The paradigm is shifting, as it did after the Tet Offensive in early 1968, when Americans realized that they had been lied to, and that America was not "winning", and all of the deaths of boys they knew were for naught.

[There are more than "Four dead in Ohio" from the "vaccine products" ...

"What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?"]

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Thank you for sharing!

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Meryl, if you have any influence on the questions being discussed, can you please add- the contamination using e.coli and the inclusion of potential antibiotic resistance kanamyocin and co. Especially since the W.H.O appointed a global antimicrobial taskforce in 2020🤨

The have been having working groups to determine which antimicrobials will be denied access, to which countries GP's , and which antimicrobials will be limited to public access. 🤔🤔😐🙏🙏🙏

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I listed the most important articles I’ve published at my Substack site and provided brief text explaining WHY I thought they were important. I’d love to see more Substack authors do the same thing. I think some of our “best stories” are missed or don’t get the attention they warrant.

I think I know Dr. Nass's most important stories - they document what our world's leaders have in store for us if that WHO treaty is ratified.


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I Took The Covid Vaccine.

What I Figured Out:

After Twelve Hours

- Can Only Type With My Nose

After 13 Hours

- Can't Move My Legs To Go Pee

After 16 Hours

- Can't Smell The Pee Anymore

- Or Anything

After 18 Hours

- Feels Like My Balls Are In My Throat

- No. I Have Swallowed My Tongue

After 20 Hours

- I Am Trying To Breathe Thru My Ears

- Now I Canvhfds't ReelySee WhhaatTheeFuckkknbhhffhSwdeeetJeeersuzzz

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Seems there have been several "smoking guns" beginning with Brook Jackson's lawsuit (though this was buried for a while), and especially with the huge differentiation between injection lots/batches and no stoppage. The criminal cabal and their operatives are going to keep bulldozing ahead with more maiming and killing until (and unless) it becomes so obvious to too many people so that the complicity of the media and politicians is rattled and breaks down. How will this happen? I'd guess some powerful insiders will have to turn the tables on these murderers because so much of the cultural and political institutions are under their control. I have totally lost hope in a significant amount of the population waking up until it becomes shameful for them to continue with their deep ignorance. Too cynical?

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not sure why this is just coming to light. I covered it in my 40 Mechanisms of

injury course in July 2021. just FYI https://drtenpenny.com/product/moi-ebooks/

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Love that fighting back. Backs against the wall, only one way to go. Onward!

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Wow that some lineup at this event. The only name missing Merryl, is yours!

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safe and effective...not!

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Dr. Nass, thank you for leading daily fight for our Health Freedom.

Planning to attend and support panelists.

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How could so many World Leaders be so well co-ordinated with their stupidity of accepting the Covid farce, which was obviously created to 'sell' the need for a 'DEADLY INJECTION called a 'cure'? They pretend it's a VACCINE, but it's part of the WEF New World Order 'depopulation program'.

Ladies! It's not worth the risk of losing your next child or finding you're now permanently STERILE from the DEADLY INJECTION they pretend is a 'VACCINE'!

I've become a pessimistic, but proud Conspiracy Theorist since witnessing the evil and sinister goings on since 2019.

I can't really believe this complete Covid & DEADLY INJECTION farce has been so successfully 'sold' to the public! It doesn't make sense - but it's been evident, even to us 'uninitiated' since late 2019.

I've stated many times the whole thing has been planned for decades and 'tongue in cheek', and that the 'vax' (poison) was made simultaneously in the adjacent Wuhan lab! Could be true?

I won't relent on repeating my messages because, if every time I do, if just one extra 'jabbed & boosted' person starts to question why they now get Covid more frequently than before the Death Shot, and then start to suspect what's really been going on since Covid was released in 2019 (deliberately, or not - it matters not).

The world needs to urgently question why and how 'NO LIABILITY' for DEADLY VAX MAKERS can be justified. The most obvious clue that there's something wrong with the 'narrative' - so beware!

Mick from Hooe - UK (Unjabbed to live longer!)

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There are dna contsminates in all the vaccines that use abortes fetal cell lines i clsuing hep a, mmr, varicella, and many more. Cell lines include wi-38 and mcr 5. That wi stands for winstar institue and the 38 is the 38 sample or rather murdered child they used to get the cell line they wanted. When they say it was 2 fetuses aborted decades aho they are misleading because they dont tell you how many dead kids it took to get thwir product. Rubella was even more i cant remembwr like around 50 or so.

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DNA contamination and the differences in Process 1 and Process 2 of the Pfizer chemical concoction was raised by the EMA in their initial Public Assessment report from late 2020 issued prior to the EUA being given.

This was then either ignored by the EMA and no further action taken by them to find out what steps would be taken to rectify the issues and/or Pfizer gave them reassurances "all will be OK".


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