A link to and understanding God's word in his Bible tells how one can escape all the death and evil as you mentioned! Realizing that this short life is Only a Test, to see if you can be all God Jesus wants you to be! I.e. with him in Heaven for all eternity! [Not default Hell.]
A link to and understanding God's word in his Bible tells how one can escape all the death and evil as you mentioned! Realizing that this short life is Only a Test, to see if you can be all God Jesus wants you to be! I.e. with him in Heaven for all eternity! [Not default Hell.]
But let us stress the lie which states that "hell" is a place where ETERNAL torment takes place on its inhabitants. If a study is done with a mind to grasp the Character of God and His purpose for "hell" then it will come clear. But to trust the status quo, and the preachers who spew out the very lie that Satan originated to Eve, is a very dangerous piece of "thin ice" to tread on! It is a "spiritualistic" trap that insinuates eternal life for the damned. It obscures the Character of God, and ensures a lie of the "father of lies" and the "enemy of souls."
Gee thanks for telling me that Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10, Mark 9:44-48, Luke 16:23-24 is all B.S.! From now on I will put my faith and trust in you! NOT that lying Bible! You need to publish a Ray Alford version of the holy Bible! Right?
No sir! Not at all! The Bible stands on its own as complete and fully truthful. If there is misconception or confusion of any type, it remains with us, the reader. I'm sure you mean well, keeping your faith rooted in the literal wording of the translators of the KJV. But the concept of everlasting torment has been one which has been repeatedly investigated over time, and found to be inconsistent with Scriptural over-view. Please consider the issue rightly. Does it balance on the scale of justice to punish a person for EVER in response to a life of discord and disobedience, or even the infraction of simple disregard or doubt? If you answer in the affirmative, then how would you ascertain a level of justice when one such as Stalin, Pol pot, and other mass murderers would be given over into the same melting pot of horrors and pain as those who found themselves there by a mere hair's breadth? It makes no sense, and our God is a God of mercy and Justice. He will "weigh" the sins and punish accordingly, and then when there is no more iniquity to supply the fires of heavenly vengeance, the person will become "dust" and cease to be...for ever. The fires of hell have an "eternal" consequence to those who are destroyed, but the fire itself will be eventually starved for fuel (having completed its work of destruction). Like Sodom, of which it is said, "suffered the vengeance of eternal fire." Is that fire still burning?
Steve, my brother, please, please have a thoughtful glimpse at what the SDA church teaches (and why) regarding "eternal torment." The doctrine fully corresponds with Scriptural Authority, as well as common sense regarding Justice. The subject contended is one that plagues Christianity but should not.
The Bible would explicitly make it VERY clear if such a thing were to be meted out to those in defiance of the living God. But instead, knowing of the difficulty ahead of time, God left us with plenty of Scriptural knowledge in support of how He will contend with sin and sinners. They will be reduced to ashes; eliminated forever, before the earth is made anew by the Hand of Christ.
The disillusioned nominal Christian pulpit-masters would have us think that justice is being served as our "less-fortunate" loved ones writhe and shriek horrible imprecations regarding their perceived injustice being waged upon their
burning entities for eons of time. And would they not be justified in their actions and words, having been given such a tyrannical sentence? It wreaks of injustice!
Would you, Steve, be "happy" if you avoided the fires of hell, but your dear mother were to be amid those who were not so fortunate? Can you stretch your mind and heart to such an extent as to embrace such thinking?
The doctrine of "eternal torment" was embraced by Satan's church and concocted by Greek mythology. Please consider this important point. You may have to confront, or even retract from your church which likely is supportive of it, but it will be a step in the right direction; away from iniquity and the condemning of God's perfect Character.
After your investigation in the matter (PLENTY of great sermons of disclosure), you might want to invest some time in a pivotal matter of great importance that faces the entire Protestant Coalition. It is the "SUN day" issue that has been brewing for centuries now, and is about to break onto the world scene with force once again, as it had during the Dark Ages. Satanically inspired tactic to cause the obedient to breach the Law of God regarding the true Sabbath Day.
