children agency.

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Diane, we took your idea--be happy. David used the term learned. This sounds like the epic battle between Desmet and Breggin over whether Mass formation should have "psychosis" as a third word at the end. We are not blaming anyone for helplessness. Kids don't control what the school teaches.

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I believe they could use that term to label people with a mental illness to our detriment. Like ' camps'!!

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They are not mutually exclusive. I hear you. I am relatively happy. That is my professional opinion and precise diagnosis. I am outside the unfortunate epic battle between Desmet and Breggin and wished they would mediate. Desmet did not use the term psychosis (Malone did) but mass formation. I think several things are going on and the term I don't hear is "mass hysteria" which fits my experience of people who freaked out around me when finding out I was not jabbed, especially those who were overweight and understandably frightened to death of exposure, almost certain it would kill them (mostly in the beginning).

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I took a screenshot and then you can make it larger or print out.

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Under Destroy Culture we need to add destroy the traditional family, faith in God and loyalty to country. Destroy past history.

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Satan and his minions rule this world! What kind of results do you think you are going to get? I keep telling people the only solution is to get right with God and atone for your sins! It starts with one person at a time! If you think Governments and Globalist are all of a sudden going to play nice that is not going to happen!

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Six thousand years of human rulership; how's it going so far?

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Exactly, not so good and it will only get worse! Matthew 24 Jesus Predicts the Future

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I agree 💯 % with what you are saying.

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Lisa, you may like this most recent episode of the Medical Truth Podcast https://rumble.com/v42lx8e-spiritual-warfare-in-a-post-pandemic-world.html

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A Brave New World meets 1984...."2 things at once."

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That is an orderly and well displayed graphic representation, easy to look at and digest.

Good Work!

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Your original chart was brilliant and a very important way to show all the manifestations of an underlying process. David Schonbrunn's revision of organizing the elements into logical categories is a quantum leap in making the chart more powerful and accessible. Much gratitude to David, who also helps me with editing my pieces to make them more accessible, for his selfless devotion and effectiveness to contribute to raising consciousness so needed now.

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i just read of the passing in mid december of dr john cahill , age 56 , from westchester ny , brain cancer , and as a friend of mine who is a naturopath pointed out, how many shots he was most likely forced to take to keep his job … the killing spree continues , yet msm only mentions it when it is done with a gun …


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WHO (pun intended) will make this into a poster and make thousands of copies to be distributed randomly?

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I'd prefer more eyes and hands on it. Too much material is branded with my name. I'd like to encourage you all to make of this what you can. It doesn't matter where it came from--if it illuminates, we can all see in the light.

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Yes, "encourage you all to make of this what you can." It would take someone with some capacity and resources to make this go big. I don't have that, but certainly some readers will--hopefully more than one.

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I have no idea about when it’s gonna be “flying”, but would it also be okay if I took this and tried to make something of it in danish? I have been thinking about doing something like that but not really been able to concretize it, seeing this however an idea begins to form I my head.

The thing is, it would might not be exactly as yours as there are some of the concepts that I don’t think are so prevalent in Denmark and could make “noise” to getting the messages “out there”.

And also I’m thinking more of going “old fashion” and making it physical print and def not a “meme” (hate that word) thing. More like handing out a few flyers/actually TALKING to people in real life.

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We'd love you to use it any way you like, or create something new!

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It will fail.

Get ready for the big implosion and following reconstruction. Survival is the key for the next decade.

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Under destroying health: widespread use of glyphosate, GMOs, poisoned water supply, 'forever' chemicals, corn syrup and other additives. i.e. The Great Poisoning as per Catherine Austin Fitts.

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The global cabal considers everyone outside that club as cattle that can be treated as such (no rights, total dependency). Even politicians and employees (WEF,WHO UN etc.) are outside that club: they're considered useful but expendable idiots. One major cabalistic habit is to set up every person against the other (divide & rule) so once politicians are past expiry date, the cabal hopes that angry mobs will deal with politicians who have gone "too far". It keeps the cabal out of sight because too many (often Epsteined) useful idiots can be found to proclaim the cabal's profitable "solutions" for the profitable "problems" it created.

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