"The January 6 insurrection is a paradigmatic example of this. Civilian authorities — the Capitol Police — were manifestly overwhelmed.” It was NOT an ‘insurrection'… it was a political rally, that due to a few well placed agent provocateurs, turned into a riot.

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This issue is about whether the ARMY can be used in the US against Americans. By law it is for FOREIGN enemies. The police (and sometimes, rarely, national guard) are for domestic policing. We don't want tanks in our streets, guys.

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Rather ominous. An army with divisions consisting of "illegal aliens" has zero affinity for the population and more so when having been indoctrinated by the notorious cabal-owned MSM.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

No, we don't. However, could it be needed in the following scenario? If the President (whomever that might be) were to grant amnesty and citizenship to all the unlawful immigrants, we might have a situation whereby enemies of the nation are ‘officially’ citizens… you might need to rebuff a color revolution either by internal sabotage or by exterior forces instigating revolution. UN? China? Iran? Others?

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The few 'well placed agent provocateurs' were the attempted insurrection.

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Looking at the scenes of "January 6" as an outside observer in Australia, I can tell you now that was a piss poor excuse for a riot. The BLM folks were rioting. The January 6 folks looked like they were part of a very large and very disorganised tour group. I remember even seeing the tour guides outside ushering people to go in different directions pointing them to the entrance, and even the Capitol Police doing the same.

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Unfortunately it's not just the DOD under the Biden/ Harris administration that is threatening to violate the Posse Comitatus Act and the Bill of Rights. Trump recently remarked that he would like to use the National Guard/ Military against political opponents. Here is the quote from Trump:

"I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics...It should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by the national guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen."

(Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-military-national-guard-election-day-b2628522.html)

So whether or not Trump or Harris wins the election, the US Constitution and the Posse Comitatus Act are in danger of being violated. And don't let anyone tell you the Constitution HAD to be abandoned because it was a national emergency, war, martial law, etc. The Constitution was designed to be upheld even in wartime. This is evident in the text of the 5th Amendment which reads as follows:

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Thus the ONLY exception to the legal protections of the Bill of Rights in criminal proceedings are for active duty members of the military/ militia during wartime or times of public danger. They ALONE may be governed under martial law, which is how the military governs itself and the law it operates under in theaters of war overseas.

Importantly, active duty "militia" in the Constitutional context referred to what was essentially a state level "army" called into service by their governors. Thus this term cannot simply be applied to anyone deemed to be "engaged in hostilities" (which according to some people might include writing comments such as this on Substack).

The 4th and 6th Amendments spell out further legal protections that constitute the due process requirements mentioned in the 5th Amendment, including a trial by jury in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred, the right to a lawyer, the right to cross examine one's accusers, call in witnesses in one's favor, etc.

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Gold-fringed flags and maritime law have been long in effect. More knowledgeable people than I can likely expand on how this war time posture effects those protections.

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Oct 16Liked by Meryl Nass

The head Psychologist at Camp Pendelton did a survey of the troops by asking the question,"would you have a problem killing American civilians if ordered to do so?" 98% said "no problem". He released the findings to the press. The San Diego Union ran it headline. It caused quite a three day stir. I saw later that he was court marshaled and in the brig awaiting trial. I heard nothing further. Another hero crucified I am sure. 98% of Americans had no problem with the Epstein murder to keep him from talking about why Clinton's name was circled in the butler's book. Only 3 names circled.

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Any idea who the other two circled names were?

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Have you a source for the reported survey? Even the name of the psychologist? In a quick search I find nothing about it.

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The world is truly in a bad place, I think that the COVID vaccine has damaged people's brains

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People's brains were damaged long before that by inveterate reliance on television news for truth not present. Smartphones are even more damaging. People are becoming members of a Borg collective.

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It truly has. Person experience with husband

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For all practical purposes, they've killed hundreds of thousands of Americans on American soil in just the last few years. So what's new?

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(Via covid jabs)

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And medical malpractice due to cdc rona bs protocols! Remdesivir and unnecessary ventilators!

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Absolutely! Premeditated murder for financial "reward.'

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Yes, so the US DoD. The covid jabs are military medical countermeasures.

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Are you saying that the insane number of dual Israeli citizens in positions of power in our country isn't a problem? Look at what happened with 911. They planned it, executed it, and then spun it into endless wars in the middle east, causing the majority of the illegal migration. They control everything and it's getting worse.

And your dual citizenship shouldn't be allowed either. Pick a team and make that country great.

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AIPAC supporters should be given a choice between registering as agents of a foreign government and going to prison for life.

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Nothing new under the sun! They started with the Warp Speed killing of Americans and American military in 2021:

Blindly obeying orders to the point of suicide?

From cannon fodder to haccine fodder: soldiers as collateral damage in the DoD jihad against "bugs".


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s a Bio-BOMB, yet less lethal than the vx ... not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


You are an anti-haxxer!


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Sadly we may need to be prepared for our own Tianamen square. I surely do remember 4 dead in Ohio Kent State.

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Then Jackson State too

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I read, “the Federalist Papers”, it stated, posse comitatus was too broad. It does need to be refined. We have seen it with martial law. (is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.)

I can’t say that this overrides the posse, since it was written in 1800’s. I was in martial law 2x. It’s horrible. The treatment is strict. I would like to know why this is coming up…

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Lawmakers weary of making changes...so that means they fully support the murder of citizens by the military for any reason. And you want to still vote for these gutless wonders?

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Then DoD personnel are now essentially domestic terrorists, and since I happen to believe in Baby Bush's "preemptive strike" doctrine as it applies to dealing with terrorists, I grant myself the authorization to preemptively strike any DoD personnel--especially leadership--if I deem it appropriate, if these people are functionally ordering our military to attack my fellow citizens illegally and unconstitutionally in the domestic theater. Any political leadership who would order or sign off on this tyrannical protocol are also legitimate targets for neutralization as domestic terrorists.

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The USA has been under the Martial Law since 2004. Military is in charge. This is confirmed by the Postmaster General : Russell-Jay: Gould. For those who want to learn: watch documentaries on War-Castles @YouTube or www.lastflagstanding.com. However, this knowledge is not for the weak.

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Wtf is the postmaster general? Give me the TL;DR as I don't have time to watch hours and hours of docos that probably don't have citations and sources for all their claims.

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The Postmaster General runs the country. Not presidents 😉😎😎

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How do you know that?

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Posse comitatus has been repetitively revoked in several NDAAs.

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Please share so we can have a look at them

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If you want more detail, you'll find it in nauseating quantity in this: supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-5766/60675/20180824153156078_00000002.pdf

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I don't have any personal experience with the texts, but legislators do very sneaky things in omnibus bills and NDAAs are always voluminous. In similar fashion, multiple martial law declarations in America's history were never revoked.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Thanks for this Great Post ! (Glad I stuck around.) Is it true that Trumps 'Operation Warp Speed' authorized the DoD to produce bio-medical countermeasures that were the Covid-19 'vaxxes' ? And so that challenged 'Posse Comitatus' prohibiting the US Military from operating on US soil ? And that thereafter, only the HHC commissioner had to grant approval for these shots to be administered to the general public. And the criteria used was that they 'might' be effective ?

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Kinda like Pol Pot did and other nefarious diktaters...

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