I hope you will take a determined look at these issues and make a decision for God, since He deserves faithful worship from everyone but never demands it.
A link to and understanding God's word in his Bible tells how one can escape all the death and evil as you mentioned! Realizing that this short life is Only a Test, to see if you can be all God Jesus wants you to be! I.e. with him in Heaven for all eternity! [Not default Hell.]
Yes, Steve my brother in Christ!
But let us stress the lie which states that "hell" is a place where ETERNAL torment takes place on its inhabitants. If a study is done with a mind to grasp the Character of God and His purpose for "hell" then it will come clear. But to trust the status quo, and the preachers who spew out the very lie that Satan originated to Eve, is a very dangerous piece of "thin ice" to tread on! It is a "spiritualistic" trap that insinuates eternal life for the damned. It obscures the Character of God, and ensures a lie of the "father of lies" and the "enemy of souls."
FYI with concern for the Truth,
Gee thanks for telling me that Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10, Mark 9:44-48, Luke 16:23-24 is all B.S.! From now on I will put my faith and trust in you! NOT that lying Bible! You need to publish a Ray Alford version of the holy Bible! Right?
No sir! Not at all! The Bible stands on its own as complete and fully truthful. If there is misconception or confusion of any type, it remains with us, the reader. I'm sure you mean well, keeping your faith rooted in the literal wording of the translators of the KJV. But the concept of everlasting torment has been one which has been repeatedly investigated over time, and found to be inconsistent with Scriptural over-view. Please consider the issue rightly. Does it balance on the scale of justice to punish a person for EVER in response to a life of discord and disobedience, or even the infraction of simple disregard or doubt? If you answer in the affirmative, then how would you ascertain a level of justice when one such as Stalin, Pol pot, and other mass murderers would be given over into the same melting pot of horrors and pain as those who found themselves there by a mere hair's breadth? It makes no sense, and our God is a God of mercy and Justice. He will "weigh" the sins and punish accordingly, and then when there is no more iniquity to supply the fires of heavenly vengeance, the person will become "dust" and cease to be...for ever. The fires of hell have an "eternal" consequence to those who are destroyed, but the fire itself will be eventually starved for fuel (having completed its work of destruction). Like Sodom, of which it is said, "suffered the vengeance of eternal fire." Is that fire still burning?
Steve, my brother, please, please have a thoughtful glimpse at what the SDA church teaches (and why) regarding "eternal torment." The doctrine fully corresponds with Scriptural Authority, as well as common sense regarding Justice. The subject contended is one that plagues Christianity but should not.
The Bible would explicitly make it VERY clear if such a thing were to be meted out to those in defiance of the living God. But instead, knowing of the difficulty ahead of time, God left us with plenty of Scriptural knowledge in support of how He will contend with sin and sinners. They will be reduced to ashes; eliminated forever, before the earth is made anew by the Hand of Christ.
The disillusioned nominal Christian pulpit-masters would have us think that justice is being served as our "less-fortunate" loved ones writhe and shriek horrible imprecations regarding their perceived injustice being waged upon their
burning entities for eons of time. And would they not be justified in their actions and words, having been given such a tyrannical sentence? It wreaks of injustice!
Would you, Steve, be "happy" if you avoided the fires of hell, but your dear mother were to be amid those who were not so fortunate? Can you stretch your mind and heart to such an extent as to embrace such thinking?
The doctrine of "eternal torment" was embraced by Satan's church and concocted by Greek mythology. Please consider this important point. You may have to confront, or even retract from your church which likely is supportive of it, but it will be a step in the right direction; away from iniquity and the condemning of God's perfect Character.
After your investigation in the matter (PLENTY of great sermons of disclosure), you might want to invest some time in a pivotal matter of great importance that faces the entire Protestant Coalition. It is the "SUN day" issue that has been brewing for centuries now, and is about to break onto the world scene with force once again, as it had during the Dark Ages. Satanically inspired tactic to cause the obedient to breach the Law of God regarding the true Sabbath Day.
I hope you will take a determined look at these issues and make a decision for God, since He deserves faithful worship from everyone but never demands it.
In your corner with brotherly love,