This is what makes the whole, no such thing as a virus thing, so sinister. All this nefarious activity simply vanishes if the Pollyanna's make reality go poof.

The GOF (biological warfare) is at best, a misguided accident waiting to happen and at worst, a crystal clear proof of what psychopaths live for, to massively kill.

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So anyone screeching "VIRUSES DON'T EXIST" can be construed to be working FOR the nefarious plans to continue poisoning, maiming and killing people, to "rid" this planet of the "cancer" called "humanity" ;-).

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Yes the virus deniers "logic", completely exonerates the cabal.

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...never mind the photographic evidence. You confront the A$s Holz with that little bit of factual evidence and they completely ignore it. I say the charge is being led by the immoral, unethical denizens of the U.S. Military BLACK OPS Psychological Operations division. These little "mini-mee" Judas ISCARIOT/James brothers-type desperados will do ANYTHING for a paycheck and a pension. For those of you doing this dirty work, you know who you are. We can only hope that VA will "take care" of you in YOUR old age.... if you make it that far....BWAAH-HAH HAH HAH HAAAAAH!!!

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Yes, the more death, the more better, to assume more Power, more compliance, & more money, [for the "right" people!] ALL under the guise of, "It's for the good of the people! I.e. Godless Mass 110 million murdering, commies favorite line!

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If the US government was obeying the Constitution, it wouldn't be violating most if it.

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To which "they" reply; Constitution! We don't need no stinkin Constitution!

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We certainly didn't need it to replace the Articles of Confederation.

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As I read, the problem with the Articles of Confederation is (1) it required complete agreement to change and (2) it did not provide a way to repay the goverment loans for fighting the Revolutionary War. Thus, any effort to resolve #2 ran afoul of #1, leaving a new nation with towering debts.

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The Articles didn't allow the new government to be as repressive as the King's had been, so it wasn't powerful enough and to be replaced. There was no government to go into debt for the Revolutionary War, so they would have had to be discharged by the creditors.

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Here is an excellent video that explains the "gain of function" issue in the context of law suits.


Fauci and Collins Hide Behind Gain-of-Function Definition in Congressional Deposition | Truth Over News

15:55 video runtime


The Epoch Times

Truth Over News

I personally do not buy in to this "gain of function" concept. All the definitions I read early on of this term hinged upon what the gain of function was done upon. It had to be done upon a "pathogen from nature." Unfortunately "pathogen from nature" means accepting as scientific fact that pathogens can jump from species to species and pick up a "furin cleavage site" along the way that makes the pathogen able to "infect" human beings. And it does all of this just in time. Nonsense!

This is not truth and justice to me.

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The patented money making Co v 19 "gain of function" is not a "concept"! It's older than Nazi Bayer IG Farben's concept of sponsoring a war to sell new patent war chemicals & supplies, to make Money, and Power for the evil people! .

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I actually ran across Jordan Peterson first through a Templeton foundation lecture in which he said the Russians were trying to cross smallpox with ebola, and if one had any doubt that modern humanity was stark raving mad, that was the evidence of it. He's embroiled in a regulatory body process-is-the-punishment proceeding in which they are trying to make him attend social media re-education sessions and pay a fine (sound familiar?) to keep his psychology license. His response in the National Post is very cheering.

Jordan Peterson: Bureaucrats will rue the day they tried to shut me up


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RFK Jr's. book "The Wuhan Cover-up" addresses gain-of-function work done by US govt. employees and contractors with the goal of creating a bioweapon. The book details how the US has managed to side-step the laws against making bioweapons. I do not doubt that somewhere a US-funded lab is developing bioweapons. The risk is NOT worth the benefit! Such weapons, once released, cannot be confined geographically, rendering all of us at risk. And who is to say that some scientists, with warped minds, decide to release their bioweapon on their own neighbors?

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We have been functioning as the Corporation of the UNITED STATES for a long time. It has been a slow progression away from our conception as a Constitutional Republic that is enshrined in our founding documents referred to our “Charters of Freedom.”

To bring it to the present, I believe the theft/ unauthorized spending of 21 trillion dollars that was discovered/revealed in 2017 by Catherine Austin Fitts and Michigan State University economist Professor Mark Skidmore (and some of his graduate students) from our DOD and HUD over a 17 year period, sounded the death knell. That 21 trillion dollar theft coincided with our national debt at the time. This all was in public documentation on the World Wide Web for any to see. A short time after CAF and Mark Skidmore revealed this, the government disappeared the crime from public viewing. As a Corporation, it is insolvent.

