"All things hidden will be revealed. Things spoken in secret will be shouted from the rooftops"

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Luke 12:3 (KJV) - Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

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Such manifest evil. Such breathtaking arrogance.

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I think if Mark Twain and George Orwell were alive they wouldn't associate with anyone who wasn't banned for life by Twitter.

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All these efforts needed for something that is “95% safe and effective”?? Hmmm!

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Good wrap up, thank you. Common knowledge is now common. They missed out on even a better one as reported in The Australian news paper. Thurs Dec 15 2022. Front page top News story headline - Anti-vaxer cop-killers rigged house for an ambush.

The violent pandemic of the antivaxers - that’s a new one!

How callously, cynically and disgracefully disrespectful to those two young, recently out of police academy, police officers who so tragically lost their lives during this abhorrent event, to manipulate this story (no reference or relevance to vaccination, vaccines etc in actual events) in order to conveniently accommodate their deceptive, irrelevant agenda and narrative.

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That is really despicable.

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Will the blind finally see? The deaf finally hear?? How much sonic boom can they pretend isn’t and did t happen??? I hope you get your account back soon!

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Cognitive dissonance is a powerful veil. People will make up all kinds of craziness in their minds to justify their beliefs.

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So true. Reminds me of the boyfriend being mad at the other guy instead of his cheating girlfriend… and right now the other guy happens to look a lot like Elon Musk. They can’t see blame in gov or themselves.

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they are afraid to even think about it

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We knew this was happening, but it’s still shocking to read.

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Dr. Shiva, candidate for US Senate had his campaign sandbagged by the portal two years ago and it came out in court docs.

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But Dr. Shiva lied about RFK refusing to shake his hand (then a photo surfaced of them shaking or hugging) and has long worked for Pharma--see CHD Defender article from several years ago. Not a reliable person.

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Dr. Nass, I didn’t know that about RFK and Shiva. Odd. Thank you. And I certainly I am not vouching for his reliability nor anyone else’s. What I am saying is he is the first one who revealed the Twitter NGO/government portal. That still remains true.

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I want there to be consequences for every person entity engaged in this violation of the 1st amendment. I suggest that Mr Zuckerberg has to give 100% of his meta stock to conservative non profits all of the real estate he owns to be seized and sold with the proceeds given to the families that had people killed by the vaccine. Each and every government employee who engaged in this behavior will spend the next 25 years in Gitmo and they forfeit any and all pension payments for the rest of their life.

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25 years in Gitmo? Death penalty is called for. They murdered millions of people. Ruined everyone’s lives, destroyed economies. Children have been harmed in so many ways including death. Sorry, 25 years in Gitmo is way to kind.

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I appreciate your thoughts and I may even secretly agree with them. But it’s a bridge to far.

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Reading documents that our government does not want us to see because they are covering up lies to undermine the public about very dangerous injections. The products are so unpopular that our government bullied, lied, coerced, and incentivized to get Americans on board. Despicable.

'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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I posted this on twitter

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I posted it on GETTR and Truth Social.

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Homeland Security was not on Twitter's "backbone".

Twitter was on DHS's "backbone".

Easier now?

Is Musk "the new boss, same as the old boss"?

I'm not so sure. Paying close attention. Looks like different management.


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Nina jankowicz.

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So, in other words, absolutely everything that detracts from the "SAFE & AFFECTIVE" LIES that the Establishment (the WEF ELITE) want us to believe. We know it's a Human CULL to assist the Elite in their New World Order program.

LIABILITY must be reintroduced for the DEADLY injections they like to call "VACCINES".

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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In June I was permanently suspended for merely stating that I had opted for therapeutic protocol

I did not use any vile, vulgar or profane language nor did I threaten anyone or advocate violence

ALL of which I have over 10 years witnessed on Twitter but THEY are STILL on Twitter

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twatter is like a rat and parasite infested sewer that goes all the way to China. You are never going to clean it all out without blowing it up and starting over. Just like the DC Swamp.

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