When I saw the reports about the HCQ study, the number 17,000 immediately raised a red flag. Currently, Denis Rancourt's research on All Cause Mortality and the estimated 17,000 million vaccine-related deaths globally is being shared widely on alternative media. What better way to muddy the waters than to publish another paper using the …
When I saw the reports about the HCQ study, the number 17,000 immediately raised a red flag. Currently, Denis Rancourt's research on All Cause Mortality and the estimated 17,000 million vaccine-related deaths globally is being shared widely on alternative media. What better way to muddy the waters than to publish another paper using the same magic number. Those who read only corporate media see that number in the HCQ study and then if they later happen to stumble across Rancourt's work and they see that number in the headline they presume it's about the same thing and read no further.
When I saw the reports about the HCQ study, the number 17,000 immediately raised a red flag. Currently, Denis Rancourt's research on All Cause Mortality and the estimated 17,000 million vaccine-related deaths globally is being shared widely on alternative media. What better way to muddy the waters than to publish another paper using the same magic number. Those who read only corporate media see that number in the HCQ study and then if they later happen to stumble across Rancourt's work and they see that number in the headline they presume it's about the same thing and read no further.
You and I came to the same conclusion and BOTH of us used the term 'muddying the waters'. Spot on.
Exactly my opinion. Spot on. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/did-hcq-really-cause-17000-deaths/comment/47144468?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1m8d4d