Everything in our country, government-wise, in the 21st Century has been hacked. There were others along the way that have shown this even in the late 1990s. Russell Jay Gould is one.

Yes, the bankrupt US CORPORATION is funding gain of function research. There are names for all in that conspiratorial web--many that were revealed during the last four years. Of course, the deceit is so layered I wonder if we will ever know all the players and those at the very top. It is a worldwide affair. See Whitney Webb on with Kim Iversen a few days ago: “Three Pillars of Power: Intelligence Agencies-Organized Crime-Corporate Powers” which are consolidated and acting totally outside the rule of law or any code of ethics or morality.

We see it! How long can institutions and alliances founded on lies and fictions continue? We really are in the midst of a Great Awakening, painful as it is, but Truth will Conquer Lies. Stay the Course!

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The WEF-WHO are stating loudly that (the ridiculous imaginary) «Disease X» is «out there» in an animal & will jump to humans & be « 20 times more deadly than covid ».

We know they are not talking to the medical freedom movement. They are talking to all the people who fell for the covid psyop. and remain frightened.

The propaganda being pushed suggests they have some engineered pathogens waiting to be released. We have to keep warning people that if ‘a novel pathogen’ suddenly turns up, it’ll come from Fauci-funded engineering - not an animal going about its routine in a remote place. There’s a miniscule chance that a bat or other zoonotic virus would suddenly evolve to whip round the world efficiently infecting millions of humans within weeks. It would need to be manipulated as SARS-COV-2 was.

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Well "covid" was not deadly.

20 x 0 = 0

Where on earth did these people learn their maths?

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"NIH has supported certain research that may be reasonably anticipated to create, transfer or use potential pandemic pathogens resulting from the enhancement of a pathogen’s transmissibility and/or virulence in humans."

Published in their own documents, linked by Dr. Nass above, how is this not pleading guilty to making Bio-Weapons?

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The feeling of helplessness is aggravating.

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Assume you are referring to the 0.1%.

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After the SMO was started, one of the first discoveries was the existence of US-run biowarfare labs close to the border with Russia. Ukrainians (!) were the guinea pigs to test ethnic-specific pathogens (without consent, of course). Same discoveries in Asia, but as long as the PRC can maintain trade with the US, the issue is "tolerated". Long ago the perfect weapon was the neutron bomb, able to kill many people but without the collateral damage usually associated with wars. In the era of near perfect "eyes on the sky", weaponizing pathogens has replaced it. Main beneficiary is the US medical industrial complex aka jab industries.

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It seems to me that the only oversight we are getting is.

The “oversight” is looking the other way !!!

Just my personal simplistic takeaway of it all.

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I would really like to see an updated review of the legality of this to include treaty obligations. There had to be criminal intent and a huge amount of dark money behind it.

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As I've said before there is the Biological Weapons Convention (no teeth) and SC Memorandum 1540 that apply internationally

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Very few of the treaties the US government follows were ever ratified by the Senate, as required by the Constitution.

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More than just a suspension of making new rules to break, we need to repeal so much of the legal mess of the last 30 years.

If JFK, 9/11 and all the other hanky panky is what many of us think. Then all the legislative assumptions made in response, simply served to institutionalize and indeed reward corruption in the world.

The one thing all the BIGS have in common is lawyers. We can cut through the snail's pace proceedings that clearly justify expense and give the creators of reality time to work their dirty tricks. So add Big Justice to our list of the corrupt.

The results of Nuremburg are a good example. It could have just been the real Nazis getting rid of a few political enemies. At some core levels those legal proceedings have become irrelevant, genocide carries on very nicely, thank you very much Big Gov!

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Nuremburg was a show trial as Operation Paperclip proved.

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These were not just techs they took operational control of major companies, I worked for one. Lycoming.

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Yessir.And we didn't have an American Space Program.We had a German Space Program along with cruise missiles,jet aircraft,stealth tech as well as some tech falsely linked to reverse engineered alien craft.

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Nothing has been what it should have been since both of the major political parties, which began as anti-federalist parties, became federalist parties constituting a bipartisan dictatorship that actively blocks third parties by restrictive ballot access legislation.

Operation Paperclip made Nuremberg academic.

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You know your regulators are corrupt when all the good old rules, like ensuring consistent quality control of approved products not only isn't, but cannot be done.

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Government regulation is inherently corrupt as a fascist act.

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Well instead of protecting us from 'them', their mission statement, they protect 'them' from us. Diabolically sinister. Like giving protection money to the mob. The ultimate futility.

