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Indeed. The "truth" seems to be whatever earns an income. Now maybe that is sometimes actually not so bad a thing - there have been useful and comforting fictions and that did good - but if "truth" is that taking ever more drugs makes us healthier when in fact it is poisoning us, then change must come.

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I suggest you see, " America’s Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription." By

John Abramson @ https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/americas-broken-health-care-diagnosis-and-prescription/ See how the kick-back system for our 50 billion in fraud fines/ "medical" system functions, then realize how much harm and death it brings! I.e. killing 12.5 to 40 million in the last 50 years, depending on who you believe?

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Thanks for the link. Since 20 and 21, in particular, and Dr Wakeifield, much earlier, by way of Vaxxed in 16, I have little doubt at all that much of modern so called science based "healthcare" is in actual fact "wealthcare", or worse. The best policy, we think, is to stay away from drugs and hospitals to the maximum extent possible and be as careful as hell if you ever have to take drugs or go near a hospital. Doctors are ignorant lying idiots ( weather they know it or not) until proven otherwise and the very best doctor we can have is our natural good health, given to us by God.

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Besides iatrogenic "medicine" killing my Dad Wife & best friend, & MMR vax damaging my grandson, E.R. medicine has saved my life 2 or 3 times. I hope you read how the medical journals' fake peer-reviewed articles help sell sketchy drugs to the suckers & chumps! God save us from Big Pharma's "medicine."

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Sorry to hear that. Similar situation in our family and circle. My father was drugged to death in 300 days in a so called care home in Cambridge UK, dying after 300 days on the 31st of Jan 22. I was sailing at the time and my brother, who was giving consents, did not tell me that dad was having seizures and was dying until 9 days before he did and the day after his 20th - and very final- covid test proved - you guessed it - postive. My dad never took a drug in his life. He was 92 and in perfect physical health. He walked everyday for for twenty years, or more, until imprisoned in the house of medical horrors by my brainwashed - silent as the sphinx - double boosted - brother. Dad's medical records records show the initial excuse for the drugging was something called "sexualised behavior". Strikes me he can't have been very sick then. And when did this - if true- necessitate drugging? It turns out this is a standard excuse in UK care homes when you can't get victims on 'threatening behavior'' or better yet "aggression". After that it was drugs on top of drugs all the way down to that final positive test and then isolation and murder with morphine. My brainwashed siblings they think what happened was inevitable. They think doctors orders are biblical truth. They think the best thing is to give drugs now and blame your dad later. Modern science based medicine is fantastic when to comes to setting broken bones, unblocking clogged up tubes, and mechanical stuff like that. But it is terrible at curing so called infectious illness and it is 100% drug addicted. Sorry about your grandson. I left the UK to live with more personal and family freedom and more traditional values. I was able to prevent all vaccination in my family and none of us took the covid 19 vaccines. But I was not able to protect my UK family or my poor old dad.

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You did what you could. It is a shame about your beloved dad. I'm very sorry for that. We can narrowly imagine the thoughts of being confined and induced to such behavior, knowing the result in advance. Your testimony is repeated in masse across the board. Not much solace there, but it's true. I hope your dad was a believer in Christ's Redemption, and will again be united to his faithful and thoughtful son!

Yours in Christ,


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Thanks for your comforting words. My dad was very much a believer, attending mass each day until covid stopped him. In his 80s he made pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela. I wish I had joined him then and will make that same pilgrimage myself. He was denied the last rites. That is a bitter thing. But I from his papers know he was penitent and will gain admission. He died alone. Not one of them at his bedside.

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How I see it is, People who have no God to believe in, can be made to believe most anything! I.E. [ The experimental, non FDA approved Jab, from our 50 billion in fraud fines, big pharma] "Is safe and effective."

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