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obviously, we shouldn't be breeding pathogens. but it seems like a lot of the discussion around GOF is fear porn. sasha latypova has expressed serious doubts about the feasibility of a GOF program, beyond its obvious danger to the local community around the biolab. if such mass-scale production could have been achieved, wouldn't the soviets have unleashed the doomsday virus on us seventy years ago?

biggest tell in the NIH document is that bird flu is at the top of the list. when the cabal comes for us again, they'll come for the livestock and the fowls and maybe the fish too. maybe a lethal injection campaign works better when people are starving?

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Sasha and I agree that none of the naturally occurring viruses are going to cause major. pandemics.

Where we might differ is our sense that lab can create really bad ones. I think they can, especially if there is a one-two punch. Yes they will mutate unpredictably, but one might select a virus that mutates at a slower rate than most. It will be hard to predict what one of these creations migt do without a population to test in on.

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Agree that RSV, LYME, MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIA +other dis-eases are lab/vaccine constructs.

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Given the massive financial backing, DNA implants and the scale. Dozens of labs in Ukraine alone. The threat seems real to me.

The DoD in US has this sort of cocky, we got this bravado. This flies in the face of their lack of dominance against near peer contenders, are bio-weapons the magic bullet, that fuels their hubris? Better than Nukes?

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The fear that the govts. inspired in us with COVID was based on several lies: (1) diseases that affect animals can be artificially changed to affect humans, (2) diseases that affect animals can “naturally” infect humans, (3) there is a multiplicity of viruses, each of which can cause disease, (4) contagion is real, and (5) infectious disease agents can be accurately identified with tests, especially the PCR tests. NONE of these is true. Haven’t we learned anything from the past 4 years?

Yes, chickens may be sick, but given how they are raised and how they are subject to probably constant wireless energy, can we really expect all of them to be well? Where is the historical evidence for sick chickens infecting humans? Why waste the money to "test" them?

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Excellent overview and questions.

Personally I would answer yes to both of your questions.

On a lighter side. I think I will go listen to some of my daily music!

l really like the name you have chosen to go by.

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As if they care if its legal, moral or ethical. These people are run by literal demons. All are corrupt, including the justice system. They have no fear. But they should. God will surely recompense.

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God's followers have a multitude of similar problems of their own.

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No doubt. People need to stop accepting the doctrines of men in place of following and obeying the commandments of God. People need to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and understand God changes not. That there is not to be any adding to, or taking away from His word.

Every so called Abrahamic religion is guilty of doing both. Man just can't seem yo help himself from wanting to make "improvement" on what God has commanded by adding their own traditions and doctrines as well as cutting away, and nullifying other parts they deem that no longer apply. That's going to be a sad and painful lesson.

My advice is get your doctrine from the Bible directly. Challenge and test everything you've been taught to believe it says and prove it by the word of God and not what men say it says. He changes not. Not one jot or tittle will pass away from Gods word until heaven and earth pass away. That will be the 6th seal of Revelation and it has not happened yet.

Many core and fundamental doctrines accepted in Christianity are not actually biblical. Satan has been at work from within making small changes, drop by drop over millennia. People do not know the history but simply believe what they are told in church. Pastors believe what they've been taught in Rockefeller funded seminaries. The devil is in the details and the one teaching the shepherds to mislead the flock.

But we are told to study to show ourselves approved, to test and prove all things, to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. The devil wants all to believe what is good I is evil and what is evil is good. Trying to obey Gods commandments is legalism, an insult to the price Jesus paid, an insult to grace...oh its evil hissed the serpent. You don't need that old law, we are under a new covenant now and its all about grace! Hisssss.

Understanding of the Bible has been inverted by the enemy, so that people think they are faithful believers while being lead into disobedience.

If you love Me, keep My commandments. The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments, in faith.

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@Vony Silly uneducated boy! Maybe Galatians 1:6-9, No Other Gospel can edumcate you on "" let them be under God’s curse"/ "God's followers." see if you can fathom Saint John's letter to the church of Galatia?

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

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Committing ad hominem attacks on me totally destroy any credibility you had, leading to my ignoring you henceforth.

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@Voun & you others who feel free to rag my God and religion/ Are the ones', who will be "having "a multitude of problems." Satan will fill you in your next life! IF!

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Who appointed you to replace God in the judgement process?

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Aren't they better defined as "gain of lethality fake medical interventions or toxic releases?"

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If not the government funding this research, gates or some other wacko retard will. It's all about bio warfare to be used against humanity, which at the moment is the fascist government's worst enemy.

And what would be the benefits? There are some 1,000 bio labs in operation and as of yet not one of them has created one particle of benefit to humans.

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It's all about priorities. What the govt. spends on biolabs, it will not spend to house the homeless.

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